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SuicideFuel The day I knew I had 0 chance at getting any foid



Mar 24, 2024
Tl;dr below

After that event, I legit decided to go committ suicide but ended up not doing it.u

So this happened a few years ago when I was younger and still bought into the blue-pill BS.

I used to hang out in these "Day Game"/"Night game" groups where we'd randomly approach foids in order to get their numbers or hook up (not that it ever worked out for me). I really thought I had any chance seeing that normies and chads were successful... Well, the following event would teach me just how wrong I was...

Some chads/normies talked about doing some night game on the WhatsApp group on some Saturday in August and I decided I'd tag along. We started it off by meeting at a bar in order to chat a bit before going at it. Already then, the other normies/chads were visibly disgusted by me, ignored me, avoided looking at me, but didn't say anything directly. We readied up and got going to approach foids on the streets. Some were successful, some were not and I was, if that's possible, scoring negative points in the sense that my presence made foids avoid the other guys.

At some point, some chad (we'll call him chad 1 for now) I knew quite well decided to go off on his own. The larger group eventually split into several smaller groups and I was luring around together with another chad (2). We're walking around, I'm freaking out girls, he's exchanging sexual looks with them but nothing happens. At some point, chad 1 calls to tell us that he's met two foids, he's flirting with one of them and they're looking for someone to hook up with the other one—for clarification, he was flirting with Stacey and normiefloid (Becky) was on her own which she didn't like because Stacey was flirting which Chad and she was third-wheeling. So anyways Chad 2 and I go over and she approaches both of us, visibly excited at the prospects of hooking up with Chad 2.

I wasn't going to allow that. Seeing that chad 2 was kind of shy I seized the opportunity and pushed him away (metaphorically speaking) and talked to her. He left quite immediately, she was "stuck" with me. We sat next to couple 1 and talked, she seemed to enjoy the intelectual conversation, but not the prospects of getting it on with me lol.
At some point the four of us leave and meet some guys from the larger group in front of a club. I talk to some people she stands there, looking for somebody that seems available and then dead-end looks me in the eyes with smirking disgust, saying "I think tonight I should get really fucking drunk, like I mean proper fucking shitfaced". (Probably at the prospects of imagining the horror of hooking up with me...)

Stacey and chad (previously chad 1) decide to go to a club, Becky wants to go, too and I reluctantly tagged along (what a fucking cuck I was). We're walking and I try to initiate some flirts, which she blocks off. I try holding her hand which plays along with for the sole reason of us being surrounded by a bunch of angry-looking guys and her not wanting to seem like easy fucking foidprey.

At some point, they open a conversation about some basic topic and I asked what they were talking about (not having heard the whole conversation because I was experiencing catastrophic levels of emotional damage). Becky looks at me and says "you just made yourself even less attractive than before" to which Stacey laughingly replies "even less attractive than before?! How's that possible?" (Backstory, at some point we went to a toilet and Becky and Stacey talked to each other in there, it's probably at that point that Becky told Stacey she thought I was fucking ugly or some shit). My fucking jaw dropped open at that very moment, I think even Chad might have been giggling about it. Being the cuck I was, I still went along with them. From that point on they left out no opportunity to make fun of me.

*Throughout our walk, Chad and Stacey were making out, playing stupid ritual mating games and having the fun of their lives.

We finally arrive at said club and enter. Foids intially dancing together distancing themselves from us. Without going into details, Chad and Stacey end up back together making out heavily while I am roaming about in the club by myself, knowing that I had 0 chance of hooking up with Becky.

At some point, I met some normie (really nice guy) and started talking to him (he was wearing a nice, expensive watch). Suddenly, guess who appears next to us? Fucking Becky.

I figure to myself: "wow, I do have a chance, after all" and put my hand around her shoulder. She steps away and says "Listen, [my name] you're a really nice guy but definitely not my type." And I stand there fucking flabbergasted while SHE LITERALLY STARTS FLIRTING WITH THE GUY WEARING THE EXPENSIVE WATCH WHOM I HAD BEEN TALKING TO FIRST.

LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? That fucking whore was using me because she wanted to get reiled and didn't know how to tell a random guy out of the blue that she will deephroat his dick after he fucks her anal.

Thankfully, the guy read the room and sided with me, ignoring her. I left, she stayed. An hour or so later I still saw her trying to get the attention from some random guy, which was kind of funny.

Tl;dr: Chad hooked up with Stacey and her friend Becky was jealous so was looking for a guy to hook up with. Chad called me and another Chad so she could have her fun, I took her chance at Chad 2 away and ended up going with Chad, Stacey and Becky to a club. During the whole time, Becky was being a literal cunt-whore-bitch foid towards me and ended up rejecting me in front of some guy whom I was talking to, intiating flirt with him.
At least you tried gray fag, at least you tried
The guy you met at the club is the only one with some dignity. Why would you want to "hook up" with a girl who said you were ugly? I'd rather die incel than give a hole the right to disrespect me.
The guy you met at the club is the only one with some dignity. Why would you want to "hook up" with a girl who said you were ugly? I'd rather die incel than give a hole the right to disrespect me.
Chad was an asshole too.

Not like I ever had a chance with hooking up with maxxwhore foid but I agree: IF U had the chance, I would not have done it. Dignity is important.
I always avoid tagging along. How tall are you?
That whole thing sounded incredibly degrading and awkward. Even if you were a normie with decent chances I think it still would be. The whole idea of hookup culture needs to die in hell, along with the faggots who created it (literally, homosexuals started this kind of thing and somehow it spread to heterosexuals).
Tl;dr below

After that event, I legit decided to go committ suicide but ended up not doing it.u

So this happened a few years ago when I was younger and still bought into the blue-pill BS.

I used to hang out in these "Day Game"/"Night game" groups where we'd randomly approach foids in order to get their numbers or hook up (not that it ever worked out for me). I really thought I had any chance seeing that normies and chads were successful... Well, the following event would teach me just how wrong I was...

Some chads/normies talked about doing some night game on the WhatsApp group on some Saturday in August and I decided I'd tag along. We started it off by meeting at a bar in order to chat a bit before going at it. Already then, the other normies/chads were visibly disgusted by me, ignored me, avoided looking at me, but didn't say anything directly. We readied up and got going to approach foids on the streets. Some were successful, some were not and I was, if that's possible, scoring negative points in the sense that my presence made foids avoid the other guys.

At some point, some chad (we'll call him chad 1 for now) I knew quite well decided to go off on his own. The larger group eventually split into several smaller groups and I was luring around together with another chad (2). We're walking around, I'm freaking out girls, he's exchanging sexual looks with them but nothing happens. At some point, chad 1 calls to tell us that he's met two foids, he's flirting with one of them and they're looking for someone to hook up with the other one—for clarification, he was flirting with Stacey and normiefloid (Becky) was on her own which she didn't like because Stacey was flirting which Chad and she was third-wheeling. So anyways Chad 2 and I go over and she approaches both of us, visibly excited at the prospects of hooking up with Chad 2.

I wasn't going to allow that. Seeing that chad 2 was kind of shy I seized the opportunity and pushed him away (metaphorically speaking) and talked to her. He left quite immediately, she was "stuck" with me. We sat next to couple 1 and talked, she seemed to enjoy the intelectual conversation, but not the prospects of getting it on with me lol.
At some point the four of us leave and meet some guys from the larger group in front of a club. I talk to some people she stands there, looking for somebody that seems available and then dead-end looks me in the eyes with smirking disgust, saying "I think tonight I should get really fucking drunk, like I mean proper fucking shitfaced". (Probably at the prospects of imagining the horror of hooking up with me...)

Stacey and chad (previously chad 1) decide to go to a club, Becky wants to go, too and I reluctantly tagged along (what a fucking cuck I was). We're walking and I try to initiate some flirts, which she blocks off. I try holding her hand which plays along with for the sole reason of us being surrounded by a bunch of angry-looking guys and her not wanting to seem like easy fucking foidprey.

At some point, they open a conversation about some basic topic and I asked what they were talking about (not having heard the whole conversation because I was experiencing catastrophic levels of emotional damage). Becky looks at me and says "you just made yourself even less attractive than before" to which Stacey laughingly replies "even less attractive than before?! How's that possible?" (Backstory, at some point we went to a toilet and Becky and Stacey talked to each other in there, it's probably at that point that Becky told Stacey she thought I was fucking ugly or some shit). My fucking jaw dropped open at that very moment, I think even Chad might have been giggling about it. Being the cuck I was, I still went along with them. From that point on they left out no opportunity to make fun of me.

*Throughout our walk, Chad and Stacey were making out, playing stupid ritual mating games and having the fun of their lives.

We finally arrive at said club and enter. Foids intially dancing together distancing themselves from us. Without going into details, Chad and Stacey end up back together making out heavily while I am roaming about in the club by myself, knowing that I had 0 chance of hooking up with Becky.

At some point, I met some normie (really nice guy) and started talking to him (he was wearing a nice, expensive watch). Suddenly, guess who appears next to us? Fucking Becky.

I figure to myself: "wow, I do have a chance, after all" and put my hand around her shoulder. She steps away and says "Listen, [my name] you're a really nice guy but definitely not my type." And I stand there fucking flabbergasted while SHE LITERALLY STARTS FLIRTING WITH THE GUY WEARING THE EXPENSIVE WATCH WHOM I HAD BEEN TALKING TO FIRST.

LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? That fucking whore was using me because she wanted to get reiled and didn't know how to tell a random guy out of the blue that she will deephroat his dick after he fucks her anal.

Thankfully, the guy read the room and sided with me, ignoring her. I left, she stayed. An hour or so later I still saw her trying to get the attention from some random guy, which was kind of funny.

Tl;dr: Chad hooked up with Stacey and her friend Becky was jealous so was looking for a guy to hook up with. Chad called me and another Chad so she could have her fun, I took her chance at Chad 2 away and ended up going with Chad, Stacey and Becky to a club. During the whole time, Becky was being a literal cunt-whore-bitch foid towards me and ended up rejecting me in front of some guy whom I was talking to, intiating flirt with him.
I have learned that Chad and normie men are much more human, and empathetic than FOID be it stacy, becky or Karen and I don't give a shit what this forum thinks. For example that normie man who ignored becky, is a good man who knew how to put himself in your shoes, and his gender loyalty, respect and empathy for you speaks for itself. On the other hand, becky, with whom you spent much more time with, was a son of a bitch at all times, being that you were always very kind and warm towards her.
I have learned that Chad and normie men are much more human, and empathetic than FOID be it stacy, becky or Karen and I don't give a shit what this forum thinks. For example that normie man who ignored becky, is a good man who knew how to put himself in your shoes, and his gender loyalty, respect and empathy for you speaks for itself. On the other hand, becky, with whom you spent much more time with, was a son of a bitch at all times, being that you were always very kind and warm towards her.
This is actually really true.

But mind you, I was also called ugly by normies/chads before
This is actually really true.

But mind you, I was also called ugly by normies/chads before
Did you go with lookmaxxing and your highest potential to that club? Even an incel can automatically move up 1 point if he/she invests hours in skin care, hair, good clothing and acceptable play.

Don't call me a blue pill for saying this, but it's true. Although I am aware that facial bones are everything.
Did you go with lookmaxxing and your highest potential to that club? Even an incel can automatically move up 1 point if he/she invests hours in skin care, hair, good clothing and acceptable play.

Don't call me a blue pill for saying this, but it's true. Although I am aware that facial bones are everything.
Nope, I didn't.

Wouldn't have made a difference
Also I am overweight, only demi-NT and my eyes are probably too close to each other in addition to having a big nose, a receeding hairline, a disgusting mole on my face and crooked teeth
100% - Ascended
Ugly, simple as that
In any case something similar happened to me brocel, so don't feel miserably alone. I've been to a lot of nightclubs and my success rate is negative number. The only ones I have been able to ascend with have been land whales. Brutal. Becky always rejects me and stacy ignores me.
In any case something similar happened to me brocel, so don't feel miserably alone. I've been to a lot of nightclubs and my success rate is negative number. The only ones I have been able to ascend with have been land whales. Brutal. Becky always rejects me and stacy ignores me.
You ascended???
Also I am overweight, only demi-NT and my eyes are probably too close to each other in addition to having a big nose, a receeding hairline, a disgusting mole on my face and crooked teeth
All correctable in the 21st century except for the subhuman trait of eyes together.
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Ruthless experience! Summer time is when people are more honest and in heat for sexo. :feelsree:
Damn at least you had the balls to try, and not only that but to muscle Chad out of the way.

And you got invited to go looking for random holes with normies and chads n the first place.

You're already infinitely better off than everyone else here. But alas it doesn't matter; your inceldom is just a fact of the universe, fait accompli.

The few times I've tried to go to bars and pick up holes they've looked at and treated me with sheer hatred and repulsion.

It's fun to just go get shitfaced and mouth off to them though lol
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Damn at least you had the balls to try, and not only that but to muscle Chad out of the way.

And you got invited to go looking for random holes with normies and chads n the first place.

You're already infinitely better off than everyone else here. But alas it doesn't matter; your inceldom is just a fact of the universe, fait accompli.

The few times I've tried to go to bars and pick up holes they've looked at and treated me with sheer hatred and repulsion.

It's fun to just go get shitfaced and mouth off to them though lol
I didn't get invited per se lol I just went to the event, it's not like they were going to reject me, especially when their blue-pill philosphy is that no one is too ugly

Chads need to be punished. Honestly I'd do it again (just to punish Chad and either Becky or Stacey)

I get treated with hate all the time even by my own fucking family on my birthdays...
You have more balls than some inkwels on here that have anxiety approaching femtards.
im glad i was never this bluepilled

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