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RageFuel diocel the pedo.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 20987
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...because he has been doing this for a while and him going on a witchhunt and making empty accusations isn't welcome here.
Where does witchhunt start? How differs witchhunt from calling @mods when I see something report worthy? I smell some arbitrariness or hypocrisy bc when he did it against a under-5k-post-user it was ok, but when he did it here against an over-25k-posts-user, not.

how old? 12, 13, 14, 15?
I think at least 14. At least consummating the marriage (sex) should be made only, when she is physical developed for and also emotionally ready aka want it too. At best with a boy not much older.
It was a special situation in history and a (unique) commandment of God.

The same could be said about literally anything in the Old Testament.

Children have no sex->virgin.

To quote the Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament :

“Girls could in fact already be given in marriage long before actual physical maturity, perhaps even as young as five years old (cf. Lev. 27:5), and it did happen that marriages were already consummated with prepubescent girls. Thus the paragraphs of old legal codices concerning infertile women can also refer precisely to such prepubescent girls who were coerced into consummating. “

There is no command to immediately consummate marriage or even raping them.

The female children are spoils of war, after the Israelites were commanded to kill everyone else, including children and the elderly. It is incredibly obvious the Israelite men were permitted to marry or rape them. Even if marriage is implied, it was still forced upon them against their will and would be considered rape by modern definitions.

The only people who argue that they were merely being adopted and not forcibly married or raped are modern Christian apologists with little to no knowledge about the customs of the ancient Israelites. I quoted a scholar of Hebrew with a PhD in Ancient History. I'm more inclined to believe his interpretation, which aligns with that of most Bible commentators, than yours.
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The same could be said about literally anything in the Old Testament.
No. The 10 Commandments were not rules for camping around Mount Zion, but for everlasting (earthly) existence.

But I looked it up, there are in fact general laws of war later in Deuteronomy 20.
Winning over far distant people: Kill all males, let women and children alive and take them (with cattle).
Winning over near-distant people (most influential, most sinful, especially here the women too, who don't take religions of their husband) (namely:the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites): kill all, what odem has

These act on Midianites was before and cannot put clearly in one of this category:
- not one of the Canaanites people mentioned in Deuteronomy
- but similar wickedness of the women like the Canaanites
- the Israel soldiers left the women and children alive first
- Moses told them not to because of their sinfulness
- leaving the virgin children alive was a concession by Mose to the rule above to kill everyone

So, how does "take the women" has looked like, which was commanded for winning over far distant people:

I also quote here a general commentary (Knowledge Commentary by Zuck & Walvoord):

Family laws (Deuteronomy 21:10-21)

(1) Marrying a captive woman (21:10-14) 21:10-11. An Israelite was permitted to marry a beautiful woman from the captives of a particular battle. This assumes the battle in question was against one of "the cities that are at distance" (20:15), not a city within the borders of Palestine. Therefore the prospective wife would not have been a Canaanite woman (cf. the prohibition against marrying a Canaanite man or woman, 7:1, 3-4)
If an Israelite soldier genuinely desired one of the captives he could have her only trough marriage. This helped protect the dignity of the women captives and the purity of the Israelite soldiers. Israelites were not to rape, plunder, or otherwise mistreat captives as other armies of the ancient Near East did.
21:12-14. A soldier's marriage to a foreign captive could not take place immediately. The prospective wife was first prepared psychologically for her new life as an Israelite. This was accomplished by shaving her head, trimming her nails, having a change of clothes, and mourning for her parents for one month. The mourning may indicate either that her father and mother had been killed in battle or that she was now separated from them by her new marriage. The other rituals mentioned may also have symbolized her mourning for cutting herself off from her former life.
The full month allowed the captive woman a proper amount of time for mourning, and it also gave prospective husband opportunity to reflect on his initial decision to take her as his wife. For with a shaved head she would be less attractive. The phrase If you are not pleased with her may refer not to some trivial problem in their relationship, but to the new wife's refusal to accept her husband's spiritual values. In this case the husband could dissolve the marriage by giving up all rights over her. By forbidding him to treat her as a slave, even though she was dishonored through the divorce, the woman still retained a measure of dignity. This law underscored the value of human life, it cotrasted with the terrible treatment of war captives commen throughout the ancient Near East.

You can argue that, since virgin children had no deep ingrained old culture to shake off, therefore they could be married immediately but I doubt so strongly, when you see the compassion in the law with the captive women.
It is clearly not rape.

Girls could in fact already be given in marriage long before actual physical maturity, perhaps even as young as five years old (cf. Lev. 27:5), and it did happen that marriages were already consummated with prepubescent girls
That it happened doesn't make it acceptable. There is also evidence that pork was eaten in Israel, although it was an abomination to God.

The female children are spoils of war, after the Israelites were commanded to kill everyone else, including children and the elderly. It is incredibly obvious the Israelite men were permitted to marry or rape them. Even if marriage is implied, it was still forced upon them against their will and would still be considered rape by modern definitions.
Forced marriage is possible, but these girls/women had no other options either since all males were killed. And see above.

In the end, God stands above the law. When he commands to kill a person or a group (in wartimes) it doesn't justify daily murder and when he would have commanded rape for a special occasion doesn't justify daily rape. Especially since there are clear laws against rape in Deuteronomy.
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That it happened doesn't make it acceptable. There is also evidence that pork was eaten in Israel, although it was an abomination to God.
The logic of your argument is seriously flawed. You don't have any evidence that it was considered "unacceptable"; that's just your unsubstantiated opinion. The Old Testament explicitly forbids eating pork; it doesn't forbid child marriage or marital intercourse with preteen girls.
lol what the fuck is this?
This post strongly indicates that this is some seething foid, if not some super salty soy cuck who hasn't had his daily shot of Tyrone's cum in his mouth.

Interesting use of language. Why use the phrase "where boys talk about being disenfranchised"? It's like the women who refer to men whom they don't consider "real men" so they use the term "boys."

Also, note the dissociation when talking about us. The user refers to incels along with the word "they" as if it's "them, not me."

And later the user writes the phrase "washed up roasties" in quotation marks and calls it "incel talk," which indicates that they clearly don't approve of the term or the the we talk. Only a foid or a cuck would get mad at this phrase.

In the next sentence right after, "incel," is used dissociatively once again.

Probability of user being a foid or a soy cuck: >75%.

Back to reddit, you cunt.
high iq analysis unironically.

also the way she talked about "psychosexual milestones" implies she has some sick obsession with preventing a man who missed out on teen love from experiencing a relationship with a teen while he is in his 20's, even if the teen is of legal age

@LOLI BREEDING thoughts?
high iq analysis unironically.

also the way she talked about "psychosexual milestones" implies she has some sick obsession with preventing a man who missed out on teen love from experiencing a relationship with a teen while he is in his 20's, even if the teen is of legal age

@LOLI BREEDING thoughts?
I avoid angry threads. no reason to be angry when I'm already depressed as fuck. that guy is a bit weird though. very scary avi :worryfeels: does he not like lolis
I avoid angry threads. no reason to be angry when I'm already depressed as fuck. that guy is a bit weird though. very scary avi :worryfeels: does he not like lolis
"he" is a foid or soy infiltrator
The logic of your argument is seriously flawed. You don't have any evidence that it was considered "unacceptable"; that's just your unsubstantiated opinion. The Old Testament explicitly forbids eating pork; it doesn't forbid child marriage or marital intercourse with preteen girls.
Ok, I see.
I ignored that nigger ages ago.
Glad that agecuck is banned now.
An do support pedophile because women are trash and i don't consider them human, if i see someone rape a 3yo i don't care let him do it.
I agree. It’s not my problem for what happens to future cumdumpsters
So has the mods when @knajjd lays another 40% ban threat just for me exposing the pedophillia rampant on this forum.

I've backed up all the deleted threads so come at me bro.
:feelskek: :feelshaha:
I ignored that nigger ages ago.
Based. I usually try not to use ignore anyone since I think it's lame but once in a while, it's completely justified and not a sissy move.
Nigga im not a pedo, im a hebe, i don't go under 14, gimme a cute brown 15 and see me how i smack that bitch.

An do support pedophile because women are trash and i don't consider them human, if i see someone rape a 3yo i don't care let him do it.

tagging users who asked for an explanation
@Irredeemable @ionlycopenow @Personalityinkwell

Depositphotos 255658666 stock photo a portrait of a silverback
Based. I usually try not to use ignore anyone since I think it's lame but once in a while, it's completely justified and not a sissy move.
I've enjoyed and used this forum much more since I started blocking retards. Anime avatars are block-on-sight without looking at posts, and anyone who makes one or two tard-posts gets blocked, too.

I've got maybe 200 on my ignore list and it just keeps getting better, lol.
if you don't go under 14 you're not even a hebephile, you're an ephebophile

psychosis owl is just some crazy jew or fed
so what it is for me? 13-15 are the peak of beauty to me. What is the name to that?
so what it is for me? 13-15 are the peak of beauty to me. What is the name to that?
that is hebephilia/ephebophilia mix

i personally would agree with that range, maybe shift it to 14-16, so im basically same boat as you
that is hebephilia/ephebophilia mix

i personally would agree with that range, maybe shift it to 14-16, so im basically same boat as you
its so fucked up man my tastes dont change with age, and they just roam around naked in the street and the'yve recently make it ilegal in my country wich makes me scared all the fucking time.
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