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Blackpill Normal men resort to traps as they cannot get women

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Last thing: It's ironic that incels who hate the way they are treated because genetics/environment that they can't change, would be racist or homophobic.
High IQ.
Homosexuals are born that way. You cannot 'turn' gay.
And in many societies, they are as oppressed as incels are.
In the country I was born in, they are publicly hanged.

I don't know if incels are really that stupid, or are just trying to appear edgy by expressing homophobic beliefs.
This was yesterday in Face's server:
Screen Shot 2018 08 13 at 070155

(Kevin is an Asian homosexual who lost his virginity at the age of 23, after he flew half across the world)
I am not advocating for incels to date traps, nor do I care about their STDs or lifestyle. I hardly ever see gays IRL so I don't care. I am just saying that i don't get the hostility for incels who want more men to compete for women.

It's also unnatural to die an adult virgin who dwelled in a basement all his life/who will get eaten by their cats, yet many here will be doing that.

Yes, I know it's a man. I'm not one of those leftists who thinks gender and sex are unaligned.

>> if you hate being an incel so much and hate the fact you cannot fuck women, why not turn gay then,

This is the weirdest argument ever, since you hate being incel too. And you hate the fact you cannnot fuck women too. "If you feel the same way as me so much, why don't you turn gay!!!".

I bet you believe only women can be bisexual? There are def a lot of men who say they're bi but are just gay but I believe some can be. I am at least not ignorant enough to think I know the definitive answer to how others feel. Who are you to tell some bisexual male if he's legit or not. You sound like one of those mentalcels who believe you know women's anatomy better than women and doctors, thinking that, once a big penis goes into a vagina, it gets stretched forever and the muscles are forever damaged. Only a baby's massive head can do that.

Last thing: It's ironic that incels who hate the way they are treated because genetics/environment that they can't change, would be racist or homophobic. Racist SFcels are like: "Fucking ethnic subhumans!" then complain when women think the same about THEM.
> leftist
> incel

Pick one
The skewed sexual market does tend to create.. traps too. Deny a man pleasure enough and he will seek different pleasures or become that which he seeks as some kind of sacrifice to feel validation.

I really am confused about what the leap between, "I want that" to "I want to be that" is.. rather strange if you ask me.. but it could just be because is denied sex so much that he would literally want to become the Stacy from HS that he can be better than her.. a sort of one-upmanship.. really weird. Showing the thots that you are better at being at thot than them.. weird logic. Then again we live in weird times.
Being denied a normal human thing fucks people up in different ways
who fucking cares? "Unnatural" really? Why do you hate whatever you deem "unnatural?" Isn't everything technically natural since literally every action and thought all comes down to nature at the end of the day.

And even then, taking your definition of natural into account, if you hate "unnatural" things so much, go amish. Everything about modern life is "unnatural," including the internet.

and "disgusting" is a word used by soyboys and feminists to describe men like you. Incels are innately disgusting because we are ugly. So what importance do you finding homosexuality "disgusting" serve?
High IQ.
Homosexuals are born that way. You cannot 'turn' gay.
And in many societies, they are as oppressed as incels are.
In the country I was born in, they are publicly hanged.

I don't know if incels are really that stupid, or are just trying to appear edgy by expressing homophobic beliefs.
This was yesterday in Face's server:
View attachment 35072
(Kevin is an Asian homosexual who lost his virginity at the age of 23, after he flew half across the world)

Unfortunately, IncelTears, are *sometimes* right about the incel community: there are a lot of hateful men in it who spend all day refreshing incel forums and even if they do go to school, they don't talk to anyone. They live on a diet of blackpill, hatred, rightwing posts, etc. They become radicalized and some end up more mental than when they joined.

LOL@ wanting someone killed because you don't agree with their lifestyle.

Imagine being an incel who hates: women, ethnics, incels who manage to get a gf, gays, trannies, JB-lovers, etc. If you have intense hatred for like 70% of mankind, you're probably too far gone to ascend.
homos dont get a plane to go fuck men who look like women, but thousands of heteros do this every year in thailand. A country by the way, that has almost no feminism to speak of, and where a whopping 1% of the population is MTF trans.

I dont know what to make of the trap phenomena (and i hate calling it that, its not a "phenomena" and certainly not an epidemic, the internet just made you painfully aware of subcultures you would not have even been aware of prior to that invention) but I suspect a lot of the intense hatred towards it comes from men who are in a bit of denial and battling shame. Tim Sharky the pimp/thug/criminal that the manosphere was ball washing for a while and wanting to live/be just like him, used to go on and on about how he'd bash a tranny and they were disgusting creatures and what not.... to the surprise of absolutely no one who has lived in thailand and seen this kind of guy over and over, it came out that he was actually rather fond of fucking trannies, including a fairly well known ladyboy cabaret star/performer

Get mad, boyos. The future is degenerate. But it's okay, you won't be apart of it cuz you will be posting on incel forums forever.

Get mad, boyos. The future is degenerate. But it's okay, you won't be apart of it cuz you will be posting on incel forums forever.
Well i will said it again....if you are not gay/bi either born or become one there is no point going over to that side. Traps or Trans won't offer anything more than a female nor will behave any better at you .
I agree some people hate them and wish death and it's wrong to have so much hatred inside you ...But i don't have to praise it either nor accept everything they say. It won't make me or anyone less incel not liking or dating traps/trans as an alternative.
Well i will said it again....if you are not gay/bi either born or become one there is no point going over to that side. Traps or Trans won't offer anything more than a female nor will behave any better at you .
I agree some people hate them and wish death and it's wrong to have so much hatred inside you ...But i don't have to praise it either nor accept everything they say. It won't make me or anyone less incel not liking or dating traps/trans as an alternative.

That is more of a measured response. Why HATE something because you don't like it? Whatever happened to being indifferent? I don't like frogs, but I don't have to hate them either. There are no frogs in my life so I have no problem with them.

A lot of guys ITT are acting as if some old man molested them. THEN I would understand the hatred of gays.
It's true, but i actually enjoy fucking traps :D
Inceldom was reason why i started doing it though.

Also, go back to /pol, no one gives a shit about your view of what "pure society" is
It's true, but i actually enjoy fucking traps :D
Inceldom was reason why i started doing it though.
are you serious?
where do you find these traps? just curious btw.
Being denied a normal human thing fucks people up in different ways
Precisely. Who are we to bash a coper for the way he copes. We might as well bash our foreheads into the ground.
@FACEandLMS you are a faggot for suggesting to fuck traps as a result of inceldom, THIS DOESNT SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF INCELDOM, IT JUST MAKES THE WORLD MORE DEGENERATE.
If you reached say, 40 years old, without so much as being touched by a woman, then Kim Petras approached you


you would be over the moon. If you had a few dates, then she told you she was born a man, you would at least go through some confusion: you wouldn't be able to deny that you HAD feelings for her. Now you would decide: "she's a man, fuck that shit" and move on. Some other men would possibly give it a shot. Are they not 100% heterosexual but maybe 80%, 60%, etc? Sure. But who gives a fuck about being 100% heterosexual and beholden to and loyal to women who don't even want you?

I never understood incels hatred of men who aren't 100% straight: "Fuck you, you degenerate! You should be struggling to get women like I am! You should be my competition for a dwindling resource!"

Derpiest logic ever.

I am actually pro-LGBT. If 50% of men went LGBT, MGTOW, had aspergers, etc, then that would give me a fighting chance at getting a gf. LOL if you want more men to compete with you.
Your line of thinking is exactly how a normal healthy hetero guy thinks.
Im pretty sure 90% anti-lgbt guys are just closet cases and are projecting their self hate and insecurities on to others while using religious and or political dogma as cover for their position.
Every straight guy should be super pro lgbt since it means less competition, it's only logical position.
Your line of thinking is exactly how a normal healthy hetero guy thinks.
Im pretty sure 90% anti-lgbt guys are just closet cases and are projecting their self hate and insecurities on to others while using religious and or political dogma as cover for their position.
Every straight guy should be super pro lgbt since it means less competition, it's only logical position.
Get banned
@FACEandLMS you are a faggot for suggesting to fuck traps as a result of inceldom, THIS DOESNT SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF INCELDOM, IT JUST MAKES THE WORLD MORE DEGENERATE.

This argument is pointless cuz you can't read. Quote me where I SUGGESTED that incels should fuck traps. I'll wait.

Here is something I did say though:

I am not advocating for incels to date traps,

If I am a faggot for "suggesting" that incels fuck traps, even though I didn't do that, then I should also be a white man for suggesting that white incels fuck ethnic women.
This argument is pointless cuz you can't read. Quote me where I SUGGESTED that incels should fuck traps. I'll wait.

Here is something I did say though:

If I am a faggot for "suggesting" that incels fuck traps, even though I didn't do that, then I should also be a white man for suggesting that white incels fuck ethnic women.
Suggesting is as bad as flat out telling people to, you are speaking as if suggesting is any better than telling to do so. It’s the same, traps should not be touched, it’s the worst thing an incel can do.
Your line of thinking is exactly how a normal healthy hetero guy thinks.
Im pretty sure 90% anti-lgbt guys are just closet cases and are projecting their self hate and insecurities on to others while using religious and or political dogma as cover for their position.
Every straight guy should be super pro lgbt since it means less competition, it's only logical position.

Did you see the logic-fail ITT?

"If more men go gay then that means chad will have an even bigger harem as women will be even pickier".

This is like saying that if 80% of men were killed off in war, leaving (for easier numbers) 5 Chads and 100 incels in each city, the 1 to 4 million women in that city will all go for those 5 chads and not a single one would touch even ONE of the 100 incels. Like not ONE INCEL would benefit from that situation because derp.
Suggesting is as bad as flat out telling people to, you are speaking as if suggesting is any better than telling to do so. It’s the same, traps should not be touched, it’s the worst thing an incel can do.

OK you're reading comprehension isn't so good when you're seething. To you, me being okay with traps existing = advocating for dating traps. I'm done. Have fun being 8/10 in looks but posting here.
Incorrect, they are right, check the polls

Fuck you caught me, those twinks mog me to hell and back their their shaved legs.
I am not talking about this community, I mean involuntary celibates in general. They are usually leftist.
I am not talking about this community, I mean involuntary celibates in general. They are usually leftist.
Incels should neither be leftist or righ.....This is a personaly choise and has nothing to do with this forum or incles in general, Although i should say that leftist support feminism and such, so i see them more as the ''enemy''. Traps are all leftist on the other hand and have huge support form foids.
Are you afraid of being mogged by a gangly twink or twinkhon tranner?

I'm sure there are some sub-5'4'' twinkbois out there who want that Danzig Dong

Fuck you caught me, those twinks mog me to hell and back their their shaved
Did you see the logic-fail ITT?

"If more men go gay then that means chad will have an even bigger harem as women will be even pickier".

This is like saying that if 80% of men were killed off in war, leaving (for easier numbers) 5 Chads and 100 incels in each city, the 1 to 4 million women in that city will all go for those 5 chads and not a single one would touch even ONE of the 100 incels. Like not ONE INCEL would benefit from that situation because derp.

OK you're reading comprehension isn't so good when you're seething. To you, me being okay with traps existing = advocating for dating traps. I'm done. Have fun being 8/10 in looks but posting here.
Completely delusional
What is this trap phenomena? If you don't mind me asking.
I'm not sure myself, yet. But in the past 4 or 5 years, there has been a craze surrounding traps like never before, an extreme rise in popularity, especially in communities like ours, both in those becoming traps and others seeking them out,
I'm not sure myself, yet. But in the past 4 or 5 years, there has been a craze surrounding traps like never before, an extreme rise in popularity, especially in communities like ours, both in those becoming traps and others seeking them out,

It's not hard to understand this phenomenon when you know that a convincing trap can get more attention, compliments, validation (and even money) in a few hours in a webcam than in his entire life as a male
I'm not gay but i would smash a pretty boy's ass tbh tbh (no homo btw)
I would rather fuck a mare @FeminismsCancer than to fuck a trans.
I have to agree with @FiveFourManlet.

Traps are degenerate and 100% gay.

Though I think some Asian ladyboys can be cute it's still completely gay and should be suppressed.

Especially since asian females have perfectly functioning assholes and are much cuter.
I have to agree with @FiveFourManlet.

Traps are degenerate and 100% gay.

Though I think some Asian ladyboys can be cute it's still completely gay and should be suppressed.

Especially since asian females have perfectly functioning assholes and are much cuter.
Oh I'd kill for a good trap about now. But they're in short supply, and not for the likes of me.

Besides, I noticed most traps want to fuck other traps. In other words, men are turning into pseudo-women so they can attract and fuck other pseudo-women! That's not proof that inceldom and the recent tranny-splosion are related, but it does seem possible.

Crazy! :p
Oh I'd kill for a good trap about now. But they're in short supply, and not for the likes of me.

Besides, I noticed most traps want to fuck other traps. In other words, men are turning into pseudo-women so they can attract and fuck other pseudo-women! That's not proof that inceldom and the recent tranny-splosion are related, but it does seem possible.

Crazy! :p
Oh I'd kill for a good trap about now. But they're in short supply, and not for the likes of me.

Besides, I noticed most traps want to fuck other traps. In other words, men are turning into pseudo-women so they can attract and fuck other pseudo-women! That's not proof that inceldom and the recent tranny-splosion are related, but it does seem possible.

Crazy! :p
Good, good. This is what they want.
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