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Theory Autism is the future of mankind

This "Autism is a superpower" thesis is the opposite of the truth. Autism is heavily associated with delayed development and lower IQs. Another feature is an inability to control and regulate emotions. Autism is a learning disability. One of the key features is that people with Autism struggle to understand abstract concepts, including the most basic ones-- that's why they gravitate towards very literal things which don't change (like numbers, letters, colours, shapes, words, trains etc) and often enjoy doing the same specific activities ad nauseum. Pretty much all of human existence involves concepts and abstractions, eg things like human emotions, comedy, sarcasm, irony people with Autism struggle with understanding.

Even something as simple as a meal is a concept. eg breakfast is a conceptualised meal, it isn't the same exact thing every time. People/kids with Autism struggle with this and often like to have literally the same thing every day, because to change any part of it is to make it not breakfast anymore. Because they don't view it in a conceptualised way but a literal way. This is how they view the world, to differing degrees.
Complete bluepilled take
Sociopaths and thugs have high social intelligence and survive and often thrive in society.
Which mean they are animalistic. You think that foids selecting animalistic types is good selection strategy for mankind?
Complete bluepilled take
Yours is the bluepilled take. The feel-good fantasy. Mine is the reality. I have a young relative with Autism.

Of the 75 children with ASD, 55% had an intellectual disability (IQ<70) but only 16% had moderate to severe intellectual disability (IQ<50); 28% had average intelligence (115>IQ>85) but only 3% were of above average intelligence (IQ>115).
Yours is the bluepilled take. The feel-good fantasy. Mine is the reality. I have a young relative with Autism.

So you say I am bluepilled but you believe bluepilled doctors?
Ah, so you're not just a fantasist you're also retarded.
Insults? Great.

Why do you believe these "studies", bluepiller?! Don't you know that you can make a study tell what you want to tell. Of course, if psychiatrists are biased against a certain group of people, they will find ways to make them look stupid with "studies"? Who is a retard now?
Sorry, I do not believe in this kind of thing. Esoteric stuff is generally pure fantasy. The real stuff is to be found elsewhere.
It’s biblical
Very interesting perspective ngl, and something I've thought about with the knowledge that the West is in fact deteriorating.

If you won't embrace the chaos then you get labelled as deficient. Men (if not feminized) naturally prefer order to chaos. This s just another potential source where men are being pathologized for being (relatively) normal men.
Yes.... Something like this is happening in one forum or another.
It’s biblical
No it's not. The passage from Ecclesiastes is far from clear. It can be an allegory or just a reference to some forgotten theory of the soul that the Bible does not endorse anywhere else. Nothing can be deduced from such obscure passages.
Facts aren't insults
"retarded" isn't an insult?

Btw, you did not answer my previous post.

If you believe that what you find on "PubMed" are facts, you are a bluepiller. Remember how doctors behaved during Covid? Remember "safe and effective", that Toni Fauci was repeating on TV? Was this a "fact"?
Rain Man is a demon who influence wealthy people.
"retarded" isn't an insult?

Btw, you did not answer my previous post.

If you believe that what you find on "PubMed" are facts, you are a bluepiller. Remember how doctors behaved during Covid? Remember "safe and effective", that Toni Fauci was repeating on TV? Was this a "fact"?
You are retarded. I've given you facts. You've given nothing but conspiracy theory nonsense. I have first hand experience of Autism. Autism is a learning disability, not a superpower. This is a fact. It's also a fact that vaccines work, including COVID vaccines.

Do you know they diagnose Autism in kids as young as 2 and 3? Because they can observe the delays in development compared to other kids, like in speech, and observe obsessively repetitive behaviours, and so on.

Do these look like indicators of superpowers and next-gen humankind?

Without Doctors and medicine you'd be dying at 30 from Smallpox. Stop being stupid.
Think about this. Autists are people whose brain devotes less power than average to the decoding of emotions and therefore has more spare power for other things.

This appears clearly in Rain Man (1988). The character played by Dustin Hoffman is unable to process emotions and, as a result, is a so called "savant". He can count hundreds of matches on the floor in a single glance and perform other extreme feats of mental power.

Of course, the Rain Man situation is impractical. Someone like the character played by Dustin Hoffman cannot possibly function.

But what about people "on the spectrum", the spergs, the "high functioning autists"?

These people represent the future of humanity. They are the people who will solve new challenges because they have the mental resources to do so.

Of course, this requires a culture that is friendly to them, i.e. something that is exactly the opposite of what we have today. Our current culture values Chad/Stacy behavior, i.e. the basic mate selection process common to all mammals. In effect, our culture values the past (our most animal instincts) over the future.

As a result, our current culture will pass because it will self destruct. It is too much in opposition to the general thrust of human evolution.

What will replace it is up to us.
Aspie revolution against nts soon
Complete bluepilled take
Facts can't be bluepilled.
You are the autist dwelling in his delusions. You are bluepilled.

Yours is the bluepilled take. The feel-good fantasy. Mine is the reality. I have a young relative with Autism.
(Pro tip: Just put these two autists on ignore. You can't argue with them because their views are based on autistic delusion and they won't allow facts and evidence to break their delusion. Many have tried before. This bluepilled autist even thinks normies don't enjoy sex ... I know ... you couldn't make that shit up in your wildest fever dreams.)
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Imagine being so full of yourself that you tag the head janny to pin your worthless thread before anyone has even replied.
And no, you obese, autistic manchild, autism won't be the future, autists will always be bullied and octrazised by normies. Always. It's a law of nature.
I don't know wtf is happening with the modcels nowadays. They pin almost every dumbshit. Before was different. The Pinning of a post was considered to be in the most read but now... only trash posts get pinned.
You are retarded. I've given you facts.
There are no facts. There are only accounts about facts. If you do not believe the author of these accounts, you have nothing.

Obviously, I do not believe Psychiatrists. I do not even believe that they are scientists. To me, only Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry follow the scientific method. Everything else is part of the humanities i.e. part of religion.

Psychiatry is just a religion masquerading as science. As a result, I do not believe anything I find on "PubMed" about it.
Do you know they diagnose Autism in kids as young as 2 and 3? Because they can observe the delays in development compared to other kids, like in speech, and observe obsessively repetitive behaviours, and so on.
That is exactly how witch doctors "diagnose" people who are "cursed" by "demons". They "observe" them and find clues that "reveal" the presence of a demon.

Psychiatry has no more validity than any kind of African or Melanesian sorcery. It is all based on what the practitioner wants to see. When you want to see something, you inevitably do see it eventually.
So many dumb normies. chattering
Industrial grade copium
There are no facts. There are only accounts about facts. If you do not believe the author of these accounts, you have nothing.

Obviously, I do not believe Psychiatrists. I do not even believe that they are scientists. To me, only Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry follow the scientific method. Everything else is part of the humanities i.e. part of religion.

Psychiatry is just a religion masquerading as science. As a result, I do not believe anything I find on "PubMed" about it.
You don't believe anything Psychiatry has to say but you believe what Hollywood films starring Tom Cruise have to say lmao.
That is exactly how witch doctors "diagnose" people who are "cursed" by "demons". They "observe" them and find clues that "reveal" the presence of a demon.

Psychiatry has no more validity than any kind of African or Melanesian sorcery. It is all based on what the practitioner wants to see. When you want to see something, you inevitably do see it eventually.
If you'd spent any time around kids with Autism you'd realise how stupid your perspective is. The behaviours are starkly different to normal kids. When a 5 year old kid can't even socialise with other kids, has a meltdown when you suggest changing any miniscule part of their daily schedule and spends all day repeating the same phrase ad nauseum the correct response is to ignore it and make no effort to understand it or suggest treatments-- that would be witchcraft.
If you'd spent any time around kids with Autism you'd realise how stupid your perspective is.
Did you do that personally? Did you like work professionally in a kindergarten where you can see kids behave side by side ?

The behaviours are starkly different to normal kids.
Did you observe that yourself or did you read about it in some "PubMed" paper?

When a 5 year old kid can't even socialise with other kids, has a meltdown when you suggest changing any miniscule part of their daily schedule and spends all day repeating the same phrase ad nauseum
That behavior can be attributed to culture and not to genetic factors. At 5, a kid has already absorbed a lot of the surrounding culture (especially through the acquisition of language). It is much more likely that the behaviors you mention are caused overexposure to TV (especially to TV advertisement) and also to the insane overprotectiveness of modern parents. There is absolutely NO REASON to assume that the cause is genetic. That assumption is an arbitrary choice made by psychiatrists because they want to appear to be "doctors" treating "illnesses". There is NO SCIENTIFIC evidence whatsoever that "autism" is an "illness".

Again, Psychiatry is NOT SCIENCE. It is litterature masquerading as science.
You don't believe anything Psychiatry has to say but you believe what Hollywood films starring Tom Cruise have to say lmao.
Hollywood movies and psychiatry are the same. They are both part of the humanities. There is no reason to assume that "Rain Man" was not a faithful portrayal of how a deep autist behaves (at least in the beginning of the movie). Hollywood had no vested interest in autism (nobody knew what it was back then) and so they had no reason to lie.
Gigacope, OP.
FACT: About 60% of autists also have some mental retardation
FACT: ADHD and autism has some comorbidity and they are linked to executive dysfunction, which means there's less functionality in deciding -- a trait very much obviously unfavourable in today's society.
FACT: Only the most functional of subsets of autists could possibly become rainmanesque savants. Most autists don't even end up being verbal.
FACT: Autists tend to have slower life stories and just a cursory glance at this very forum will reveal that they tend to have less sex than their peers, meaning they won't reproduce and pass their autism to their offspring
FACT: Autist diets tend to be poor and repetitive due to sensory processing, which means they don't usually become muscular chads.
FACT: We're a genetic dead-end, twisted by our genome into a mutation of the human form.
Did you do that personally? Did you like work professionally in a kindergarten where you can see kids behave side by side ?
Did you observe that yourself or did you read about it in some "PubMed" paper?
I have a young relative with Autism who I've watched grow up for 10 years. And lived with for most of that time.
That behavior can be attributed to culture and not to genetic factors.
Lol. At 2. Okay.
At 5, a kid has already absorbed a lot of the surrounding culture (especially through the acquisition of language). It is much more likely that the behaviors you mention are caused overexposure to TV (especially to TV advertisement) and also to the insane overprotectiveness of modern parents. There is absolutely NO REASON to assume that the cause is genetic. That assumption is an arbitrary choice made by psychiatrists because they want to appear to be "doctors" treating "illnesses". There is NO SCIENTIFIC evidence whatsoever that "autism" is an "illness".
Firstly, nobody said it's genetic, or 100% genetic. What difference does that make? But it obviously is. There's data which shows that older/unhealthier/obese Mothers and Fathers have much higher chances of producing children with Autism, as well as Down's Syndrome etc.
Again, Psychiatry is NOT SCIENCE. It is litterature masquerading as science.
It's a mixture. I don't know why you keep strawmanning and arguing against yourself. I didn't say it was a science, I didn't say Autism was 100% genetic.

I feel like I'm contracting Autism talking to you. You're doing the typical redditor thing of responding with "SOURCE PLEASE" when you yourself have offered no supporting data whatsoever for your lunatic assertions. Your data is Rain Man.
Hollywood movies and psychiatry are the same. They are both part of the humanities.
Lol. Psychiatrists are MDs who prescribe drugs. They study for about 12 years. Medicine is hard science. Psychiatry significantly less hard than other fields but still incorporates strong components of hard science. It isn't woke theory.

There is no reason to assume that "Rain Man" was not a faithful portrayal of how a deep autist behaves (at least in the beginning of the movie). Hollywood had no vested interest in autism (nobody knew what it was back then) and so they had no reason to lie.
Lmao. Savants are an extreme minority of Autists. As I've told you, the vast majority have below average intelligence, a minority have above average intelligence, let alone the high intelligence level a character like Rain Man would have. So it isn't representative at all. It's like saying Oskar Schindler is representative of how Nazis behaved.
machines are the future of humanity, but besides that, this is insane cope. autists will spend their lifes solving boring problems and society doesn't have to do a thing. for one because it's in our nature and also because our only chance at anything resembling social acceptance is to find something to be exceptionally good at so we can be useful and our quirks tolerated. autists need less human contact, but they aren't inhuman, they still desire affection, some findings I have read/heared of suggest they desire it just as much as NTs, they also long for a sense of belonging, positive feedback, friends like them, etc. getting none of that during early childhood will only make them more desperate for it when they grow older.
much like a father abandoning his offspring might be rewarded with a child that desperately seeks his love and affection and presense, society can afford to treat aspergers as badly as it wants because we have no bargaining power because we can't leave, there isn't a better, alternative planet with only our type of people to emigrate to.
and this isn't even mentioning all the ways in which autists are mostly less functional in every sense of the word or how modern society is more socially competitive than ever before, making the socially incompetent even more disadvantaged.

I've never seen any clear answer to why autistic genes remained in the gene pool, we probably have some small niche to fill, maybe having one of us in your tribe is useful to have someone speak out the uncomfortable truths no one else wants to say before your entire tribe let's mob mentally lead it into extinction, and in the modern world some high IQ autist make good money in ways enabled by their unique quirks but even most of those would probably have been happier being normal and earning less but experiencing a richer social life instead.
Lol. Psychiatrists are MDs who prescribe drugs.
That is not science.

They study for about 12 years.
A PhD in literature also takes about that time in total. What does it prove?

Medicine is hard science.
Biochemistry is science, not medicine. Psychiatry is not even medicine.

Psychiatry significantly less hard than other fields but still incorporates strong components of hard science.
No one understands the human brain in a Scientific way. We are very far from that. We have some ideas about how neurotransmitters work at the cellular level (Biochemistry), but not at the level of the whole Brain. It is just too complex for us to do any kind of science.

It isn't woke theory.
Really? Look at this:
It is the handbook of the latest APA annual meeting. The word "Racism" appears 15 times, "LGBTQ" 10 times and "Transgender" 3 times. Nowhere is it said that wanting to cut your dick to replace it with a fake vagina might be a "mental illness"; oh no! Why would that be an illness, right?

What is the credibility of Psychiatry after that?

Lmao. Savants are an extreme minority of Autists. As I've told you, the vast majority have below average intelligence, a minority have above average intelligence, let alone the high intelligence level a character like Rain Man would have. So it isn't representative at all. It's like saying Oskar Schindler is representative of how Nazis behaved.
I am not talking about the savants traits. The rest of his behavior is just typical of deep autism.

I have a young relative with Autism who I've watched grow up for 10 years. And lived with for most of that time.
Sample of 1.

I feel like I'm contracting Autism talking to you. You're doing the typical redditor thing of responding with "SOURCE PLEASE" when you yourself have offered no supporting data whatsoever for your lunatic assertions. Your data is Rain Man.
I never asked for any sources. I just said I do not find Psychiatry credible. I do not need "sources" for that.

There is no data because Psychiatry is not science. When Psychiatrists publish "studies" with "data", that does not make them scientists. It just makes them fraudsters pretending to be scientists. The definition of "Autism" is full of extremely vague words like "repetitive" or "unusual". There is no way you can do "science" with those words as your criteria. Compare that with the Millikan experiment to determine the charge of the electron and you will see the difference.

We keep calling Psychiatry a "science" because we would like it to be a science, not because it is actually one today.
FACT: About 60% of autists also have some mental retardation
FACT: ADHD and autism has some comorbidity and they are linked to executive dysfunction, which means there's less functionality in deciding -- a trait very much obviously unfavourable in today's society.
FACT: Only the most functional of subsets of autists could possibly become rainmanesque savants. Most autists don't even end up being verbal.
FACT: Autists tend to have slower life stories and just a cursory glance at this very forum will reveal that they tend to have less sex than their peers, meaning they won't reproduce and pass their autism to their offspring
FACT: Autist diets tend to be poor and repetitive due to sensory processing, which means they don't usually become muscular chads.
FACT: We're a genetic dead-end, twisted by our genome into a mutation of the human form.
There are no facts in Psychiatry. The criteria are way too vague to allow anything to be called a "fact" (see above)

All this is just Shrink-babble, i.e. Shrink religion. Only Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry are sciences. The rest, including Psychiatry, belongs to the humanities.
That is not science.
Yes, it is. Double-blind testing is science. 10-15 years of clinical testing is science. Putting in a a material input which produces a material output is science. It's a combination of physics and biology. Anti-depressants increase the level of serotonin in your brain. What is this if not science? Voodoo?
A PhD in literature also takes about that time in total. What does it prove?
No it doesn't, it takes 3 years.
Biochemistry is science, not medicine. Psychiatry is not even medicine.
Lol medicine isn't science?
No one understands the human brain in a Scientific way. We are very far from that. We have some ideas about how neurotransmitters work at the cellular level (Biochemistry), but not at the level of the whole Brain. It is just too complex for us to do any kind of science.
Just because we don't understand everything, doesn't mean we don't understand anything. That's not how science works. Science can also get things wrong, it's still science.
Really? Look at this:
It is the handbook of the latest APA annual meeting. The word "Racism" appears 15 times, "LGBTQ" 10 times and "Transgender" 3 times. Nowhere is it said that wanting to cut your dick to replace it with a fake vagina might be a "mental illness"; oh no! Why would that be an illness, right?

What is the credibility of Psychiatry after that?
The fact that woke identity politics and postemodernism has infested, and is infesting, Psychiatry and all aspects of science doesn't refute all science. And that's Yankland, which is a wasteland. In western Europe, medicine is actually having somewhat rational debates around transformers and restricting giving puberty blockers to children. But what does this have to do with learning disabilities? Other than the fact that kids with Autism are massively over-represented among those indoctrinated with gender ideology?

I am not talking about the savants traits. The rest of his behavior is just typical of deep autism.
You are, you should read your original post. It is.
Sample of 1.
As opposed to your sample of 0.
I never asked for any sources. I just said I do not find Psychiatry credible. I do not need "sources" for that.

There is no data because Psychiatry is not science. When Psychiatrists publish "studies" with "data", that does not make them scientists. It just makes them fraudsters pretending to be scientists. The definition of "Autism" is full of extremely vague words like "repetitive" or "unusual". There is no way you can do "science" with those words as your criteria. Compare that with the Millikan experiment to determine the charge of the electron and you will see the difference.
"Repetitive" isn't a vague word lol. If a kid is repeating the same phrase over and over and over and over, all day, every day for months. That's "repetitive". For example, my relative, for the last few years, has been into car brands. He has several hundred cards with all the car brands on them. Which, pretty much every day, he spends several hours per day organising them in various ways, reading out the names in various ways, taking pictures of them on his phone organised in various ways, and so on. That's repetitive behaviour. You've just said that the dude in Rain Man displayed behaviour "typical of deep Autism". Now you're saying that such behaviour can't be observed and documented and used to produce a diagnosis (which are often tentative diagnoses, I believe, for the very reasons you're suggesting).

Is this science?
We keep calling Psychiatry a "science" because we would like it to be a science, not because it is actually one today.
As said, it's partly science. Partly biology, partly physics, partly applied science, partly social science.
Partly biology, partly physics, partly applied science, partly social science.
one of these is not like the others
First, let me make my position clear again.

I don't deny there are "retarded" kids (like your relative, @suicidecase) that grow into "retarded" adults (like Rainman)). Of course there are and they have always been there.

Why I deny is modern Psychiatry's ability to make sense of "retardation". No "mental illness" is well defined. Teams of Psychiatrists cannot agree even on cases of Schizophrenia (look at Breivik's trial). What this means is that all the labels that Psychiatrists use, like "schizophrenia", "bipolar" or "autism" are just vague notions that they apply in a mostly haphazard manner. None of these labels have anything to do, even remotely, with the idea of science.

However, this is not what I am talking about here. I am not talking about "serious" mental issues of the kind that will send you to a psych ward (like "autism" à la Rainman)

My argument is about the kind of "mild autism" that psychiatrists call "Asperger's" or "being on the spectrum"

These cases are even less well defined than the kind of heavy mental illness I was talking about above. They are so imprecisely defined to be close to completely arbitrary. All these notions of "mild autism" were invented in the 1980s and 90s to absolve bad parenting and to "explain" increasingly disturbing behaviors adopted by kids as our culture deteriorated further and further. Kids confronted with absurdly contradictory cultural influences will indeed behave strangely, but this has nothing to do with an underlying disorder.

My main point is this. As I wrote in the OP, I believe that the majority of kids diagnosed with "Apsperger's" or some other kind of mild disorder "on the autism spectrum", are just the fraction of the population that, in previous centuries, would have been considered for the service of organized religion, as priests, monks, nuns, pastors, teachers, etc.

Our culture has become extremely hostile to anything that is reminiscent of Christianity (because it is dominated by foid/Ishtar worship, which is the new official bluepiller religion). As a result, it makes sense for the psychiatrists (who are the brain police) to label these as deviants, in every way they can. That is what the "spectrum" really is for. It has nothing to do with science (apart from using that word as cover), but everything to do with religious apologetics and the repression of perceived unorthodox thought.
Yes, it is. Double-blind testing is science. 10-15 years of clinical testing is science. Putting in a a material input which produces a material output is science. It's a combination of physics and biology. Anti-depressants increase the level of serotonin in your brain. What is this if not science? Voodoo?
None of this is science because the criteria are not precisely defined. You can do all the "double blind" testing you want. If the criteria are vague and subjective, it will yield garbage.

Herbal medicine works. Anti-depressants work. In both case, it was just a matter of blind trial and error to discover what worked.

No it doesn't, it takes 3 years.
In the humanities, a PhD takes 5 to 6 years (3 is for Math PhDs), but you forget the undergraduate years. In total, it is the same as studies in medicine in terms of TOTAL length.

Lol medicine isn't science?
At best, Medicine is engineering (lots of rules of thumb and trial and error).

Again, the part of "Medicine" that is biochemistry is indeed science, but not the rest.

The fact that woke identity politics and postemodernism has infested, and is infesting, Psychiatry and all aspects of science doesn't refute all science.
I have not seen math or physics being influenced by transgenderism. That is just impossible, because these discipline are scientific. The fact that Psychiatry can be influenced means that it is not a science.

And that's Yankland, which is a wasteland. In western Europe, medicine is actually having somewhat rational debates around transformers and restricting giving puberty blockers to children. But what does this have to do with learning disabilities?
When a group of so-called "professionals" accept to compromise on one subject, they destroy their own credibility on everything they say.

Other than the fact that kids with Autism are massively over-represented among those indoctrinated with gender ideology?
Which tells a lot about how bullshit all this was in the first place.

"Repetitive" isn't a vague word lol. If a kid is repeating the same phrase over and over and over and over, all day, every day for months.
It is vague. "Repetitive" should be expressed as a "number of repetitions per hour", to begin to be somewhat precise. But the fundamental problem is to qualify what is being "repeated". No 2 behaviors are exactly identical. When do they start to be "the same", to qualify as "repetition". No one in Psychiatry will ever agree on any precise criteria like these because we are simply unable to measure human behavior with any degree of precision. No precision, no science.

Is this science?
No. This is journalism. There has never been any kind of universally admitted way to "diagnose autism" this way.

As said, it's partly science. Partly biology, partly physics, partly applied science, partly social science.
If you are part-car, part-tree, part-rock, part-cardboard, part-plastic, what are you? A garbage dump.
Rather, I hope the future of humanity is one without humans.
machines are the future of humanity, but besides that, this is insane cope. autists will spend their lifes solving boring problems and society doesn't have to do a thing. for one because it's in our nature and also because our only chance at anything resembling social acceptance is to find something to be exceptionally good at so we can be useful and our quirks tolerated. autists need less human contact, but they aren't inhuman, they still desire affection, some findings I have read/heared of suggest they desire it just as much as NTs, they also long for a sense of belonging, positive feedback, friends like them, etc. getting none of that during early childhood will only make them more desperate for it when they grow older.
Correct, spot on observation about the affection too. You can even observe how male autists are blamed when they say something other than self flagellation over at Aspergers subreddit. Even in the company of other autists, male autists are disliked when they aren't useful.

I've never seen any clear answer to why autistic genes remained in the gene pool, we probably have some small niche to fill, maybe having one of us in your tribe is useful to have someone speak out the uncomfortable truths no one else wants to say before your entire tribe let's mob mentally lead it into extinction, and in the modern world some high IQ autist make good money in ways enabled by their unique quirks but even most of those would probably have been happier being normal and earning less but experiencing a richer social life instead.
As you've said so yourself, autists filled niches and got laid once in a while. This rings true even today, maybe harder than ever. Also don't forget that autistic traits stack over generations, until they combine into autism. That creates a steady supply of autists, excluding rare mutations that creates autists from normal people.
Gigacope, OP.
FACT: About 60% of autists also have some mental retardation
FACT: ADHD and autism has some comorbidity and they are linked to executive dysfunction, which means there's less functionality in deciding -- a trait very much obviously unfavourable in today's society.
FACT: Only the most functional of subsets of autists could possibly become rainmanesque savants. Most autists don't even end up being verbal.
FACT: Autists tend to have slower life stories and just a cursory glance at this very forum will reveal that they tend to have less sex than their peers, meaning they won't reproduce and pass their autism to their offspring
FACT: Autist diets tend to be poor and repetitive due to sensory processing, which means they don't usually become muscular chads.
FACT: We're a genetic dead-end, twisted by our genome into a mutation of the human form.
Iam an Aspi and its fucking hard to me. My life is so much harder compared to other "normal"people. I have a lot of trouble finding my way around in groups and interacting with other groups. In any case, it is a severe limitation and handicap. As far as I know, Asperger's Syndrome can be classified as a disability (at least in Germany). With Asperger's Syndrome you have extremely fewer opportunities for advancement than other people because you can't cope with the social structures. If you don't interact with other people, you're left behind compared to other people of the same age.
Correct, spot on observation about the affection too. You can even observe how male autists are blamed when they say something other than self flagellation over at Aspergers subreddit. Even in the company of other autists, male autists are disliked when they aren't useful.

As you've said so yourself, autists filled niches and got laid once in a while. This rings true even today, maybe harder than ever. Also don't forget that autistic traits stack over generations, until they combine into autism. That creates a steady supply of autists, excluding rare mutations that creates autists from normal people.
If male autistics aren't useful, it's over. Since autistic people cannot give anything to other people socially, they are no longer of any use. Probably a large part of society would want to get rid of autistic people.
Think about this. Autists are people whose brain devotes less power than average to the decoding of emotions and therefore has more spare power for other things.

This appears clearly in Rain Man (1988). The character played by Dustin Hoffman is unable to process emotions and, as a result, is a so called "savant". He can count hundreds of matches on the floor in a single glance and perform other extreme feats of mental power.

Of course, the Rain Man situation is impractical. Someone like the character played by Dustin Hoffman cannot possibly function.

But what about people "on the spectrum", the spergs, the "high functioning autists"?

These people represent the future of humanity. They are the people who will solve new challenges because they have the mental resources to do so.

Of course, this requires a culture that is friendly to them, i.e. something that is exactly the opposite of what we have today. Our current culture values Chad/Stacy behavior, i.e. the basic mate selection process common to all mammals. In effect, our culture values the past (our most animal instincts) over the future.

As a result, our current culture will pass because it will self destruct. It is too much in opposition to the general thrust of human evolution.

What will replace it is up to us.
Women just hate men with aspergers. They do things that other men would never even tolerate. It's ridiculous how they treat us like shit.
I have autism and it’s definitely not a superpower
If you're lucky enough to have a top tier IQ like Elon or Zuckerberg then yes it is. Otherwise its a curse since we're stuck in an NTs world
This has to be the stupidest shit i've ever read, Why do you think being autistic and having Autism makes you a better Human in anyway? is that what made you an Incel, Half of you Hitlercels shouldnt support him. pretty sure he killed every and anyone with autism
IT may boost certain aspects of your life and help you excel in things most people arent, normally good at. But there are also cases that happen were people are just born with the same skills they just arent retarted. This cope needs to stop
I never seen a bigger nope from hitlercels this shit sped shit, half of you wouldnt even make in hitlers eyes
Ha Ha Ha Lol GIF

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