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LifeFuel Roundup of Thailand Trip - girls, advice, conversation screenshots etc

User was warned for bragging.
OK so as promised, here's my roundup of the trip and a step by step guide for any hopecels out there. If you're a fully committed rotter I can respect that but it's probably not the thread for you. This is gonna be a long thread, be warned.

Background: Stayed in Thailand for 22 days. Fucked 10 girls including two 17 year old JB's, none of them hookers. Here's how you can do it too...

How much does this all cost?

I started the holiday with 1,000 GBP ($1400), and was pretty much fully spent up by the end of the trip. This figure includes the cost of accommodation but does not include flights. For the cheapest flights from whereever you live, check out skyscanner.net. For what it's worth, my return flight cost 400 GBP ($550). It's always cheaper if you book a fair few weeks in advance, so do that.

For currency exchange, bring cash to Thailand, and exchange it at the exchange booths there. Do not exchange money at the airport, the rate is shit. In Bangkok there's plenty of exchange shops and you'll only lose like half a percent, which beats withdrawing money at ATM's.

Where should I stay?

For the best chance of slaying non-pro girls, you can't beat Bangkok IMO. You'll be a rarer commodity as a foreigner in Northern towns, but these places are more difficult to function in if you don't speak Thai, and are much more conservative in culture. If you're there a long time and want a quality girlfriend, you could check these places out, but for a short trip, just go to Bangkok.

You want to be staying at a place near a BTS/MRT station (very important), and as close to the centre of town as your budget allows (less important, but it helps). For reference, the absolute 'centre' is the Siam BTS station, so be as near to there as reasonably possible.

I personally stayed at this place: https://www.aiyapurabangkok.com/ . It was close to the BTS, but around 25 minutes from the centre. The cost was 9,800 baht ($310), plus the electric bill at the end came to 2,000 ($64) baht.

Photos of the exact room I stayed at are here:

Anything else?

You're gonna want a SIM card when in Thailand. You can choose between AIS, DTAC, and True (these are phone providers in Thailand). I personally used DTAC, but any will work fine. Make sure you buy a decent data package - you want 5 GB of data for a 2 week trip minimum IMO. It's fairly cheap. Don't worry about call or text credit as everyone uses a messeging app here called LINE, which only uses data. Just walk into one of these stores and they'll sort you out.

For transport, do yourself a favour and buy a 'rabbit card' for the BTS. You'll be travelling a lot to meet various girls, and the card gets you cheaper trips. It drops the cost from an average of 44 baht per trip to 31 - this adds up when you're traveling a lot.

For food, it's entirely up to you. I ate mostly Thai food which is an average of 40 baht ($1.30) a meal on the street. You can get decent food in mall food courts for around 60 baht ($2). If you want to eat at fancy high priced western restaurants than the sky is the limit, but unless you're a richcel don't do that.

In general things are much cheaper outside the malls. Food, clothes, medicines etc.

Enough of this bullshit, get to the girls already!

First girl:

Second girl:

Third girl:

Fourth girl:

Fifth girl: https://imgur.com/a/8eTDp

Sixth girl (17 year old): https://imgur.com/a/F2uSf (the bathroom pic is just to prove that I actually did stay over at her place - check out that 'traditional' Thai toilet and bathroom, lol!)

Seventh Girl: https://imgur.com/a/5Tvfx

Eighth Girl (also 17 years old): https://imgur.com/a/p92QL

Ninth Girl: https://imgur.com/a/sangY and https://imgur.com/a/ddUTj

Tenth Girl: https://imgur.com/a/3UOT6

How you do even meet them? Do I have to cold approach or go clubbing alone like some TRP moron?

No you don't.

I met all the girls online. Tinder was 70% of the lays. Other apps possible are badoo and skout. You can also try thaifriendly.com although I've found tinder is significantly better for getting quick lays.

I don't have much success getting the girls to meet in my room straight away. It happened, but only twice. YMMV if you are more attractive than me (or less attractive). In general I think the average PSL 4 guy is gonna have to meet the girl outside the room, then try and get her back there at some point.

I don't know how to speak to girls online - how do you get them to meet up?

Don't overcomplicate it. Have 4 or 5 messages on tinder, then ask for her LINE ID. Once there, carry on talking a bit about BS stuff (school, work, hobbies etc, the usual shit). Then ask her when she's free, and arrange a meet.

IMPORTANT: If she is hesitant, or says 'maybe' she's free on xxx date, or says 'not sure' or anything else like that, it's OVER, move on. SEA girls are massive timewasters so you have to be harsh when cutting them out here. Any hint of being a timewaster = cut her loose. Don't spend large amounts of time on any one girl, it's pointless. If they like you, they'll meet quickly.

Here's some screenshots of conversations with girls I banged to show you how it's done:

First example:


Second example:


Third example (one of the JB's - if you look closely you can see she changed her profile pic to me and her):


Hopefully you can all see it's not really that complicated. Find out when they're free, arrange a meetup. Easy.

Where to go for first dates?

Pick somewhere reasonably close to your room, but also keep in mind the girls location. If she's on the other side of Bangkok to you, meet in the middle. Don't travel long distances to meet a girl as SEA girls are notorious timewasters - they only actually turn up around 75% of the time in my experience, and 90% of those times they're late. You also want a location reasonably close to your room to make it easier to get the girl back there.

There's no difference in success rate when doing something expensive vs something cheap, so just do something cheap. Stuff that worked for me this trip - getting an ice cream together, going for a walk in the park, going to a cheapish restaurant for food. I did also get laid twice by arranging to meet girls at clubs, but there's no increase in success rate going clubbing vs doing something cheaper.

Don't expect to succeed all the time. It's a lot easier in Thailand, but you're not gonna bang the girl every single time in my experience. YMMV if you're more or less attractive than me, as usual.

So how do you get the girl back to your room?

The usual method is you do whatever you've arranged to do (park, ice cream etc), then you suggest going to watch a movie in your room. Do NOT tell her you're going back there to have sex. If a Thai girl comes back to your room, 90% of the time she's willing to fuck you, I've literally only failed with a Thai girl once when I've got her back to my room.

But itsOVER, the majority of these girls are below average or downright ugly?

That's right buddy boyo, and as an incel you don't have the luxury of choice. Bang, or volcel it is.

On a more serious note, I agree most were not that attractive. That was a function of my general strategy however - I was going for the maximum slays possible, so was focused on numbers, not quality. Getting a 'quality' girl is much easier when you actually live there, as you have the time to do the 3 date thing then bang her. It doesn't take long to get a quality PSL 5+ chick, just a couple of weeks normally, but that's time you don't have when you're only there a few weeks. If you want better looking girls, I suggest you either:

1) Be better looking than me.
2) Start considering ways you can live permanently in SEA. I got MUCH better girls when I lived there.
3) Go to Manila where I hear it's even easier.
4) Escortcel.

With that said, I think girl number 3 was decent, girl 6 was OK, and girls 4, 8 and 9 were fuckable enough. Girls 1, 2 and 7 were definitely on the dodgy side, especially 7, although I was kinda reverse catfished there and it was a case of bang or go home and wank. Girls 6 and 8 were haloed a bit by being 17 year old JB's. The rest were just below average but not downright awful.

Keep in mind even Chad doesn't fuck prime Stacy's all the time - that's why so many of you whine on here that you can't get your looksmatch. Chad has to fuck plenty of sub-prime roast beef too.

I've still got more questions?

Feel free to post in the thread and I'll answer. Or send me a PM.
YES! This, I think, is where the incel phrase "it's over" comes from. There are so many requirements to be "normal"--and many of them, a lot of us can never attain. Like you actually have to be a certain height for most women to even be aware of you. Then you have to add in money/house/zip code/status... requirements. Why try when you're starting out at a 0.002 on a 0-to-10 scale, the best you can get to after epic work is a 1.0, and the cut-off is an 8.0?

This is what I'm talking about. I'd bet good money that in Thailand he'd be turning girls away because he's too exhausted.
Could travel to TH and PH, maybe there’s shit to look at too. Saying that I’ve got Europe for that and I’ve seen plenty of it.
Wow, the parent stuff is sickening. Everyone says I’m way more like my mum than dad, so I have that from her. Solid affection. I sadly agree with the rest of what you say, it can be so bad for some of us. Truly over.
You said that's you, how tall are you related to people in your area? That's not an incel face tbh
Could travel to TH and PH, maybe there’s shit to look at too. Saying that I’ve got Europe for that and I’ve seen plenty of it.
Gotcha. So TH/PH would be a ... business trip. That's how I'd approach it, too, if I thought I had enough to get what I want. I agree with the OP. Stay in one of DT Bangkok's central districts (spread out) RIGHT ON the public transit line. Bangkok is really spread out and if you're not near the trains, it can take HOURS by cab to get around. And OP is also right--don't go out of your way to meet anyone. There are a LOT of time-wasters. Make it easy fishing for yourself.
Good luck, bro. Just don't invest too much money. I put everything I had into a Thailand trip. You know how that turned out. But if you're like most guys on this forum, you've got waaaaay more cache than I do so have a much higher chance. At least hotels and food are cheap there.
Yeah, defo. SkyScanner to PH is £500, I’d honestly get an en-suite room, an apartment (airbnb) would be better than hotel yeah? Looks nice over there. Would spend decent money but have loads in my accounts untouched.
You said that's you, how tall are you related to people in your area? That's not an incel face.
5’11, my circle is 3 other boys, all taller, better looking and smarter.
Yeah, defo. SkyScanner to PH is £500, I’d honestly get an en-suite room, an apartment (airbnb) would be better than hotel yeah? Looks nice over there. Would spend decent money but have loads in my accounts untouched.
I prefer AirBNB in TH, not sure about PH... But depending on where in the city you are, a hotel suite might be a better idea b/c many of them are RIGHT on the train lines. Whatever you do, DON'T do the bus lines!
I prefer AirBNB in TH, not sure about PH... But depending on where in the city you are, a hotel suite might be a better idea b/c many of them are RIGHT on the train lines. Whatever you do, DON'T do the bus lines!
Ok, looked at Manila and there’s no trains, just buses but from what I’ve asked about plenty live in central or Mataki. TH, yeah by the train is so important. Did the same in London, even though there’s so many stops and of course I’m from England so it’s fine.
Ok, looked at Manila and there’s no trains, just buses but from what I’ve asked about plenty live in central or Mataki. TH, yeah by the train is so important. Did the same in London, even though there’s so many stops and of course I’m from England so it’s fine.

What's your take on British escorts?
What's your take on British escorts?
I’ve looked around and seen plenty of reviews - ukpunting member, you get nice ones of course, like a real experience but they’re whores for cash, I watched some escort porn and it’s like a cab ride, very nice fuck then back to nice talk. Also, very expensive - paying way too much and it’s all timed, although I know some great escorts (not personally) and they seem fine but still the money problem. Also, being young was strange to me, I’m ok with meeting and action. Much better having a gf or someone you bond with slightly, have real sex.
I think I remember this thread from back in the day. I'm sure the guy behind this account got a girl in SE Asia pregnant.

Good for him. I didn't quite realise when I was his age how easy it was to slay in SE Asia. I knew guys who went there to get pussy but I thought it was just hookers and I was already escortceling in my own country. If it hadn't have been for trying to court my oneitis I might well have done what this guy did. If he could score over there then maybe I could have.
I think I remember this thread from back in the day. I'm sure the guy behind this account got a girl in SE Asia pregnant.

Good for him. I didn't quite realise when I was his age how easy it was to slay in SE Asia. I knew guys who went there to get pussy but I thought it was just hookers and I was already escortceling in my own country. If it hadn't have been for trying to court my oneitis I might well have done what this guy did. If he could score over there then maybe I could have.
I think the approach worked well for him, didn’t care and just went for sex. Almost mechanical approach but when you have someone it’s sorted. How old are you now too?
I think I remember this thread from back in the day. I'm sure the guy behind this account got a girl in SE Asia pregnant.

Good for him. I didn't quite realise when I was his age how easy it was to slay in SE Asia. I knew guys who went there to get pussy but I thought it was just hookers and I was already escortceling in my own country. If it hadn't have been for trying to court my oneitis I might well have done what this guy did. If he could score over there then maybe I could have.
3 girls pregnant apparently
I was ready to do this at age 23 but I’ll probably be 25 by the time I can get out there thanks to lockdown , depressing having to rot another year
this site should change from incels.co to slayers.co
3 girls pregnant apparently
I was ready to do this at age 23 but I’ll probably be 25 by the time I can get out there thanks to lockdown , depressing having to rot another year
Have you been over on tinder and see what’s up? You will easily get loads of real matches that are points ahead, good luck.
this site should change from incels.co to slayers.co
Far from slayers if they have to travel to a third world poor country and abuse the racial issues just to get a chance from 5/10 noodlewhores. OP had zero action back home and was forced to hop on the airplane to escape his situation.
I think the approach worked well for him, didn’t care and just went for sex. Almost mechanical approach but when you have someone it’s sorted. How old are you now too?

I'm in my early 30's mate - I'm a bit past it all now and I'm settled where I currently work but if I knew what I knew now I would have probably hopped on a plane to Thailand if I was 22-23 now. If OP can pull girls like this I might have been able to get some as well.
I'm in my early 30's mate - I'm a bit past it all now and I'm settled where I currently work but if I knew what I knew now I would have probably hopped on a plane to Thailand if I was 22-23 now. If OP can pull girls like this I might have been able to get some as well.
I’m 20 now, this is why I have interest. Also, is he can, lot can for sure. COVID done and dusted, I will have finished university too.
3 girls pregnant apparently
I was ready to do this at age 23 but I’ll probably be 25 by the time I can get out there thanks to lockdown , depressing having to rot another year
Good for him I guess - You definitely should mate. The chance has passed me by but if you can you should.
I’m 20 now, this is why I have interest. Also, is he can, lot can for sure. COVID done and dusted, I will have finished university too.
Go for it dude - you have your whole life ahead of you. A few years in SE Asia would be great for you.
Go for it dude - you have your whole life ahead of you. A few years in SE Asia would be great for you.
Yeah, sure. I’d defiantly want to spend a few weeks - preferably Manila. Spoke to lots and this thread helped initially. Have to bide our time though with it just getting better here with COVID.
ITT: Whitecels mogging on us
hope itsover is still slaying, he's so much lifefuel for me.
Thanks for the tips, but thanks to the fucking virus, i can't do shit.
OK so as promised, here's my roundup of the trip and a step by step guide for any hopecels out there. If you're a fully committed rotter I can respect that but it's probably not the thread for you. This is gonna be a long thread, be warned.

Background: Stayed in Thailand for 22 days. Fucked 10 girls including two 17 year old JB's, none of them hookers. Here's how you can do it too...

How much does this all cost?

I started the holiday with 1,000 GBP ($1400), and was pretty much fully spent up by the end of the trip. This figure includes the cost of accommodation but does not include flights. For the cheapest flights from whereever you live, check out skyscanner.net. For what it's worth, my return flight cost 400 GBP ($550). It's always cheaper if you book a fair few weeks in advance, so do that.

For currency exchange, bring cash to Thailand, and exchange it at the exchange booths there. Do not exchange money at the airport, the rate is shit. In Bangkok there's plenty of exchange shops and you'll only lose like half a percent, which beats withdrawing money at ATM's.

Where should I stay?

For the best chance of slaying non-pro girls, you can't beat Bangkok IMO. You'll be a rarer commodity as a foreigner in Northern towns, but these places are more difficult to function in if you don't speak Thai, and are much more conservative in culture. If you're there a long time and want a quality girlfriend, you could check these places out, but for a short trip, just go to Bangkok.

You want to be staying at a place near a BTS/MRT station (very important), and as close to the centre of town as your budget allows (less important, but it helps). For reference, the absolute 'centre' is the Siam BTS station, so be as near to there as reasonably possible.

I personally stayed at this place: https://www.aiyapurabangkok.com/ . It was close to the BTS, but around 25 minutes from the centre. The cost was 9,800 baht ($310), plus the electric bill at the end came to 2,000 ($64) baht.

Photos of the exact room I stayed at are here:

Anything else?

You're gonna want a SIM card when in Thailand. You can choose between AIS, DTAC, and True (these are phone providers in Thailand). I personally used DTAC, but any will work fine. Make sure you buy a decent data package - you want 5 GB of data for a 2 week trip minimum IMO. It's fairly cheap. Don't worry about call or text credit as everyone uses a messeging app here called LINE, which only uses data. Just walk into one of these stores and they'll sort you out.

For transport, do yourself a favour and buy a 'rabbit card' for the BTS. You'll be travelling a lot to meet various girls, and the card gets you cheaper trips. It drops the cost from an average of 44 baht per trip to 31 - this adds up when you're traveling a lot.

For food, it's entirely up to you. I ate mostly Thai food which is an average of 40 baht ($1.30) a meal on the street. You can get decent food in mall food courts for around 60 baht ($2). If you want to eat at fancy high priced western restaurants than the sky is the limit, but unless you're a richcel don't do that.

In general things are much cheaper outside the malls. Food, clothes, medicines etc.

Enough of this bullshit, get to the girls already!

First girl:

Second girl:

Third girl:

Fourth girl:

Fifth girl:
View: https://imgur.com/a/8eTDp

Sixth girl (17 year old):
View: https://imgur.com/a/F2uSf
(the bathroom pic is just to prove that I actually did stay over at her place - check out that 'traditional' Thai toilet and bathroom, lol!)

Seventh Girl:
View: https://imgur.com/a/5Tvfx

Eighth Girl (also 17 years old):
View: https://imgur.com/a/p92QL

Ninth Girl:
View: https://imgur.com/a/sangY
and https://imgur.com/a/ddUTj

Tenth Girl: https://imgur.com/a/3UOT6

How you do even meet them? Do I have to cold approach or go clubbing alone like some TRP moron?

No you don't.

I met all the girls online. Tinder was 70% of the lays. Other apps possible are badoo and skout. You can also try thaifriendly.com although I've found tinder is significantly better for getting quick lays.

I don't have much success getting the girls to meet in my room straight away. It happened, but only twice. YMMV if you are more attractive than me (or less attractive). In general I think the average PSL 4 guy is gonna have to meet the girl outside the room, then try and get her back there at some point.

I don't know how to speak to girls online - how do you get them to meet up?

Don't overcomplicate it. Have 4 or 5 messages on tinder, then ask for her LINE ID. Once there, carry on talking a bit about BS stuff (school, work, hobbies etc, the usual shit). Then ask her when she's free, and arrange a meet.

IMPORTANT: If she is hesitant, or says 'maybe' she's free on xxx date, or says 'not sure' or anything else like that, it's OVER, move on. SEA girls are massive timewasters so you have to be harsh when cutting them out here. Any hint of being a timewaster = cut her loose. Don't spend large amounts of time on any one girl, it's pointless. If they like you, they'll meet quickly.

Here's some screenshots of conversations with girls I banged to show you how it's done:

First example:


Second example:


Third example (one of the JB's - if you look closely you can see she changed her profile pic to me and her):


Hopefully you can all see it's not really that complicated. Find out when they're free, arrange a meetup. Easy.

Where to go for first dates?

Pick somewhere reasonably close to your room, but also keep in mind the girls location. If she's on the other side of Bangkok to you, meet in the middle. Don't travel long distances to meet a girl as SEA girls are notorious timewasters - they only actually turn up around 75% of the time in my experience, and 90% of those times they're late. You also want a location reasonably close to your room to make it easier to get the girl back there.

There's no difference in success rate when doing something expensive vs something cheap, so just do something cheap. Stuff that worked for me this trip - getting an ice cream together, going for a walk in the park, going to a cheapish restaurant for food. I did also get laid twice by arranging to meet girls at clubs, but there's no increase in success rate going clubbing vs doing something cheaper.

Don't expect to succeed all the time. It's a lot easier in Thailand, but you're not gonna bang the girl every single time in my experience. YMMV if you're more or less attractive than me, as usual.

So how do you get the girl back to your room?

The usual method is you do whatever you've arranged to do (park, ice cream etc), then you suggest going to watch a movie in your room. Do NOT tell her you're going back there to have sex. If a Thai girl comes back to your room, 90% of the time she's willing to fuck you, I've literally only failed with a Thai girl once when I've got her back to my room.

But itsOVER, the majority of these girls are below average or downright ugly?

That's right buddy boyo, and as an incel you don't have the luxury of choice. Bang, or volcel it is.

On a more serious note, I agree most were not that attractive. That was a function of my general strategy however - I was going for the maximum slays possible, so was focused on numbers, not quality. Getting a 'quality' girl is much easier when you actually live there, as you have the time to do the 3 date thing then bang her. It doesn't take long to get a quality PSL 5+ chick, just a couple of weeks normally, but that's time you don't have when you're only there a few weeks. If you want better looking girls, I suggest you either:

1) Be better looking than me.
2) Start considering ways you can live permanently in SEA. I got MUCH better girls when I lived there.
3) Go to Manila where I hear it's even easier.
4) Escortcel.

With that said, I think girl number 3 was decent, girl 6 was OK, and girls 4, 8 and 9 were fuckable enough. Girls 1, 2 and 7 were definitely on the dodgy side, especially 7, although I was kinda reverse catfished there and it was a case of bang or go home and wank. Girls 6 and 8 were haloed a bit by being 17 year old JB's. The rest were just below average but not downright awful.

Keep in mind even Chad doesn't fuck prime Stacy's all the time - that's why so many of you whine on here that you can't get your looksmatch. Chad has to fuck plenty of sub-prime roast beef too.

I've still got more questions?

Feel free to post in the thread and I'll answer. Or send me a PM.
honestly considering this after COVID is all dealt with. Gonna avoid the sun so I don't get any darker till then.
Tempted to make an Escortcel forum or JBWmaxxing/westernermaxxing abroad forum since us escortcels or people who wanna try go abroad to ascend are mocked.
Any older blackcels tried this? Have considered it for a few years, and was going to last year to celebrate 30th, but CoVID hit. While the OP has good advice and approaches, he still mogs me, and as a black guy, I’m probably even less attractive to SEA girls than western ones which says a lot. So, if any blackcels or other ethnics can share their experiences, I’d really like to hear it.
Tempted to make an Escortcel forum or JBWmaxxing/westernermaxxing abroad forum since us escortcels or people who wanna try go abroad to ascend are mocked.
Pattaya forum is full of UKcels

I would be interested tbh


I was going to buy it but shit nigga, that's too much.

jbw.club is more cheaper but way overpriced imo


the fag domain is cheap jfl, so unfair.


I'm thinking maybe not doing it as JBW tho since I wouldn't mind ethnicels or blackcels escortmaxxing or SEAmaxxing etc, be fun to hear their stories too etc.
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Survey the area, get on badoo and tinder and starting speaking and build a few relationships. It works well.
do you guys reckon I could fuck thirteen year old girls in japan? what are the chances? are they on tinder or do you go on highschool buses and ioi them then ask for date?
OK so as promised, here's my roundup of the trip and a step by step guide for any hopecels out there. If you're a fully committed rotter I can respect that but it's probably not the thread for you. This is gonna be a long thread, be warned.

Background: Stayed in Thailand for 22 days. Fucked 10 girls including two 17 year old JB's, none of them hookers. Here's how you can do it too...

How much does this all cost?

I started the holiday with 1,000 GBP ($1400), and was pretty much fully spent up by the end of the trip. This figure includes the cost of accommodation but does not include flights. For the cheapest flights from whereever you live, check out skyscanner.net. For what it's worth, my return flight cost 400 GBP ($550). It's always cheaper if you book a fair few weeks in advance, so do that.

For currency exchange, bring cash to Thailand, and exchange it at the exchange booths there. Do not exchange money at the airport, the rate is shit. In Bangkok there's plenty of exchange shops and you'll only lose like half a percent, which beats withdrawing money at ATM's.

Where should I stay?

For the best chance of slaying non-pro girls, you can't beat Bangkok IMO. You'll be a rarer commodity as a foreigner in Northern towns, but these places are more difficult to function in if you don't speak Thai, and are much more conservative in culture. If you're there a long time and want a quality girlfriend, you could check these places out, but for a short trip, just go to Bangkok.

You want to be staying at a place near a BTS/MRT station (very important), and as close to the centre of town as your budget allows (less important, but it helps). For reference, the absolute 'centre' is the Siam BTS station, so be as near to there as reasonably possible.

I personally stayed at this place: https://www.aiyapurabangkok.com/ . It was close to the BTS, but around 25 minutes from the centre. The cost was 9,800 baht ($310), plus the electric bill at the end came to 2,000 ($64) baht.

Photos of the exact room I stayed at are here:

Anything else?

You're gonna want a SIM card when in Thailand. You can choose between AIS, DTAC, and True (these are phone providers in Thailand). I personally used DTAC, but any will work fine. Make sure you buy a decent data package - you want 5 GB of data for a 2 week trip minimum IMO. It's fairly cheap. Don't worry about call or text credit as everyone uses a messeging app here called LINE, which only uses data. Just walk into one of these stores and they'll sort you out.

For transport, do yourself a favour and buy a 'rabbit card' for the BTS. You'll be travelling a lot to meet various girls, and the card gets you cheaper trips. It drops the cost from an average of 44 baht per trip to 31 - this adds up when you're traveling a lot.

For food, it's entirely up to you. I ate mostly Thai food which is an average of 40 baht ($1.30) a meal on the street. You can get decent food in mall food courts for around 60 baht ($2). If you want to eat at fancy high priced western restaurants than the sky is the limit, but unless you're a richcel don't do that.

In general things are much cheaper outside the malls. Food, clothes, medicines etc.

Enough of this bullshit, get to the girls already!

First girl:

Second girl:

Third girl:

Fourth girl:

Fifth girl:
View: https://imgur.com/a/8eTDp

Sixth girl (17 year old):
View: https://imgur.com/a/F2uSf
(the bathroom pic is just to prove that I actually did stay over at her place - check out that 'traditional' Thai toilet and bathroom, lol!)

Seventh Girl:
View: https://imgur.com/a/5Tvfx

Eighth Girl (also 17 years old): https://imgur.com/a/p92QL

Ninth Girl: https://imgur.com/a/sangY and https://imgur.com/a/ddUTj

Tenth Girl: https://imgur.com/a/3UOT6

How you do even meet them? Do I have to cold approach or go clubbing alone like some TRP moron?

No you don't.

I met all the girls online. Tinder was 70% of the lays. Other apps possible are badoo and skout. You can also try thaifriendly.com although I've found tinder is significantly better for getting quick lays.

I don't have much success getting the girls to meet in my room straight away. It happened, but only twice. YMMV if you are more attractive than me (or less attractive). In general I think the average PSL 4 guy is gonna have to meet the girl outside the room, then try and get her back there at some point.

I don't know how to speak to girls online - how do you get them to meet up?

Don't overcomplicate it. Have 4 or 5 messages on tinder, then ask for her LINE ID. Once there, carry on talking a bit about BS stuff (school, work, hobbies etc, the usual shit). Then ask her when she's free, and arrange a meet.

IMPORTANT: If she is hesitant, or says 'maybe' she's free on xxx date, or says 'not sure' or anything else like that, it's OVER, move on. SEA girls are massive timewasters so you have to be harsh when cutting them out here. Any hint of being a timewaster = cut her loose. Don't spend large amounts of time on any one girl, it's pointless. If they like you, they'll meet quickly.

Here's some screenshots of conversations with girls I banged to show you how it's done:

First example:


Second example:


Third example (one of the JB's - if you look closely you can see she changed her profile pic to me and her):


Hopefully you can all see it's not really that complicated. Find out when they're free, arrange a meetup. Easy.

Where to go for first dates?

Pick somewhere reasonably close to your room, but also keep in mind the girls location. If she's on the other side of Bangkok to you, meet in the middle. Don't travel long distances to meet a girl as SEA girls are notorious timewasters - they only actually turn up around 75% of the time in my experience, and 90% of those times they're late. You also want a location reasonably close to your room to make it easier to get the girl back there.

There's no difference in success rate when doing something expensive vs something cheap, so just do something cheap. Stuff that worked for me this trip - getting an ice cream together, going for a walk in the park, going to a cheapish restaurant for food. I did also get laid twice by arranging to meet girls at clubs, but there's no increase in success rate going clubbing vs doing something cheaper.

Don't expect to succeed all the time. It's a lot easier in Thailand, but you're not gonna bang the girl every single time in my experience. YMMV if you're more or less attractive than me, as usual.

So how do you get the girl back to your room?

The usual method is you do whatever you've arranged to do (park, ice cream etc), then you suggest going to watch a movie in your room. Do NOT tell her you're going back there to have sex. If a Thai girl comes back to your room, 90% of the time she's willing to fuck you, I've literally only failed with a Thai girl once when I've got her back to my room.

But itsOVER, the majority of these girls are below average or downright ugly?

That's right buddy boyo, and as an incel you don't have the luxury of choice. Bang, or volcel it is.

On a more serious note, I agree most were not that attractive. That was a function of my general strategy however - I was going for the maximum slays possible, so was focused on numbers, not quality. Getting a 'quality' girl is much easier when you actually live there, as you have the time to do the 3 date thing then bang her. It doesn't take long to get a quality PSL 5+ chick, just a couple of weeks normally, but that's time you don't have when you're only there a few weeks. If you want better looking girls, I suggest you either:

1) Be better looking than me.
2) Start considering ways you can live permanently in SEA. I got MUCH better girls when I lived there.
3) Go to Manila where I hear it's even easier.
4) Escortcel.

With that said, I think girl number 3 was decent, girl 6 was OK, and girls 4, 8 and 9 were fuckable enough. Girls 1, 2 and 7 were definitely on the dodgy side, especially 7, although I was kinda reverse catfished there and it was a case of bang or go home and wank. Girls 6 and 8 were haloed a bit by being 17 year old JB's. The rest were just below average but not downright awful.

Keep in mind even Chad doesn't fuck prime Stacy's all the time - that's why so many of you whine on here that you can't get your looksmatch. Chad has to fuck plenty of sub-prime roast beef too.

I've still got more questions?

Feel free to post in the thread and I'll answer. Or send me a PM.

As an indian, i tried using tinder in thailand, tried everything, 0 matches.
The most controversial thread in the forum's history
this thread is pure suifuel
Why would you delete his post?!?!
why is this fakecel garbage in pinned?
because it's lifefuel for jbwcels:feelsLightsaber:
the older i get the more i realize jbw is true. many white girls and non white ones will flock to a white normie or even an upper white incel. whites inner predisposition to be taller is also a big boon for them. you can be white and truecel but its a lot rarer.
do you guys reckon I could fuck thirteen year old girls in japan? what are the chances? are they on tinder or do you go on highschool buses and ioi them then ask for date?
Whites are allowed to fuck underage girls in asia
Must-Ban Content
Did you go on with this?
I plan to once international travel to hooker places like Pattaya or Angeles City open up again.

looks of escortcels on here need a home tbh.
I plan to once international travel to hooker places like Pattaya or Angeles City open up again.

looks of escortcels on here need a home tbh.
Im tired of all the escortcel hate

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