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Hypocrisy Why do normies find it hard to believe that humans are awful?



mentally crippled by sleepoverless teen years
May 27, 2018
It's so fucking silly, they're not even consistent.

Whenever an ugly male complains about unfair treatment by the society (i. e. the majority of humans), normies always go "it's impossible that people are treating you bad for no reason (or rather for being ugly), it has to be something about you, you're the problem, stop complaining about others and work on yourself, yikes :soy:". The same mentality is widespread among free-market capitalists (i. e. all normies who believe in the "pull yourself by the bootstraps" meme unless the subject matter is foids or maybe minorities) "if someone's making a lot of money, surely their service/product is beneficial to the society/humanity, so they're a good person, but if someone's poor, that means they don't do/create anything valuable (since no one wants to buy it), so they're evil".

The first one is just so obviously false, it feels silly to even mention it, but I will for the sake of proper structure. The second one is only true if you work under axioms such as "people always know what's the best for them, people can't be manipulated or coerced" or if you go full "might is right", which boils down to axiomatically believing money is a good measure of person's worth.

The two paragraphs below are just rambling and examples of why I don't think normies are right, feel free to skip them.

Concerning social attitude towards a person being a good objective measure of a person's worth, a mere peek at humanity will expose this position as naive. Is it really hard to believe that some people may be unfairly treated or marginalized in a world where there's always a bunch ongoing genocides, totalitarian regimes and a world where the vast majority live in absurd poverty? Humans can absolutely want your death for the silliest reason and it's not a matter of a few individuals, some minority, forming angry mobs and killing or at least shunning people for the silliest reasons is the human modus operandi. Different customs, ways of dressing, look is enough to start a purge. Most normies will agree that the Holocaust was bad and it was less than one century ago - Hitler had massive support in Germany and even interwar Poland among nationalist circles (National Democracy). If something like this happened so recently, how can you find it impossible that also today people may be hateful. Reddit cucks cry endlessly about Trump being the second Hitler or police supposedly hunting muh innocent blacks or supposedly most women getting harassed/molested/raped or whatever - according to them, most American voters in 2016 were bloodthirsty Nazis, but somehow it's impossible that an ugly man can experience bullying (despite "jock bullying a nerd" being literally a TV trope) or discrimination (worse workplace treatment, less employment opportunities etc. ) simply for his looks, not his "personality". If normies were to be consistent in their views, they'd have to say that Jews deserved Holocaust, because it's impossible that most humans around them were evil, it must have been something about them… maybe, just maybe, if they worked on their personalities instead of being stinky kikecels (nuttin peronel, @kikecel, my bro :lul: ad Hitlerum is my go-to, because normies will say the most evil things, but any similarity to Nazis crosses the line) they'd avoid ghettos, concentration camps etc. :D

Concerning money being an objective measure of a person's worth or "contribution to the society", it's also oblivious unless you work under an axiom like "whatever brings me money, is good". You can provide endless example, but yeah. Tobacco companies: known to mistreat workers, cruel testing methods (look up animals testing cigarettes), lobbying (it took a long time for cigarettes to be publicly recognized as unhealthy even after the science was clear), manipulation (cigarettes may be unhealthy, but don't be a pussy, my fellow impressionable teen, look at a cool man smoking Malboro™) etc. but they (namely guys at the top, not your tobacco farmer) make a shit ton of money and people aren't coerced, in fact they're dissuaded by governments a lot, to smoke in any way, but they still do it and they get ill, sometimes fatally - but I guess tobacco companies help the society and humanity (well, insert a joke about natural selection etc., but I don't believe in cruelty and unlike normies I don't wish people death just because they got addicted when they were impressionable teens) because they're rich. Low hanging fruits: child pornography distributors, drug dealers, illegal weapon distributors etc. I think a funny example is Nikocado Avocado (there are plenty explanatory videos about him on YouTube): originally a skinny twink who played violin and wanted to share his passion for "healthy" (he was a raw foodist which I don't consider healthy, but he was certainly more "wholesome") eating on YouTube - hasn't earned anything, but later he turned into a lardass doing absurd mukbangs while crying like a toddler, fighting his partner and starting "drama" - got absurdly rich off YouTube, Patreon and OnlyFans. Another example: free software, free services (like Wikipedia) - a lot of these made by anonymous people not getting any money from it, but their contributions shape our lives greatly.

The funniest part is: normies don't even believe in what they say. Their ideology is simple: ugly males are disposable trash, they should work like slaves and don't expect anything, literally "just shut up and die". They come up with these copes as they go, because they want to gaslight us or reduce the remains of moral discomfort they feel for being evil genocidal scum. No one in their right mind would say humans are mostly good and it's impossible that people get bullied for things outside their control, but if it's an ugly male getting hurt, suddenly the world is just and it's clearly caused by this guy's evil personality. Whenever anyone tries to debate normies, they just throw around these stupid phrases they don't even believe in like "yikes! maybe, just maybe, the problem isn't the rest of the world, but rather it's you :rolleyes:" (would you say the same about ostracized Jews, LGBT+ people, any other minority?) and when you expose it for being obviously wrong, they won't address it but go to another meme expression and once they're out of them, they'll just build some strawman like "you said you can't get a job because of your looks, but actually you're a child rapist Nazi terrorist who wants to blow up orphanages :foidSoy: how can you expect any sympathy, you piece of shit?! " and consider the debate won. It's completely futile.
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Because normies themselves are bad and refuse to think how they are bad.
Yes. Everyone becomes a Huxley-style social darwinist and hardcore eugenicist when talking about incels.
Cause they've never been subjected to the same disrespect.
high IQ,people naturally hate genetic abnominations but don't want to admit,so they make excuses to justify their hatred
fuck you nigger I aint forgiving :feelsUgh:
normies are retarded who cares
brainwashing duhh :redpill:
To answer your question, they themselves are awful, but blind to it because most people aren't willing to acknowledge they're the baddy. People are broadly delusional and self-focused/deeply biased. Even if they don't know it they'll only use their reasoning faculties when it suits them.
Normies are in the middle of life, they can't see life's sides. Incels see the dark side of life while chads see the light side.
I think the primary reason is drama/harm reduction, they don't want to feel bad for telling the truth to an incel and they want to avoid a scene that could affect their reputation. You have to realize that most conversation is automatic with very little thought put in to it, it's mostly noise, because silence forces reflection.
Yes. Everyone becomes a Huxley-style social darwinist and hardcore eugenicist when talking about incels.
Interesting would be to see if roles were reversed and to see if they were so confident about their beliefs then
They act like that because they had few positive experiences in their life and most normie men are cucked so they are happy for that. They are programmed to blame only them selves but not the society at large that shits on them. They are good looking enough not to get shat on really hard.
I think the primary reason is drama/harm reduction, they don't want to feel bad for telling the truth to an incel and they want to avoid a scene that could affect their reputation. You have to realize that most conversation is automatic with very little thought put in to it, it's mostly noise, because silence forces reflection.
Mainly this. No one is gonna say that its over For you because it causes drama. Normies realize they Have to betabuxx to get a gf but they cant change The game so its not talked about

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