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Serious 6/10 is truecel in 2020

  • Thread starter Deleted member 20811
  • Start date

Deleted member 20811

Sep 2, 2019
The fact is women only want chad. Because of Tinder and hypergamy, they have 24/7 access to chads and gigachads. JFL if you think 6/10 NT normie men stand a chance anymore. Why would foids go for him when gigachad is just a few swipes away? Even in extreme cases, they would rather wait decades for chad than go anywhere near her looksmatch. Even slim 2 3 & 4/10s are getting 7 to 10/10 chad/lites and will NEVER go below that. Well what about chadlites, you ask? They are stuck with whales and can only fuck way below their looksmatch. High tier normies? Over. Everyone under chadlite can only hope to betabuxx a whale, single mother, or both. JFL @ that being the only way of ascension. We all know the PUA/redpill "just x bro" advice is a meme. And the bad boy/dark traid personality only benefits chad/lites. If you arent good looking and tall, it never began. "muh personality, muh confidence, muh extroversion" all cope.
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Ideas like this fuck up the forum letting in 6/10's thinking "its over" that they are not Chico tier and that Stacy doesnt suck their dick 24/7.
Ideas like this fuck up the forum letting in 6/10's thinking "its over" that they are not Chico tier and that Stacy doesnt suck their dick 24/7.
Im 4/10 5'8" btw. For the actual 6/10s, jfl if they think they have a chance. Women are getting chads easier that ever. It is the truth. Why would they go for a 6/10?
The 2020s will be /ourdecade/
Im 4/10 5'8" btw.
For the actual 6/10s, jfl if they think they have a chance. Women are getting chads easier that ever. It is the truth. Why would they go for a 6/10?
They do have a chance, they are Chadlite levels of looks. Going by your logic why would females go for 7.5/10 if 8/10 exists. Implying prettyboy chadlites dont get laid just asks this forum to take in retards that have never tried once and prefer to rot playing video games and if stacy doesnt break into their house to fuck them "its over".

Just recently we had a 6/10 get banned, go ask him if he isnt having any success and if he cant get laid multiple times LOL.
I don't think it's that bad. 6/10 still have a chance to have sex once a month and probably few relationships in their 20s.
jfl if this site still exists in 10 years and there are users claiming to be 7/10 truecel
Well that depends. It could also go the other way tbh. What if Chads become bored of sex and dating that the population of chads decrease while normies and truecels increase. Women will have no choice but to settle for less.
jfl if this site still exists in 10 years and there are users claiming to be 7/10 truecel
We already have chadlites claiming "its over" since Stacy didnt break into their house and kill their families just to fuck them.

They do have a chance, they are Chadlite levels of looks. Going by your logic why would females go for 7.5/10 if 8/10 exists. Implying prettyboy chadlites dont get laid just asks this forum to take in retards that have never tried once and prefer to rot playing video games and if stacy doesnt break into their house to fuck them "its over".
6/10 is high tier normie, not chadlite. Chadlite is 7 to 7.5.

My point is that foids are getting chad/lites more than ever. High tier normie is not "exciting" to foids. They want excitement aka chad. Not even whales want 5 or 6/10s anymore
Foids will left swipe through 11,000 normies just for the chance to fuck Chad once. They are that shallow. They are willing to wait. They are not going to lower their standards as long as there's a chance that drunk Chad might go hogging on Saturday night.
Foids will left swipe through 11,000 normies just for the chance to fuck Chad once. They are that shallow. They are willing to wait. They are not going to lower their standards as long as there's a chance that drunk Chad might go hogging on Saturday night.
This exactly. People here are forgeting that 6/10 just isnt enough anymore.
This forum seems to ignore that men are objectively getting uglier. Not only are people getting fatter all around the world, the only populations who produce new people in sizable numbers are races that produce incels by Western standards, like curries and Central Americans. Just because top-level white Chads are getting more options doesn't mean standards have changed, it just means he's dipping into the immigrant female population while immigrant men LDAR or stay home. There's 1,000,000 more Asian women in the U.S. compared to Asian men.

Age x weight
Ushealthoutlook populationcharacteristics race
:feelsbadman: 6/10 would be the highest I could ever looksmaxx and that’s considering all my techniques far exceeded expectations. :feelsrope:
No current 6/10 will just become 5/10 and they will move down as new chads hit puberty every year.
Yea and the dramatic increase in land whales make the thin fuckable far less so they are able to get Chad easier
6/10 are definitely struggling
Im 4/10 5'8" btw. For the actual 6/10s, jfl if they think they have a chance. Women are getting chads easier that ever. It is the truth. Why would they go for a 6/10?
Im 4/10 5'8" btw. For the actual 6/10s, jfl if they think they have a chance. Women are getting chads easier that ever. It is the truth. Why would they go for a 6/10?

I wouldn't say 6/10 is truecel tier, but the lines are not that far off tbh

You know it's over for sub5 males, when you see men who mog you into oblivion walking around with 3/10 hambeasts and postwall foids.

Literal fucking crumbs is all that is left, I cant wait to leave this shithole country.
JFL if you think 6/10's still struggle anytime soon. Don't let autists from lookism destroy you, psl 6 is easily top 20% in the world. Probably 2030 at worst when hypergamy reaches critical mass
6/10's might get lucky and get laid once or twice but as a whole they are screwed. Just looking around my college I notice the vast majority of the guys are inceltier and arent getting laid at all. Sure they might get lucky in the future, but for now they are complete virgins
Im 4/10 5'8" btw. For the actual 6/10s, jfl if they think they have a chance. Women are getting chads easier that ever. It is the truth. Why would they go for a 6/10?
Im 6' but prob below even a 4/10 tbh but I agree with you.
6 PSL isn't incel anytime soon
JFL if you think 6/10's still struggle anytime soon. Don't let autists from lookism destroy you, psl 6 is easily top 20% in the world. Probably 2030 at worst when hypergamy reaches critical mass
Massive fucking Cope

Options for 6/10 men in 2019

Are sub5 foids like 3/10 hambeasts and foids with bastard children.

6/10 foids fraud with makeup, raise 2 points and feel entitled to 7+/10 men.

Their looksmatch will only settle on them when their over 30 or have bastard children.
6 PSL isn't incel anytime soon
Wtf is 6 PSL? Isn't that a different scale from the 1-10/10 rating?
Most good looking people in real life are 6’s or 7’s. 8’s are very rare
I fucking agree. A lot of you say ER is a prettyboy. The fact is, he looks like too faggy, and not Chaddy for women to take seriously

They do have a chance, they are Chadlite levels of looks.
what the fuck? 6/10 is not chadlite. 7 or 8/10 is chadlite and a 9 o a 10 is a chad.
Do you know how women rate men? It can seem confusing but its their honest opinion regardless. A 5/10 is average looking right? Yes but women rate 80% of men as BELOW average looking. You see hypergamy works in this way where a 6/10 looks male to a woman is not 6/10, she views him as very ugly and unattractive.
Does that mean 6s have no chance? No i dont think so but the best a 6 can do is to get a betabuxx relationship that is not based on attraction but rather stability etc.
More guys will go ER
That is obviously what they want
what the fuck? 6/10 is not chadlite. 7 or 8/10 is chadlite and a 9 o a 10 is a chad.
Do you know how women rate men? It can seem confusing but its their honest opinion regardless. A 5/10 is average looking right? Yes but women rate 80% of men as BELOW average looking. You see hypergamy works in this way where a 6/10 looks male to a woman is not 6/10, she views him as very ugly and unattractive.
Does that mean 6s have no chance? No i dont think so but the best a 6 can do is to get a betabuxx relationship that is not based on attraction but rather stability etc.
Gandy gets rated 8/10 universally. So he's a chadlite?

Nobody is ever 10/10 from a rating standpoint, thats bullshit. Maybe females say "hes the best looking ever" but that doesnt mean from a rating stand point he isnt 8/10. Females cant rate and think based on emotions.
They go for 6/10s when there's not enough actual Chads to go around. I feel like this can never actually happen on a wide scale, but if there were more Chads, that could be a possibility.

Being an 8/10 minimum is already a requirement to date in most cities. My theory is that the ridiculous standards that women have in big cities is why there's a higher number of celibate women than there was 10 years ago. It's Chad or nothing to some holes.
Gandy gets rated 8/10 universally. So he's a chadlite?

Nobody is ever 10/10 from a rating standpoint, thats bullshit. Maybe females say "hes the best looking ever" but that doesnt mean from a rating stand point he isnt 8/10. Females cant rate and think based on emotions.
I dno what you are smoking bro. You literally called a 6/10 chadlite, jfl. So someone who is slightly better looking than average is chadlite? hahahahah :bluepill: :bluepill: :bluepill: :bluepill:
I dno what you are smoking bro. You literally called a 6/10 chadlite, jfl. So someone who is slightly better looking than average is chadlite? hahahahah :bluepill: :bluepill: :bluepill: :bluepill:
Just ignore what I said and just say that "im smoking" br0

Gandy is 8/10 Chad and 5.5 is high tier normie since its a good .5 above normie since they are 5. Then after 6/10 is where chadlites come into play.

If 5.5 is high tier normie, then 6/10 is high high-tier normie? Read correctly.
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Just ignore what I said and just say that "im smoking" br0

Gandy is 8/10 Chad and 5.5 is high tier normie since its a good .5 above normie since they are 5. Then after 6/10 is where chadlites come into play.

If 5.5 is high tier normie, then 6/10 is high high-tier normie? Read correctly.
Women do not rate men the same way we rate women. A woman finds an average man unattractive. Us men don't find average women uattractive. Attraction is subjective. So a guy who is technically 6/10 out of the male appearance can still be physically ugly to a woman.
In your world there is literally no 10s, in my world a super attractive person is a 10.

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