Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Most incels here, if they had ur personal info and u later ascended, would dox u as revenge. This is the ultimate reason why incels can’t unite.

Murder Mario

Murder Mario

I've killed more cunts than cervical cancer
Nov 21, 2022
Most users here aren’t abominably ugly, many have a faint hope (at least in their mind) to ascend, even if it’s delusional in most cases. However, many users are afraid of being doxxed, and thus can’t share personal info with others for say, a meet up. But let’s be honest, the reason is because many of you would dox someone out of spite and jealousy if they ascended.

@cvh1991 made a thread about this:

Basically your spiteful attitudes are fucking you over. You think you’re cool “rebels” against society by not having some basic respect of privacy, but in reality you’re desperate for revenge that is safe because you’re too scared to go ER.
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not making a good case that you aren't DoogyPedo
I’ve already proved I’m not doogy. You’re just someone who can’t admit his true flaws. You’re angry at society, you want revenge, but you’re scared to actually do anything, so you cope with power on this loser forum.
not making a good case that you aren't DoogyPedo
If you really want to get revenge on this unfair world, why attacking people of your kind instead of people who made you suffer?
If you really want to get revenge on this unfair world, why attacking people of your kind instead of people who made you suffer?

Incels on this forum are just counterintuitive and making stupid decisions with no regard for future consequences.
Feds and angry foids are also a reason I'd rather not share my information online. I think people overshare too much nowadays anyway.
The problem is many users here are under 23/24 and hence cannot be called incels
Most users here are fakecels.
There are millions of reasons why being friend with an incel would be a terrible idea, not only that.
Who cares about being doxxed tbh. However I don’t think an incel should be doxxed for ascending HOWEVER IF THEY START BERATING INCELS I CAN UNDERSTAND. But if the guy just berates normies that’s fine fuck normies they deserve to be mocked.
Most users here aren’t abominably ugly, many have a faint hope (at least in their mind) to ascend,
A lot of .is users from faces I’ve seen of them or descriptions of them are truecel being honest. If not facially truecel they are incel tier facially like dudes who are extremely spergy and isolated
Well said and I would probably agree with everything you stated above. The probability of ascending correlates very strongly with age since viable future dating and mating opportunities are going to depend on how many years of youth, sexual virility and good health you may conceivably have at your disposal. But as for those who do ascend, it would seem to me that animosity and contempt directed at them would be justifiable and reasonable if they were to announce their success in a way which caused their less fortunate former comrades to feel as though they were being boastful or insulting. I personally don't care whether people ascend and while I wouldn't take it as some sort of affront or indignation if someone did, I could easily see myself at least having some residual envy and spite, especially knowing that the likelihood of my 43 year old self ever achieving ascension at this point is extremely low.
What does one thing have to do with the other ?
Statistics, 1% of men above the age of 23 are virgins at least as far as testing prove
Statistics, 1% of men above the age of 23 are virgins at least as far as testing prove
I'm 20 years old and involuntary never hold hands with a girl or had sex with a girl. Why should it suddently change in the next 3 years ?
I'm 20 years old and involuntary never hold hands with a girl or had sex with a girl. Why should it suddently change in the next 3 years ?
It can, I always use 23 as a springboard because it's basically a guarantee from then on, most normies loose it 17-23
It can, I always use 23 as a springboard because it's basically a guarantee from then on, most normies loose it 17-23
Cope, normies lose their V-card between 13-16

I'm a 5'6 manlet, with a sub5 face and ASPD, it nevER began for me
Cope, normies lose their V-card between 13-16

I'm a 5'6 manlet, with a sub5 face and ASPD, it nevER began for me
Well we all know roughly how our lives will be still too many youngcels are doomsaying themselves
Why would it be a terrible idea?

Because we're rejects, lived a shit life with everything that it implies. We're mentally fucked and want to see others suffer, understandably so.
if you don't want people here to hate you for ascending, don't brag about it

simple as
if you don't want people here to hate you for ascending, don't brag about it

simple as
Well no shit but also anyone who ascends should depart from the forum entirely.

Problem is people will start digging up those details.
Well said and I would probably agree with everything you stated above. The probability of ascending correlates very strongly with age since viable future dating and mating opportunities are going to depend on how many years of youth, sexual virility and good health you may conceivably have at your disposal. But as for those who do ascend, it would seem to me that animosity and contempt directed at them would be justifiable and reasonable if they were to announce their success in a way which caused their less fortunate former comrades to feel as though they were being boastful or insulting. I personally don't care whether people ascend and while I wouldn't take it as some sort of affront or indignation if someone did, I could easily see myself at least having some residual envy and spite, especially knowing that the likelihood of my 43 year old self ever achieving ascension at this point is extremely low.
Testing testing
Well said and I would probably agree with everything you stated above. The probability of ascending correlates very strongly with age since viable future dating and mating opportunities are going to depend on how many years of youth, sexual virility and good health you may conceivably have at your disposal. But as for those who do ascend, it would seem to me that animosity and contempt directed at them would be justifiable and reasonable if they were to announce their success in a way which caused their less fortunate former comrades to feel as though they were being boastful or insulting. I personally don't care whether people ascend and while I wouldn't take it as some sort of affront or indignation if someone did, I could easily see myself at least having some residual envy and spite, especially knowing that the likelihood of my 43 year old self ever achieving ascension at this point is extremely low.
It is a pleasure to establish a connection with someone who shares my enthusiasm for intellectual discourse. Your writings have been a source of immense gratification for me, and I must confess that I harbor a deep admiration for your cognitive faculties, which have been demonstrated through the cogent and erudite nature of your arguments. The profundity of your thoughts resonates deeply within my own mind, much like the works of the illustrious philosopher and luminary Theodore Kaczynski, whose treatises on the perils of technology and the imperative of a revolutionary upheaval against its oppressive yoke have left an indelible mark on my own intellectual trajectory. I would venture to say that his ideas have had a profound impact on my own worldview, and I find solace in the knowledge that there are kindred spirits such as yourself who share an affinity for his ideations.

In light of this shared appreciation, I cannot help but wonder if you also partake in the pleasure of engaging with the works of Mr. Kaczinsky?
It is a pleasure to establish a connection with someone who shares my enthusiasm for intellectual discourse. Your writings have been a source of immense gratification for me, and I must confess that I harbor a deep admiration for your cognitive faculties, which have been demonstrated through the cogent and erudite nature of your arguments. The profundity of your thoughts resonates deeply within my own mind, much like the works of the illustrious philosopher and luminary Theodore Kaczynski, whose treatises on the perils of technology and the imperative of a revolutionary upheaval against its oppressive yoke have left an indelible mark on my own intellectual trajectory. I would venture to say that his ideas have had a profound impact on my own worldview, and I find solace in the knowledge that there are kindred spirits such as yourself who share an affinity for his ideations.

In light of this shared appreciation, I cannot help but wonder if you also partake in the pleasure of engaging with the works of Mr. Kaczinsky?
I appreciate and value your extremely gracious appraisal of my own meager contributions to these forums over the years and most especially, the recent months. I likewise commend you for your own obvious mastery of the language which matters so much to me and your affinity for elegant, cogent and artful prose. Our culture here in the west and particularly in the US is one which has been contaminated by a very strong anti-intellectual undercurrent and as such, it is exceedingly difficult to find someone who appreciates the value of both the substance of what is conveyed but also the manner in which it has been expressed.

I am not well familiar with the works of Professor Kaczynski although I admire his genuine mathematical genius as well as his proven ability to instrumentalize his theories in a practical and profoundly impactful manner. I've studied domestic terrorism extensively and am likewise intimately familiar with the methods utilized by federal law enforcement agencies as well as "watchdog" groups which seek to infiltrate our activities here or insinuate themselves in to this community in order to gather more actionable intelligence.
I appreciate and value your extremely gracious appraisal of my own meager contributions to these forums over the years and most especially, the recent months. I likewise commend you for your own obvious mastery of the language which matters so much to me and your affinity for elegant, cogent and artful prose. Our culture here in the west and particularly in the US is one which has been contaminated by a very strong anti-intellectual undercurrent and as such, it is exceedingly difficult to find someone who appreciates the value of both the substance of what is conveyed but also the manner in which it has been expressed.

I am not well familiar with the works of Professor Kaczynski although I admire his genuine mathematical genius as well as his proven ability to instrumentalize his theories in a practical and profoundly impactful manner. I've studied domestic terrorism extensively and am likewise intimately familiar with the methods utilized by federal law enforcement agencies as well as "watchdog" groups which seek to infiltrate our activities here or insinuate themselves in to this community in order to gather more actionable intelligence.

I am most appreciative of your extraordinary intellect and the profoundly positive nature of your response. It is an honor to engage in discourse with an individual of such exalted cognitive capacity.

I wish to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering positivity and the remarkable sagacity that permeates your every word. Your erudition and perspicacity manifest themselves in a manner that is both awe-inspiring and enlightening.

I am compelled to acknowledge the exceptional and revolutionary nature of Mr. Ted's ideas and strategic actions, which have proven to be nothing short of transformative. His visionary approach to dismantling entrenched power structures has been instrumental in our collective endeavor to effect meaningful change.

In contemplating the profound impact of Mr. Ted's insights, I am reminded of the inexorable truth that knowledge, when wielded creatively and judiciously, becomes an indomitable force. By immersing ourselves in comprehensive readings on power structures and adroitly employing their principles to further our own noble cause, we empower ourselves to operate on an elevated plane of influence.

In this pursuit, I am convinced that Mr. Ted stands as an inescapable ally, a paragon of intellect and strategic acumen. His sagacity, when coupled with our shared aspirations, shall undoubtedly yield unparalleled outcomes.

To augment the already vast reservoir of your intellectual prowess, I enthusiastically proffer the following links for your perusal. They encompass a trove of invaluable insights and perspectives that shall indubitably enrich your cognitive acuity:

1. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...QQFnoECAwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw25azNYAENbn6PTZZbRRvQv

2. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/category/author/ted-kaczynski

3. https://archive.org/details/KaczynskiAntiTechRevolutionWhyAndHow_201803

May these resources, like droplets of wisdom, further nourish the fertile grounds of your intellectual domain.

Once more, I extend my profound gratitude for your resolute positivity and unwavering dedication to our shared cause. Your brilliance continues to serve as an incandescent beacon, illuminating the path towards progress.
I am most appreciative of your extraordinary intellect and the profoundly positive nature of your response. It is an honor to engage in discourse with an individual of such exalted cognitive capacity.

I wish to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering positivity and the remarkable sagacity that permeates your every word. Your erudition and perspicacity manifest themselves in a manner that is both awe-inspiring and enlightening.

I am compelled to acknowledge the exceptional and revolutionary nature of Mr. Ted's ideas and strategic actions, which have proven to be nothing short of transformative. His visionary approach to dismantling entrenched power structures has been instrumental in our collective endeavor to effect meaningful change.

In contemplating the profound impact of Mr. Ted's insights, I am reminded of the inexorable truth that knowledge, when wielded creatively and judiciously, becomes an indomitable force. By immersing ourselves in comprehensive readings on power structures and adroitly employing their principles to further our own noble cause, we empower ourselves to operate on an elevated plane of influence.

In this pursuit, I am convinced that Mr. Ted stands as an inescapable ally, a paragon of intellect and strategic acumen. His sagacity, when coupled with our shared aspirations, shall undoubtedly yield unparalleled outcomes.

To augment the already vast reservoir of your intellectual prowess, I enthusiastically proffer the following links for your perusal. They encompass a trove of invaluable insights and perspectives that shall indubitably enrich your cognitive acuity:

1. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...QQFnoECAwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw25azNYAENbn6PTZZbRRvQv

2. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/category/author/ted-kaczynski

3. https://archive.org/details/KaczynskiAntiTechRevolutionWhyAndHow_201803

May these resources, like droplets of wisdom, further nourish the fertile grounds of your intellectual domain.

Once more, I extend my profound gratitude for your resolute positivity and unwavering dedication to our shared cause. Your brilliance continues to serve as an incandescent beacon, illuminating the path towards progress.
As is said by the Count Fernand Mondego in Alexander Dumas' excellent Count of Monte Cristo, you do me much honor sir. I feel as though it is an honor which I am entirely unworthy of but nevertheless, I am flattered beyond belief by your exceedingly generous compliments.

I do my utmost to interject some measure of sapient thought into these forums and while some may find it to be contrived and pompous others find it to be edifying and self-justifying. Likewise, I have always advocated for a more polished and urbane veneer for the incel movement in general and one which has the capacity to at least resonate with the sensibilities of other marginalized and disenfranchised demographics so that we can find common cause in our collective hardship and forge the bonds of solidarity that exist between brothers in arms. See my posts on creating an incel movement in the real world for a far greater explication of both the ideological framework that serves as the intellectual edifice for this undertaking as well as for the methodology that would most conceivably enable us to consummate our collective aspirations.

While I merit your reverence for a mind as brilliant as the great Professor Kaczynski, I would also recommend that you delve in to the works of Nietzsche whose philosophical ruminations have inspired much introspective thought in me as well as some of the great minds of the classical world, perhaps mostly that of Marcus Aurelius whose Meditations I positively could not live without. The study of philosophy fortifies the spirit, strengthens our resolve in the face of the unspeakable injustices which abound in this life an provide us with a consolation which only the wisdom of the collective ages past can imbue. The works of Trotsky and Lenin are also essential reading for the aspiring incel revolutionary as they provide an excellent theoretical and analytical conceptual framework for understanding and interpreting the more salient lessons from history in so far as they inform our own perspective on the necessity of repudiating a base and degenerate power structure.

Thank you for the urls. I will certainly satisfy my own voracious intellectual appetite by consuming and digesting their enlightening content.
Most users here aren’t abominably ugly, many have a faint hope (at least in their mind) to ascend, even if it’s delusional in most cases. However, many users are afraid of being doxxed, and thus can’t share personal info with others for say, a meet up. But let’s be honest, the reason is because many of you would dox someone out of spite and jealousy if they ascended.

@cvh1991 made a thread about this:

Basically your spiteful attitudes are fucking you over. You think you’re cool “rebels” against society by not having some basic respect of privacy, but in reality you’re desperate for revenge that is safe because you’re too scared to go ER.
99% of this site is fakecel

I need to find a true place with truecels somewhere on the internet I cant stand not having a place where I can be around fellow people.

I used to think this place was it but I was very naïve, learned quickly how many fake niggers are here.
99% of this site is fakecel

I need to find a true place with truecels somewhere on the internet I cant stand not having a place where I can be around fellow people.

I used to think this place was it but I was very naïve, learned quickly how many fake niggers are here.
You will never find a truecel place that lets you vent your anger at society that like this place does.
An incel that ascends is not a real incel. I joined this forum with the hope that one day I will ascend and leave it. 5 years later my situation hasn't changed at all and I have basically given up on ascending. Harsh lesson I learned.
An incel that ascends is not a real incel. I joined this forum with the hope that one day I will ascend and leave it. 5 years later my situation hasn't changed at all and I have basically given up on ascending. Harsh lesson I learned.
The idea of ascension sounds like something that can never happen
Most users here aren’t abominably ugly, many have a faint hope (at least in their mind) to ascend, even if it’s delusional in most cases. However, many users are afraid of being doxxed, and thus can’t share personal info with others for say, a meet up. But let’s be honest, the reason is because many of you would dox someone out of spite and jealousy if they ascended.
Is there really a reason as to why you think this, other than conjecture? I think most people wouldn't give a shit. Someone ascended a few weeks ago, even posted a picture of their girlfriend, people could've tried looking for her and doxxing the guy - there was a significant age gap, no one gave a fuck
Is there really a reason as to why you think this, other than conjecture? I think most people wouldn't give a shit. Someone ascended a few weeks ago, even posted a picture of their girlfriend, people could've tried looking for her and doxxing the guy - there was a significant age gap, no one gave a fuck
Who was this user?
As @IncelKing said, based jailbait fucker

Extreme respect to him. I’m 200-% serious. Fucking girls under 18 without legal penalties is the ultimate win.
As @IncelKing said, based jailbait fucker

Extreme respect to him. I’m 200-% serious. Fucking girls under 18 without legal penalties is the ultimate win.
Can't blame a fella for shooting his shot
Most users here aren’t abominably ugly, many have a faint hope (at least in their mind) to ascend, even if it’s delusional in most cases. However, many users are afraid of being doxxed, and thus can’t share personal info with others for say, a meet up. But let’s be honest, the reason is because many of you would dox someone out of spite and jealousy if they ascended.

@cvh1991 made a thread about this:

Basically your spiteful attitudes are fucking you over. You think you’re cool “rebels” against society by not having some basic respect of privacy, but in reality you’re desperate for revenge that is safe because you’re too scared to go ER.
Its because of IT troons and glowniggers
not like I have much to lose
You will never find a truecel place that lets you vent your anger at society that like this place does.
I dont wanna vent my anger I want to find truecel people I can relate to share the pain

i remember seeing you get banned before for the same exact shit that @SlayerSlayer said above, good riddance
Jannies got him IT'S OVER. :feelsrope:
Jannies got him IT'S OVER. :feelsrope:
get in ban discussion and in here

and help out to fix this retardation
hes obviously not personalitypinkwell lmfao

this is some discord beef between bitchmade niggas that report each other over internet drama
laughable that the mods even took it serious
Murder Mario is doogy? Hope he loses his kneecaps
doogy is literally dead
he roped ages ago, his obituary was online before the threads got deleted
this is such a joke lmao it doesnt even make sense
niggas literally invoking dead ppl and larping they have alts on here
plain schizo
get in ban discussion and in here

and help out to fix this retardation
hes obviously not personalitypinkwell lmfao

this is some discord beef between bitchmade niggas that report each other over internet drama
laughable that the mods even took it serious
Too much hierarchical meta for I. Dnr.

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