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Discussion Why is it that some incels on this fourm do not hate women. Logically, speaking, all incels should hate women bc they are responsible for our inceldom



Blackpill Philosopher
May 10, 2023
When I'm browsing this forum, I sometimes see cucked users say, "I don't hate women" wtf? How do you not hate women when they are denying you a happy life? They literally deny men basic human needs such as love, sex, and intimacy. This is equivalent to saying that a black slave does not hate his abusive slave owner. Incels not hating women does not make sense at all. Most women are shallow, selfish, spoiled, and toxic. If you don't hate women, you are a cuck, they the culprits of our Inceldom
I hate normies and women. If you don’t hate normies as well as women you are a cuck and should be banned. We should celebrate Normie death
I hate normies and women. If you don’t hate normies as well as women you are a cuck and should be banned. We should celebrate Normie death
Absolutely right
Should I hate the grocery store because they won't let me steal food?

As necessary as it is for me to eat, that doesn't obligate them to give me food for free.
I hate normies and women. If you don’t hate normies as well as women you are a cuck and should be banned. We should celebrate Normie death
110 % correct
Should I hate the grocery store because they won't let me steal food?

As necessary as it is for me to eat, that doesn't obligate them to give me food for free.
Grocery stores also donate food to the homeless
Probably based on personality type.- I'm pretty relaxed in general; I don't tend to get angry about stuff

Also, I compare my life with people less fortunate than me.- (I look at news stories from Afghanistan, Haiti, etc.)- So that helps focus on "wow look how much worse my life could have been", and then I'm grateful for the way things are
foid worship is a cancer

it spreads even on .IS

it seeks to multiply and take over the forum, like nigger immigrants in the West

I'm a misogynist but I don't hate women. They are like silly spoiled children who don't question things, whose whims know no limits without adult supervision.

My point of view might be influenced by the fact I was, from a very young age, dealing with my mentally ill mother's whims and I had to grow up sooner than my classmates because of her being the most childish child of the house.

Those I hate are the people enabling them special status. Mostly stupid men.
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God is responsible for our inceldom for droping our souls into shit bodies. And he's the one responsible for all the shit anywyas.
When I'm browsing this forum, I sometimes see cucked users say, "I don't hate women" wtf? How do you not hate women when they are denying you a happy life? They literally deny men basic human needs such as love, sex, and intimacy. This is equivalent to saying that a black slave does not hate his abusive slave owner. Incels not hating women does not make sense at all. Most women are shallow, selfish, spoiled, and toxic. If you don't hate women, you are a cuck, they the culprits of our Inceldom
usually the cucks say shit that get them banned anyway
They're not obligated to donate, they do it because they want to.
Women are meant to partner with men, it's our human nature, but modern women are withholding our biological/natural needs, this is immoral and goes against nature this is why females are evil.
Women are meant to partner with men, it's our human nature, but modern women are withholding our biological/natural needs, this is immoral and goes against nature this is why females are evil.

Even if that were true, are they meant to partner with you?

Continuing the grocery store & customer allegory, there are plenty of customers that can actually afford the goods.
i hate women
sex drives civilization
women control sex
no sex = social outcast
I hate foids as well but i can understand why people don't hate them. Hating a certain person or group 24/7 costs extreme amounts of energy and it eats your soul. And in most cases the people who hate hurt themselves the most
I hate foids as well but i can understand why people don't hate them. Hating a certain person or group 24/7 costs extreme amounts of energy and it eats your soul. And in most cases the people who hate hurt themselves the most
Our hate for women is completely justified, they are oppressing us
Our hate for women is completely justified, they are oppressing us
I didn't claim it wasn't, it's just extremely destructive for oneself on long term
Should I hate the grocery store because they won't let me steal food?

As necessary as it is for me to eat, that doesn't obligate them to give me food for free.
Simpfag retard thinking, do you not hate the niggers bashing your skull in just because he is too retarded to know what they are doing, at some point animals without a leash have to be put down, foids have to be restrained and if they are not they will have my hatred and its consequences
Some of them are alright
*braces for impact*

hate and love are two sides of same coin, in either way you have that innate desire for that cunt that you are not getting, that is what your entire identity is build upon
Foids are primitive defective eugenicists, they deserve to be punished
I don't hate anyone, not even the fucking jews and niggers. I have no love in me, that was never encouraged, hence no hate. 2 ends, same spectrum. A spectrum that I can't do anything with because nobody gives a fuck anyway. I think incels in general are more like robots than people... sooner or later. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't eradicate them all in a heartbeat if I had the chance.
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Based. At the very least all non-cuck men should have negative feelings and opinions towards women. They are oppressing men and actively deny us basic human needs through hypergamy, promiscuity, chad-chasing and forming harems.
Yeah I guess I hate them but I try not to be miserable and angry about it all the time, sometimes though yeah its inevitable.
Yes because it is a biological need for all humans, regardless of looks.

Why shouldn't they partner with me instead? Or some third guy? Also, food is a biological need but grocery stores aren't obligated to give me their food for free.

Simpfag retard thinking, do you not hate the niggers bashing your skull in just because he is too retarded to know what they are doing, at some point animals without a leash have to be put down, foids have to be restrained and if they are not they will have my hatred and its consequences

That's not comparable. You have an obligation not to bash people's skulls in.
Why shouldn't they partner with me instead? Or some third guy? Also, food is a biological need but grocery stores aren't obligated to give me their food for free.
Thr purpose of a grocery store is to sell food, not to give it out for free. Btw, in America and other countries, poor people get free food, it's called food stamps/welfare which is provided by the government.
Thr purpose of a grocery store is to sell food, not to give it out for free. Btw, in America and other countries, poor people get free food, it's called food stamps/welfare which is provided by the government.

The grocery stores don't give the food away, they accept in exchange for food stamps, which the government pays for. The store always gets money for its goods.

And who says this woman's purpose is to have sex specifically with you? There are plenty of other men in the world, why are you the one she's destined to be with?
When I'm browsing this forum, I sometimes see cucked users say, "I don't hate women" wtf? How do you not hate women when they are denying you a happy life? They literally deny men basic human needs such as love, sex, and intimacy. This is equivalent to saying that a black slave does not hate his abusive slave owner. Incels not hating women does not make sense at all. Most women are shallow, selfish, spoiled, and toxic. If you don't hate women, you are a cuck, they the culprits of our Inceldom
Why would you hate your private toilet?
Should I hate the grocery store because they won't let me steal food?

As necessary as it is for me to eat, that doesn't obligate them to give me food for free.
You'd hate it if they charged you an exorbitant amount. And incels never asked for a free deal. Must be a 'YOU' thing. Some foid-worshippers here can give IT a run for their money.
I hate normies and women. If you don’t hate normies as well as women you are a cuck and should be banned. We should celebrate Normie death
If you don't hate women you are either delusional about some aspect of what is going on in society right now or you are not truly jail-broken, still bound by what is socially-acceptable to believe and therefore forced to contort your perception of reality to stay within those limits. Or you are just stupid. Probably that one most frequently tbh.

Should I hate the grocery store because they won't let me steal food?

As necessary as it is for me to eat, that doesn't obligate them to give me food for free.
That is not even remotely what is happening. Women as a collective are exploiting innate pro-female biases to get what they want at the cost of men and society as a whole with close to zero regard about both basic principles of fairness, how it hurts the most vulnerable of men and the well-being of men in general.

I'm not gonna invest the effort to lay out concrete examples like I did last time, I'm just gonna quote those posts. The specific instances in those quotes don't fit perfectly, but there is a limit to how much time I'm gonna waste trying to convince someone both scientifically illiterate and in ideologically-based denial about even the most obvious questions such as "did evolutionary incentives lead to people evolving a pro-female /anti-male bias that is now an innate part of human nature".
You presume people just "don't care" about boys. I see that there's an anti-male bias, but it's not a "Secretly I don't care about boys" bias. If anything it's an "I'm unaware that boys have it that bad" bias. When you're talking about people who get behind trends like #BringBackOurGirls.

And above all, it's a social bias. People aren't born with it.
If it were evolutionary, you wouldn't have it within yourself to care about men either. This is social. You're not above humanity. If it were evolutionary, you would not have these posts to show me. There would be no men's rights activists because the men's rights activists would all have a biological compulsion to treat themselves as second class.
Again, that's social. And "male favored" is a reductive way to put it. That era was punctuated by chivalry. It was the social construct of chivalry that made men follow "Women and children first."
Just reading those attempts at argumentation makes me cringe out of my fucking skin.
So, here once again the same examples:
You might remember the "#BringOurGirlsBack" campaign in 2014. Boko Haram had kidnapped 300 young schoolgirls from a city called Chibok, located in a local goverment area also called Chibok in Nigeria. This story went viral, causing protests globally.
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Politicans and celebrities made use of the opportuinity as well.
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In the end, there was enough attention on the whole ordeal that .. well, read for yourself.
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That's nice and all, US military intervening to rescue children out of the clutches of a terrorist group, but the same group has been kidnapping boys for years and continued to do so after this incident as well. The number of boys kidnapped in the years following this incident was >10000. Seems they have more need for boy soldiers than they have for young girls.

In addition, shortly before this incident, again, a number of boys in the thousands had been killed, many of them burned alive, when Boko Haram set fire to schools in the area. In general, it seems that they let the girls in the schools they targeted leave unharmed most of the times.

It's almost as if pro-female bias is some innate feature of human nature and can be found in any place and most groups around the world. Even child-killing terrorists feel the need to practice some chivalary. They must have felt pretty virtuous making sure no innocent girls would come to harm.

Well, except in those cases where they did harm them, but the point still stands. They conciously expanded real effort to protect at least some girls out of some moral concerns that did not apply to the killing/kidnapping of young boys.

The point I'm trying to make here:

All those mentally well-adjusted citizens you interact with every day carry within them some of that same pro-female bias. As a collective, they have enormous amounts of power to affect positive change in the world. And the idea of 300 young girls being abducted was enough to unite them under a cause. Tens of thousands of boys being abducted and killed was not.

It's not like these people don't care about boys at all. Just, not quite as much. Not enough to elicit some real outrage in them. And about grown men they care even less. About us they might honestly not care at all.

Imagine being one of those boys being burned alive. Imagine if they could see these same terrorists who are about to kill them politely lead a group of girls out of another school to safety. Feel some of the anger this unfairness demands.

So, while the average citizen might not be "out to get us", many of them will also have zero interest in helping us. Us dying would not be enough to trigger a strong emotional response in them. Even if we were completly innocent. And children. And being set on fire.

So, the difference between these normal people and the mental case saying to us "You don't need a girlfriend, you need to die" is the gap between active sadism and passive indifference.

Obviously most people would not let a boy die if it was withing their power to safe him. They wouldn't want to think of themselves as child murders and they also wouldn't want to be seen that way by others. But if those two pressures abate our misery on it's own is not enough to motivate them into action. Not all of them. Not a majority. Not enough to make waves in the public concious.
How did people get to know about these girls? Some people read about the situation. And they were moved enough to tell others. The knowledge spreads like an infection because it has a high virality.

So, why did that never happen with any of the stories about these boys? There were countless.
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Because they were less likely to be shared. Why? Because they were less triggering.

I could write another wall of text about situations in which normal people were eager to actively harm men or supported others in doing so. Vulnerable men like the homeless or sexual abuse victims.
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These stories have a strong emotional component. Why don't they go viral? You think people don't care because they don't know, I think it's the other way around. They don't know, because they don't care to know. If these stories had as much potential to evoke emotions in the general population, some newspaper would have written about them and made some money. If people in general cared about this, it would spread amongst them. Instead, these are slides of some MRAs instagram page.

And while nowadays feminism undoubtedly makes everything worse for us, a significant part of the pro-female / anti-male bias is evolutionary in origin.

Let's go back to a time when the social climate was more male-favored. Let's go back to the days of the Titanic.

First, deaths by class. Poor people died more often than the wealthier folks. Middle and upper class died in similar amounts, but there is still a clear advantage for the richest, most influential passengers.
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Now, the same with both sexes.
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The difference between men and women is far greater than between millionaires and beggars. Why is that?

Because the men, the strongest individuals on the sinking ship, gave their lives to save the women and children. They chose to freeze into a popsicle voluntarily. And if you had been on that ship as a man and if you had tried to take one of the spots on the rescue boats reserved for a young foid, the other men would have forced you to give it up. At least I would bet on that.

These men might have laughed at the modern version of female rights and female emancipation, but they would die for them anyhow.

That is not just socialisation. And it's not just love. Unless you want to make the case that women don't love their men. It's innate human nature. The sex with the more rare sex cells and the ability to literally carry your genes into the next generation simply was more valuable in an evolutionary context and our human instincts evolved to match that.

From my perspective, your view on normies is way too optimistic. They are far worse than you give them credit for.
Probably based on personality type.- I'm pretty relaxed in general; I don't tend to get angry about stuff

Also, I compare my life with people less fortunate than me.- (I look at news stories from Afghanistan, Haiti, etc.)- So that helps focus on "wow look how much worse my life could have been", and then I'm grateful for the way things are
psychological traits optimal for a life as a servant or slave tbh
If you don't hate women you are either delusional about some aspect of what is going on in society right now or you are not truly jail-broken, still bound by what is socially-acceptable to believe and therefore forced to contort your perception of reality to stay within those limits. Or you are just stupid. Probably that one most frequently tbh.

That is not even remotely what is happening. Women as a collective are exploiting innate pro-female biases to get what they want at the cost of men and society as a whole with close to zero regard about both basic principles of fairness, how it hurts the most vulnerable of men and the well-being of men in general.

I'm not gonna invest the effort to lay out concrete examples like I did last time, I'm just gonna quote those posts. The specific instances in those quotes don't fit perfectly, but there is a limit to how much time I'm gonna waste trying to convince someone both scientifically illiterate and in ideologically-based denial about even the most obvious questions such as "did evolutionary incentives lead to people evolving a pro-female /anti-male bias that is now an innate part of human nature".

Just reading those attempts at argumentation makes me cringe out of my fucking skin.
So, here once again the same examples:
You don't even need to go that far dude. Cucks and foids love to use these analogies with the excuse of civilized society. Well, why do we pay for groceries? Because govt controls the supply. So why are cucks and foids happy with a central figure controlling the supply? Because it helps their narrative. If collectively men controlled the supply of resources, comfort, and basic necessities for foids, would they be humming the same tune?
When I'm browsing this forum, I sometimes see cucked users say, "I don't hate women" wtf? How do you not hate women when they are denying you a happy life? They literally deny men basic human needs such as love, sex, and intimacy. This is equivalent to saying that a black slave does not hate his abusive slave owner. Incels not hating women does not make sense at all. Most women are shallow, selfish, spoiled, and toxic. If you don't hate women, you are a cuck, they the culprits of our Inceldom
I don't hate foids, I just don't see them as humans either. Foid, to me, is pretty much like a chicken... a living breathing being that produces something desirable and should be kept locked in a barn for the good of all.
Should I hate the grocery store because they won't let me steal food?

As necessary as it is for me to eat, that doesn't obligate them to give me food for free.

You don't even need to go that far dude. Cucks and foids love to use these analogies with the excuse of civilized society. Well, why do we pay for groceries? Because govt controls the supply. So why are cucks and foids happy with a central figure controlling the supply? Because it helps their narrative. If collectively men controlled the supply of resources, comfort, and basic necessities for foids, would they be humming the same tune?
The whole thing doesn't work from start to finish.

- It accepts women are born in a superior position (grocery store vs customer) but sees nothing wrong with that. So basically, the starting premise is "men don't deserve equality and should just accept being born as second class citizen. That's how it should be. Complaining about that is childish / unreasonable."

- There is regulation on the market. Things like consumer rights, mitigation of societal and enviormental impacts, quality controls, state organs focused on keeping competition alive on the market, regulation/restriction of monopolies. Imagine if there was only one supermarket chain and they suddenly started raising the prices until half the population was in the process of starving to death. No reason to get mad bro. It's within their god-given rights to exploit you to the maximal extent possible. Think you are entitled to food?

- The dating market has larger inequalities than most african dictatorships. It's far worse than any financial market. There would be uprisings long before we reach this point if something similar was happening on the financial markets. But I guess those starving children better realize that they have no justification for complaining or demanding better lives. Is the world just supposed to give them shit for free? Get to work filtering through mountains of toxic waste, bitch.

- Why is this perspective only applied to our situation? Why is everyone entitled to everything, from minorities being entitled to equal outcomes in terms of crime / money / etc, women in every single fucking area of life even when they are actually already outperforming men JFL, abnormal sexual orientations, fat women to be seen as beautiful, the list goes on forever. Everyone gets to complain and demand equality of outcomes but we should just keep quite and take it?

- Does the grocery store restrict my freedom of speech when I critizies it too loudly? Should I be banned from social media for pointing out "hate facts" about how the super market operates? Should I be suscepted to witchhunts, lose my job and even face legal repercussions for talking ill of the grocery store or its employees publicly / online? Am I a peasent and the grocery store owners nobels?

Almost forgot: What do you feel when you see a starving beggar steal food from the super market? Sympathy, right? Even if you don't want to live in a crime-ridden city, you understand why he is doing it and don't really blame him for it. Since we made sex = groceries, what does that suggest about rape again? Almost as if this whole retarded analogy doesn't work and is just a cheap trick to make you feel guilty for thinking you deserve anything.
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You don't even need to go that far dude. Cucks and foids love to use these analogies with the excuse of civilized society. Well, why do we pay for groceries? Because govt controls the supply. So why are cucks and foids happy with a central figure controlling the supply? Because it helps their narrative. If collectively men controlled the supply of resources, comfort, and basic necessities for foids, would they be humming the same tune?

We pay for groceries because a fair exchange between parties is fundamental to society. If you're talking about sexual socialism, capitalism will always find a way because people will demand it.
>Why is it that some incels on this fourm do not hate women.
Either retardation or cuckoldry.
It's not like I hate women.
Foid behaviour is psychologically ingrained. It's more like a mixture of pity and annoyance that I feel. The kind of feeling you get when you look at children who don't seem to behave.
I have mixed feelings on women and isn’t purely hatred or love. Sure there are times when I’m furious at them and want revenge. But most of the times I’m just like whatever.
Should I hate the grocery store because they won't let me steal food?

As necessary as it is for me to eat, that doesn't obligate them to give me food for free.
Only sane user
Why do we pay for groceries? Because govt controls the supply.
Wait, what?- I thought we pay for groceries because the people who grow the food and prepare it want to be paid for their work
I don’t hate women. I hate the system that allows women to act in this manner. When there is patriarchy women are subservient to men. Men/jews are responsible for giving women rights which led us eventually to where we are now. We will never go back to a patriarchy unless we have another Great Depression or a war that makes women dependent on men.

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