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Venting Why did the Universe do this?



Death Note Makes No Sense
Jun 7, 2018
How can Religious and Spiritual cels believe in anything good? There are handsome men out there have the epic romances and making women happy and all we get to do is suffer and rot. Looking in the mirror is actually painful. I hate being alive. I don't have the courage to kill myself, though. What is the point of all this? Why am I making this thread?
Because you're ugly.
Yeah i dont get either, i cant believe that there are ugly manlets that actually worship god, its so fucking stupid
Yeah i dont get either, i cant believe that there are ugly manlets that actually worship god, its so fucking stupid
Same. Kent, for example. The poor lil' niglet has no self-esteem, knows he's dying alone, is paranoid of everything, but is still devoutly religious. Fuck the heck does that make any sense?
Yeah i dont get either, i cant believe that there are ugly manlets that actually worship god, its so fucking stupid
The only faiths I understand are the ones that claim the material world is evil and ruled by a devil or demiurge, even then it's still an obvious cope created by people who lived shitty lives. No Chad ever cursed the Demiurge.
The fact that the laws of our universe and nature are evil doesn't mean that good doesn't exist, or more accurately, that good isn't omnipresent. Rather, it's our form of existence itself that is the problem, as well as it's progenitor, and finally our division.
Some guy made a good post about this it went something along the lines of ying and yang. We are bread so that Chad has someone to look at comparatively and mog the shit out of so he could actually get the enjoyment out of his chad existence else he's just dust in the wind despite all his upcomings.
How can Religious and Spiritual cels believe in anything good? There are handsome men out there have the epic romances and making women happy and all we get to do is suffer and rot. Looking in the mirror is actually painful. I hate being alive. I don't have the courage to kill myself, though. What is the point of all this? Why am I making this thread?

Read the texts, they don't say this world is awesome, quite the opposite. This world both in Buddhism and Early Christianity
is not our home and a place we should not get attached to.

Incels have a head start, we've seen first hand how the world operates. Chads and Staceys would be more attached to the world since its joyful to them and people want to use their bodies for their worldly appetites

These are Buddhas actual words
Verse 146: Why is there laughter? Why is there joy although (the world) is always burning? Shrouded in darkness why not seek the light?
Verse 171: Come, look at this world (i.e., the five khandhas), which is like an ornamented royal carriage. Fools flounder in this world of the khandhas, but the wise are not attached to it.
Verse 34: As a fish quivers when taken out of its watery home and thrown on to dry ground, so does the mind quiver when it is taken out of the sensual world to escape from the realm of Mara (i.e., kilesa vatta, round of moral defilements).
Verse 418: Him I call a brahmana, who has given up taking delight (in sensual pleasures) and not taking delight (in solitude); who has attained perfect peace and is free from moral defilements; who has overcome all the five khandhas (lit., the world) and is diligent.
Verse 347: Beings who are infatuated with lust, fall back into the Stream of Craving they have generated, just as a spider does in the web it has spun. The Wise, cutting off the bond of craving, walk on resolutely, leaving, all ills (dukkha) behind.
Verse 46: One who knows that this body is impermanent like froth, and comprehends that it is insubstantial like a mirage, will cut the flowers of Mara (i.e., the three kinds of vatta or rounds), and pass out of sight of the King of Death.

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Read the texts, they don't say this world is awesome, quite the opposite. This world both in Buddhism and Early Christianity
is not our home and a place we should not get attached to.

Incels have a head start, we've seen first hand how the world operates. Chads and Staceys would be more attached to the world since its joyful to them and people want to use their bodies for their worldly appetites

These are Buddhas actual words
True, even from reading The Bible it's still obvious. John 15:18-19 is an excellent example. The disciples didn't belong to the world because they chose not to belong to it, and instead to abstain from the world.
Read the texts, they don't say this world is awesome, quite the opposite. This world both in Buddhism and Early Christianity
is not our home and a place we should not get attached to.

Incels have a head start, we've seen first hand how the world operates. Chads and Staceys would be more attached to the world since its joyful to them and people want to use their bodies for their worldly appetites

These are Buddhas actual words

How can I give up pleasure when I never experienced it in the first place? I wish I could be a Buddhist and truly believe it all, but it just seems like a cope to me.
How can I give up pleasure when I never experienced it in the first place? I wish I could be a Buddhist and truly believe it all, but it just seems like a cope to me.

Almost everything is a cope though, people cope with alcohol, entertainment, buying clothes, fapping....I think the religious texts at least flip the version of reality around so we don't feel so hopeless about our situation.

From my experience pleasurable things are like Junkfood, there's a short high burp then afterwards theres usually a hangover. Even fapping has lows afterwards of feeling tired. Then you get attached to the pleasureable thing and like a drug addict get angry, anxious if you can't have it anymore

Gospel of Thomas http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/thomas/
(56) Jesus said: He who has known the world has found a corpse; and he who has found a corpse, the world is not worthy of him.
47 [42]. Jesus says: "You must be <as> passers-by!"
(28) Jesus said: I stood in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in the flesh. I found them all drunk; I found none of them thirsting, and my soul was afflicted for the sons of men; for they are blind in their heart, and they do not see that they came empty into the world, (and) empty they seek to leave the world again. But now they are drunk. When they have thrown off their wine, they will repent.
Almost everything is a cope though, people cope with alcohol, entertainment, buying clothes, fapping....I think the religious texts at least flip the version of reality around so we don't feel so hopeless about our situation.

From my experience pleasurable things are like Junkfood, there's a short high burp then afterwards theres usually a hangover. Even fapping has lows afterwards of feeling tired. Then you get attached to the pleasureable thing and like a drug addict get angry, anxious if you can't have it anymore

Gospel of Thomas http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/thomas/
I read this stuff and I can really respect it, but I can't help but admit that I'm a weak person and I would reject all of it if I had a chance at making love to any of the girl's I've crushed on throughout my life. I can't even be a cool monastic incel, fuck my life.
How can I give up pleasure when I never experienced it in the first place?
To give up pleasure, you have to understand what pleasure actually is.

It's always the "I want/I need" that upsets your contentment. Pleasure is never a net gain, it's a return to a neutral state, or a relief from suffering. Not only that but as already mentioned, what makes you feel good will eventually either have a reduced effect, do nothing, or accomplish the exact opposite.
I read this stuff and I can really respect it, but I can't help but admit that I'm a weak person and I would reject all of it if I had a chance at making love to any of the girl's I've crushed on throughout my life. I can't even be a cool monastic incel, fuck my life.

We're all weak brother :(

I promote nofap but i still fap even though i regret it everytime, same with eating poorly and being lazy etc etc....lots of stuff.
We're all weak brother :(

I promote nofap but i still fap even though i regret it everytime, same with eating poorly and being lazy etc etc....lots of stuff.
What state do you live in? Do you visit monasteries and gardens and stuff?
What state do you live in? Do you visit monasteries and gardens and stuff?

I looked most of the information up, eventually stumbled upon stuff i found that seemed truthful to me.

I did attend a weekly local Buddhist meditation group in my city 2-3 years ago when i was trying to self improve - I'd like to go back but currently LDAR (And reading)

Found the meditation group by typing my city name and meditation into google, emailed them and person walked me through what to do and that was pretty much it. Don't even have to talk to anyone, sit down, they make room dark and complete silence with strangers for almost an hour. You can hear people burping, their stomachs making noise...I kept holding in farts. Your mind will go all over the place and legs will cramp but supposed to just be observant to it all instead of try to change it. Then a Dhamma reading afterwards, basically the buddhist text above and maybe a question or two about it then go home.

You could also do it alone or look up youtube videos how to meditate i guess.
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Just ldar
I pretty much am, and I can't stand it any longer, I can't even masturbate anymore, I want to, and I can get hard, but then I just get angry and disgusted with myself and walk in front of a mirror and sort of slap it, then stop. I've lost the ability to pleasure myself without guilt or shame and it's terrible.
I looked most of the information up, eventually stumbled upon stuff i found that seemed truthful to me.

I did attend a weekly local Buddhist meditation group in my city 2-3 years ago when i was trying to self improve - I'd like to go back but currently LDAR (And reading)

Found the meditation group by typing my city name and meditation into google, emailed them and person walked me through what to do and that was pretty much it. Don't even have to talk to anyone, sit down, they make room dark and complete silence with strangers for almost an hour. You can hear people burping, their stomachs making noise....Your mind will go all over the place and legs will cramp but supposed to just be observant to it all instead of try to change it. Then a Dhamma reading afterwards, basically the buddhist text above and maybe a question or two about it then go home.

You could also just do it alone or look up youtube videos how to meditate i guess.
Are you another Cali incel? There are a lot of us and I really think we should form a street gang, cruise the streets of Isla Vista and beat up Chads with tire irons.
Are you another Cali incel? There are a lot of us and I really think we should form a street gang, cruise the streets of Isla Vista and beat up Chads with tire irons.

Chad would probably beat us up but im further North of the border
Chad would probably beat us up but im further North of the border
True, and we're all probably too high-inhibition to attack anyone anyways, but it would be pretty rad to drive around in a lowrider and blast tunes while acting like a cyberpunk street gang. I feel like as ugly males we really should form some sort of group to enrich ourselves.

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