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Serious Do you think you'd be a good boyfriend?



Apr 5, 2018
I hate women and everything women do, so I can't even imagine myself in a relationship. Literally the only thing I want from women is sex. It seems like everyone I've ever known has been miserable in their relationships, I think literally the only reason anyone puts up with women is for sex. I used to have a sex doll and I've been so fucking horny lately I'm thinking about buying another one. I threw my old one away because I came in it every time and it got moldy. It was a cheap doll from China so there was no way to clean it, it didn't have a removable sleeve. I tried flushing it out with water but the whole body was hollow so when I sprayed water inside it I probably made the mold problem worse.
No, I’m too short and ugly
I only want to be loved by someone and respected, but this doesn't exist anymore so no
it s not about if u re good or not it s more about if she thinks u re good or not...
you can be bad but she can still love from how she perceives you..
values and personality never ever mattered anyways lol
There's no such thing as a good boyfriend to women. Only an obedient slave or a hot chad.
yes but as a deformed manlet with the strangest face and head that's not a title I'll ever have.

Donald Trump Rnc GIF by Election 2016
Yes, just give me a chance women :feelscry:
Was this a Trojan-horse to let us know about your moldly sex doll?

I would be a good boyfriend if we were a species that could disregard DNA and survival and mate quality. You wouldn't want to have deep conversations with your girlfriend because female neurology does not cater at all to that. (The greatest and best remembered women throughout history I posit had neurologies closer to a male's neurology, like Ada Lovelace, Marie Curie, Grace Hopper. My mother struggles with fractions. The saddest thing I saw was her have to study how to turn a fraction into a percentage, and memorize a formula to do so.)

So to be a good boyfriend in this strange world where personality matters, you need to basically share a sense of humor, that's it. In fact, the three elements of what normies call a good relationship I will reveal them completely to you
I. Mutual attraction
II. Sense of humor
III. Fidelity

That's it. Anything else is fucking cope and confusion and misunderstanding of something so direly simple. The problems with modern and young relationships is element one is present in relationships featuring Chad and woman, element three is paradoxical. The testosterone that makes Chad capable of creating element one makes him not possess element three.

The source of heterosexual problems is most commonly because women can't find their partners sexually attractive. Element one is scarce, and I place it at one because it is most important, no passionate sex occurs without it.
I have no idea
There's no such thing as a good boyfriend to women. Only an obedient slave or a hot chad.
This is the reality in general when the couple isn't following Lord Jesus Christ. Those couples who pray together, have usually long lasting marriages.
I’m actually gonna say “Yes” and argue why:
1) I have a job (albeit a tenuous shitty one without any status)
2) I have my own place (albeit a small shitty studio apartment with some awful neighbors building problems, but it’s what I can afford)
3) Even if I could cheat I wouldn’t — to clarify this I do sympathize with when men get married and then their wife balloons into a whale and stops putting out. At that point men stay for their kids but like, what did the woman think would happen? Meanwhile when women cheat it’s usually just because they’re bored and asking themselves “can I do better”?) where the man didn’t actually do anything wrong per se. If it were me I would leave the relationship instead of cheating (also realistically I wouldn’t have the opportunity to cheat so it’s irrelevant I guess).
4) I’d try to see what hobbies we could share or things to do together
5) I have zero STDs ladies :feelsLSD:More likely to get one from the woman kek

In the past being sane, stable, having a job, and a residence got you a lot of the way there. The reality is when you think about it women want looks, status, and money. Everything else you could do is way down the line and doesn’t matter much. Even men who actively beat their wives and cheat can be far more attractive to women than us assuming they meet those 3 criteria.

The issue is that if the woman isn’t attracted to me or even if they can just get more from a relationship with another man then it’s already over. So I guess I’ve self defeated my original point in that, no, I cannot give the modern woman what she wants. I don’t have money either so I guess RIP. No looks, no status, no money it’s over boyo
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The question is she would be loyal? The answer is no.

There's a power dynamic. If you look good it's impossible to not fuck with others. You cannot be loyal to one person. Is like you have multiple tasty dishes around you. A normal person would taste from each dish. This is applied to good looking people. They cannot fuck with the same dude or girl.

Depends what she offers
Are Chads a good boyfriends?
Foids are looking for "good" ones after 30, foids either with or without child or simply betabuxx.
no, i know im not a catch.but i cant cope cause its still brutal being alone tbh
I hate women and everything women do, so I can't even imagine myself in a relationship. Literally the only thing I want from women is sex. It seems like everyone I've ever known has been miserable in their relationships, I think literally the only reason anyone puts up with women is for sex. I used to have a sex doll and I've been so fucking horny lately I'm thinking about buying another one. I threw my old one away because I came in it every time and it got moldy. It was a cheap doll from China so there was no way to clean it, it didn't have a removable sleeve. I tried flushing it out with water but the whole body was hollow so when I sprayed water inside it I probably made the mold problem worse.
Yes and that’s the problem.

They don’t want a “good” boyfriend that truly cares about them, who is attentive to their needs and who actually loves them.

They all want abusive dark triad thugs and narcissistic sociopaths who cheat on them, treat them like fuck toys, break their hearts, stalk them, threaten their lives and property, mildly or viciously beat them as well whom act aloof and emotionally unavailable and maybe even are criminals aside from all that.

Drama + instability + emotional unavailability is what women want alongside the typical Chad black pill triad theory put forward by Fake and BBC of looks, money and status.
Absolutely not. I'm 5'3 and unbelievably ugly. I'm also what others call a "loser" or "nerd". Not someone to be even seen with
then their wife balloons into a whale and stops putting out
That reminds me of r/deadbedrooms.

4) I’d try to see what hobbies we could share or things to do together
Can I know why you would want to share hobbies with your girlfriends? I don't even share hobbies with my normie friends IRL. My prospective girlfriend I would not give a fuck if she liked baking and makeup or scrapbooking. Likewise, I would not expect her to give a fuck if I liked painting tabletop minifigures.

It's forced if you ask me. You and the girlfriend you hope for will be different down to how your brains are wired. Therefore it's unlikely shared hobbies will arise.

So I guess I’ve self defeated my original point in that, no, I cannot give the modern woman what she wants.
If this hypothetical world OP alluded to exists, every man would have a chance, and that bluepilled advice would just be advice.

There's a power dynamic. If you look good it's impossible to not fuck with others
That's debatable. In my post above I recognized that it's the testosterone that makes bony and healthy attractive faces that women require from their partners to be receptive to their personality. But factually, testosterone is what influences sex-drive. Women have very little testosterone, but the Chads their with are going to be horny frequently because of it. Combine this with Chad's rarity and it's young Chads that cheat most often, as their very biology compels them to, and married or women in the second stage of their mating stagey cheating on their betabucks provider. (Not always however. Young women dating a not-so-Chad will cheat on him with an actual Chad if he presents himself, if he mogs her current boyfriend. I've seen this happen in even teenage relationships. It's sometimes what causes Just Be First (JBF) to breakdown.)
Probably not tbh. I tend to just be way too passive when it comes to emotions and relationships.

BUT most normies aren't good boyfriends either so
That reminds me of r/deadbedrooms.

Can I know why you would want to share hobbies with your girlfriends? I don't even share hobbies with my normie friends IRL. My prospective girlfriend I would not give a fuck if she liked baking and makeup or scrapbooking. Likewise, I would not expect her to give a fuck if I liked painting tabletop minifigures.

It's forced if you ask me. You and the girlfriend you hope for will be different down to how your brains are wired. Therefore it's unlikely shared hobbies will arise.

If this hypothetical world OP alluded to exists, every man would have a chance, and that bluepilled advice would just be advice.

That's debatable. In my post above I recognized that it's the testosterone that makes bony and healthy attractive faces that women require from their partners to be receptive to their personality. But factually, testosterone is what influences sex-drive. Women have very little testosterone, but the Chads their with are going to be horny frequently because of it. Combine this with Chad's rarity and it's young Chads that cheat most often, as their very biology compels them to, and married or women in the second stage of their mating stagey cheating on their betabucks provider. (Not always however. Young women dating a not-so-Chad will cheat on him with an actual Chad if he presents himself, if he mogs her current boyfriend. I've seen this happen in even teenage relationships. It's sometimes what causes Just Be First (JBF) to breakdown.)
It's not debatable. It's a law. It's like gravity. You can't debate this. It's a fact
I hate women and everything women do, so I can't even imagine myself in a relationship. Literally the only thing I want from women is sex. It seems like everyone I've ever known has been miserable in their relationships, I think literally the only reason anyone puts up with women is for sex. I used to have a sex doll and I've been so fucking horny lately I'm thinking about buying another one. I threw my old one away because I came in it every time and it got moldy. It was a cheap doll from China so there was no way to clean it, it didn't have a removable sleeve. I tried flushing it out with water but the whole body was hollow so when I sprayed water inside it I probably made the mold problem worse.
Yes. The best. No one would be better... until she finds someone better.

And just use your hands, bro. Some lotion if you're feeling extra messed up.
If I was a boyfriend I would be very cuddly and try my best to make her feel loved. We'd go out often to parks and do cute things like picnics or watching the sunset. I'm a very clean person and a good cook, if I had a girlfriend I'd love to make cooking together a regular thing. And of course we would snuggle up under the blankets and watch movies/play games together.

Unfortunately I'm not an abusive tyrone so I'm not what foids look for. So to them, I would be a boring and dry boyfriend and probably too clingy.
I would really try but i honestly don't think I would be very good because I'm not NT. I don't know how to act around other people
I would be a good father, but not a good partner. I have no love for the female, just a need to reproduce.
If I had ascended early I think so. But now I walk around with all the long drawn out memories of painful isolation that shit ain't going away. The best of me as a partner was burnt to ashes and thrown to the wind already. I only want the shallow trappings of a relationship now just cuddles and fucking a girl who has good hygiene.:feelshehe:
No. I'm too autistic and mentally broken.
in all honesty, no. I'd make a terrible bf being nearly broke, without much going on in my life, etc. I'm terrible as a betabux and as a soulmate (and as a lover, or course). Thing is, most foids are like that, they just don't want to admit it and only date up.
A "good boyfriend" = "chad".

An ugly and short, but good-hearted, polite and wise is a "good friend" at most.
So no.
no personality for ur face
An ugly and short, but good-hearted, polite and wise is a "good friend" at most.
So no.
I'm not even NT enough to be put in the friendzone. JFL
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:feelzez:What kind of question is that?? Of course I would thats why I DESERVE A RELATIONSHIP!!
I'd probably be too distant as i am heavily avoidant and high inhib
I'd probably be too distant as i am heavily avoidant and high inhib
Lets be real, Chad can be as dismissive and ignore her as much as he wants and women still chase after him. So I don't think it matters. Women would rather date an unavailable Chad than a guy who would be there for her 24/7.

And that's what women themselves say all the time. " I'm so attracted to these guys who are emotionally unavailable. "
Yes I have a job & a lot of money & can drive.
I am kind gentle boy I would be a good bf give me gf now
I'm a hiki who only plays vidya and watches Anime, so probably not. Unless she has the same hobbies
No. I wouldn't be able to sexually please her as I don't have a big dick.
No, I can't love anyone im a lusty subhuman.
Yeah, it's not like it matters anyway, I will never find out
I only want to be loved by someone and respected, but this doesn't exist anymore so no
How badly do you want that?
no because i have shit personality i'd be toxic
Absolutely not
If a foid came up to me and basically declared to me that I am her boyfriend I would probably think it’s a scam or am about to be jumped by dyrone nigbert and Lamar dushsaw jr

But if I was a little less brain damaged and wasn’t a complete mentalcel and decided to date her. she would have to be the one doing all the work because she’ll probably lifemog me. I am mentally a 12 year old form missing out on so many social milestones in life and form being autistic.

but I would be super affectionate and loyal, as ashamed as I am to admit it I’d probably simp hard for her. Now I would probably see her as a older sister if she was around my age or a mother figure if she was old. completely fucked up dynamics

But am ugly and retarded so it’s nevER going to happen, hell probably for the best because It’ll most likely end in a disaster like everything in my life.

I’ll literally die without every kissing or hugging a girl

Am on my own

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