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Blackpill White women are going their own way [WWGTOW] and this is fueling White Man + Ethnic Female couplings



Dec 15, 2017
I talk a lot of shit on this site about white men dating ethnic women and how it's affecting us ethnic men. eg. We now have a 1/3 chance of being celibate just for being ethnic. I used to think white guys were fucking curry/Asian girls because it was more of an "easy mode" for them and they'd have to put in less effort in the relationship. That's probably still partly true.

But I do think there's another factor driving this process which people have pointed out on here before: White women are starting to opt out of the dating market altogether. ie. [WWGTOW].

I did a particularly long bike ride today through some busy touristy areas for 3+ hours today and I really did my best to observe. Basic points:

- 90% of the interracial couples had a white man with an ethnic foid (most commonly SEA foid).
- White women were (with only 3 exceptions I counted) either there with white men, alone, or with other women.

This is a problem created by hypergamy that is uniquely hitting white women first.

White women have their choice of all the men, since they are the most desirable race of women. Previously, just getting another white guy was "good enough". But now, as hypergamy has escalated that's not enough anymore. Average white men don't make average white women excited anymore. Many can now only accept the top 10-30% of white men. And there simply aren't enough to go around. So we're seeing these white women simply opt out. ie. "If I have to date an average Joe, I'd rather not date at all". So they go out alone or hang out with their female friends instead. Every now and then, they get a top tier Chad on Tinder to fuck them. The rest of the time, they just do other things and don't bother with men.

The fundamental problem for white women is they have no higher race of men to "ascend" to fucking. They want to escalate in their hypergamy, but there's no one above white guys, so they can only just keep reaching for the top % of those white guys. As their standards rise, the acceptable percent of men for them keeps diminishing each year.

Ethnic women don't have this problem. They have almost endless opportunities for hypergamy ascension. Previously they were stuck dating men of their own races, which we can now see they obviously hated. Now that they have white guys to choose from, this provides a massive ladder upwards for them. Probably a good 70%+ of the white male population is considered "fuckable" to most ethnic foids. So this is like paradise for them, and it's helped keep the white male sexless rate steady.

This is also why ethnic foids now have the highest sex rates in America and >96% of them are actively fucking. The West feels like an all-you-can-fuck Chad buffet for these foids. Average white men are 3" taller, have 1" bigger dicks, and have better muscles and features than their own men. Almost every white man looks like a Chad when you've grown up around curries and gooks. So they are taking advantage of this in a huge way.

The main point I think we must consider that it's not just that white men want to steal ethnic foids. It's that white women truly have lost touch with reality and are quitting the dating market altogether due to their ridiculous standards. This leaves a lot of white men free. And since they look like instant Chads to ethnic foids, the ethnic foids swoop in and start fucking those white guys instead.

We live in a cuck or be cucked world, and this is inevitable to an extent. Someone always has to get cucked for someone else to have sex. There simply aren't enough women to go around. But this is especially bad because when you have a whole race of women (and the prevailing race in the west) just deciding "no one is good enough" and leaving the game, it skews the percentages even more. It creates an even greater excess of men in the dating field.

If I were a politician I'd start working on programs to facilitate the immigration of single young women from all less developed countries into Western nations. Again cuck or be cucked. It would suck for the men of those countries, but it's the only way to fix this imbalance of male desire and female disinterest that is otherwise only worsening. Without an input of fresh and less hypergamous vagina, this system is simply unsustainable. Birth rates will continue to drop. We need more women.
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Absolutely mong tier IQ idea with the sending women from different countries into other countries. Overpopulation is the main problem, the solution to that is mass genocide. Africa, India, China, and the United States, kill all the men in those four places.
Grats on janitor, just know @NEETAndTidy Is shaking with jealousy right now
Absolutely mong tier IQ idea with the sending women from different countries into other countries. Overpopulation is the main problem, the solution to that is mass genocide. Africa, India, China, and the United States, kill all the men in those four places.

Well I don't think anyone would ever get elected on a Thanos policy platform of instantly killing a certain percent of all the men at random.

It would be more reasonable (if using selective immigration is out) to actively breed new females through tax incentives or other programs to encourage people to make female children. China's one child policy was very effective at limiting the number of total births while it was active. This proves that public policy can be used to effectively direct reproduction.

Should policies ever be enacted to make it more favorable to have female children, we could increase the female population without even needing immigration. I estimate we'd need at least another 10-30% of women just to offset the problems we have today.

Then if that amount of extra women want to sit on the sidelines because "no man is good enough" they can feel free to and it hurts no one.
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notice how none of this benefits men
Doesn't matter. Ethnic guys still get prime white high school pussy all around Europe (just like niggs do in the US), that's all that matters.

Literally, everything else is unimportant, they could remain celibate for the rest of their lives but they still got prime pussy.
Well I don't think anyone would ever get elected on a Thanos policy platform of instantly killing a certain percent of all the men at random.

It would be more reasonable (if using selective immigration is out) to actively breed new females through tax incentives or other programs to encourage people to make female children. China's one child policy was very effective at limiting the number of total births while it was active. This proves that public policy can be used to effectively direct reproduction.

Should policies ever be enacted to make it more favorable to have female children, we could increase the female population without even needing immigration. I estimate we'd need at least another 10-30% of women just to offset the problems we have today.

Then if that amount of extra women want to sit on the sidelines because "no man is good enough" they can feel free to and it hurts no one.

Also any strategy to increase the female population (whether it is done by selective immigration or selective breeding) practically writes its own marketing based on the prevailing narratives of the past 10-20 years:

Men are so BAAAAADDDD for society. They're violent and mean and rapists and icky. So we need less men. We need more women!!! Women are good!!! Women are special flowers that are all beautiful in their own way!!! Women are full of love and don't hurt anyone!!! Women are smart and can take care of business!!! So why not encourage more women in society? Then we can have a better and more feminine society!!! Yay!!!

What's the normie argument against that? They've already set the foundation with all their man hating. So if men are so terrible, shouldn't we try to have more women instead?
Well I don't think anyone would ever get elected on a Thanos policy platform of instantly killing a certain percent of all the men at random.

It would be more reasonable (if using selective immigration is out) to actively breed new females through tax incentives or other programs to encourage people to make female children. China's one child policy was very effective at limiting the number of total births while it was active. This proves that public policy can be used to effectively direct reproduction.

Should policies ever be enacted to make it more favorable to have female children, we could increase the female population without even needing immigration. I estimate we'd need at least another 10-30% of women just to offset the problems we have today.

Then if that amount of extra women want to sit on the sidelines because "no man is good enough" they can feel free to and it hurts no one.
That's what I say preimplantation diagnostics. Gir, then boy, then girl. Won't solves the problem but releases some steam out of the cooking pot.
Also any strategy to increase the female population (whether it is done by selective immigration or selective breeding) practically writes its own marketing based on the prevailing narratives of the past 10-20 years:

Men are so BAAAAADDDD for society. They're violent and mean and rapists and icky. So we need less men. We need more women!!! Women are good!!! Women are special flowers that are all beautiful in their own way!!! Women are full of love and don't hurt anyone!!! Women are smart and can take care of business!!! So why not encourage more women in society? Then we can have a better and more feminine society!!! Yay!!!

What's the normie argument against that? They've already set the foundation with all their man hating. So if men are so terrible, shouldn't we try to have more women instead?
Bad idea longterm this will make wwgtow probably worse.

Btw what do you feel are the reasons?

Gosh hate mobile..
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That's what I say preimplantation diagnostics. Gir, then boy, then girl. Won't solves the problem but releases some steam out of the cooking pot.

Bad idea longterm this will not worsen the underlying problem von of hypergamy.

Btw what do you feel are the reasons?

Gosh hate mobile..

How do you figure it won't solve the problem long term? The problem is just a basic market one of supply and demand.

There is too great a supply of men relative to the supply of women. This creates too much demand for women, and not enough demand for men. As we know, this issue was "corrected" for in the past through war or other violent means as large amounts of men were dying constantly. But now we don't have that death, and unless @SoCalSuifuel gets his way, we won't have that type of death going forward.

So if we can't figure out a way to start killing off massive numbers of men, we must instead find a way to increase the number of women.

Any markets can be pushed to a favorable equilibrium. If there were policies that gave tax breaks for daughters instead of sons, people would start doing sex selection to have more daughters. With even an extra 10% of women being born each year, we could likely return male sexlessness rates back to what they were in the early 2000s.

Once women know they have to start competing for a man because there aren't enough men to go around, the ones who want to have a man would start to appreciate us more. They would actually start seeing us as a precious resource, not just replaceable garbage.

It's not a matter of "if" this would happen, but more a matter of "what percent of excess women would be required" before it happens.

This is especially critical given that so many women want to spend their lives in the workforce and not have kids any more. The West is at subreplacement fertility and has been for decades. Populations are declining and the only reason we don't see it is that governments hide it via immigration.

But immigration is not a long term solution for declining populations either. To fix it in a sustainable way, you need more vaginas in play. More uteruses. More women. That's the only way to get a higher number of births per capita and the only way to drive the male incel rate down. It's the only way to make them actually care about us or want us again.
Also any strategy to increase the female population (whether it is done by selective immigration or selective breeding) practically writes its own marketing based on the prevailing narratives of the past 10-20 years:

Men are so BAAAAADDDD for society. They're violent and mean and rapists and icky. So we need less men. We need more women!!! Women are good!!! Women are special flowers that are all beautiful in their own way!!! Women are full of love and don't hurt anyone!!! Women are smart and can take care of business!!! So why not encourage more women in society? Then we can have a better and more feminine society!!! Yay!!!

What's the normie argument against that? They've already set the foundation with all their man hating. So if men are so terrible, shouldn't we try to have more women instead?

Hohoho, I think I found another potential feminist on the site. I am actually GLAD that white women are out of the market because they were not with me when they were in the market. TIME TO BECOME A DOG! lol!

Seriously though, I just messaged a girl on instagram this approximate message, 'Your girlfriend is a disgusting troll with absolutely no redeeming qualities, but this picture is great!' I am so fucking tired of buzz cut tuxedo wearing angry-faced 5'2'' lesbians mogging me. Oh, I also said, 'Women are LITERALLY FUCKING DOGS these days!' in the comment. I'm keeping it in less and letting the word be spread. Shame to anybody who chooses a woman over me. This was the foid.

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What city is this? Toronto?

Latinos and Blacks are absolutely not losing their women to whites (who are the huge majority of nonwhites in the US). Your theory may be true about white women's standards and opting out (at some level) but I don't think it's really being made up for by ethnic women outside Asian foids.
This needs to be stickied, for someone to win someone has to lose and whites are winning (as they usually do). Cuck or be cucked as you said.

White women dropping out sends ripple effects throughout the sexual market that hit ethnic men the hardest. Of course ethnic bitches flourish in this environment. The lack of females fuels this too, you're average female might as well be a god compared to the average man in terms of value on the sexual market.

This reminds me of that mouse utopia experiment where things got really out of control for the mice. Basically the chad mice hoarded all the females for themselves, this is basically what's happening today.
Doesn't it completely bug anyone else that ethnic women actively have sex at a 96% rate while ethnic men are celibate at a whopping fucking 30%?

Female passion is going so inebriated in our world that it makes them responsible of the lack of dating opportunities for celibate men. I always loathed the idea of blaming women for inceldom and I always blamed Nature and evolution, but in retrospect, I now really believe women are responsible for not giving a chance whatsoever to a huge chunk of men.


I mean look at these stats for shit's sake. At least message or give one or two dates to these men. Everyone is deserving of companionship. I guess sapiens is just a despicably too unevolved race to make righteous decisions.
WWGTOW is just another way of saying "cool wine aunt"

Absolutely mong tier IQ idea with the sending women from different countries into other countries. Overpopulation is the main problem, the solution to that is mass genocide. Africa, India, China, and the United States, kill all the men in those four places.
If you did that you would probably create a shortage of people willing to deal with American women lmao
Ethnics sent their women so they could be cucked by white guys.
Girls are going for Chad that pump&dump them. Then they are meeting with their girlfriends to bitch about it.

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