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There will be no White uprising. Get over it.

no chance likely it will be baltic cunts

great thread @Made in Heaven i will make pheno thread after my return maybe even today if i will have mood

this will also includes topics as ethnic nationalism and autism maybe even as offtopic
I want to fuck the aryan whore in your pfp so bad

If you say so. But most europeans have trouble telling that I'm arab. Hell, even I have trouble sometimes. Just 3 minutes ago, I saw some hijabai with blue eyes while in the elevator. I couldn't tell if she was a white muslim or just a blue eyed syrian or something

no i reallt havent. Even when i lived in a town that was lik 90% white, i didnt feel like a racial alien

Who is we?

I live in canada fyi not america

Irish people in Britain may be discriminated by anglos, I don't deny that. But most white Americans are Euromutts. Most White Americans don't even seem to be able to tell when someone is mixed or not.

And yes, I do agree that even among whites there is a tier list. A blonde blue eyed nord is obviously more white than a swarthy mediterranean

Race is what Americans care about. Not religioun. Stop your retarded cope. You are not American because you are not white

jfl did you forget what site youre on, you deranged faggot? Most of us will be dying alone

It's the case with every race, yes, glad you agree.

The best looking arabs have more white dna (Syrians)
The best looking indians have more white dna (Afghans)
The best looking asians have more white dna (Turks)
The best looking blacks have more white dna (African American)

Arabs look better than Indians, benefits or whatever it is you're yapping about, is irrelevant

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Yes I do realise that afghans have a lot of Indian ancestry

That is why they don’t look typical pajeet

Some studies confirmed that they have the same South Indian genetics found in all curries albeit in low concentrations

So I fully agree that afghans are whiter indians

Back in high school, this Azeri white skinned Persian girl (from Iran) mentioned to me that there are people that look like me In Iran (curry looking Iranians) - she’s obviously saying there’s uglier Iranians who look curry
Yeah dude's an absolute nutcase. Arabs aren't actually bad people at all but this dude is way in his own ass. "I have ginger beard I have white skin". Umm okay ? Am I supposed to suck your dick ? Is that what you want you faggot ?:feelskek:
i saw his photos imo he is white passing
There is no "look the best" a pretty Indian girl might look better than an ugly white girl in a given situation.
Stop coping. Both Indian men and woman are seen as ugly by everyone else. This is beneficial for us and will only increase our endogamy even more.

@Made in Heaven isn't even wrong in his most of his points. Indian are uglier than Arabs like he claim but all. Malformed subhumans like himself can't claim supremacy over others.
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Came for white brah reactions to their demise and instead got 10 pages of subhuman sand niggers spamming their ugly subhuman mongrel "white Arabs" lol
There definitely won’t be an incel revolution but at some point governments of western countries will be triggered with low birth rates and this long term economical downfall and maybe just maybe they will finally bring up this problem

In this thread, I will be overgoing why White people will never rebel. No, there will be no uprising. No, there will be no day of the rope. No, there will be no mass awakening. No, there will be no White ethnostate.

Point 1: Declining Births

Whites have a declining birthrate. They often have 1 or 3 kids. Meanwhile, in my family, all the married men have 4-6 kids EACH. This means that within 1 or 2 generations, most modern cities that have ethnics will be flooded with Arabs, Indians, Blacks, etc by birthrates alone, even ignoring immigration. What this means is that these new generation White kids will eventually end up growing up more and more around non-White friends, in turn, making them less racist and/or less willing to advocate for white nationalism since their friends will be non-white. Many videos in London of schoolkids will often show White kids whose ENTIRE friend group consists of Pakis because there's not many other white kids to make friends with around their age group, since, again, whites barely have kids.

Of course, declining birth rates also means lower numbers of white male soliders to take part in the mythical "race war". If white people aren't gonna rebel when they're 80% of the population, when will they? When they're 70%? 60%? 50%? I doubt it, considering America is already less than 50% white. In fact, this is why many white nationalists seem to cozy up to non-White conservaties these days, because a part of them is aware they can't do it alone, there simply is not ENOUGH NUMBERS. The birth rates do not permit there to be enough white men for them to enact their white nationalist ideals alone. This is also why they are more submissive and compromised in theri rhetoric nowadays.

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Point 2: Suicidal Tendencies

On top of having a low birth rate, it's made worse because EVEN AMONG the Whites that ARE born into the world, not many are garunteed to survive and reproduce, and this is because many Whites commit suicide. Some of the most suicidal countries in the world are white, nordic countries. Meaning that even when a white country has a birth rate of say 2.1, which I dont think even exists anymore, you'd might as well assume it's lower since many of them commit suicide due to their gay atheist homo lifestyle. Hell, even among White Christians, suicide is very common.

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Point 3: Porn

Porn is very very common in all white countries, whereas in almost all Muslim countries, even the heavily secularized Turkey, porn sites are blocked. Porn in turn makes white males docile, submissive, non-aggresive, and complient. To delude oneself that white men who mass consume porn by the time they're around 10 years old will somehow have some sort of masculine urge or awakening and start a massive racewar "to save their people" is nothing short of delusional. Most people beat their meat while lying in bed in a submissive possesion, this has massive psychological effects on the beta-fication of the white male's mind.

Especially when you consider the next point....

Point 3.5: Cuckholdry

Porn itself is a form of cuckholdry. Anyone who consumes porn is essentially a cuck, since you are watching another man smash a woman who you are attracted to. You're basically looking through a virtual window. Add on to this interracial BMWF porn, which is made and consumed predominantly for white men, and this further exacerbates the cucked, submissive, beta, "defeatist" mentality among white males. They have essentially sexualized their own defeat, they have fetishized their "white genocide", they have sexualized racemixing. Interracial porn involving blacks, both black males and black females, is consistently some of the most popular porn categories according to many statistics, at least in America and France.

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Point 4: Modern Comforts

Modern comforts like electricity, internet, video games, technology, youtube, and so on, will reduce in commonality in some sort of civil war. Obviously, it wont fully go away, as even countries like Afghanistan still have all of these things, mostly in the capital mind you, but they will be more diffcult and harder to come by, and most white people are absolutley not willing to give up any of these things just for a white ethnostate. Their lives are TOO good and TOO comfortable for them to ever rebel, even with their declining numbers. If whites wanted to rebel, they would have done it by now, just as the Afghans, Palestinians, or Yemenis did.

Point 5: Racemixing

The more and more White Nationalists "bide their time waiting for the right time for the day of the rope", the more and more people will be racemixing in the meantime while they rot in their niche friend groups online. Meaning that on top of their low birth rates & suicide causing their falling numbers, racemixing is ALSO a 3rd factor for their declining numbers, as racemixed people are usually not considered White most of the time. More Eurabians, more Hapas, more Mulattos, more Indo-Europeans are being porn day after day. When I was in Vancouver, I saw half a dozen mixed White/Indian couples with kids, I have also seen many White/Arab couples and White/Black couples in Ottawa. It seems apparent that most Whites who live around non-whites eventually end up mixing to a certain extent, meaning all of the major cities eventually will be more mixed as things go on with white nationalists taking no actions to do anything. And of course, this goes without saying, but these mixed race children will never support white nationalism unless they are braindead idiots, because they will be seen as part of the problem.

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Point 6: Religious conversions

Much like the previous point, the more White Nationalists bide their time, pathetically hoping they will do "something" in just two more weeks for reelz!, the more and more White people will be converting to Islam, a religon that will naturally not fully support white nationalism in the current political climate. In Britain, for example, the rates of White British people converting to Islam has gotten so rapid, many mosques are now full of British Muslims. Even right wing, white nationalists like Mark Adrian Collett have commented (disappointingly) on how much British Muslim converts he is seeing day by day.

These White European muslims often will be far more sympathetic and tolerant of non-whites among them, and provide the Muslim communities with more numbers and better integration, in turn further blockading the efforts for any white nationalism. However, they will also often racemix with Arabs, Pakis, or Blacks, which further contributes to Point 5. I have seen in real life MANY European Muslims who have non-White spouses. I know 2 Somalis who are married to Whites. I know 4 Arabs married to Whites. and I know 3 Whites married to Pakis. 2 of my uncles also have european wives. And this is just talking about people I know IRL. Online, you can consistently see over and over European Muslims converts often times married to non-European Muslims, be it in random videos of laypeople talking about their conversions/marriage or prominent Muslim figures involved in Dawah.

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Point 7: Economics

Whites depend too much on non-White labor to do much about immigrants unless they want their socieities to collapse, because not only would deportation make these immigrant workers disappear, but it would also cause chaos/riots/protests. And of course that's not to mention many of these non-Whites are legal citizens of these countries, often born there or gained citizinship, it would be a massive hassle and bad PR to start stripping people of their citizenship based on race.

This stuff is especially apparent in America, where Hispanic illegal immigrants contribute a fuckton to the economy of the country. Personally, I would say at least half the staff at the hospital I work at is non-european. Much of the nurses are Arabs, Black, and Asian. Many doctors I've met have also been Arab. I have seen many non-White mechanics and construction workers, again, mostly Arab. I have seen many Indian truck drivers. If all these people left, the economy would take a MASSIVE hit, which somewhat ties into Point 4.

This is also not forgetting that most countries would take action if some sort of genocide/deportation event happened in a white country. They would sanction or stop trade with them ala what happened to Russia/Israel when they attacked Ukraine/Palestine. Turkey would not sit idle if Germany did something to it's Turkish diaspora. Likewise, China would not sit idle if something was done to Chinese Canadians. India would not sit idle if overseas Indians were being actively and politically discriminated against. While White countries are still the most powerful, Whites no longer have ENOUGH power to do as they please and get away with it. They would be watched via social media, they would be watched by diaspora, and countries with decent or comparable economic powers, like Turkey, China, Japan, Brazil, Saudi, and so on, would make

Point 8: Inceldom in the West + Feminism

Then there is inceldom. Many White men who are incels or who can't get married these days, would not have been incels 50 years ago. Many whitecels in modern times would have had kids 50 years ago. This means alot of white men have nothing to fight for, and we even see this on this forum, where many whitecels express a lack of care about white nationalism because they themselves feel rejected by White women, so why fight for them, right? Inceldom is becoming so rampant, due to White women's standards, lack of wealth, and the rise in AUTISM, and white men are having such difficulty getting married and having kids, that this alone acts as a demotivation for them to give a fuck about white society. Remember Jake William Davison, the incel who went ER in 2021? The guy was 6 feet tall, had blue eyes, was white, curly brown hair, a beard, and a decent job, and yet despite all of these GOOD things about him, he STILL suffered inceldom and went ER. Now imagine how much worse it is for white guys who are actually short, have brown eyes, or who have shit jobs. The BAR for inceldom is getting HIGHER each day, meaning more and more white normies fall into inceldom and thus give up on being part of society/contrubuting to it. As such, inceldom also fuels Points 1, 2, and 3.

Of course this isn't to forget the anti natalism and the hatred of having babies by white women themselves. Many White women view having kids as a burden to their carefree life, and to an extent that is true, as having kids is a heavy burden. As such, not only do many white women not have kids, even the fucking WHITE NATIONALIST white women don't want to have kids. Lauren Southern is a perfect example of this, who not only didnt have white kids, she in fact racemixed lmfao!!! but so is Ashlea Simon. She too is a white nationalist yet look at the types of articles she writes.

However, inceldom among Whites also leads to Point 5. Racemixing. If they dont go ER like the Jake guy did, many whitecels instead ascend by marrying blacks, asians, indians, and so on. Even normie white men often use ethnic women as a scapegoat to leave their inceldom. They are willing to tolerate having brown descendants if it means getting pussy. This means that the higher and higher standards of White women for "chad only", in turn leads normie white men to fuck and breed ethnic women, in turn contributing to EVEN MORE racemixing. This is why things like SEAmaxxing exist, and have exited since the 60s. It's why passport bros are a thing.

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Point 9: If Black Americans still exist, then we're ALL safe.

This is my final point, and I think my strongest argument why there will be no muh day of rope 1488 uprising. And it is the mere existence of Black people in America. I dont think I need to say this, but there is no race White Nationalists hate more than Blacks. No race is more phenotypically and culturally different to Whites than Blacks. No race is as distant to Whites in every conceivable way than Blacks. So if a country like America in the 1600s-1800s, where racisim and anti-miscegnation were ENCOURAGED, where white nationalism was encoded into the LAWS of the country, didn't kill off it's Black populations, why the FUCK would any of you think, in MODERN times, where racism and anti-racemixing are frowned upon, that somehow they'd do that thing to other races that Whites have tolerated MORE easily than they did Blacks?

Arabs at least share history with Europeans via Rome, ancient Greece, Phoenicia, ancient Egypt, Andalusia, and Ottomans. And of course Christianity as a religion.
Hispanics at least share almost all their history of the past centuries with Spain and Portugal.
Asians at least share cultural influece in recent decades post-WW2 via anime, Kpop and video games. Plus, White men have historically ALWAYS had a taste for Asian women and Asian culture when you read into early interactions between the two
Indians at least AT LEAST have Aryan and Greek cultural influence from ancient times.

But Blacks? Next to 0 cultural influence between them and Whites

Same applies to physical appearance.

Many Arabs are white caucasion with colored hair/eyes. Just like Whites.
Many Asians have white skin, and if you count Turks, colored eyes/hair. Just like Whites.
Many Indians have caucasion features and colored eyes. Just like Whites.

But Blacks? No white skin, no caucasion features, no colored eyes, no colored hair. NO physical resemblance.

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Ultimately, Black Americans are the ultimate proof that there will be no day of the rope for stromfrontcucks who yearn for it. If Blacks weren't wiped out, why would any of us be wiped out when ALL races on earth

In this thread, I will be overgoing why White people will never rebel. No, there will be no uprising. No, there will be no day of the rope. No, there will be no mass awakening. No, there will be no White ethnostate.

Point 1: Declining Births

Whites have a declining birthrate. They often have 1 or 3 kids. Meanwhile, in my family, all the married men have 4-6 kids EACH. This means that within 1 or 2 generations, most modern cities that have ethnics will be flooded with Arabs, Indians, Blacks, etc by birthrates alone, even ignoring immigration. What this means is that these new generation White kids will eventually end up growing up more and more around non-White friends, in turn, making them less racist and/or less willing to advocate for white nationalism since their friends will be non-white. Many videos in London of schoolkids will often show White kids whose ENTIRE friend group consists of Pakis because there's not many other white kids to make friends with around their age group, since, again, whites barely have kids.

Of course, declining birth rates also means lower numbers of white male soliders to take part in the mythical "race war". If white people aren't gonna rebel when they're 80% of the population, when will they? When they're 70%? 60%? 50%? I doubt it, considering America is already less than 50% white. In fact, this is why many white nationalists seem to cozy up to non-White conservaties these days, because a part of them is aware they can't do it alone, there simply is not ENOUGH NUMBERS. The birth rates do not permit there to be enough white men for them to enact their white nationalist ideals alone. This is also why they are more submissive and compromised in theri rhetoric nowadays.

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Point 2: Suicidal Tendencies

On top of having a low birth rate, it's made worse because EVEN AMONG the Whites that ARE born into the world, not many are garunteed to survive and reproduce, and this is because many Whites commit suicide. Some of the most suicidal countries in the world are white, nordic countries. Meaning that even when a white country has a birth rate of say 2.1, which I dont think even exists anymore, you'd might as well assume it's lower since many of them commit suicide due to their gay atheist homo lifestyle. Hell, even among White Christians, suicide is very common.

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Point 3: Porn

Porn is very very common in all white countries, whereas in almost all Muslim countries, even the heavily secularized Turkey, porn sites are blocked. Porn in turn makes white males docile, submissive, non-aggresive, and complient. To delude oneself that white men who mass consume porn by the time they're around 10 years old will somehow have some sort of masculine urge or awakening and start a massive racewar "to save their people" is nothing short of delusional. Most people beat their meat while lying in bed in a submissive possesion, this has massive psychological effects on the beta-fication of the white male's mind.

Especially when you consider the next point....

Point 3.5: Cuckholdry

Porn itself is a form of cuckholdry. Anyone who consumes porn is essentially a cuck, since you are watching another man smash a woman who you are attracted to. You're basically looking through a virtual window. Add on to this interracial BMWF porn, which is made and consumed predominantly for white men, and this further exacerbates the cucked, submissive, beta, "defeatist" mentality among white males. They have essentially sexualized their own defeat, they have fetishized their "white genocide", they have sexualized racemixing. Interracial porn involving blacks, both black males and black females, is consistently some of the most popular porn categories according to many statistics, at least in America and France.

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Point 4: Modern Comforts

Modern comforts like electricity, internet, video games, technology, youtube, and so on, will reduce in commonality in some sort of civil war. Obviously, it wont fully go away, as even countries like Afghanistan still have all of these things, mostly in the capital mind you, but they will be more diffcult and harder to come by, and most white people are absolutley not willing to give up any of these things just for a white ethnostate. Their lives are TOO good and TOO comfortable for them to ever rebel, even with their declining numbers. If whites wanted to rebel, they would have done it by now, just as the Afghans, Palestinians, or Yemenis did.

Point 5: Racemixing

The more and more White Nationalists "bide their time waiting for the right time for the day of the rope", the more and more people will be racemixing in the meantime while they rot in their niche friend groups online. Meaning that on top of their low birth rates & suicide causing their falling numbers, racemixing is ALSO a 3rd factor for their declining numbers, as racemixed people are usually not considered White most of the time. More Eurabians, more Hapas, more Mulattos, more Indo-Europeans are being porn day after day. When I was in Vancouver, I saw half a dozen mixed White/Indian couples with kids, I have also seen many White/Arab couples and White/Black couples in Ottawa. It seems apparent that most Whites who live around non-whites eventually end up mixing to a certain extent, meaning all of the major cities eventually will be more mixed as things go on with white nationalists taking no actions to do anything. And of course, this goes without saying, but these mixed race children will never support white nationalism unless they are braindead idiots, because they will be seen as part of the problem.

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Point 6: Religious conversions

Much like the previous point, the more White Nationalists bide their time, pathetically hoping they will do "something" in just two more weeks for reelz!, the more and more White people will be converting to Islam, a religon that will naturally not fully support white nationalism in the current political climate. In Britain, for example, the rates of White British people converting to Islam has gotten so rapid, many mosques are now full of British Muslims. Even right wing, white nationalists like Mark Adrian Collett have commented (disappointingly) on how much British Muslim converts he is seeing day by day.

These White European muslims often will be far more sympathetic and tolerant of non-whites among them, and provide the Muslim communities with more numbers and better integration, in turn further blockading the efforts for any white nationalism. However, they will also often racemix with Arabs, Pakis, or Blacks, which further contributes to Point 5. I have seen in real life MANY European Muslims who have non-White spouses. I know 2 Somalis who are married to Whites. I know 4 Arabs married to Whites. and I know 3 Whites married to Pakis. 2 of my uncles also have european wives. And this is just talking about people I know IRL. Online, you can consistently see over and over European Muslims converts often times married to non-European Muslims, be it in random videos of laypeople talking about their conversions/marriage or prominent Muslim figures involved in Dawah.

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Point 7: Economics

Whites depend too much on non-White labor to do much about immigrants unless they want their socieities to collapse, because not only would deportation make these immigrant workers disappear, but it would also cause chaos/riots/protests. And of course that's not to mention many of these non-Whites are legal citizens of these countries, often born there or gained citizinship, it would be a massive hassle and bad PR to start stripping people of their citizenship based on race.

This stuff is especially apparent in America, where Hispanic illegal immigrants contribute a fuckton to the economy of the country. Personally, I would say at least half the staff at the hospital I work at is non-european. Much of the nurses are Arabs, Black, and Asian. Many doctors I've met have also been Arab. I have seen many non-White mechanics and construction workers, again, mostly Arab. I have seen many Indian truck drivers. If all these people left, the economy would take a MASSIVE hit, which somewhat ties into Point 4.

This is also not forgetting that most countries would take action if some sort of genocide/deportation event happened in a white country. They would sanction or stop trade with them ala what happened to Russia/Israel when they attacked Ukraine/Palestine. Turkey would not sit idle if Germany did something to it's Turkish diaspora. Likewise, China would not sit idle if something was done to Chinese Canadians. India would not sit idle if overseas Indians were being actively and politically discriminated against. While White countries are still the most powerful, Whites no longer have ENOUGH power to do as they please and get away with it. They would be watched via social media, they would be watched by diaspora, and countries with decent or comparable economic powers, like Turkey, China, Japan, Brazil, Saudi, and so on, would make

Point 8: Inceldom in the West + Feminism

Then there is inceldom. Many White men who are incels or who can't get married these days, would not have been incels 50 years ago. Many whitecels in modern times would have had kids 50 years ago. This means alot of white men have nothing to fight for, and we even see this on this forum, where many whitecels express a lack of care about white nationalism because they themselves feel rejected by White women, so why fight for them, right? Inceldom is becoming so rampant, due to White women's standards, lack of wealth, and the rise in AUTISM, and white men are having such difficulty getting married and having kids, that this alone acts as a demotivation for them to give a fuck about white society. Remember Jake William Davison, the incel who went ER in 2021? The guy was 6 feet tall, had blue eyes, was white, curly brown hair, a beard, and a decent job, and yet despite all of these GOOD things about him, he STILL suffered inceldom and went ER. Now imagine how much worse it is for white guys who are actually short, have brown eyes, or who have shit jobs. The BAR for inceldom is getting HIGHER each day, meaning more and more white normies fall into inceldom and thus give up on being part of society/contrubuting to it. As such, inceldom also fuels Points 1, 2, and 3.

Of course this isn't to forget the anti natalism and the hatred of having babies by white women themselves. Many White women view having kids as a burden to their carefree life, and to an extent that is true, as having kids is a heavy burden. As such, not only do many white women not have kids, even the fucking WHITE NATIONALIST white women don't want to have kids. Lauren Southern is a perfect example of this, who not only didnt have white kids, she in fact racemixed lmfao!!! but so is Ashlea Simon. She too is a white nationalist yet look at the types of articles she writes.

However, inceldom among Whites also leads to Point 5. Racemixing. If they dont go ER like the Jake guy did, many whitecels instead ascend by marrying blacks, asians, indians, and so on. Even normie white men often use ethnic women as a scapegoat to leave their inceldom. They are willing to tolerate having brown descendants if it means getting pussy. This means that the higher and higher standards of White women for "chad only", in turn leads normie white men to fuck and breed ethnic women, in turn contributing to EVEN MORE racemixing. This is why things like SEAmaxxing exist, and have exited since the 60s. It's why passport bros are a thing.

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Point 9: If Black Americans still exist, then we're ALL safe.

This is my final point, and I think my strongest argument why there will be no muh day of rope 1488 uprising. And it is the mere existence of Black people in America. I dont think I need to say this, but there is no race White Nationalists hate more than Blacks. No race is more phenotypically and culturally different to Whites than Blacks. No race is as distant to Whites in every conceivable way than Blacks. So if a country like America in the 1600s-1800s, where racisim and anti-miscegnation were ENCOURAGED, where white nationalism was encoded into the LAWS of the country, didn't kill off it's Black populations, why the FUCK would any of you think, in MODERN times, where racism and anti-racemixing are frowned upon, that somehow they'd do that thing to other races that Whites have tolerated MORE easily than they did Blacks?

Arabs at least share history with Europeans via Rome, ancient Greece, Phoenicia, ancient Egypt, Andalusia, and Ottomans. And of course Christianity as a religion.
Hispanics at least share almost all their history of the past centuries with Spain and Portugal.
Asians at least share cultural influece in recent decades post-WW2 via anime, Kpop and video games. Plus, White men have historically ALWAYS had a taste for Asian women and Asian culture when you read into early interactions between the two
Indians at least AT LEAST have Aryan and Greek cultural influence from ancient times.

But Blacks? Next to 0 cultural influence between them and Whites

Same applies to physical appearance.

Many Arabs are white caucasion with colored hair/eyes. Just like Whites.
Many Asians have white skin, and if you count Turks, colored eyes/hair. Just like Whites.
Many Indians have caucasion features and colored eyes. Just like Whites.

But Blacks? No white skin, no caucasion features, no colored eyes, no
Stop coping. Both Indian men and woman are seen as ugly by everyone else. This is beneficial for us and will only increase our endogamy even more.

@Made in Heaven isn't even wrong in his most of his points. Indian are uglier than Arabs like he claim.
Stfu, please stfu
You were literally banned for this
this will also includes topics as ethnic nationalism
Then make sure to include zionism in it. It is the model for all ethnic nationalism.
Came for white brah reactions to their demise and instead got 10 pages of subhuman sand niggers spamming their ugly subhuman mongrel "white Arabs" lol
Blame the pajeets for diverting the topic. And yes, white arabs exist. That's the whole argument as to why I said whites wont have a rebellion against Arabs in Europe. If they tolerated blacks, who look WAY more different than them, they will have more tolerance for a bunch of white/light brown caucasions like Arabs.


You think this is bad? I saw a clip of some russian tv show on twitter of a bunch of russians using black men to reenact that scene with the blonde girl and 5 black guys. They were essentially doing a parody of it. It was in front of a live audience, it was a stage show

Not to mention all the Russian women marrying Turk and Saudi men. Thats why all these blue eyed Saudis are popping up

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You think this is bad? I saw a clip of some russian tv show on twitter of a bunch of russians using black men to reenact that scene with the blonde girl and 5 black guys. They were essentially doing a parody of it. It was in front of a live audience, it was a stage show
:lul: :lul: :lul:

Btw, the fact that white nationalists often have to depend on dick ride russia as, le white race saviour is hilarious when slavs were not even considered white themselves for so long. They were literally not allowed to "race mix" with white women when they came to America, JFL. And even NOW, in modern times, that they are considered white, they are still seen as "low tier" white. And so the desperation for whites to paint russia as a white haven even after all that is hilairous, and even more so when you see Russia is full of Turks, Siberians, and Mongolians.

There definitely won’t be an incel revolution but at some point governments of western countries will be triggered with low birth rates and this long term economical downfall and maybe just maybe they will finally bring up this problem
They are trying to undo the low birth rates by bringing in immigrants. That's the whole point. China already has 1 billion people, and western governments want to compete with china, so they need their economies to stay stable, which they can only do with non-white immigrants since whites aren't breeding fast enough
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Btw, the fact that white nationalists often have to depend on dick ride russia as, le white race saviour is hilarious when slavs were not even considered white themselves for so long. They were literally not allowed to "race mix" with white women when they came to America, JFL. And even NOW, in modern times, that they are considered white, they are still seen as "low tier" white. And so the desperation for whites to paint russia as a white haven even after all that is hilairous, and even more so when you see Russia is full of Turks, Siberians, and Mongolians.
russia is full central asians and churkas but agree

overall italians, irish and slavs werent considered white until few decades ago
tbh chinks itself have low birth rates tho it's still over 1 gorrilion of them

In this thread, I will be overgoing why White people will never rebel. No, there will be no uprising. No, there will be no day of the rope. No, there will be no mass awakening. No, there will be no White ethnostate.

Point 1: Declining Births

Whites have a declining birthrate. They often have 1 or 3 kids. Meanwhile, in my family, all the married men have 4-6 kids EACH. This means that within 1 or 2 generations, most modern cities that have ethnics will be flooded with Arabs, Indians, Blacks, etc by birthrates alone, even ignoring immigration. What this means is that these new generation White kids will eventually end up growing up more and more around non-White friends, in turn, making them less racist and/or less willing to advocate for white nationalism since their friends will be non-white. Many videos in London of schoolkids will often show White kids whose ENTIRE friend group consists of Pakis because there's not many other white kids to make friends with around their age group, since, again, whites barely have kids.

Of course, declining birth rates also means lower numbers of white male soliders to take part in the mythical "race war". If white people aren't gonna rebel when they're 80% of the population, when will they? When they're 70%? 60%? 50%? I doubt it, considering America is already less than 50% white. In fact, this is why many white nationalists seem to cozy up to non-White conservaties these days, because a part of them is aware they can't do it alone, there simply is not ENOUGH NUMBERS. The birth rates do not permit there to be enough white men for them to enact their white nationalist ideals alone. This is also why they are more submissive and compromised in theri rhetoric nowadays.

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Point 2: Suicidal Tendencies

On top of having a low birth rate, it's made worse because EVEN AMONG the Whites that ARE born into the world, not many are garunteed to survive and reproduce, and this is because many Whites commit suicide. Some of the most suicidal countries in the world are white, nordic countries. Meaning that even when a white country has a birth rate of say 2.1, which I dont think even exists anymore, you'd might as well assume it's lower since many of them commit suicide due to their gay atheist homo lifestyle. Hell, even among White Christians, suicide is very common.

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Point 3: Porn

Porn is very very common in all white countries, whereas in almost all Muslim countries, even the heavily secularized Turkey, porn sites are blocked. Porn in turn makes white males docile, submissive, non-aggresive, and complient. To delude oneself that white men who mass consume porn by the time they're around 10 years old will somehow have some sort of masculine urge or awakening and start a massive racewar "to save their people" is nothing short of delusional. Most people beat their meat while lying in bed in a submissive possesion, this has massive psychological effects on the beta-fication of the white male's mind.

Especially when you consider the next point....

Point 3.5: Cuckholdry

Porn itself is a form of cuckholdry. Anyone who consumes porn is essentially a cuck, since you are watching another man smash a woman who you are attracted to. You're basically looking through a virtual window. Add on to this interracial BMWF porn, which is made and consumed predominantly for white men, and this further exacerbates the cucked, submissive, beta, "defeatist" mentality among white males. They have essentially sexualized their own defeat, they have fetishized their "white genocide", they have sexualized racemixing. Interracial porn involving blacks, both black males and black females, is consistently some of the most popular porn categories according to many statistics, at least in America and France.

View attachment 1097663View attachment 1097664

Point 4: Modern Comforts

Modern comforts like electricity, internet, video games, technology, youtube, and so on, will reduce in commonality in some sort of civil war. Obviously, it wont fully go away, as even countries like Afghanistan still have all of these things, mostly in the capital mind you, but they will be more diffcult and harder to come by, and most white people are absolutley not willing to give up any of these things just for a white ethnostate. Their lives are TOO good and TOO comfortable for them to ever rebel, even with their declining numbers. If whites wanted to rebel, they would have done it by now, just as the Afghans, Palestinians, or Yemenis did.

Point 5: Racemixing

The more and more White Nationalists "bide their time waiting for the right time for the day of the rope", the more and more people will be racemixing in the meantime while they rot in their niche friend groups online. Meaning that on top of their low birth rates & suicide causing their falling numbers, racemixing is ALSO a 3rd factor for their declining numbers, as racemixed people are usually not considered White most of the time. More Eurabians, more Hapas, more Mulattos, more Indo-Europeans are being porn day after day. When I was in Vancouver, I saw half a dozen mixed White/Indian couples with kids, I have also seen many White/Arab couples and White/Black couples in Ottawa. It seems apparent that most Whites who live around non-whites eventually end up mixing to a certain extent, meaning all of the major cities eventually will be more mixed as things go on with white nationalists taking no actions to do anything. And of course, this goes without saying, but these mixed race children will never support white nationalism unless they are braindead idiots, because they will be seen as part of the problem.

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Point 6: Religious conversions

Much like the previous point, the more White Nationalists bide their time, pathetically hoping they will do "something" in just two more weeks for reelz!, the more and more White people will be converting to Islam, a religon that will naturally not fully support white nationalism in the current political climate. In Britain, for example, the rates of White British people converting to Islam has gotten so rapid, many mosques are now full of British Muslims. Even right wing, white nationalists like Mark Adrian Collett have commented (disappointingly) on how much British Muslim converts he is seeing day by day.

These White European muslims often will be far more sympathetic and tolerant of non-whites among them, and provide the Muslim communities with more numbers and better integration, in turn further blockading the efforts for any white nationalism. However, they will also often racemix with Arabs, Pakis, or Blacks, which further contributes to Point 5. I have seen in real life MANY European Muslims who have non-White spouses. I know 2 Somalis who are married to Whites. I know 4 Arabs married to Whites. and I know 3 Whites married to Pakis. 2 of my uncles also have european wives. And this is just talking about people I know IRL. Online, you can consistently see over and over European Muslims converts often times married to non-European Muslims, be it in random videos of laypeople talking about their conversions/marriage or prominent Muslim figures involved in Dawah.

View attachment 1097681View attachment 1097688View attachment 1097701

Point 7: Economics

Whites depend too much on non-White labor to do much about immigrants unless they want their socieities to collapse, because not only would deportation make these immigrant workers disappear, but it would also cause chaos/riots/protests. And of course that's not to mention many of these non-Whites are legal citizens of these countries, often born there or gained citizinship, it would be a massive hassle and bad PR to start stripping people of their citizenship based on race.

This stuff is especially apparent in America, where Hispanic illegal immigrants contribute a fuckton to the economy of the country. Personally, I would say at least half the staff at the hospital I work at is non-european. Much of the nurses are Arabs, Black, and Asian. Many doctors I've met have also been Arab. I have seen many non-White mechanics and construction workers, again, mostly Arab. I have seen many Indian truck drivers. If all these people left, the economy would take a MASSIVE hit, which somewhat ties into Point 4.

This is also not forgetting that most countries would take action if some sort of genocide/deportation event happened in a white country. They would sanction or stop trade with them ala what happened to Russia/Israel when they attacked Ukraine/Palestine. Turkey would not sit idle if Germany did something to it's Turkish diaspora. Likewise, China would not sit idle if something was done to Chinese Canadians. India would not sit idle if overseas Indians were being actively and politically discriminated against. While White countries are still the most powerful, Whites no longer have ENOUGH power to do as they please and get away with it. They would be watched via social media, they would be watched by diaspora, and countries with decent or comparable economic powers, like Turkey, China, Japan, Brazil, Saudi, and so on, would make

Point 8: Inceldom in the West + Feminism

Then there is inceldom. Many White men who are incels or who can't get married these days, would not have been incels 50 years ago. Many whitecels in modern times would have had kids 50 years ago. This means alot of white men have nothing to fight for, and we even see this on this forum, where many whitecels express a lack of care about white nationalism because they themselves feel rejected by White women, so why fight for them, right? Inceldom is becoming so rampant, due to White women's standards, lack of wealth, and the rise in AUTISM, and white men are having such difficulty getting married and having kids, that this alone acts as a demotivation for them to give a fuck about white society. Remember Jake William Davison, the incel who went ER in 2021? The guy was 6 feet tall, had blue eyes, was white, curly brown hair, a beard, and a decent job, and yet despite all of these GOOD things about him, he STILL suffered inceldom and went ER. Now imagine how much worse it is for white guys who are actually short, have brown eyes, or who have shit jobs. The BAR for inceldom is getting HIGHER each day, meaning more and more white normies fall into inceldom and thus give up on being part of society/contrubuting to it. As such, inceldom also fuels Points 1, 2, and 3.

Of course this isn't to forget the anti natalism and the hatred of having babies by white women themselves. Many White women view having kids as a burden to their carefree life, and to an extent that is true, as having kids is a heavy burden. As such, not only do many white women not have kids, even the fucking WHITE NATIONALIST white women don't want to have kids. Lauren Southern is a perfect example of this, who not only didnt have white kids, she in fact racemixed lmfao!!! but so is Ashlea Simon. She too is a white nationalist yet look at the types of articles she writes.

However, inceldom among Whites also leads to Point 5. Racemixing. If they dont go ER like the Jake guy did, many whitecels instead ascend by marrying blacks, asians, indians, and so on. Even normie white men often use ethnic women as a scapegoat to leave their inceldom. They are willing to tolerate having brown descendants if it means getting pussy. This means that the higher and higher standards of White women for "chad only", in turn leads normie white men to fuck and breed ethnic women, in turn contributing to EVEN MORE racemixing. This is why things like SEAmaxxing exist, and have exited since the 60s. It's why passport bros are a thing.

View attachment 1097714View attachment 1097752

Point 9: If Black Americans still exist, then we're ALL safe.

This is my final point, and I think my strongest argument why there will be no muh day of rope 1488 uprising. And it is the mere existence of Black people in America. I dont think I need to say this, but there is no race White Nationalists hate more than Blacks. No race is more phenotypically and culturally different to Whites than Blacks. No race is as distant to Whites in every conceivable way than Blacks. So if a country like America in the 1600s-1800s, where racisim and anti-miscegnation were ENCOURAGED, where white nationalism was encoded into the LAWS of the country, didn't kill off it's Black populations, why the FUCK would any of you think, in MODERN times, where racism and anti-racemixing are frowned upon, that somehow they'd do that thing to other races that Whites have tolerated MORE easily than they did Blacks?

Arabs at least share history with Europeans via Rome, ancient Greece, Phoenicia, ancient Egypt, Andalusia, and Ottomans. And of course Christianity as a religion.
Hispanics at least share almost all their history of the past centuries with Spain and Portugal.
Asians at least share cultural influece in recent decades post-WW2 via anime, Kpop and video games. Plus, White men have historically ALWAYS had a taste for Asian women and Asian culture when you read into early interactions between the two
Indians at least AT LEAST have Aryan and Greek cultural influence from ancient times.

But Blacks? Next to 0 cultural influence between them and Whites

Same applies to physical appearance.

Many Arabs are white caucasion with colored hair/eyes. Just like Whites.
Many Asians have white skin, and if you count Turks, colored eyes/hair. Just like Whites.
Many Indians have caucasion features and colored eyes. Just like Whites.

But Blacks? No white skin, no caucasion features, no colored eyes, no colored hair. NO physical resemblance.

View attachment 1097727View attachment 1097728View attachment 1097735View attachment 1097736

Ultimately, Black Americans are the ultimate proof that there will be no day of the rope for stromfrontcucks who yearn for it. If Blacks weren't wiped out, why would any of us be wiped out when ALL races on earth are closer to Whites than Blacks are?
I completely agree as a white man, the religious conversion one is kinda cope, but there will definetely be a minor uprising, and they will be swiftly killed.

May i remind you, these are all FIXABLE, but the goverment love slop slaves
Dailystormer has a live graph that shows in 19 years the white population is gone in the US
ITs as if a family spends their budget on strangers, not helping white people
moozlems love to brags about white converts
there even was a documentary about russian-chinese couples, i saw it on tv myself. And yes, all of the male partners were chinese. :feelshaha:
russian men are giga cucks sadly
Stop coping. Both Indian men and woman are seen as ugly by everyone else. This is beneficial for us and will only increase our endogamy even more.
You're confused. There are many average looking white men & women who have Indian partners/wives/lovers whatever. I have personally sat-by and painfully watched it as an ugly person for over 40 years. Who the fuck you telling, an American born Desi that I'm "coping". You are from India (since birth),right? You are likely way younger than me as well, right? Hence.. "You Know Nothing" by comparison. So shhhsh!
@Made in Heaven isn't even wrong in his most of his points. Indian are uglier than Arabs like he claim but all. Malformed subhumans like himself can't claim supremacy over others.
The hell does this even mean? Write sentences! No he's not completely right. There are ugly arabs and ugly Indians. Enough said.

In this thread, I will be overgoing why White people will never rebel. No, there will be no uprising. No, there will be no day of the rope. No, there will be no mass awakening. No, there will be no White ethnostate.

Point 1: Declining Births

Whites have a declining birthrate. They often have 1 or 3 kids. Meanwhile, in my family, all the married men have 4-6 kids EACH. This means that within 1 or 2 generations, most modern cities that have ethnics will be flooded with Arabs, Indians, Blacks, etc by birthrates alone, even ignoring immigration. What this means is that these new generation White kids will eventually end up growing up more and more around non-White friends, in turn, making them less racist and/or less willing to advocate for white nationalism since their friends will be non-white. Many videos in London of schoolkids will often show White kids whose ENTIRE friend group consists of Pakis because there's not many other white kids to make friends with around their age group, since, again, whites barely have kids.

Of course, declining birth rates also means lower numbers of white male soliders to take part in the mythical "race war". If white people aren't gonna rebel when they're 80% of the population, when will they? When they're 70%? 60%? 50%? I doubt it, considering America is already less than 50% white. In fact, this is why many white nationalists seem to cozy up to non-White conservaties these days, because a part of them is aware they can't do it alone, there simply is not ENOUGH NUMBERS. The birth rates do not permit there to be enough white men for them to enact their white nationalist ideals alone. This is also why they are more submissive and compromised in theri rhetoric nowadays.

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Point 2: Suicidal Tendencies

On top of having a low birth rate, it's made worse because EVEN AMONG the Whites that ARE born into the world, not many are garunteed to survive and reproduce, and this is because many Whites commit suicide. Some of the most suicidal countries in the world are white, nordic countries. Meaning that even when a white country has a birth rate of say 2.1, which I dont think even exists anymore, you'd might as well assume it's lower since many of them commit suicide due to their gay atheist homo lifestyle. Hell, even among White Christians, suicide is very common.

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Point 3: Porn

Porn is very very common in all white countries, whereas in almost all Muslim countries, even the heavily secularized Turkey, porn sites are blocked. Porn in turn makes white males docile, submissive, non-aggresive, and complient. To delude oneself that white men who mass consume porn by the time they're around 10 years old will somehow have some sort of masculine urge or awakening and start a massive racewar "to save their people" is nothing short of delusional. Most people beat their meat while lying in bed in a submissive possesion, this has massive psychological effects on the beta-fication of the white male's mind.

Especially when you consider the next point....

Point 3.5: Cuckholdry

Porn itself is a form of cuckholdry. Anyone who consumes porn is essentially a cuck, since you are watching another man smash a woman who you are attracted to. You're basically looking through a virtual window. Add on to this interracial BMWF porn, which is made and consumed predominantly for white men, and this further exacerbates the cucked, submissive, beta, "defeatist" mentality among white males. They have essentially sexualized their own defeat, they have fetishized their "white genocide", they have sexualized racemixing. Interracial porn involving blacks, both black males and black females, is consistently some of the most popular porn categories according to many statistics, at least in America and France.

View attachment 1097663View attachment 1097664

Point 4: Modern Comforts

Modern comforts like electricity, internet, video games, technology, youtube, and so on, will reduce in commonality in some sort of civil war. Obviously, it wont fully go away, as even countries like Afghanistan still have all of these things, mostly in the capital mind you, but they will be more diffcult and harder to come by, and most white people are absolutley not willing to give up any of these things just for a white ethnostate. Their lives are TOO good and TOO comfortable for them to ever rebel, even with their declining numbers. If whites wanted to rebel, they would have done it by now, just as the Afghans, Palestinians, or Yemenis did.

Point 5: Racemixing

The more and more White Nationalists "bide their time waiting for the right time for the day of the rope", the more and more people will be racemixing in the meantime while they rot in their niche friend groups online. Meaning that on top of their low birth rates & suicide causing their falling numbers, racemixing is ALSO a 3rd factor for their declining numbers, as racemixed people are usually not considered White most of the time. More Eurabians, more Hapas, more Mulattos, more Indo-Europeans are being porn day after day. When I was in Vancouver, I saw half a dozen mixed White/Indian couples with kids, I have also seen many White/Arab couples and White/Black couples in Ottawa. It seems apparent that most Whites who live around non-whites eventually end up mixing to a certain extent, meaning all of the major cities eventually will be more mixed as things go on with white nationalists taking no actions to do anything. And of course, this goes without saying, but these mixed race children will never support white nationalism unless they are braindead idiots, because they will be seen as part of the problem.

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Point 6: Religious conversions

Much like the previous point, the more White Nationalists bide their time, pathetically hoping they will do "something" in just two more weeks for reelz!, the more and more White people will be converting to Islam, a religon that will naturally not fully support white nationalism in the current political climate. In Britain, for example, the rates of White British people converting to Islam has gotten so rapid, many mosques are now full of British Muslims. Even right wing, white nationalists like Mark Adrian Collett have commented (disappointingly) on how much British Muslim converts he is seeing day by day.

These White European muslims often will be far more sympathetic and tolerant of non-whites among them, and provide the Muslim communities with more numbers and better integration, in turn further blockading the efforts for any white nationalism. However, they will also often racemix with Arabs, Pakis, or Blacks, which further contributes to Point 5. I have seen in real life MANY European Muslims who have non-White spouses. I know 2 Somalis who are married to Whites. I know 4 Arabs married to Whites. and I know 3 Whites married to Pakis. 2 of my uncles also have european wives. And this is just talking about people I know IRL. Online, you can consistently see over and over European Muslims converts often times married to non-European Muslims, be it in random videos of laypeople talking about their conversions/marriage or prominent Muslim figures involved in Dawah.

View attachment 1097681View attachment 1097688View attachment 1097701

Point 7: Economics

Whites depend too much on non-White labor to do much about immigrants unless they want their socieities to collapse, because not only would deportation make these immigrant workers disappear, but it would also cause chaos/riots/protests. And of course that's not to mention many of these non-Whites are legal citizens of these countries, often born there or gained citizinship, it would be a massive hassle and bad PR to start stripping people of their citizenship based on race.

This stuff is especially apparent in America, where Hispanic illegal immigrants contribute a fuckton to the economy of the country. Personally, I would say at least half the staff at the hospital I work at is non-european. Much of the nurses are Arabs, Black, and Asian. Many doctors I've met have also been Arab. I have seen many non-White mechanics and construction workers, again, mostly Arab. I have seen many Indian truck drivers. If all these people left, the economy would take a MASSIVE hit, which somewhat ties into Point 4.

This is also not forgetting that most countries would take action if some sort of genocide/deportation event happened in a white country. They would sanction or stop trade with them ala what happened to Russia/Israel when they attacked Ukraine/Palestine. Turkey would not sit idle if Germany did something to it's Turkish diaspora. Likewise, China would not sit idle if something was done to Chinese Canadians. India would not sit idle if overseas Indians were being actively and politically discriminated against. While White countries are still the most powerful, Whites no longer have ENOUGH power to do as they please and get away with it. They would be watched via social media, they would be watched by diaspora, and countries with decent or comparable economic powers, like Turkey, China, Japan, Brazil, Saudi, and so on, would make

Point 8: Inceldom in the West + Feminism

Then there is inceldom. Many White men who are incels or who can't get married these days, would not have been incels 50 years ago. Many whitecels in modern times would have had kids 50 years ago. This means alot of white men have nothing to fight for, and we even see this on this forum, where many whitecels express a lack of care about white nationalism because they themselves feel rejected by White women, so why fight for them, right? Inceldom is becoming so rampant, due to White women's standards, lack of wealth, and the rise in AUTISM, and white men are having such difficulty getting married and having kids, that this alone acts as a demotivation for them to give a fuck about white society. Remember Jake William Davison, the incel who went ER in 2021? The guy was 6 feet tall, had blue eyes, was white, curly brown hair, a beard, and a decent job, and yet despite all of these GOOD things about him, he STILL suffered inceldom and went ER. Now imagine how much worse it is for white guys who are actually short, have brown eyes, or who have shit jobs. The BAR for inceldom is getting HIGHER each day, meaning more and more white normies fall into inceldom and thus give up on being part of society/contrubuting to it. As such, inceldom also fuels Points 1, 2, and 3.

Of course this isn't to forget the anti natalism and the hatred of having babies by white women themselves. Many White women view having kids as a burden to their carefree life, and to an extent that is true, as having kids is a heavy burden. As such, not only do many white women not have kids, even the fucking WHITE NATIONALIST white women don't want to have kids. Lauren Southern is a perfect example of this, who not only didnt have white kids, she in fact racemixed lmfao!!! but so is Ashlea Simon. She too is a white nationalist yet look at the types of articles she writes.

However, inceldom among Whites also leads to Point 5. Racemixing. If they dont go ER like the Jake guy did, many whitecels instead ascend by marrying blacks, asians, indians, and so on. Even normie white men often use ethnic women as a scapegoat to leave their inceldom. They are willing to tolerate having brown descendants if it means getting pussy. This means that the higher and higher standards of White women for "chad only", in turn leads normie white men to fuck and breed ethnic women, in turn contributing to EVEN MORE racemixing. This is why things like SEAmaxxing exist, and have exited since the 60s. It's why passport bros are a thing.

View attachment 1097714View attachment 1097752

Point 9: If Black Americans still exist, then we're ALL safe.

This is my final point, and I think my strongest argument why there will be no muh day of rope 1488 uprising. And it is the mere existence of Black people in America. I dont think I need to say this, but there is no race White Nationalists hate more than Blacks. No race is more phenotypically and culturally different to Whites than Blacks. No race is as distant to Whites in every conceivable way than Blacks. So if a country like America in the 1600s-1800s, where racisim and anti-miscegnation were ENCOURAGED, where white nationalism was encoded into the LAWS of the country, didn't kill off it's Black populations, why the FUCK would any of you think, in MODERN times, where racism and anti-racemixing are frowned upon, that somehow they'd do that thing to other races that Whites have tolerated MORE easily than they did Blacks?

Arabs at least share history with Europeans via Rome, ancient Greece, Phoenicia, ancient Egypt, Andalusia, and Ottomans. And of course Christianity as a religion.
Hispanics at least share almost all their history of the past centuries with Spain and Portugal.
Asians at least share cultural influece in recent decades post-WW2 via anime, Kpop and video games. Plus, White men have historically ALWAYS had a taste for Asian women and Asian culture when you read into early interactions between the two
Indians at least AT LEAST have Aryan and Greek cultural influence from ancient times.

But Blacks? Next to 0 cultural influence between them and Whites

Same applies to physical appearance.

Many Arabs are white caucasion with colored hair/eyes. Just like Whites.
Many Asians have white skin, and if you count Turks, colored eyes/hair. Just like Whites.
Many Indians have caucasion features and colored eyes. Just like Whites.

But Blacks? No white skin, no caucasion features, no colored eyes, no colored hair. NO physical resemblance.

View attachment 1097727View attachment 1097728View attachment 1097735View attachment 1097736

Ultimately, Black Americans are the ultimate proof that there will be no day of the rope for stromfrontcucks who yearn for it. If Blacks weren't wiped out, why would any of us be wiped out when ALL races on earth are closer to Whites than Blacks are?
World doomed I've known that from the get-go I gave up something for the white race because my race abandoned me anyway they're all pussies and they deserve what's coming to them but it will be hilarious seeing all these retarded SunHumans who are not white try to make it on their own and 90% of their population starts to death at least the Earth will start to recover especially once the Chinese are gone because the whites are the only people buying from these retards
I completely agree as a white man, the religious conversion one is kinda cope, but there will definetely be a minor uprising, and they will be swiftly killed.

May i remind you, these are all FIXABLE, but the goverment love slop slaves
The religious conversion point is to show that the more time goes on, the more accepting many whites will be of Islam AND that it will contribute to further race mixing with Arabs/Blacks/Pakis. I have heard from British muslims that many mosques are full of British converts nowadays, and even at the mosque I go to, I see many white european muslims.

Why do you think it's cope?

And what do you mean by minor uprising? I doubt any such uprising would lead to any significant genocide of non-whites
World doomed I've known that from the get-go I gave up something for the white race because my race abandoned me anyway they're all pussies and they deserve what's coming to them but it will be hilarious seeing all these retarded SunHumans who are not white try to make it on their own and 90% of their population starts to death at least the Earth will start to recover especially once the Chinese are gone because the whites are the only people buying from these retards
There's like 3 billion asians, I dont think the chinese are going anywhere.
The religious conversion point is to show that the more time goes on, the more accepting many whites will be of Islam AND that it will contribute to further race mixing with Arabs/Blacks/Pakis. I have heard from British muslims that many mosques are full of British converts nowadays, and even at the mosque I go to, I see many white european muslims.

Why do you think it's cope?

And what do you mean by minor uprising? I doubt any such uprising would lead to any significant genocide of non-whites

There's like 3 billion asians, I dont think the chinese are going anywhere.
I meant some coping nazi will go to attack, anx then will be fully succumbed
The religious conversion point is to show that the more time goes on, the more accepting many whites will be of Islam AND that it will contribute to further race mixing with Arabs/Blacks/Pakis. I have heard from British muslims that many mosques are full of British converts nowadays, and even at the mosque I go to, I see many white european muslims.

Why do you think it's cope?

And what do you mean by minor uprising? I doubt any such uprising would lead to any significant genocide of non-whites

There's like 3 billion asians, I dont think the chinese are going anywhere.
Atleast chinamen love their people
cope all arabs are incel @tehgymcel420
Atleast chinamen love their people
But chinawomen hate their people. They are the leading cause of asians suffering similar demographic fate to whites
But chinawomen hate their people. They are the leading cause of asians suffering similar demographic fate to whites
Theres a 10 million chinaman surplus cuz of 1 child policy, theyre shipping in people from malaysia and other poor countries, and making slavery
There definitely won’t be an incel revolution but at some point governments of western countries will be triggered with low birth rates and this long term economical downfall and maybe just maybe they will finally bring up this problem


In this thread, I will be overgoing why White people will never rebel. No, there will be no uprising. No, there will be no day of the rope. No, there will be no mass awakening. No, there will be no White ethnostate.

Point 1: Declining Births

Whites have a declining birthrate. They often have 1 or 3 kids. Meanwhile, in my family, all the married men have 4-6 kids EACH. This means that within 1 or 2 generations, most modern cities that have ethnics will be flooded with Arabs, Indians, Blacks, etc by birthrates alone, even ignoring immigration. What this means is that these new generation White kids will eventually end up growing up more and more around non-White friends, in turn, making them less racist and/or less willing to advocate for white nationalism since their friends will be non-white. Many videos in London of schoolkids will often show White kids whose ENTIRE friend group consists of Pakis because there's not many other white kids to make friends with around their age group, since, again, whites barely have kids.

Of course, declining birth rates also means lower numbers of white male soliders to take part in the mythical "race war". If white people aren't gonna rebel when they're 80% of the population, when will they? When they're 70%? 60%? 50%? I doubt it, considering America is already less than 50% white. In fact, this is why many white nationalists seem to cozy up to non-White conservaties these days, because a part of them is aware they can't do it alone, there simply is not ENOUGH NUMBERS. The birth rates do not permit there to be enough white men for them to enact their white nationalist ideals alone. This is also why they are more submissive and compromised in theri rhetoric nowadays.

View attachment 1097636

Point 2: Suicidal Tendencies

On top of having a low birth rate, it's made worse because EVEN AMONG the Whites that ARE born into the world, not many are garunteed to survive and reproduce, and this is because many Whites commit suicide. Some of the most suicidal countries in the world are white, nordic countries. Meaning that even when a white country has a birth rate of say 2.1, which I dont think even exists anymore, you'd might as well assume it's lower since many of them commit suicide due to their gay atheist homo lifestyle. Hell, even among White Christians, suicide is very common.

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Point 3: Porn

Porn is very very common in all white countries, whereas in almost all Muslim countries, even the heavily secularized Turkey, porn sites are blocked. Porn in turn makes white males docile, submissive, non-aggresive, and complient. To delude oneself that white men who mass consume porn by the time they're around 10 years old will somehow have some sort of masculine urge or awakening and start a massive racewar "to save their people" is nothing short of delusional. Most people beat their meat while lying in bed in a submissive possesion, this has massive psychological effects on the beta-fication of the white male's mind.

Especially when you consider the next point....

Point 3.5: Cuckholdry

Porn itself is a form of cuckholdry. Anyone who consumes porn is essentially a cuck, since you are watching another man smash a woman who you are attracted to. You're basically looking through a virtual window. Add on to this interracial BMWF porn, which is made and consumed predominantly for white men, and this further exacerbates the cucked, submissive, beta, "defeatist" mentality among white males. They have essentially sexualized their own defeat, they have fetishized their "white genocide", they have sexualized racemixing. Interracial porn involving blacks, both black males and black females, is consistently some of the most popular porn categories according to many statistics, at least in America and France.

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Point 4: Modern Comforts

Modern comforts like electricity, internet, video games, technology, youtube, and so on, will reduce in commonality in some sort of civil war. Obviously, it wont fully go away, as even countries like Afghanistan still have all of these things, mostly in the capital mind you, but they will be more diffcult and harder to come by, and most white people are absolutley not willing to give up any of these things just for a white ethnostate. Their lives are TOO good and TOO comfortable for them to ever rebel, even with their declining numbers. If whites wanted to rebel, they would have done it by now, just as the Afghans, Palestinians, or Yemenis did.

Point 5: Racemixing

The more and more White Nationalists "bide their time waiting for the right time for the day of the rope", the more and more people will be racemixing in the meantime while they rot in their niche friend groups online. Meaning that on top of their low birth rates & suicide causing their falling numbers, racemixing is ALSO a 3rd factor for their declining numbers, as racemixed people are usually not considered White most of the time. More Eurabians, more Hapas, more Mulattos, more Indo-Europeans are being porn day after day. When I was in Vancouver, I saw half a dozen mixed White/Indian couples with kids, I have also seen many White/Arab couples and White/Black couples in Ottawa. It seems apparent that most Whites who live around non-whites eventually end up mixing to a certain extent, meaning all of the major cities eventually will be more mixed as things go on with white nationalists taking no actions to do anything. And of course, this goes without saying, but these mixed race children will never support white nationalism unless they are braindead idiots, because they will be seen as part of the problem.

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Point 6: Religious conversions

Much like the previous point, the more White Nationalists bide their time, pathetically hoping they will do "something" in just two more weeks for reelz!, the more and more White people will be converting to Islam, a religon that will naturally not fully support white nationalism in the current political climate. In Britain, for example, the rates of White British people converting to Islam has gotten so rapid, many mosques are now full of British Muslims. Even right wing, white nationalists like Mark Adrian Collett have commented (disappointingly) on how much British Muslim converts he is seeing day by day.

These White European muslims often will be far more sympathetic and tolerant of non-whites among them, and provide the Muslim communities with more numbers and better integration, in turn further blockading the efforts for any white nationalism. However, they will also often racemix with Arabs, Pakis, or Blacks, which further contributes to Point 5. I have seen in real life MANY European Muslims who have non-White spouses. I know 2 Somalis who are married to Whites. I know 4 Arabs married to Whites. and I know 3 Whites married to Pakis. 2 of my uncles also have european wives. And this is just talking about people I know IRL. Online, you can consistently see over and over European Muslims converts often times married to non-European Muslims, be it in random videos of laypeople talking about their conversions/marriage or prominent Muslim figures involved in Dawah.

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Point 7: Economics

Whites depend too much on non-White labor to do much about immigrants unless they want their socieities to collapse, because not only would deportation make these immigrant workers disappear, but it would also cause chaos/riots/protests. And of course that's not to mention many of these non-Whites are legal citizens of these countries, often born there or gained citizinship, it would be a massive hassle and bad PR to start stripping people of their citizenship based on race.

This stuff is especially apparent in America, where Hispanic illegal immigrants contribute a fuckton to the economy of the country. Personally, I would say at least half the staff at the hospital I work at is non-european. Much of the nurses are Arabs, Black, and Asian. Many doctors I've met have also been Arab. I have seen many non-White mechanics and construction workers, again, mostly Arab. I have seen many Indian truck drivers. If all these people left, the economy would take a MASSIVE hit, which somewhat ties into Point 4.

This is also not forgetting that most countries would take action if some sort of genocide/deportation event happened in a white country. They would sanction or stop trade with them ala what happened to Russia/Israel when they attacked Ukraine/Palestine. Turkey would not sit idle if Germany did something to it's Turkish diaspora. Likewise, China would not sit idle if something was done to Chinese Canadians. India would not sit idle if overseas Indians were being actively and politically discriminated against. While White countries are still the most powerful, Whites no longer have ENOUGH power to do as they please and get away with it. They would be watched via social media, they would be watched by diaspora, and countries with decent or comparable economic powers, like Turkey, China, Japan, Brazil, Saudi, and so on, would make

Point 8: Inceldom in the West + Feminism

Then there is inceldom. Many White men who are incels or who can't get married these days, would not have been incels 50 years ago. Many whitecels in modern times would have had kids 50 years ago. This means alot of white men have nothing to fight for, and we even see this on this forum, where many whitecels express a lack of care about white nationalism because they themselves feel rejected by White women, so why fight for them, right? Inceldom is becoming so rampant, due to White women's standards, lack of wealth, and the rise in AUTISM, and white men are having such difficulty getting married and having kids, that this alone acts as a demotivation for them to give a fuck about white society. Remember Jake William Davison, the incel who went ER in 2021? The guy was 6 feet tall, had blue eyes, was white, curly brown hair, a beard, and a decent job, and yet despite all of these GOOD things about him, he STILL suffered inceldom and went ER. Now imagine how much worse it is for white guys who are actually short, have brown eyes, or who have shit jobs. The BAR for inceldom is getting HIGHER each day, meaning more and more white normies fall into inceldom and thus give up on being part of society/contrubuting to it. As such, inceldom also fuels Points 1, 2, and 3.

Of course this isn't to forget the anti natalism and the hatred of having babies by white women themselves. Many White women view having kids as a burden to their carefree life, and to an extent that is true, as having kids is a heavy burden. As such, not only do many white women not have kids, even the fucking WHITE NATIONALIST white women don't want to have kids. Lauren Southern is a perfect example of this, who not only didnt have white kids, she in fact racemixed lmfao!!! but so is Ashlea Simon. She too is a white nationalist yet look at the types of articles she writes.

However, inceldom among Whites also leads to Point 5. Racemixing. If they dont go ER like the Jake guy did, many whitecels instead ascend by marrying blacks, asians, indians, and so on. Even normie white men often use ethnic women as a scapegoat to leave their inceldom. They are willing to tolerate having brown descendants if it means getting pussy. This means that the higher and higher standards of White women for "chad only", in turn leads normie white men to fuck and breed ethnic women, in turn contributing to EVEN MORE racemixing. This is why things like SEAmaxxing exist, and have exited since the 60s. It's why passport bros are a thing.

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Point 9: If Black Americans still exist, then we're ALL safe.

This is my final point, and I think my strongest argument why there will be no muh day of rope 1488 uprising. And it is the mere existence of Black people in America. I dont think I need to say this, but there is no race White Nationalists hate more than Blacks. No race is more phenotypically and culturally different to Whites than Blacks. No race is as distant to Whites in every conceivable way than Blacks. So if a country like America in the 1600s-1800s, where racisim and anti-miscegnation were ENCOURAGED, where white nationalism was encoded into the LAWS of the country, didn't kill off it's Black populations, why the FUCK would any of you think, in MODERN times, where racism and anti-racemixing are frowned upon, that somehow they'd do that thing to other races that Whites have tolerated MORE easily than they did Blacks?

Arabs at least share history with Europeans via Rome, ancient Greece, Phoenicia, ancient Egypt, Andalusia, and Ottomans. And of course Christianity as a religion.
Hispanics at least share almost all their history of the past centuries with Spain and Portugal.
Asians at least share cultural influece in recent decades post-WW2 via anime, Kpop and video games. Plus, White men have historically ALWAYS had a taste for Asian women and Asian culture when you read into early interactions between the two
Indians at least AT LEAST have Aryan and Greek cultural influence from ancient times.

But Blacks? Next to 0 cultural influence between them and Whites

Same applies to physical appearance.

Many Arabs are white caucasion with colored hair/eyes. Just like Whites.
Many Asians have white skin, and if you count Turks, colored eyes/hair. Just like Whites.
Many Indians have caucasion features and colored eyes. Just like Whites.

But Blacks? No white skin, no caucasion features, no colored eyes, no colored hair. NO physical resemblance.

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Ultimately, Black Americans are the ultimate proof that there will be no day of the rope for stromfrontcucks who yearn for it. If Blacks weren't wiped out, why would any of us be wiped out when ALL races on earth are closer to Whites than Blacks are?
A "hot" race war is out of the question but I wouldn't discount right wing Christian and Texas + Florida + Louisiana+ Ohio + Oklahoma + etc etc doing something at some point to progress this next phase of cultural evolution. The right wing Christians will eventually ban together in some manner, however the way you have described the mixed race vs pure race is yet to be seen. For example, it may become possible that right wing Christians offer conversation to other pure race people (and one day in the distant future) they all units against mixed race. But this is unlikely. It's hard to tell how mixed race peoples will unite. Very hard to say what this landscape will look like once economic issues start to rear their ugly head for real ..

So any clear cut prognostication is hard to make. Also, we have to remember, people may stop raising children altogether in an effort to have "parenting" be an outsourced process so people can focus on work, sex and enjoying life. Post -modern era Parents are idiots, there is no such thing as "modern parenting".

However, what the mix-race generation will do in this climate is hard to predict. I foresee there maybe a war (think of a sci-fi Alex Garland thriller type) where mixed race people choose to keep parenting and pure race people choose the outsourcing of parenting system and this a WAR eventually occurs. Or it could be the vice versa. Mixed race choose outsourcing of parenting, and pure race people choose to continue the old-ball-and-chain approach of "Parenting"

Lets See GIF by Digital Pratik

bro is a turk he want to be white (dont blame him,they would be nuked if not for nato's protection and bootlicking russia).

he still accuse me of being indian when i've been saying for months on this forum that im a native saudi.
Hello, you malnourished street-shitter. I've been stalking you. Your whole forum schtick seems to revolve around LARPing as a 'native' Saudi for whatever reason, yet you're no doubt an imported low-skilled laborer.
ولازم نحرف مصاحف حفص حقت عصمان
It's عثمان, you dumb subcon monkey. Replacing the ث with a ص is an obvious sign of a filthy pajeet attempting to speak Arabic, because that's how you people pronounce it. Get deported you resentful curry-munching animal.
Hello, you malnourished street-shitter. I've been stalking you. Your whole forum schtick seems to revolve around LARPing as a 'native' Saudi for whatever reason, yet you're no doubt an imported low-skilled laborer.

It's عثمان, you dumb subcon monkey. Replacing the ث with a ص is an obvious sign of a filthy pajeet attempting to speak Arabic, because that's how you people pronounce it. Get deported you resentful curry-munching animal.
JFL anyone with half a brain can see @akdicel173 is a pajeet larper. The way he talks, acts, his typing pattern, and his low brow insults against muslims makes this very obvious. His low IQ is also apparent by his posts when everyone knows Saudi is one of the safest countries in the world. He's a typical jeet who seethes at being a slave to arabs. The internet is more and more being flooded with millions of E-immigrants from pajeetland

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUT5oF-6pqU

Theres a 10 million chinaman surplus cuz of 1 child policy, theyre shipping in people from malaysia and other poor countries, and making slavery
Asians dont need to worry that much about demographic replacement since, like I said, there's like 3 billion of them. Whites dont have that luxury, there's only like 400 million whites.
Also to OP stop denying and overlooking the Jewish relevancy as it’s an insignificant matter the influence on race and wars is a big part of JQ as well as their culture and propaganda. Most of America is run by zionists and the Israeli war is the most evident case of how much Jews have a grip on the landscape of people Americas denying clear genocide and we all know why. The Jews think they’re the superior ones and can get away with ethnic cleansing because they own America culturally politically and socially the Jews are one of the main reasons for massive anti white hatred and mass immigration but be warned our patience has its limits.
Jews have nothing to do with what I wrote in OP. Even if jews were gone, these problems would still presist among the white population. You can look at asians as an example, they have no jews, yet they still have the same problems as whites. This is generally a problem with capitalism and industralization. Not that I am denying the JQ
cope all arabs are incel @tehgymcel420
Arabs are second in the SMV tier list after Europeans, obviously because Arabs are physically the closest in resemblance to Europeans.

However, even if only a few arab men copulate with european women, which does happen at a decently common rate, that will be enough to darken the european genepool and make it harder and harder to differntiate between Europeans, Eurabians, and Arabs. The point being that the more and more white nationalists wait around to do something about this, the more and more people WILL race mix, and the more and more the lines between races will be blurred.

You're confused. There are many average looking white men & women who have Indian partners/wives/lovers whatever. I have personally sat-by and painfully watched it as an ugly person for over 40 years. Who the fuck you telling, an American born Desi that I'm "coping". You are from India (since birth),right? You are likely way younger than me as well, right? Hence.. "You Know Nothing" by comparison. So shhhsh!
Never expected to be aged shamed here also but I had those assumptions from data I saw of US.

Also from this data Indian and Pakis perform about the same with +/- 5% variation in all the data I have seen, unlike what @Made in Heaven claims. I don't why he thinks Pakis have more SMV than Indians. No one can even differentiate between both of them, Indians are richer than Pakis if anything

This all marriage data This only US born

No one has a special fetish of Indian woman (except maybe Arabs). Indian foids are next in endogamy after sheboons. Sheboons have high endogamy because no one like them. Similar could be the case for Indian woman was my assumption

View: https://youtu.be/M8QDTiV5W6s


Please correct me if I am wrong
The hell does this even mean? Write sentences! No he's not completely right. There are ugly arabs and ugly Indians. Enough said.
I agree with this
Arabs are second in the SMV tier list after Europeans, obviously because Arabs are physically the closest in resemblance to Europeans.
Non-balding non-inbreed white passing Arabs will have equivalent SMV to whites because they are white passing

@Made in Heaven isn't even wrong most of the times just maybe stretches the point too much. He tries to insult and shit when I am trying have a conversation. I don't get why? So I attacked back
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Asians dont need to worry that much about demographic replacement since, like I said, there's like 3 billion of them. Whites dont have that luxury, there's only like 400 million whites.
There were more native Americans than whites, yet whites replaced them. You can't always be that sure.
Jews have nothing to do with what I wrote in OP. Even if jews were gone, these problems would still presist among the white population. You can look at asians as an example, they have no jews, yet they still have the same problems as whites. This is generally a problem with capitalism and industralization. Not that I am denying the JQ
I disagree. Half of countries in Asia are under US occupation others all are communist, both of which are Jewish controlled ultimately.
I disagree. Half of countries in Asia are under US occupation others all are communist, both of which are Jewish controlled ultimately.
Being under US occupation doesn't correlate with the socio-economic reasons for why korean women or japanese women dont want to fuck ricecels. It is a problem with economics, culture, and "Briffault's law" taking effect.
There were more native Americans than whites, yet whites replaced them. You can't always be that sure.
No there wasn't. North America was always sparse. South America was WAY more populated, and you can see how they didnt manage to wipe out the natives. Even then, many many natives died out due to not being able to handle Old World diseases that European brought, which is obviously not something that can happen nowadays
I don't why he thinks Pakis have more SMV than Indians. No one can even differentiate between both of them, Indians are richer than Pakis if anything
Pakis have less AASI admixture and more INF admixture. They have lighter skin and higher rate of white skin, colored eyes, and colored hair. It may not be a BIG gap in SMV between indians and pakis, but the gap is still noticable for many people imo. Indo-Nordic/Proto-Nordic phenotype is present mostly in East Afghanistan/North Pakistan, not india.





Likewise, Iranid and Armenid are more common in Pakistan than in India, and those 2 phenotypes look Mediteranean




Pakis have less AASI admixture and more INF admixture. They have lighter skin and higher rate of white skin, colored eyes, and colored hair. It may not be a BIG gap in SMV between indians and pakis, but the gap is still noticable for many people imo. Indo-Nordic/Proto-Nordic phenotype is present mostly in East Afghanistan/North Pakistan, not india.
You can't differentiate between a Punjabi, Haryana or Paki guy. All the North West Curries look the same.

This can be verified because Indian and Pakis don't perform any different from stats within margin of error.
No there wasn't. North America was always sparse.
I am ignorant but weren't there 10 million Natives and only 2.5 million whites in America originally before 1800s and then mass migration started or something?
Even then, many many natives died out due to not being able to handle Old World diseases that European brought, which is obviously not something that can happen nowadays
Wokism and feminism is worse than any plague or pandemic. Look at Korean birth rate, no plague could have lowered it that much as feminism.
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Being under US occupation doesn't correlate with the socio-economic reasons for why korean women or japanese women dont want to fuck ricecels. It is a problem with economics, culture, and "Briffault's law" taking effect.
I feel like it does. Vietnamese do the best out of all the chinks but it drops when they are US born Vietnamese.

The original point I was trying to make was that ultimately all of Asia is under Jewish influence

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Never expected to be aged shamed here
Shit happens dowg.
also but I had those assumptions from data I saw of US.
"Raw data" - I can provide some different raw data if needed. Tamil is growing fast, it's hard to say if it's number one, and regardless doesn't really matter.

Also from this data Indian and Pakis perform about the same with +/- 5% variation in all the data I have seen, unlike what @Made in Heaven claims. I don't why he thinks Pakis have more SMV than Indians. No one can even differentiate between both of them, Indians are richer than Pakis if anything
Eh not interested atm in this...
This all marriage data This only US born
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No one has a special fetish of Indian woman (except maybe Arabs). Indian foids are next in endogamy after sheboons. Sheboons have high endogamy because no one like them. Similar could be the case for Indian woman was my assumption.
This is plain wrong brousef! I can provide you with direct first-hand experience of many who do find Indian girls very attractive (to the point of fetish also). White guys, black, other Indian-Desi etc.

Well. He just had a brain fart and didn't think too much about what he was saying...if re-explained how dumb he was about it he would withdraw that statement.

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