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There will be no White uprising. Get over it.

Asians don’t have the same problems as whites
They do. The whole kpoop and kfag shit is to decrease Asian birth rate. It kind of worked

Agree about everything except capitalism part. Human have been trading and shit since cave man time. Communism is a kike invention to control people like you said
The Asian birth rate is done by their own government and k pop is part of their culture probably increases the birth rate because of the appeal to Korean women.
Korea, Japan and entire SEA is almost under USA occupation. Their governments are directly controlled by US kikes
This is plain wrong brousef! I can provide you with direct first-hand experience of many who do find Indian girls very attractive (to the point of fetish also). White guys, black, other Indian-Desi etc.
Still Indian woman have the lowest SMV. They also won't date anyone who is bald or not rich also, which makes their choices even less.
Also the hazaras mix of Pakistan and Afghanistan are more attractive than indians
Yeah but only in Afghanistan, Pakis are inbreed poverty faggotary and goat fucking maxxed
Still Indian woman have the lowest SMV.
This statement is false. This is a relative term and if you could get one good looking one, this shouldn't matter. But since we can't, it's not worth focusing on trust me, it's a waste of time.
They also won't date anyone who is bald or not rich also, which makes their choices even less.
This might be true, but again. Follow me in PM, explaining there..
Nah they aren’t Japan is sovereign Korea only has military relationship And the rest of Asia aren’t they have connectionss but not occupation
You are naive then. Entire Europe and Asia is almost under USA control.

Japan and Korea don't even have their own Armies and rely on US. Their leader can't speak against US or support of Russia. Like even Imran Khan got jailed when he spoke in support of Russia
Nah Afghans probably have more faggotry due to bacha party prominent in Afghanistan and the taliban, no goat fucking there and in Middle East there’s no study but I did find that 7 percent of us population does do it. More inbreds in India and poverty is worse in India because Pakistan has better agriculture and land productivity.
:feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman: What happens when you use 0% of brain

India cousin marriage is 10% mostly mullas and tribals do it here, while Pakistan's is 60%. Pakis suffer from major genetic diseases because of that.

Afghanistan is the only true and BASED muslim country.

India vs Pakistan development. Pakistan is a literal beggar country. Cope else where.

It isn’t Europe maybe but not Asia. Japan has its own army The GFP index denotes Japan as a Top 10 global military power
Can Germany and Italy leaders speak against USA and remain in power? They can't
South Korea ranked fifth in the world
Shitty metric. They would lose in a breeze to North Korea any day. South Korea has a shit army.
Nah khan stood firmly against the US he was removed because of corruption of selling state gifts also Pakistan has high rates of corruption so who knows what the real reason is and they seem to be dedicated
That's the lie they tell. Real reason is because he spoke pro Russia. Even visited Russia or something and angered US
I never said Europe wasn’t controlled by kikes because Europe is largely anti white and has promoted interracial marriages and allows ethnics to cause havoc.
It is controlled by US kike. All those countries have been under US occupation since world wars
Having a strong army is shitty metric?
No. The problem is they are "strong" in name only. All are controlled by US, they don't have total sovereignty and fight against US if they want,
lol nazi germany went to war with the world and put up a good fight because their army was one of the strongest.
They literally got cucked and lost. Their leader also killed himself with humiliation. Not a good example :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
Nah has nothing to do with Russia, Pakistan is openly anti USA. It’s internal conflict

He blames his successor Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and the military for orchestrating his removal.
Don't know. The timing of his removal and arrest just after visiting Russia is suspicious. Pakistan is basically a US bitch.

Iran, India and Afghanistan will destroy it in upcoming war.
Japan doesn’t need to fight? They are allies only.
They are allies TODAY. They are "allies" not because they don't want to fight but can't fight
Indian women are objectively ugly Pakistani women mogg.
Good for us. Will increase our endogamy while your foids will get stolen. Not a good thing to flaunt low IQ nigger

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Japan's support to PalestineJapan is actively providing assistance to the Palestinians. During the period 1993–2002, economic aid was provided, totaling US$630 million, at an annual average of US$85 million, through UNRWA, the United Nations Development Programme and UNICEF.

Enough proof
India also gives Palestine aid. Doesn't mean shit. Every country does.
They’re only 14 percent of the population numbers don’t add up.

Of marriages in rural areas, 46·9% were consanguineous, and in urban areas, 29·1%. In more than 80% of the consanguineous marriages, the spouses were first cousins or more closely related

Inbreeding was most common among the Hindus: 23.56% of their marriages were uncle-niece, F for the group was 0.02670.

Maybe the US does own India because I can’t seem to find more studies lol.

India is 4X biggger than Pakistan
Jews and Curries increased our IQ with inbreeding while mullas dumbed down themselves

Nah Pakistan isn’t maybe India is with the Israel support.
India is always neutral on shit. We officially don't even support Israel.
Iraq and Afghanistan are Muslim countries why would they destroy Pakistan
Because Pakistan is a US bitch. They hate Pakis also and like Indians.

Iran and Afghanistan are already attacking Pakistan along with India
If that's supposed to be a universal law as a truth, then you don't know what "ugly" truly means..
Indian woman are only not ugly to Indian men, same with Indian men. No one like us except ourselves. That's just your Indian projection
Indian woman are only not ugly to Indian men, same with Indian men.
Again not true. Attractive Indian women who are not malfunction as severely often times do attract white men, and latino men in their circles. This can happen in the upper class/caste more regularly than you might imagine.
No one like us except ourselves.
Also not true. Good looking foids are generally able to be found attractive enough to be given the time of day. For Indian men, especially those born in the West who are not attractive, the spiral into chaos happens faster and more intensely.
That's just your Indian projection
Lol. Nope. Wish it were, but for Incel-tier it's even more brutal to have to accept it's not the case except for us.
Again not true. Attractive Indian women who are not malfunction as severely often times do attract white men, and latino men in their circles. This can happen in the upper class/caste more regularly than you might imagine.

Also not true. Good looking foids are generally able to be found attractive enough to be given the time of day. For Indian men, especially those born in the West who are not attractive, the spiral into chaos happens faster and more intensely.

Lol. Nope. Wish it were, but for Incel-tier it's even more brutal to have to accept it's not the case except for us.
If that's true like you claim. Why are we the most endogamous minority?
If that's true like you claim. Why are we the most endogamous minority?
The answer is right there in the definition of the word "endogamous". You are not able to understand what it means and what the definition entails. It's mostly culture not just apperance.
Hello, you malnourished street-shitter. I've been stalking you. Your whole forum schtick seems to revolve around LARPing as a 'native' Saudi for whatever reason, yet you're no doubt an imported low-skilled laborer.

It's عثمان, you dumb subcon monkey. Replacing the ث with a ص is an obvious sign of a filthy pajeet attempting to speak Arabic, because that's how you people pronounce it. Get deported you resentful curry-munching animal.
@akdicel173 @akdicel173 @akdicel173 @akdicel173
Why are you hiding, faggot? I see you're still sticking to your cringe LARP. You can't even make a single post without relating it to 'being Saudi', as if it's your entire personality. Well then, why don't you come here, my compatriot? Let's have a conversation in Arabic.
@akdicel173 @akdicel173 @akdicel173 @akdicel173
Why are you hiding, faggot? I see you're still sticking to your cringe LARP. You can't even make a single post without relating it to 'being Saudi', as if it's your entire personality. Well then, why don't you come here, my compatriot? Let's have a conversation in Arabic.
Why would someone want to LARP as a sandnigger in the first place?
Why would someone want to LARP as a sandnigger in the first place?
He's an unskilled expat who works in Saudi Arabia, cleaning toilets for a living - of course he'd love to LARP as his Saudi masters.
He's an unskilled expat who works in Saudi Arabia, cleaning toilets for a living - of course he'd love to LARP as his Saudi masters.
I see. If he wanted to shit on sand, he should've LARPed as a cumskin so that nobody would fight back against him.
I see. If he wanted to shit on sand, he should've LARPed as a cumskin so that nobody would fight back against him.
His LARP is too obvious however, you can smell the curry stench from his abhorrent prose. Only a malnourished dalit with an undeveloped brain would write in the way he writes.
His LARP is too obvious however, you can smell the curry stench from his abhorrent prose. Only a malnourished dalit with an undeveloped brain would write in the way he writes.
True. The first think he did when he joined this forum is pick a fight with @Made in Heaven and he knew specific details about sandniggers that most people don't know. He seems to have a personal grudge against them.
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You can't differentiate between a Punjabi, Haryana or Paki guy. All the North West Curries look the same.
Yes, NW indians look similar to Pakis, but India isn't just the NW, there's more people in north east india than any other place. And then there is south india which is black. So yeah, NW indians look similar to Pakis, but the rest of india doesn't


None of these blacker, shorter phenotypes are present in pakistan in any significant amount






I am ignorant but weren't there 10 million Natives and only 2.5 million whites in America originally before 1800s and then mass migration started or something?
There were estimated 6 million native in America/Canada in 1492. So it's not that much, especially when Europeans had guns and most americans died from diseases. IF there was a lot of natives in America/Canada, it would have ended up like Mexico or Brazil, those places DIDNT have their natives wiped out because there was way too many Natives for Spanish/Portugal to kill off
Asians don’t have the same problems as whites
They absolutley do, idk what cope you're on to deny this. Asians are WORSE off than whites, they have more porn, more incels, more suicide, more fertility issues. Asians are what whites are GOING to become. The difference is Asians have 3 billion individuals, so they can AFFORD to lose some of their numbers, Whites CANNOT, since they are only 800 million.
Jews affect everything and everyone. Capitalism and Industrialistion is accelerated by technological which is mainly used by Jews. All in all Jews are the problem and or it can also be said Jews run capitalism and industrialisation or have a big part in it making the major choices every negative part of society has a Jew in it. I don’t need to explain the Palestine situation nor the banking reserves. Jews have a prominent role both in the development of capitalism, socialism and anti white pro immigrant sentiment also the whole abortion blm movement can be attributed to Jews as well. It’s no secret the Jews hate whites the culture of the modern Europe is largely affected by the Jews The reason whites have been so demoralised and become docile and weak is also due to the Jews. The rabbit hole goes deep.
All this is an issue with capitalism and industrialization. getting rid of jews wouldnt magically fix the probelms whites are facing. And I KNOW this to be the case because you can see even Saudi Iran and Turkey fertility rates dropping, and those countries are MUSLIM ffs
True. The first think he did when he joined this forum is pick a fight with @Made in Heaven and he knew specific details about sandniggers that most people don't know. He seems to have a personal grudge against them.
His LARP is too obvious however, you can smell the curry stench from his abhorrent prose. Only a malnourished dalit with an undeveloped brain would write in the way he writes.
I've interacted with many pajeets on this forum and seen many pajeets on twitter. They have very similar typing patterns and often resort to similar insults/talking points like the rest. Like robots.


The fact that he even had the audacity to try and lie about Saudi not being safe is the biggest give away of his low IQ
I've interacted with many pajeets on this forum and seen many pajeets on twitter. They have very similar typing patterns and often resort to similar insults/talking points like the rest. Like robots.

View attachment 1137111

The fact that he even had the audacity to try and lie about Saudi not being safe is the biggest give away of his low IQ
He makes it seem like Saudi Arabia is some mysterious place on a faraway planet that only he, the migrant who works as a Taxi driver there, knows. Visiting Saudi is pretty easy nowadays; it's not that mysterious. Besides, we host a shitload of sport events that many people from around the world attend. It is quite safe, just like all the other Gulf states. Naturally, the places that are infested by his kind (Indians, Pakis, Afghans, Africans, etc) are less safe than others, but even those have very little crime compared to the rest of the world because we try to keep them in check.
He makes it seem like Saudi Arabia is some mysterious place on a faraway planet that only he, the migrant who works as a Taxi driver there, knows. Visiting Saudi is pretty easy nowadays; it's not that mysterious. Besides, we host a shitload of sport events that many people from around the world attend. It is quite safe, just like all the other Gulf states. Naturally, the places that are infested by his kind (Indians, Pakis, Afghans, Africans, etc) are less safe than others, but even those have very little crime compared to the rest of the world because we try to keep them in check.
Yep. I have an uncle in saudi, and he's not some pajeet immigrant like him. Every stat in the world shows on and on that saudi is among the safest places in the world, such that even the blacks and indians there dont commit crimes. That's the power of sharia.
Hello, you malnourished street-shitter. I've been stalking you. Your whole forum schtick seems to revolve around LARPing as a 'native' Saudi for whatever reason, yet you're no doubt an imported low-skilled laborer.

It's عثمان, you dumb subcon monkey. Replacing the ث with a ص is an obvious sign of a filthy pajeet attempting to speak Arabic, because that's how you people pronounce it. Get deported you resentful curry-munching animal.
Nicely done :feelskek: There are multiple active users on here I suspect to be pajeets LARPing as some race they aren't; I don't know why they feel the need to do this when this forum's demographics already resemble those of the indian colony of London.
@DarkStarDown This chart looks like it'll come in handy for catching LARPing superpoo-ers :forcedsmile:. The scapegoating of certain curry subcategories is probably the most surefire sign of a 'jeetoid. As I've said, every curry is a dalit to 99.999% of foreigners; any "white", etc. person you see saying North indians/pakis/brahmins are "muh noble Aryeans:feelstastyman:" or something along those lines is 1000% a coping poonigger. The projection onto slavs/meds is also, of course, something you almost always see coming from curries on this forum
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Nicely done :feelskek: There are multiple active users on here I suspect to be pajeets LARPing as some race they aren't; I don't know why they feel the need to do this when this forum's demographics already resemble those of the indian colony of London.
@DarkStarDown This chart looks like it'll come in handy for catching larping superpoo-ers :forcedsmile:. The scapegoating of certain curry subcategories is probably the most surefire sign of a 'jeetoid. As I've said, every curry is a dalit to 99.999% of foreigners; any "white", etc. person you see saying North indians/pakis/brahmins are "muh noble Aryeans:feelstastyman:" or something along those lines is 1000% a coping poonigger. The projection onto slavs/meds is also, of course, something you almost always see coming from curries on this forum
Ofc, saved the graph, they need to make one for Spics as well.

Thanks for the information @Made in Heaven
Yes, NW indians look similar to Pakis, but India isn't just the NW, there's more people in north east india than any other place. And then there is south india which is black. So yeah, NW indians look similar to Pakis, but the rest of india doesn't

View attachment 1137100

None of these blacker, shorter phenotypes are present in pakistan in any significant amount
But most of the migrants in the west are from Punjab and other North west states.

I agree with that point but less than 5% of Indians look like that, most of them are wheatish.

Do you have data to show that Pakis significantly perform better than Indian. I haven’t seen any difference within 5% with both men and woman.
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Japan doesn’t need to fight? They are allies only.
I guess I didn't make my point clearly.

What I am saying is that all the Asian and European countries are all under US occupation and don't have sovereignty. They can't go against US interests and none of their politicians can speak against US. They all are banana republics basically controlled by US kikes.

Their armies are all controlled by US not by their leaders also.
It's mostly culture not just apperance.
I don't think it plays that much role. Most like you said don't even speak their native languages there, yet Indians have high endogamy.

My theory makes sense, like I said because not only they are lowest SMV but also have higher standards making them unable to mingle with other races.
I don't think it plays that much role. Most like you said don't even speak their native languages there, yet Indians have high endogamy.

My theory makes sense, like I said because not only they are lowest SMV but also have higher standards making them unable to mingle with other races.
Not sure what you mean. What's "there" in the States you mean?
Not sure what you mean. What's "there" in the States you mean?
Yes, I doubt if Indians born there are still religious and speak their languages. Not culture, looks are the reason
Yes, I doubt if Indians born there are still religious and speak their languages. Not culture, looks are the reason
Many Indians born there are actually resentful of their own lost background and therefore choose to try and date/marry non-Indians. This number has increased every 4 years or so exponentially..
Many Indians born there are actually resentful of their own lost background and therefore choose to try and date/marry non-Indians.
Even foids? I doubt that.
Even foids? I doubt that.
ESPECIALLY foids. Indian-American girls who look anything above a sub-6 start rejecting their own kind and dating non-desi early. This is one main reason Indian-American desi makes fixate on white girls/latina early on. On the surface, white girls will flirt more with an Indian male of affluence than a comparatively similar smv Indian girl would. Not that it will go anywhere for the low smv desi male, but trust me you can see it happen constantly. It depends on a bunch of factors for individual cases, but Indian-American girls are far more brutal and horrific in their behavior towards young desi makes than Indian girls from the mainland.
And I KNOW this to be the case because you can see even Saudi Iran and Turkey fertility rates dropping, and those countries are MUSLIM ffs
Saudi is still above replacement. Turkey and Iran have bad economic conditions now, no amount of sharia can pay the bills for affording children now
getting rid of jews wouldnt magically fix the probelms whites are facing.
You are underestimating the role of Yahud in all of this
Why would someone want to LARP as a sandnigger in the first place?
I mean sandniggers got fooled multiple times by people who were larping to be the prophet of God so I guess he assumed they would again, but sandniggers here are evidently not that dumb :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
@akdicel173 @akdicel173 @akdicel173 @akdicel173
Why are you hiding, faggot? I see you're still sticking to your cringe LARP. You can't even make a single post without relating it to 'being Saudi', as if it's your entire personality. Well then, why don't you come here, my compatriot? Let's have a conversation in Arabic.
@akdicel173 (sand?)nigger clarify this and resolve this here. I want to see another fight here
@akdicel173 (sand?)nigger clarify this and resolve this here. I want to see another fight here
Here's a pro-tip: Saudis rarely use these types of international forums, preferring instead to keep to themselves. If you see a Saudi flag on 4chan, or encounter someone on this forum who claims to be Saudi, then suspicion should be your first reaction - after all, more than 34% of Saudi Arabia's population is made up of expats, and they're more likely to use English-language websites. That slum-dwelling vermin was trying to use this fact to his advantage, using what little Arabic he picked up from his toilet-cleaning work in Saudi Arabia to try and seem legitimate. Unfortunately for him, there are some exceptions to the rule, like yours truly.

Also, this is not a fight. It's a one-sided beatdown.
@akdicel173 Come and say hi, cockroach. You may be a cheap migrant worker doing janitor work or whatever, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends. Maybe I could pay you a visit in المدينة and have a friendly conversation?
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Ofc, saved the graph, they need to make one for Spics as well.

Thanks for the information @Made in Heaven
Found this on /pol/. You always find the funniest race memes there
after all, more than 34% of Saudi Arabia's population is made up of expats
Only 44% of Saudi iirc is actually Arabs. The rest is a bunch of blacks, indians, and SEAs. Maybe a few europeans and other MENAs
Saudi is still above replacement. Turkey and Iran have bad economic conditions now, no amount of sharia can pay the bills for affording children now
Saudi's FR is still declining regardless, even if it's still high for now.
You are underestimating the role of Yahud in all of this
I'm not. I am well aware of jewish evil, however, to pin all of these cultural/economic elements on jews is nothing more than a way to try and shirk responsibility
Do you have data to show that Pakis significantly perform better than Indian. I haven’t seen any difference within 5% with both men and woman.
No, but you dont need data when something is obviousy. Being whiter or looking whiter is ideal. Pakis and NW indians look whiter than south indians, so it's obvious they will be more desired by others.
All this yapping from a guy who wants to fondle the feet of sheboons, JFL

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