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Based The cause of our suffering and Inceldom in the modern world.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 42077
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Deleted member 42077

Les Legions Noires
Apr 7, 2022
I will preface this by saying that, I am not open for arguing. If you disagree I don't care, arguing is for slaves and children. I do not care for your opinion if you are here to argue with me.

I want to compile the concepts that I have used in the few posts I have made as of yet.

This will be somewhat of a philosophical essay, with the concepts somewhat intertwined.

Important Phrases
Somewhat of a preface to the main essays. This will define some phrases and concepts for those not engrossed in this area of philosophy.

The Will To Power
The will to power, is the fundamental of existence. All plants, animals, and fungi share this will to power. This will is distinctive from the Schopenhauerian will to life, which considers that all beings have a will to life that includes the belief in a Hinterwelt, the belief that this earthly world is the false one (called the representation in Schopenhauers works) of the will, which is depicted as the true world, superior to this world. The will to power is instead the belief that all creatures have a will to power, power over oneself and others. This power is not necessarily conquest or dispute, but often manifests itself as so. It is an irrational force found in all.

Slave Morality
Slave morality is the dominant form of morality in the west and across most of the world since the adoption of Christianity by emperor Constantine of the Roman empire nearly 2000 years ago. The slave morality is characterized by a scale of actions rated as "good" or "evil". The actions named as good by morality are kindness, forgiveness, altruism, and politeness. These all stem from weakness, and the will to power. A slave cannot exert power directly, therefore he must, for example, plead or argue with his master. This is an anti-natural morality, and goes against basic human instinct. This also stems from ressentiment, or, the resentment a slave feels against his master.

Master Morality
Master morality is the counterpoint to slave morality. This is the morality that considers independence, nobility, and freedom to be good. This is characterized by a simple "good" or "bad" characterization of actions. Good is that which is good for you, bad is that which is not good for you. The master morality is the morality of the strong willed, and those easily able to exert power. An example of this is torture. When torturing somebody for their actions, the master does not care. He wants to get it finished and over with. His cruelty is a natural one. The slave, on the other hand, wants to see them suffer, to "pay" for their actions, the slave wants to bring them to "justice" out of resentment.

The Übermensch

The Übermensch is the ideal human being. As told in Nietzsches magnum opus, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the protagonist, a hermit named Zarathustra emerges from his solitude in the mountains, and enters a town, where he sees a crowd waiting for a tight rope walker. He tells the crowd of their fate and the fate of humanity after the death of God, and that they must accept the ideas of the Übermensch. The ideals of the Übermensch are independence, solitude from the herd, the creation of one own moral values, truly becoming who one is, and artistic expression. The Übermensch is an idealized version of oneself, and has overcome humanity, therefore it is somewhat of an unreachable goal, something Zarathustra acknowledges, as he tells the crowd that they are to be bridges for the übermensch and that man is something to be overcome. Examples of figures considered to be closest to the Übermensch are Napoleon, Julius Caesar, and Goethe. The Übermensch can best be thought of as a warrior and an artist. The Übermensch is above humanity. The Übermensch is beyond both the master and the slave.

The Last Man
As Zarathustra tells the crowd of these ideals of the Übermensch, they taunt and mock him and his ideas. He is saddened by this, and thinks of something to scare the crowd. He tells them of the last man. The last man is what we are living, and he is the average person in today's world, following the death of God. Following God's death, humanity has lost all faith. As much derision and violent hatred as is to be said for Christianity, it was the dominant ideology for 2000 years in the west, and following its death, God, who was seen as the one true source of all values, died as well, leaving an empty void. After this, man becomes extremely nihilist, believing in absolutely nothing at all. The last man cannot think, he is simply motivated by animalistic simplistic pleasures such as junk food. He watches Netflix, he does absolutely nothing all day, he hates his job and his entire life. He has no point in existing, and is the antithesis of the Übermensch. When Zarathustra tells the crowd of this chilling future that awaits them, they laugh at him yet again, and mock him, asking him when this supposed last man will come.

The Sexual Revolution & The Post-Modern World
in the 1960s and 70s, with the advent of the hippie culture, as high school and college students across the west were campaigning against the traditional values that had ruled for millenia, something dark was brewing. The hippie culture was the personification of slave morality, personified by it's radical ressentiment and the violent hatred of the old ways, replaced with the weak slave values of "love" and "kindness". This lead to the sexual revolution, leaving women, who previously had no freedoms, suddenly able to exert all of their animalistic caveman lusts and desires (which naturally go for looks). This led to rapid promiscuity and hypergamy, which is only getting worse and worse. Contrary to tradcuck belief, this didn't happen beforehand not due to "muh pure trad wahmen", but due to the fact that women faced extreme restrictions in who they were able to select, and with extreme communal shaming for whorish acts considered normal today. This movement was begun by the baby boomers, the worst and most sickening generation of our time. They are the disgusting idealists, idiotic herds incapable of free thought, who sacrificed all dignity, humanity, and life affirmation for simple pleasure. They were the first generation of last men, and through their rugged support of consumer capitalism, vomit inducing "art" and collectivism they have come to doom our generation, which they complain as being "lazy" and "entitled". They had to work for absolutely nothing, these rotten swine. They used all manner of opiods to cope with and dull all the pain of life. Life is fundamentally suffering, and we should accept it and accept suffering, and use it to sculpt ourselves, instead of the Schopenhauerian belief that we should avoid it. Their ideal world is an unrealistic perfect one, as all slave worlds tend to be. With the death of God, there was nothing to dull the pain. No promise of an afterlife or a place in heaven, so the baby boomers engaged in reckless nihilism and hatred for life, and the sexual revolution was born from this idiotic vermin ideal of "equality", "feminism", and "democracy", which is the vermin slave way of bringing everybody down to their own level, meaning all men must be mediocre. Despite their delusional belief, men and women are fundamentally different, with women being the most contemptible personification of slave morality, naturally born slaves, incapable of friendship, collectivist, and incapable of artistic thought. The solution to all of woman's problems is and always will be pregnancy. As for the post-modern world, all of humanity has been degraded. We claim to be "progressive" yet we are only going further in the direction of caveman slave instincts. These include a bad conscience and guilt, emotions and feelings not felt by the strong. The state is the fundamental way of enslaving man. Man is the most domesticated of all creatures, and therefore the most sickening of all species, as much as our modern "enlightened" "scientific" world wants us to believe we are the perfect species at the top of the world. The domestication of man, truly one of the worst events of our history. This allowed civilization, but at the costliest of trade offs. In our post-modern world, the last man reigns supreme, and there is one shepherd with no herd. The world of today is one of mindlessness and death anxiety. As people are afraid of death, they need opiods such as video games, fast food, or Netflix to cope with this fundamental state of all things. This had its counterpart in th Christian ideal of heaven. An Übermensch accepts his death, and seeks not to prevent or forget of his mortality as the last man, nor believes in the afterlife of Christianity. The Übermensch leaves these childish fears at the door, and accepts his fate. In our modern world, there is no place for culture and art, and instead the mindless "science" cult of pseudo-intellectual cretins ("studies say":soy:). There is no point of existing for the last man in this modern world, he simply "lives" pointless nihilism. He does not see the beauty in this world, and as a result of this, there is no beauty in this world for him, and he seeks to destroy all beauty and replace it with grey ugliness. He is severely emasculated, living in his tiny apartment, with his wife whom he betabuxxes, working his sickening office job that makes even him want to throw up, to buy things he does not even want for a family he hates. His masculinity is gone, torn apart by the combination of modern slave morality in the form of "feminism" "democracy" and the state. As much as many deny it, all of our modern morality stems from Christianity at the root. Democracy as it is is simply secular Christianity, but a more disgusting and rotten version, if you will, the decomposing corpse of Christianity. The modern world has given all concepts a grey and bleak dry definition. "Time" does not truly mean what it is, but in a post-Kantian post-Cartesian post-modern world time is simply is just what we use to calculate how fast it takes for NASA to send a probe to Jupiter. Health is no longer its true meaning, the ability to be sick, rather it is the hyper-clinical definition of whatever is going on in your organs. Of all the most "comical" contradictions of our current world, the so called "individualists" and "anarchists" who led the hippie movement were the most radical collectivists and conformists of their time. They believed in absolutely nothing. The manifestation of the sickness and the plague that is existential nihilism. They had no true visions, no artistic beliefs. All of it stemmed from their brain dead childish toddler like image of a perfect world devoid of the dark suffering, pain, and reality of life. Of course as well, the boiling ressentiment for all the well established social institutions of their time. But this was revolt for revolts sake. Every counter-cultural movement before had it's intellectuals. The romanticists had their poet in Blake, their playwright in Goethe, their philosopher in Schopenhauer, and their musician in Wagner. This was simply animalistic destruction for animalistic destruction sake. Our culture has become decedent, and since Socrates poisoned Greek society millenia ago, it has been decadent. The most truly noble of all cultures, the ideal cultures, the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. When cruelty has no other external enemies to target, it targets itself, becoming decadence. Art itself has become commercial. The horrible modern "art" industry which is all just a money laundering scheme anyway, the music industry I don't need explain, and worst of all, cinema. Once a novel and interesting idea of conveying methods beyond traditional "static" art, it is now possibly the most commercialized product together with food. Possibly the only art remaining untouched from the degenerate degrading hands of commercialization is poetry.

Art should not be sold as a product like Coca-Cola!

The Fundamental Human Nature
The fundamental human nature is now in a heavy clash. The domestication at the hands of the state, the slavery of democracy and liberalism, and the fundamental human nature itself. Examples include guilt. Humans are unique in the way that we are the only animal capable of making promises. If we are able to keep promises, we gain pride. If we are unable to keep promises, we gain guilt and a bad conscience. Human nature is fundamentally at odds with how modern society operates, creating a truly rotten and horrible bastard child abortion. As humans, we seek power. We also seek to reproduce. These are things modern society seek to take from us. Power is not allowed to be exert because "that's evil:soy::soy::soy:" and only the state is allowed it's monopoly on violence. We seek dignity, et we are expected to live in pods, eat bugs and live as degenerates. We are not allowed reproduction, which is our instinct. For example they say "nooo having kids is bad think of the environment:soy::soy::soy:" and IT cucks constantly tell us "ummm sweaty it's actually not a need sex is just a want :soy::foidSoy:" even though women write online constantly about how they are going crazy because Chad didn't have sex with them for 2 months. Much of these antiquated terms are social constructs. "Love" as we know it did not even exist until about the 12th century, therefore as max Stirner might say, these are what he calls spooks. As well, humans are fundamentally selfish. Our neo-platonic and judeo-christian world obviously do not like these ideals, yet, no matter how much they ingrain these social constructs in our minds, they cannot beat human nature which is absolute. As Aldous Huxley once said, in the future, there will be a way of making people love their servitude, and to make them love dictatorship. Aldous Huxley's world in Brave New World is vastly different from that which is presented in 1984. Whereas 1984 is about absolute brute tyranny, Brave New World is about making us obedient through constant pleasure. And from experiments done on rats, it is observed that rewarding actions sticks much more than punishing them. We already live in the Brave New World prophesied by Aldous Huxley. 1984 is the tyrannical father, and Brave New World is the suffocating mother. These all serve the purpose of making us forget of the current. This leads to man-children who cannot accept the real world as suffering and must find ways to cope. Human nature is fundamentally incompatible with modern ideals and democracy, and it seems as if humanity, or at least, the west, might collapse under the weight of it all. This experiment, which began 2000 years ago with the slave revolt of morality which introduced the reign of Christianity, the wretched spawn of weak Jewish slaves, is seeming to be approaching its end, which might be the end of the western world as we know it. The birth rates are plummeting, there is heavy social unrest, the population is becoming older, the sexual revolution has exasperated every single one of these issues and in hypergamy in 2022 is already 90/10. If humanity crumbles,I do not see a single reason I should care. Humans have brought this upon themselves, and may they reap what they sow. I do not see hope for humanity, and I truly hope for a destruction of this stinking reeking foul bastard species. We have destroyed humankind in all ways but physical, it is time to pull the plug on this decaying cadaver. The more you think about these concepts, the less hope you have for humanity. The option for humanity that is both the most likely and the absolute scariest is the possibility that everything continues as it is. Everybody will continue their "lives" as they are, and everybody continues to ignore the growing all swallowing existential dread and nihilism. A truly scary concept. The best option is the one of a black holocaust for this swine species.

In my heart, one of the modern institutions of which I have the most absolute burning of hatred is that of psychology. This scum "science" has been abused and misused for all manner of deeds. To begin with, it is not a science. Anything that begins with people's own self assessment I do not consider a science at all. I do not believe in the concept of a mental illness. Absolutely not for a second. I do not care if some "I love science:soy::soy:" cuckold calls me whatever mental "illness" he found on WebMD. A psychologist is simply a woman who is paid to spew nonsense for an hour for $100. All they say is "well have you tried not thinking like that :foidSoy::soy:" and women and bluepilled cuckold will happily pay hundreds of dollars and say it's the cure to everything. It's all a scam by big pharma to sell you medication which doesn't work so they can earn money. Mental "illnesses" are different ways of seeing the world. "Schizophrenics" are simply people who are differently aware. Soy cucks will say esotericists are "schizophrenic" :foidSoy::soy:. It's all MKultra psyops to make you an obedient slave of society and turn you into a zombie with no capacity for free thought or life affirmation. When Nietzsche went "mad" I do not think he went mad in the slightest. He was simply aware of the world in a completely different way, what the Greeks called "divine mania". For example, before his "mental breakdown" he began playing the piano and singing in front of guests claiming himself as the Greek God dionysus. The psychological view of the world is the filthiest. Seeing humans as nothing more than a bunch of neurons shooting signals, as a less efficient machine, is the most horrifying and yet sickeningly common form of nihilism I can think of. And many therapists tend to be women, and as Nietzsche says, women who are genuinely interested in academia usually have something wrong with them or their sexuality. I have never been to a therapist or a psychologist and never will. I know for a fact that the government watches over all of you including me, so it's extremely important not to tell them anything. If you are ever forced with a psychiatrist, tell them absolutely nothing. Those scum wretched subhuman swine will use any excuse to have you locked up for being a "threat to yourself or others" or a free individual. Do not tell the government or authorities anything either. Call me a "conspiracy theorist :soy::foidSoy:" it's all true. MKultra never ended and is simply being continued through the internet. Death to this subhuman "science". They seem to think they know you better than yourself, these arrogant contemptious condescending vermin.

Overcoming Nihilism As An Incel.
This will perhaps be the most difficult for all of you reading this. As incels the "ldar" mindset is the one that seems natural to us. However, I advise all incels to go against this. As well, I do not understand why some incels are high inhib. You are an incel, you are hated by society, the government, and your family. Why do you care whatever they think of you? Do whatever you want. I advise all incels to remove themselves from society as much as they can. This dumb herd of society deserves none of our time and attention. Again, do not let people's words get to your head. They can burn in hell. I am not advising some "Redpill alpha male" nonsense, rather the opposite. The whole Redpill thing is a complete cope, by which below average men convince themselves they have a chance. What I am advising to absolutely be yourself and not to care what society thinks of you. If you do not have a chance in society, then do not participate in it. Realize the the. This society is rotten and you should choose not to participate in it. Rather this is the quintessential black pill of realizing the inevitable, that society hates us and that we must hate society back and physically and mentally move ourselves from it. If you call yourself blackpilled yet still care so much about what society thinks of your, you are a bluepilled cuckold. I am not saying something "sigma grind hustle all day bro" that vapid consumerist vanity is beyond me and should be beyond us. I am encouraging personal development (not the "redpill alpha self-improvement") and amor fati. Reveal the true artist within and focus your creative genius. Do not just accept your fate, but love it. Nietzsche himself had problems such as these. He was what we might call a proto cel. He proposed to his oneitis multiple times, and afterwards,he realized the true disgusting nature of women and realized he should never have proposed to that rotten whore and severed contact with her. He was extremely lonely, he was extremely sick, and often could barely stand. His father died when he was young and he had a terrible relationship with his mother and sister. He lived isolated in his chalet in Switzerland, barely getting by with what little money he had. However he absolutely loved his fate and never gave up on his life. I am not advocating the childish ideals of stoicism, such as "oh I can't reach those grapes well those grapes are probably sour anyway". We must realize ourselves and spit in the face of this rotten society which hates us anyway. To reject nihilism as an incel, you must love your fate. Amor fati. Amor fati is expressed through the eternal recurrence. The eternal recurrence is the belief that everything,over an infinite period of time, repeats itself. Nietzsche devised a thought experiment for this belief, that,imagine, one night a demon comes to you and tells you must live your life over and over again with everything being the same. To truly affirm life would be to tell the demon that you have never heard anything more divine and beautiful. A sad, pathetic person would curse the demon. Realize your fears and crush them. Beyond a "relationship" there is so much to this earthly existence and we must embrace it, the good and the bad. Life is fundamentally suffering, please and suffering are two sides of the same coin, desire. Christianity and modern society are both fundamentally nihilist, at least when it comes to our earthly existence. Do not let yourself be smit by their poison, and truly focus on awakening the flamen within yourself. I am not saying you will get a girlfriend or sex if you do what I say, I am saying you can still live your life in spite of all these hardships, and accepting these inevitable hardships we face as incels, and loving your fate. do not search for a happy life, search for a meaningful one. Affirm the blackpill and affirm life. We are above these collectivist mob swine of society.
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Schopenhauer was right in that suffering is to be avoided. Did not read anything past your refusal of this fact.
Learn to use the enter key a little more often.
not reading that fucking retard. the best writers say more with less
Nice post man, read the whole thing.
Cool effort post. I dig it. Ngl did not read it all but liked it nonetheless. HighIQcel confirmed?

Read all of it i consider you @Mecoja do aswell , as @Rotter @IchWillSterben @ItsOver4cel @Lux
One of the most high IQ posts I have ever read…anywhere. Who are you? How have you acquired all of this truth?

Your writing will fall on deaf ears because ur speaking to monkeys that are the “last man” as you put it. They are content coping with soy anime Japanese culture.

But this post should be stickied if mods have any intelligence.

This is a nuclear truth bomb I am going to save every word of this to my notes because it is sourced from all the greatest minds and philosophers from history.

Do you believe as an incel - guitarmaxxing and being homeless is the ideal man? I am on the verge of that fate but I choose to suicide instead.

And you are correct about “mental illness”. I have never seen someone articulate that so well. I knew it to be the truth after years of attempting to use this “help”. It’s all :bluepill: cuckery And lies.
Also do you believe that transgender is due to males wanting an easier life and jealousy of women? How could that possibly manifest?

How does LGBTQ manifest in society?

I have a feeling it is the most downtrodden weak males that succumb to this life and it is pure delusion
Can the mods pin this truth bomb please. It will destroy any hope of any soy male that is still :bluepill:
Yes, it is possible to try to live well being a incel, appreciating the beauty of the rain, scenarios and engaging in music and hobbies, while accepting the suffering and embracing the curse of inceldom, but it will happen that, one day, you will have THAT moment, at the end of afternoon or in the middle of the night were you will again face your loneliness in a way that it is extremely familiar and upsetting to you, will crumble your "embracing suffering" mentality and put you through torture, seeing these girls out there being fucked by other guys that are less worthy than you, since you know loneliness and deserve a conclusion before a wasted life ends, you will feel that way

Read all of it i consider you @Mecoja do aswell , as @Rotter @IchWillSterben @ItsOver4cel @Lux

Accepting the suffering is not the answer, but a real one his hard to accept.
Also do you believe that transgender is due to males wanting an easier life and jealousy of women? How could that possibly manifest?

How does LGBTQ manifest in society?

I have a feeling it is the most downtrodden weak males that succumb to this life and it is pure delusion
i think and im certain its just that man want their lifes to be easy

" the path of least resistance and given Rewards , is plenty and joyfull "

this world got downthrotten with trickery and sick ideals . where Woman the weakest of the genders get elevated into oblivion, for reasons i dont know quite yet .

Man just want a piece of the cake aswell and give in "
All incels should LDAR and NEETmaxx (even better if you get NEETbuxx)
Live a life similar to Diogenes the Cynic
i think and im certain its just that man want their lifes to be easy

" the path of least resistance and given Rewards , is plenty and joyfull "

this world got downthrotten with trickery and sick ideals . where Woman the weakest of the genders get elevated into oblivion, for reasons i dont know quite yet .

Man just want a piece of the cake aswell and give in "
I will preface this by saying that, I am not open for arguing. If you disagree I don't care, arguing is for slaves and children. I do not care for your opinion if you are here to argue with me.

I want to compile the concepts that I have used in the few posts I have made as of yet.

This will be somewhat of a philosophical essay, with the concepts somewhat intertwined.

Important Phrases
Somewhat of a preface to the main essays. This will define some phrases and concepts for those not engrossed in this area of philosophy.

The Will To Power
The will to power, is the fundamental of existence. All plants, animals, and fungi share this will to power. This will is distinctive from the Schopenhauerian will to life, which considers that all beings have a will to life that includes the belief in a Hinterwelt, the belief that this earthly world is the false one (called the representation in Schopenhauers works) of the will, which is depicted as the true world, superior to this world. The will to power is instead the belief that all creatures have a will to power, power over oneself and others. This power is not necessarily conquest or dispute, but often manifests itself as so. It is an irrational force found in all.

Slave Morality
Slave morality is the dominant form of morality in the west and across most of the world since the adoption of Christianity by emperor Constantine of the Roman empire nearly 2000 years ago. The slave morality is characterized by a scale of actions rated as "good" or "evil". The actions named as good by morality are kindness, forgiveness, altruism, and politeness. These all stem from weakness, and the will to power. A slave cannot exert power directly, therefore he must, for example, plead or argue with his master. This is an anti-natural morality, and goes against basic human instinct. This also stems from ressentiment, or, the resentment a slave feels against his master.

Master Morality
Master morality is the counterpoint to slave morality. This is the morality that considers independence, nobility, and freedom to be good. This is characterized by a simple "good" or "bad" characterization of actions. Good is that which is good for you, bad is that which is not good for you. The master morality is the morality of the strong willed, and those easily able to exert power. An example of this is torture. When torturing somebody for their actions, the master does not care. He wants to get it finished and over with. His cruelty is a natural one. The slave, on the other hand, wants to see them suffer, to "pay" for their actions, the slave wants to bring them to "justice" out of resentment.

The Übermensch

The Übermensch is the ideal human being. As told in Nietzsches magnum opus, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the protagonist, a hermit named Zarathustra emerges from his solitude in the mountains, and enters a town, where he sees a crowd waiting for a tight rope walker. He tells the crowd of their fate and the fate of humanity after the death of God, and that they must accept the ideas of the Übermensch. The ideals of the Übermensch are independence, solitude from the herd, the creation of one own moral values, truly becoming who one is, and artistic expression. The Übermensch is an idealized version of oneself, and has overcome humanity, therefore it is somewhat of an unreachable goal, something Zarathustra acknowledges, as he tells the crowd that they are to be bridges for the übermensch and that man is something to be overcome. Examples of figures considered to be closest to the Übermensch are Napoleon, Julius Caesar, and Goethe. The Übermensch can best be thought of as a warrior and an artist. The Übermensch is above humanity. The Übermensch is beyond both the master and the slave.

The Last Man
As Zarathustra tells the crowd of these ideals of the Übermensch, they taunt and mock him and his ideas. He is saddened by this, and thinks of something to scare the crowd. He tells them of the last man. The last man is what we are living, and he is the average person in today's world, following the death of God. Following God's death, humanity has lost all faith. As much derision and violent hatred as is to be said for Christianity, it was the dominant ideology for 2000 years in the west, and following its death, God, who was seen as the one true source of all values, died as well, leaving an empty void. After this, man becomes extremely nihilist, believing in absolutely nothing at all. The last man cannot think, he is simply motivated by animalistic simplistic pleasures such as junk food. He watches Netflix, he does absolutely nothing all day, he hates his job and his entire life. He has no point in existing, and is the antithesis of the Übermensch. When Zarathustra tells the crowd of this chilling future that awaits them, they laugh at him yet again, and mock him, asking him when this supposed last man will come.

The Sexual Revolution & The Post-Modern World
in the 1960s and 70s, with the advent of the hippie culture, as high school and college students across the west were campaigning against the traditional values that had ruled for millenia, something dark was brewing. The hippie culture was the personification of slave morality, personified by it's radical ressentiment and the violent hatred of the old ways, replaced with the weak slave values of "love" and "kindness". This lead to the sexual revolution, leaving women, who previously had no freedoms, suddenly able to exert all of their animalistic caveman lusts and desires (which naturally go for looks). This led to rapid promiscuity and hypergamy, which is only getting worse and worse. Contrary to tradcuck belief, this didn't happen beforehand not due to "muh pure trad wahmen", but due to the fact that women faced extreme restrictions in who they were able to select, and with extreme communal shaming for whorish acts considered normal today. This movement was begun by the baby boomers, the worst and most sickening generation of our time. They are the disgusting idealists, idiotic herds incapable of free thought, who sacrificed all dignity, humanity, and life affirmation for simple pleasure. They were the first generation of last men, and through their rugged support of consumer capitalism, vomit inducing "art" and collectivism they have come to doom our generation, which they complain as being "lazy" and "entitled". They had to work for absolutely nothing, these rotten swine. They used all manner of opiods to cope with and dull all the pain of life. Life is fundamentally suffering, and we should accept it and accept suffering, and use it to sculpt ourselves, instead of the Schopenhauerian belief that we should avoid it. Their ideal world is an unrealistic perfect one, as all slave worlds tend to be. With the death of God, there was nothing to dull the pain. No promise of an afterlife or a place in heaven, so the baby boomers engaged in reckless nihilism and hatred for life, and the sexual revolution was born from this idiotic vermin ideal of "equality", "feminism", and "democracy", which is the vermin slave way of bringing everybody down to their own level, meaning all men must be mediocre. Despite their delusional belief, men and women are fundamentally different, with women being the most contemptible personification of slave morality, naturally born slaves, incapable of friendship, collectivist, and incapable of artistic thought. The solution to all of woman's problems is and always will be pregnancy. As for the post-modern world, all of humanity has been degraded. We claim to be "progressive" yet we are only going further in the direction of caveman slave instincts. These include a bad conscience and guilt, emotions and feelings not felt by the strong. The state is the fundamental way of enslaving man. Man is the most domesticated of all creatures, and therefore the most sickening of all species, as much as our modern "enlightened" "scientific" world wants us to believe we are the perfect species at the top of the world. The domestication of man, truly one of the worst events of our history. This allowed civilization, but at the costliest of trade offs. In our post-modern world, the last man reigns supreme, and there is one shepherd with no herd. The world of today is one of mindlessness and death anxiety. As people are afraid of death, they need opiods such as video games, fast food, or Netflix to cope with this fundamental state of all things. This had its counterpart in th Christian ideal of heaven. An Übermensch accepts his death, and seeks not to prevent or forget of his mortality as the last man, nor believes in the afterlife of Christianity. The Übermensch leaves these childish fears at the door, and accepts his fate. In our modern world, there is no place for culture and art, and instead the mindless "science" cult of pseudo-intellectual cretins ("studies say":soy:). There is no point of existing for the last man in this modern world, he simply "lives" pointless nihilism. He does not see the beauty in this world, and as a result of this, there is no beauty in this world for him, and he seeks to destroy all beauty and replace it with grey ugliness. He is severely emasculated, living in his tiny apartment, with his wife whom he betabuxxes, working his sickening office job that makes even him want to throw up, to buy things he does not even want for a family he hates. His masculinity is gone, torn apart by the combination of modern slave morality in the form of "feminism" "democracy" and the state. As much as many deny it, all of our modern morality stems from Christianity at the root. Democracy as it is is simply secular Christianity, but a more disgusting and rotten version, if you will, the decomposing corpse of Christianity. The modern world has given all concepts a grey and bleak dry definition. "Time" does not truly mean what it is, but in a post-Kantian post-Cartesian post-modern world time is simply is just what we use to calculate how fast it takes for NASA to send a probe to Jupiter. Health is no longer its true meaning, the ability to be sick, rather it is the hyper-clinical definition of whatever is going on in your organs. Of all the most "comical" contradictions of our current world, the so called "individualists" and "anarchists" who led the hippie movement were the most radical collectivists and conformists of their time. They believed in absolutely nothing. The manifestation of the sickness and the plague that is existential nihilism. They had no true visions, no artistic beliefs. All of it stemmed from their brain dead childish toddler like image of a perfect world devoid of the dark suffering, pain, and reality of life. Of course as well, the boiling ressentiment for all the well established social institutions of their time. But this was revolt for revolts sake. Every counter-cultural movement before had it's intellectuals. The romanticists had their poet in Blake, their playwright in Goethe, their philosopher in Schopenhauer, and their musician in Wagner. This was simply animalistic destruction for animalistic destruction sake. Our culture has become decedent, and since Socrates poisoned Greek society millenia ago, it has been decadent. The most truly noble of all cultures, the ideal cultures, the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. When cruelty has no other external enemies to target, it targets itself, becoming decadence. Art itself has become commercial. The horrible modern "art" industry which is all just a money laundering scheme anyway, the music industry I don't need explain, and worst of all, cinema. Once a novel and interesting idea of conveying methods beyond traditional "static" art, it is now possibly the most commercialized product together with food. Possibly the only art remaining untouched from the degenerate degrading hands of commercialization is poetry.

Art should not be sold as a product like Coca-Cola!

The Fundamental Human Nature
The fundamental human nature is now in a heavy clash. The domestication at the hands of the state, the slavery of democracy and liberalism, and the fundamental human nature itself. Examples include guilt. Humans are unique in the way that we are the only animal capable of making promises. If we are able to keep promises, we gain pride. If we are unable to keep promises, we gain guilt and a bad conscience. Human nature is fundamentally at odds with how modern society operates, creating a truly rotten and horrible bastard child abortion. As humans, we seek power. We also seek to reproduce. These are things modern society seek to take from us. Power is not allowed to be exert because "that's evil:soy::soy::soy:" and only the state is allowed it's monopoly on violence. We seek dignity, et we are expected to live in pods, eat bugs and live as degenerates. We are not allowed reproduction, which is our instinct. For example they say "nooo having kids is bad think of the environment:soy::soy::soy:" and IT cucks constantly tell us "ummm sweaty it's actually not a need sex is just a want :soy::foidSoy:" even though women write online constantly about how they are going crazy because Chad didn't have sex with them for 2 months. Much of these antiquated terms are social constructs. "Love" as we know it did not even exist until about the 12th century, therefore as max Stirner might say, these are what he calls spooks. As well, humans are fundamentally selfish. Our neo-platonic and judeo-christian world obviously do not like these ideals, yet, no matter how much they ingrain these social constructs in our minds, they cannot beat human nature which is absolute. As Aldous Huxley once said, in the future, there will be a way of making people love their servitude, and to make them love dictatorship. Aldous Huxley's world in Brave New World is vastly different from that which is presented in 1984. Whereas 1984 is about absolute brute tyranny, Brave New World is about making us obedient through constant pleasure. And from experiments done on rats, it is observed that rewarding actions sticks much more than punishing them. We already live in the Brave New World prophesied by Aldous Huxley. 1984 is the tyrannical father, and Brave New World is the suffocating mother. These all serve the purpose of making us forget of the current. This leads to man-children who cannot accept the real world as suffering and must find ways to cope. Human nature is fundamentally incompatible with modern ideals and democracy, and it seems as if humanity, or at least, the west, might collapse under the weight of it all. This experiment, which began 2000 years ago with the slave revolt of morality which introduced the reign of Christianity, the wretched spawn of weak Jewish slaves, is seeming to be approaching its end, which might be the end of the western world as we know it. The birth rates are plummeting, there is heavy social unrest, the population is becoming older, the sexual revolution has exasperated every single one of these issues and in hypergamy in 2022 is already 90/10. If humanity crumbles,I do not see a single reason I should care. Humans have brought this upon themselves, and may they reap what they sow. I do not see hope for humanity, and I truly hope for a destruction of this stinking reeking foul bastard species. We have destroyed humankind in all ways but physical, it is time to pull the plug on this decaying cadaver. The more you think about these concepts, the less hope you have for humanity. The option for humanity that is both the most likely and the absolute scariest is the possibility that everything continues as it is. Everybody will continue their "lives" as they are, and everybody continues to ignore the growing all swallowing existential dread and nihilism. A truly scary concept. The best option is the one of a black holocaust for this swine species.

In my heart, one of the modern institutions of which I have the most absolute burning of hatred is that of psychology. This scum "science" has been abused and misused for all manner of deeds. To begin with, it is not a science. Anything that begins with people's own self assessment I do not consider a science at all. I do not believe in the concept of a mental illness. Absolutely not for a second. I do not care if some "I love science:soy::soy:" cuckold calls me whatever mental "illness" he found on WebMD. A psychologist is simply a woman who is paid to spew nonsense for an hour for $100. All they say is "well have you tried not thinking like that :foidSoy::soy:" and women and bluepilled cuckold will happily pay hundreds of dollars and say it's the cure to everything. It's all a scam by big pharma to sell you medication which doesn't work so they can earn money. Mental "illnesses" are different ways of seeing the world. "Schizophrenics" are simply people who are differently aware. Soy cucks will say esotericists are "schizophrenic" :foidSoy::soy:. It's all MKultra psyops to make you an obedient slave of society and turn you into a zombie with no capacity for free thought or life affirmation. When Nietzsche went "mad" I do not think he went mad in the slightest. He was simply aware of the world in a completely different way, what the Greeks called "divine mania". For example, before his "mental breakdown" he began playing the piano and singing in front of guests claiming himself as the Greek God dionysus. The psychological view of the world is the filthiest. Seeing humans as nothing more than a bunch of neurons shooting signals, as a less efficient machine, is the most horrifying and yet sickeningly common form of nihilism I can think of. And many therapists tend to be women, and as Nietzsche says, women who are genuinely interested in academia usually have something wrong with them or their sexuality. I have never been to a therapist or a psychologist and never will. I know for a fact that the government watches over all of you including me, so it's extremely important not to tell them anything. If you are ever forced with a psychiatrist, tell them absolutely nothing. Those scum wretched subhuman swine will use any excuse to have you locked up for being a "threat to yourself or others" or a free individual. Do not tell the government or authorities anything either. Call me a "conspiracy theorist :soy::foidSoy:" it's all true. MKultra never ended and is simply being continued through the internet. Death to this subhuman "science". They seem to think they know you better than yourself, these arrogant contemptious condescending vermin.

Overcoming Nihilism As An Incel.
This will perhaps be the most difficult for all of you reading this. As incels the "ldar" mindset is the one that seems natural to us. However, I advise all incels to go against this. As well, I do not understand why some incels are high inhib. You are an incel, you are hated by society, the government, and your family. Why do you care whatever they think of you? Do whatever you want. I advise all incels to remove themselves from society as much as they can. This dumb herd of society deserves none of our time and attention. Again, do not let people's words get to your head. They can burn in hell. I am not advising some "Redpill alpha male" nonsense, rather the opposite. The whole Redpill thing is a complete cope, by which below average men convince themselves they have a chance. What I am advising to absolutely be yourself and not to care what society thinks of you. If you do not have a chance in society, then do not participate in it. Realize the the. This society is rotten and you should choose not to participate in it. Rather this is the quintessential black pill of realizing the inevitable, that society hates us and that we must hate society back and physically and mentally move ourselves from it. If you call yourself blackpilled yet still care so much about what society thinks of your, you are a bluepilled cuckold. I am not saying something "sigma grind hustle all day bro" that vapid consumerist vanity is beyond me and should be beyond us. I am encouraging personal development (not the "redpill alpha self-improvement") and amor fati. Reveal the true artist within and focus your creative genius. Do not just accept your fate, but love it. Nietzsche himself had problems such as these. He was what we might call a proto cel. He proposed to his oneitis multiple times, and afterwards,he realized the true disgusting nature of women and realized he should never have proposed to that rotten whore and severed contact with her. He was extremely lonely, he was extremely sick, and often could barely stand. His father died when he was young and he had a terrible relationship with his mother and sister. He lived isolated in his chalet in Switzerland, barely getting by with what little money he had. However he absolutely loved his fate and never gave up on his life. I am not advocating the childish ideals of stoicism, such as "oh I can't reach those grapes well those grapes are probably sour anyway". We must realize ourselves and spit in the face of this rotten society which hates us anyway. To reject nihilism as an incel, you must love your fate. Amor fati. Amor fati is expressed through the eternal recurrence. The eternal recurrence is the belief that everything,over an infinite period of time, repeats itself. Nietzsche devised a thought experiment for this belief, that,imagine, one night a demon comes to you and tells you must live your life over and over again with everything being the same. To truly affirm life would be to tell the demon that you have never heard anything more divine and beautiful. A sad, pathetic person would curse the demon. Realize your fears and crush them. Beyond a "relationship" there is so much to this earthly existence and we must embrace it, the good and the bad. Life is fundamentally suffering, please and suffering are two sides of the same coin, desire. Christianity and modern society are both fundamentally nihilist, at least when it comes to our earthly existence. Do not let yourself be smit by their poison, and truly focus on awakening the flamen within yourself. I am not saying you will get a girlfriend or sex if you do what I say, I am saying you can still live your life in spite of all these hardships, and accepting these inevitable hardships we face as incels, and loving your fate. do not search for a happy life, search for a meaningful one. Affirm the blackpill and affirm life. We are above these collectivist mob swine of society.
I read all of it,high iq post brocel:feelsokman:
One of the most high IQ posts I have ever read…anywhere. Who are you? How have you acquired all of this truth?

Your writing will fall on deaf ears because ur speaking to monkeys that are the “last man” as you put it. They are content coping with soy anime Japanese culture.

But this post should be stickied if mods have any intelligence.

This is a nuclear truth bomb I am going to save every word of this to my notes because it is sourced from all the greatest minds and philosophers from history.

Do you believe as an incel - guitarmaxxing and being homeless is the ideal man? I am on the verge of that fate but I choose to suicide instead.

And you are correct about “mental illness”. I have never seen someone articulate that so well. I knew it to be the truth after years of attempting to use this “help”. It’s all :bluepill: cuckery And lies.
True,this post deserves to be pinned
Nietzsche is wrong about the source of slave morality, if not its outcomes. One of the biggest problems that the pre-modern philosophers had, which you misguidedly seem to endorse, is in fact their ignorance concerning the link between observed human behavior and the human brain as well as DNA. Humans are, whether you like it or not, a collection of neurons firing back and forth and neurotransmitters being absorbed. That is the reason why a bullet, a chunk of metal, can end every thought, every feeling, every memory you're currently having and ever had as it shreds all of your gray matter and neural pathways in its trajectory. Not even just as a result of death, if you don't die from it, then you can suffer and infinite variety of brain damage. Likewise a lobotomy can render your entire personality void.

Overtly superstitious individuals like Nietzsche who were still invested in the religious concept of some supernatural 'soul' or ether where 'wills' are floating around without relation to the brain, and had very little knowledge about neurology besides, therefore preferred to ignore that aspect and instead engage in 'tabula rasa' fallacies about what type of inherent spirit guides all men.

The principles of slave morality can be feigned by impulsive, animalistic and savage low-IQ normies in positions of inferiority in order to gain power and turn around their personality wholesale as soon as they do, however, true altruism or kindness are inborn, genetic traits that can manifest either in masters or in slaves. Some slaves would sell out others to advance, other slaves would sacrifice themselves first. Some masters were brutal, others were known for their tolerance or piety even when conflicting with their own interests. It is true that those with 'master morality', or what a modern psychologist would call sociopaths ( Which actually constitute the majority of neurotypicals in ascending degrees ) are more likely to reach and occupy positions of materialistic power, because they value it above all else.

But the politeness and compassion that informs the more complex ideals of those who would embrace the 'slave morality' do not always stem from resentment not just because of the discrepancies I outlined above, but because they can literally be observed in human babies and even animals like dogs. There are studies showing that some babies will always steal other's toys, push them, act aggressively, etc, while other babies are calm and non-confrontational. The same is true of animal offspring, even dog puppies can behave differently. You know why? The neurons. DNA encoding.

Ironically, by denying empirical reality, you and Nietzsche are engaging in self-assessment psychology, making up myopic conjectures about the motivation underpinning slave morality, when it is actually purely biological. Psychologists actually never deal in neurology at all, or any hard science for that matter - they just spout platitudes or "study" surface-level behaviors and outcomes while giving their individual faulty interpretations. Psychiatrists do claim various vague scientific premises, but they're hacks - they just invent medical theories without any empirical verification ( Unlike other medical professions ) that end up getting debunked, and their sole purpose is to crack down on undesirables and shill drugs for their own benefit.

Lastly, you advocate the rejection of Nihilism, the ultimate truth, without much argument as to why. Why should you love your fate? How did Nietzsche 'never give up on his life'? He died the same way he would've as a Nihilist. Nothing about the fundamental nature of the universe changed as a result, which is the foundation of Nihilism, ergo Nihilism won out yet again.
I feel like Kirito in the best anime, Sword Art Online
> “A psychologist is simply a woman who is paid to spew nonsense for an hour for $100. All they say is "well have you tried not thinking like that :foidSoy::soy:" and women and bluepilled cuckold will happily pay hundreds of dollars and say it's the cure to everything. It's all a scam by big pharma to sell you medication which doesn't work so they can earn money.”

Absolutely based and well put, therapy in general is dominated by women who think themselves some sort of geniuses when they literally just listen to people complain then lie to them and try to manipulate them into being a good little NPC that believes “the message” for big bucks. No reason to waste money on therapy. At the very least you need a based male psychologist if there’s any hope of them understanding where you’re coming from (and that’s gotta the rarest thing on earth).
For anyone reading this, I wish I could have edited this post. I didn't do the formatting too well.
How do you escape from society? The only way I can think of is moving to rural area with low population density, or becoming a homeless vagrant. And then cut yourself off from as many worldly material things as you possibly can, focusing instead on the divine spiritual things.
I will preface this by saying that, I am not open for arguing. If you disagree I don't care, arguing is for slaves and children. I do not care for your opinion if you are here to argue with me.

I want to compile the concepts that I have used in the few posts I have made as of yet.

This will be somewhat of a philosophical essay, with the concepts somewhat intertwined.

Important Phrases
Somewhat of a preface to the main essays. This will define some phrases and concepts for those not engrossed in this area of philosophy.

The Will To Power
The will to power, is the fundamental of existence. All plants, animals, and fungi share this will to power. This will is distinctive from the Schopenhauerian will to life, which considers that all beings have a will to life that includes the belief in a Hinterwelt, the belief that this earthly world is the false one (called the representation in Schopenhauers works) of the will, which is depicted as the true world, superior to this world. The will to power is instead the belief that all creatures have a will to power, power over oneself and others. This power is not necessarily conquest or dispute, but often manifests itself as so. It is an irrational force found in all.

Slave Morality
Slave morality is the dominant form of morality in the west and across most of the world since the adoption of Christianity by emperor Constantine of the Roman empire nearly 2000 years ago. The slave morality is characterized by a scale of actions rated as "good" or "evil". The actions named as good by morality are kindness, forgiveness, altruism, and politeness. These all stem from weakness, and the will to power. A slave cannot exert power directly, therefore he must, for example, plead or argue with his master. This is an anti-natural morality, and goes against basic human instinct. This also stems from ressentiment, or, the resentment a slave feels against his master.

Master Morality
Master morality is the counterpoint to slave morality. This is the morality that considers independence, nobility, and freedom to be good. This is characterized by a simple "good" or "bad" characterization of actions. Good is that which is good for you, bad is that which is not good for you. The master morality is the morality of the strong willed, and those easily able to exert power. An example of this is torture. When torturing somebody for their actions, the master does not care. He wants to get it finished and over with. His cruelty is a natural one. The slave, on the other hand, wants to see them suffer, to "pay" for their actions, the slave wants to bring them to "justice" out of resentment.

The Übermensch

The Übermensch is the ideal human being. As told in Nietzsches magnum opus, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the protagonist, a hermit named Zarathustra emerges from his solitude in the mountains, and enters a town, where he sees a crowd waiting for a tight rope walker. He tells the crowd of their fate and the fate of humanity after the death of God, and that they must accept the ideas of the Übermensch. The ideals of the Übermensch are independence, solitude from the herd, the creation of one own moral values, truly becoming who one is, and artistic expression. The Übermensch is an idealized version of oneself, and has overcome humanity, therefore it is somewhat of an unreachable goal, something Zarathustra acknowledges, as he tells the crowd that they are to be bridges for the übermensch and that man is something to be overcome. Examples of figures considered to be closest to the Übermensch are Napoleon, Julius Caesar, and Goethe. The Übermensch can best be thought of as a warrior and an artist. The Übermensch is above humanity. The Übermensch is beyond both the master and the slave.

The Last Man
As Zarathustra tells the crowd of these ideals of the Übermensch, they taunt and mock him and his ideas. He is saddened by this, and thinks of something to scare the crowd. He tells them of the last man. The last man is what we are living, and he is the average person in today's world, following the death of God. Following God's death, humanity has lost all faith. As much derision and violent hatred as is to be said for Christianity, it was the dominant ideology for 2000 years in the west, and following its death, God, who was seen as the one true source of all values, died as well, leaving an empty void. After this, man becomes extremely nihilist, believing in absolutely nothing at all. The last man cannot think, he is simply motivated by animalistic simplistic pleasures such as junk food. He watches Netflix, he does absolutely nothing all day, he hates his job and his entire life. He has no point in existing, and is the antithesis of the Übermensch. When Zarathustra tells the crowd of this chilling future that awaits them, they laugh at him yet again, and mock him, asking him when this supposed last man will come.

The Sexual Revolution & The Post-Modern World
in the 1960s and 70s, with the advent of the hippie culture, as high school and college students across the west were campaigning against the traditional values that had ruled for millenia, something dark was brewing. The hippie culture was the personification of slave morality, personified by it's radical ressentiment and the violent hatred of the old ways, replaced with the weak slave values of "love" and "kindness". This lead to the sexual revolution, leaving women, who previously had no freedoms, suddenly able to exert all of their animalistic caveman lusts and desires (which naturally go for looks). This led to rapid promiscuity and hypergamy, which is only getting worse and worse. Contrary to tradcuck belief, this didn't happen beforehand not due to "muh pure trad wahmen", but due to the fact that women faced extreme restrictions in who they were able to select, and with extreme communal shaming for whorish acts considered normal today. This movement was begun by the baby boomers, the worst and most sickening generation of our time. They are the disgusting idealists, idiotic herds incapable of free thought, who sacrificed all dignity, humanity, and life affirmation for simple pleasure. They were the first generation of last men, and through their rugged support of consumer capitalism, vomit inducing "art" and collectivism they have come to doom our generation, which they complain as being "lazy" and "entitled". They had to work for absolutely nothing, these rotten swine. They used all manner of opiods to cope with and dull all the pain of life. Life is fundamentally suffering, and we should accept it and accept suffering, and use it to sculpt ourselves, instead of the Schopenhauerian belief that we should avoid it. Their ideal world is an unrealistic perfect one, as all slave worlds tend to be. With the death of God, there was nothing to dull the pain. No promise of an afterlife or a place in heaven, so the baby boomers engaged in reckless nihilism and hatred for life, and the sexual revolution was born from this idiotic vermin ideal of "equality", "feminism", and "democracy", which is the vermin slave way of bringing everybody down to their own level, meaning all men must be mediocre. Despite their delusional belief, men and women are fundamentally different, with women being the most contemptible personification of slave morality, naturally born slaves, incapable of friendship, collectivist, and incapable of artistic thought. The solution to all of woman's problems is and always will be pregnancy. As for the post-modern world, all of humanity has been degraded. We claim to be "progressive" yet we are only going further in the direction of caveman slave instincts. These include a bad conscience and guilt, emotions and feelings not felt by the strong. The state is the fundamental way of enslaving man. Man is the most domesticated of all creatures, and therefore the most sickening of all species, as much as our modern "enlightened" "scientific" world wants us to believe we are the perfect species at the top of the world. The domestication of man, truly one of the worst events of our history. This allowed civilization, but at the costliest of trade offs. In our post-modern world, the last man reigns supreme, and there is one shepherd with no herd. The world of today is one of mindlessness and death anxiety. As people are afraid of death, they need opiods such as video games, fast food, or Netflix to cope with this fundamental state of all things. This had its counterpart in th Christian ideal of heaven. An Übermensch accepts his death, and seeks not to prevent or forget of his mortality as the last man, nor believes in the afterlife of Christianity. The Übermensch leaves these childish fears at the door, and accepts his fate. In our modern world, there is no place for culture and art, and instead the mindless "science" cult of pseudo-intellectual cretins ("studies say":soy:). There is no point of existing for the last man in this modern world, he simply "lives" pointless nihilism. He does not see the beauty in this world, and as a result of this, there is no beauty in this world for him, and he seeks to destroy all beauty and replace it with grey ugliness. He is severely emasculated, living in his tiny apartment, with his wife whom he betabuxxes, working his sickening office job that makes even him want to throw up, to buy things he does not even want for a family he hates. His masculinity is gone, torn apart by the combination of modern slave morality in the form of "feminism" "democracy" and the state. As much as many deny it, all of our modern morality stems from Christianity at the root. Democracy as it is is simply secular Christianity, but a more disgusting and rotten version, if you will, the decomposing corpse of Christianity. The modern world has given all concepts a grey and bleak dry definition. "Time" does not truly mean what it is, but in a post-Kantian post-Cartesian post-modern world time is simply is just what we use to calculate how fast it takes for NASA to send a probe to Jupiter. Health is no longer its true meaning, the ability to be sick, rather it is the hyper-clinical definition of whatever is going on in your organs. Of all the most "comical" contradictions of our current world, the so called "individualists" and "anarchists" who led the hippie movement were the most radical collectivists and conformists of their time. They believed in absolutely nothing. The manifestation of the sickness and the plague that is existential nihilism. They had no true visions, no artistic beliefs. All of it stemmed from their brain dead childish toddler like image of a perfect world devoid of the dark suffering, pain, and reality of life. Of course as well, the boiling ressentiment for all the well established social institutions of their time. But this was revolt for revolts sake. Every counter-cultural movement before had it's intellectuals. The romanticists had their poet in Blake, their playwright in Goethe, their philosopher in Schopenhauer, and their musician in Wagner. This was simply animalistic destruction for animalistic destruction sake. Our culture has become decedent, and since Socrates poisoned Greek society millenia ago, it has been decadent. The most truly noble of all cultures, the ideal cultures, the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. When cruelty has no other external enemies to target, it targets itself, becoming decadence. Art itself has become commercial. The horrible modern "art" industry which is all just a money laundering scheme anyway, the music industry I don't need explain, and worst of all, cinema. Once a novel and interesting idea of conveying methods beyond traditional "static" art, it is now possibly the most commercialized product together with food. Possibly the only art remaining untouched from the degenerate degrading hands of commercialization is poetry.

Art should not be sold as a product like Coca-Cola!

The Fundamental Human Nature
The fundamental human nature is now in a heavy clash. The domestication at the hands of the state, the slavery of democracy and liberalism, and the fundamental human nature itself. Examples include guilt. Humans are unique in the way that we are the only animal capable of making promises. If we are able to keep promises, we gain pride. If we are unable to keep promises, we gain guilt and a bad conscience. Human nature is fundamentally at odds with how modern society operates, creating a truly rotten and horrible bastard child abortion. As humans, we seek power. We also seek to reproduce. These are things modern society seek to take from us. Power is not allowed to be exert because "that's evil:soy::soy::soy:" and only the state is allowed it's monopoly on violence. We seek dignity, et we are expected to live in pods, eat bugs and live as degenerates. We are not allowed reproduction, which is our instinct. For example they say "nooo having kids is bad think of the environment:soy::soy::soy:" and IT cucks constantly tell us "ummm sweaty it's actually not a need sex is just a want :soy::foidSoy:" even though women write online constantly about how they are going crazy because Chad didn't have sex with them for 2 months. Much of these antiquated terms are social constructs. "Love" as we know it did not even exist until about the 12th century, therefore as max Stirner might say, these are what he calls spooks. As well, humans are fundamentally selfish. Our neo-platonic and judeo-christian world obviously do not like these ideals, yet, no matter how much they ingrain these social constructs in our minds, they cannot beat human nature which is absolute. As Aldous Huxley once said, in the future, there will be a way of making people love their servitude, and to make them love dictatorship. Aldous Huxley's world in Brave New World is vastly different from that which is presented in 1984. Whereas 1984 is about absolute brute tyranny, Brave New World is about making us obedient through constant pleasure. And from experiments done on rats, it is observed that rewarding actions sticks much more than punishing them. We already live in the Brave New World prophesied by Aldous Huxley. 1984 is the tyrannical father, and Brave New World is the suffocating mother. These all serve the purpose of making us forget of the current. This leads to man-children who cannot accept the real world as suffering and must find ways to cope. Human nature is fundamentally incompatible with modern ideals and democracy, and it seems as if humanity, or at least, the west, might collapse under the weight of it all. This experiment, which began 2000 years ago with the slave revolt of morality which introduced the reign of Christianity, the wretched spawn of weak Jewish slaves, is seeming to be approaching its end, which might be the end of the western world as we know it. The birth rates are plummeting, there is heavy social unrest, the population is becoming older, the sexual revolution has exasperated every single one of these issues and in hypergamy in 2022 is already 90/10. If humanity crumbles,I do not see a single reason I should care. Humans have brought this upon themselves, and may they reap what they sow. I do not see hope for humanity, and I truly hope for a destruction of this stinking reeking foul bastard species. We have destroyed humankind in all ways but physical, it is time to pull the plug on this decaying cadaver. The more you think about these concepts, the less hope you have for humanity. The option for humanity that is both the most likely and the absolute scariest is the possibility that everything continues as it is. Everybody will continue their "lives" as they are, and everybody continues to ignore the growing all swallowing existential dread and nihilism. A truly scary concept. The best option is the one of a black holocaust for this swine species.

In my heart, one of the modern institutions of which I have the most absolute burning of hatred is that of psychology. This scum "science" has been abused and misused for all manner of deeds. To begin with, it is not a science. Anything that begins with people's own self assessment I do not consider a science at all. I do not believe in the concept of a mental illness. Absolutely not for a second. I do not care if some "I love science:soy::soy:" cuckold calls me whatever mental "illness" he found on WebMD. A psychologist is simply a woman who is paid to spew nonsense for an hour for $100. All they say is "well have you tried not thinking like that :foidSoy::soy:" and women and bluepilled cuckold will happily pay hundreds of dollars and say it's the cure to everything. It's all a scam by big pharma to sell you medication which doesn't work so they can earn money. Mental "illnesses" are different ways of seeing the world. "Schizophrenics" are simply people who are differently aware. Soy cucks will say esotericists are "schizophrenic" :foidSoy::soy:. It's all MKultra psyops to make you an obedient slave of society and turn you into a zombie with no capacity for free thought or life affirmation. When Nietzsche went "mad" I do not think he went mad in the slightest. He was simply aware of the world in a completely different way, what the Greeks called "divine mania". For example, before his "mental breakdown" he began playing the piano and singing in front of guests claiming himself as the Greek God dionysus. The psychological view of the world is the filthiest. Seeing humans as nothing more than a bunch of neurons shooting signals, as a less efficient machine, is the most horrifying and yet sickeningly common form of nihilism I can think of. And many therapists tend to be women, and as Nietzsche says, women who are genuinely interested in academia usually have something wrong with them or their sexuality. I have never been to a therapist or a psychologist and never will. I know for a fact that the government watches over all of you including me, so it's extremely important not to tell them anything. If you are ever forced with a psychiatrist, tell them absolutely nothing. Those scum wretched subhuman swine will use any excuse to have you locked up for being a "threat to yourself or others" or a free individual. Do not tell the government or authorities anything either. Call me a "conspiracy theorist :soy::foidSoy:" it's all true. MKultra never ended and is simply being continued through the internet. Death to this subhuman "science". They seem to think they know you better than yourself, these arrogant contemptious condescending vermin.

Overcoming Nihilism As An Incel.
This will perhaps be the most difficult for all of you reading this. As incels the "ldar" mindset is the one that seems natural to us. However, I advise all incels to go against this. As well, I do not understand why some incels are high inhib. You are an incel, you are hated by society, the government, and your family. Why do you care whatever they think of you? Do whatever you want. I advise all incels to remove themselves from society as much as they can. This dumb herd of society deserves none of our time and attention. Again, do not let people's words get to your head. They can burn in hell. I am not advising some "Redpill alpha male" nonsense, rather the opposite. The whole Redpill thing is a complete cope, by which below average men convince themselves they have a chance. What I am advising to absolutely be yourself and not to care what society thinks of you. If you do not have a chance in society, then do not participate in it. Realize the the. This society is rotten and you should choose not to participate in it. Rather this is the quintessential black pill of realizing the inevitable, that society hates us and that we must hate society back and physically and mentally move ourselves from it. If you call yourself blackpilled yet still care so much about what society thinks of your, you are a bluepilled cuckold. I am not saying something "sigma grind hustle all day bro" that vapid consumerist vanity is beyond me and should be beyond us. I am encouraging personal development (not the "redpill alpha self-improvement") and amor fati. Reveal the true artist within and focus your creative genius. Do not just accept your fate, but love it. Nietzsche himself had problems such as these. He was what we might call a proto cel. He proposed to his oneitis multiple times, and afterwards,he realized the true disgusting nature of women and realized he should never have proposed to that rotten whore and severed contact with her. He was extremely lonely, he was extremely sick, and often could barely stand. His father died when he was young and he had a terrible relationship with his mother and sister. He lived isolated in his chalet in Switzerland, barely getting by with what little money he had. However he absolutely loved his fate and never gave up on his life. I am not advocating the childish ideals of stoicism, such as "oh I can't reach those grapes well those grapes are probably sour anyway". We must realize ourselves and spit in the face of this rotten society which hates us anyway. To reject nihilism as an incel, you must love your fate. Amor fati. Amor fati is expressed through the eternal recurrence. The eternal recurrence is the belief that everything,over an infinite period of time, repeats itself. Nietzsche devised a thought experiment for this belief, that,imagine, one night a demon comes to you and tells you must live your life over and over again with everything being the same. To truly affirm life would be to tell the demon that you have never heard anything more divine and beautiful. A sad, pathetic person would curse the demon. Realize your fears and crush them. Beyond a "relationship" there is so much to this earthly existence and we must embrace it, the good and the bad. Life is fundamentally suffering, please and suffering are two sides of the same coin, desire. Christianity and modern society are both fundamentally nihilist, at least when it comes to our earthly existence. Do not let yourself be smit by their poison, and truly focus on awakening the flamen within yourself. I am not saying you will get a girlfriend or sex if you do what I say, I am saying you can still live your life in spite of all these hardships, and accepting these inevitable hardships we face as incels, and loving your fate. do not search for a happy life, search for a meaningful one. Affirm the blackpill and affirm life. We are above these collectivist mob swine of society.
High iq post
Schopenhauer was right in that suffering is to be avoided. Did not read anything past your refusal of this fact.
Based Schopenhauer, i really enjoyed "on women" and "on the suffering of the world".

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