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Blackpill reflections on an argument: perishing modern redpill copes



Fat link fanboy
Sep 3, 2021
last night, I sat down, reminiscing this one argument on an online channel with countless replies some months ago. I regret not taking screenshots to make more accurate quotations. also did not save the convo. it was like watching a bomber plane dropping bombs on infantry.

(buckle up, this will be hard to convey in short text due to language difference)

some people were discussing on a public group about the subject of "body count". now the post and the commenters were indirectly criticizing how foids usually prefer a male with a higher body count or a married/"taken" male (one in a relationship) than a male with low body count or no body count.

copers had those arguments:

1.(this argument had two parts) : :redpill:"foids are stupid because such promiscious males that foids choose would eventually cheat or find another partner":redpill:

(pt2) :redpill:"...because they don't commit":redpill:

2.:redpill:"males have higher moral ground/logic because they don't find being taken/having high bodycount an attractive trait for females.":redpill:

3.:redpill:"foids have no right to ask to settle with us after their promiscious life":redpill:

(as opposed to the bluepilled version :bluepill:"none of this matters because foids will eventually settle with us and we will win":bluepill:)

that is until one foid came with walls of text tirades, completely dismantling their arguments one by one and unknowingly blackpilling every coper in that telegram discussion. they kept going back and fourth to the point that no other user had any reply or comeback to her arguments. I can only remember some details and points that were being made. I want you to read every one of those quotations of her because they're very important (and brutal) I marked them in black and the rest is just me reflecting on what the femoid stated.

1) she started by disproving argument no.1.

stating that "males have more paternity urges than foids" (ironic because foids are always portrayed as having more urges to be mothers)

that is true, since they always work on ensuring their lineage and keeping their genetic material. since that is their goal, they mostly work on that by sticking with what they have and are easily satisfied (the foids that accept them)

that is why they cannot afford the luxury of being picky and promiscuous.

"this is why guys would have no problems settling with an average girl"

she goes on and drops something along the lines

"a promiscuous man is not an average man since women compete for the best men, if he is like that then he has value, no one would like to fuck an ugly or a homeless loser"

(implying that part of a chosen man's value is his promiscuity and a non promiscuous man likely has no value and most likely an ugly/broke loser, oof)

the foid also mentioned "females value commitment but it MUST come from someone they expect it from."

"you would rather have relationship with a non loyal model for a year than having sex with a disfigured faced female for the rest of your life"

(incase you missed it, the whore means you are the equivalent of a disfigured face female, an ugly male is not the equivalent of an ugly female, but a disfigured one)

(this addressed pt2 of the first argument they had)

my thoughts:

there is no guarantee that chad will always be promiscuous. it's not necessary that chad will always be promiscious untill he bags a looksmatched stacy, just an example came from top of my head, Francisco Lachowski. his foid is nowhere near being his looksmatch. that is because what we mentioned earlier, that men stick more because they have more paternity instincts than foids.

2) she addressed why males don't owe females any favors by not finding higher body count for women attractive, not because of men moral choices and higher moral ground, but only due to pure logic, reason and sense

"women having higher bodycount don't add anything to the equation. most women can practically have high bodycount if they want to so it's not an achievement nor does it matter for a male"

that is BOROOTAL guys. these arguments to me were like a graveyard of blackpills. the more I analyze it the more I find correlation with/reflection on reality, real life scenarios and then find more buried blackpills beneath them. not a single coping male could argue against the statements that whore made.

elaborating on the last quotation: foids having high body count is not a desirable trait because foids can get a partner easier. yet even if they had higher body count and they were used by many males, they still have higher chances than males and be sought after.

foids are picky and promiscuous since they need to bag the most elite male they can get, even if he won't stick around. that has three reasons:

-as we explained before with reasons in argument no.1 debunking, ability to get pussy is a huge part of a man's value.

-as per what was said about pt2 of argument no.1, commitment is not typically as sought after as you think. mainly because offspring genetics and experience matter more than commitment in this era. future offspring genetics being ensured is more important to a foid nowadays than ensuring relationship commitment.

3) as for their third point, she stated things I don't remember correctly. most likely because the original point made by them looked superlowiq redpill version of settle down and wall theory. but afaik:

"as if single men who age don't have problems"

I don't need to add anything on that. there are no layers to it that could point at other things in real life. it's super clear my elaboration will be simple here: agepill is law, wall is cope.

now that we got those arguments out of our way, we can reflect and think forward.

I think it's time for us to abolish one trendy cope on the internet and drop more blackpills:

many copers misunderstand what some woke libtard low iq foids mean with "we don't need men" but a truly blackpilled person knows exactly what lies behind those statements:

:blackpill:we don't need ugly or average men around us even if they are committing :blackpill:

since some chads don't commit (not necessarily).

when faced with that argument, coping redpilled males will typically refer to one of these answers (warning: pure redpill copium):

-:redpill:"b-b-but males built everything and achieved everything females are using and know of right now":redpill:

albeit to them that most of these achievements and inventions are to ensure foids and their genetic lineage too, as well as being an irrelevant counterargument that infiltrates the present with the past.

-:redpill:"b-b-but what can a female do in case a trouble happens or you're in danger?":redpill:

she can do nothing because she does not need to. now it is true that men WILL help her. but they will help her even if she doesn't ask. that does not mean she NEED them or even NEED their help (a foid will typically reject help from sub5s if she concludes that the situation isn't that much worthy, only due to the chance of the incel making a move afterwards seeking emotional payment, which insults her very soul)

she USES them. just like your can opener.

specially in this day and age, she doesn't need to do anything. she will get the help from the system, the system made it easier for her to depend on herself and get help easy because the system values pussy more than YOU.

even if she was in deep trouble, foids will help her as well as many simps and whiteknights will come and help her for free, like fucking sheep, fucking tools and still she wouldn't feel obliged to give a single fuck to any of them (in the literal sense) or make anyone of them her partner as opposed to chad.

now tell me from whom a male like you sir can get help if he's in trouble?

most likely, fucking nobody. even males, your own gender, would actually give zero fucks about you. making this point made by lowiq redpillers look fucking retarded.

so if that is your counter to a feminist libtardian whore then it can only pass on a low value, low iq whore like her and most likely not foids like what I exhibited earlier because as evident as it is, those kind of redpill arguments are laughably lowiq pathetic ones.

last but not least, if you use redpill arguments in real life think twice, it could work against some, but most of the time you will not make it on youtube as an "epic feminist roast compilation" because any whoroid with more than two braincels like the one I am talking about will see through your copes and leave you stunned forever because guess what, not all foids are fat ugly fucking sub room temp iq feminist negresses. foids with functioning brains can see why the redpill is a massive fucking joke and their logic is just laughable at best.

and as always, stay based and LDAR'd you beautiful people.
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read every single word.
Great post :feelsokman::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

Foids always have options,even when they "hit the wall", it's just that they are chad only.

As someone said in a different thread, All the red-pill self improvement advice comes down to- be rich and soy enough so you can be a betabuxx
Great post :feelsokman::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

Foids always have options,even when they "hit the wall", it's just that they are chad only.

As someone said in a different thread, All the red-pill self improvement advice comes down to- be rich and soy enough so you can be a betabuxx
even if foids don't get chad, they still tune their chances to the male, with good genetics being their main target.

if you are really interested, refer to my "grand threshold hypothesis" thread that discusses how foids think when they pick a male partner. they still seek the minimum valid/sane option (male) with the greatest genetics they can find.

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