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Based [Must Read] 21 year old Man locks teenage girlfriend outside to “treat hER like a dog”.



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019

I know a lot of you retards won’t read the article so I will copy and paste some important sections from it. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed aftER reading.

ExcERpts from the article:

A man locked his partner outside to treat her like an animal before waking her with cold water and pushing her into dog faeces.

The man, 21
, who cannot be named, had been in a relationship with the 19-year-old about seven months when they argued before going separately to Brisbane's Fortitude Valley in March 2022.

He was kicked out of a club for disorderly behaviour and got into a fight before the couple travelled home together.

The then 20-year-old male got annoyed when his partner said a man had asked if she was single while dancing with her.

At home he locked her outside
, saying he was going to “treat her like a dog,” Brisbane District Court Judge Amanda McDonnell said in sentencing the man on Thursday.

The teenager was woken by the man pouring water over her and tipping the chair she was sleeping on.

He grabbed her arms, throwing her on a table before pushing her into dog faeces.

During an argument inside, the man grabbed her throat so she could not breathe, swallow or speak.

He was arrested for breaching a protection order after neighbours called police.

The court heard the man used drugs and alcohol to cope with emotional challenges at the time.

The 19-year-old female was the second partner he had been violent towards.


Normies say that we r incel because of our “bad pERsonality” and that ONLY men with “good pERsonality” are able to attract women.

Well seeing as though this man (who abused his girlfriend) was able to attract hER in the first place, and seeing as though he was ALSO able to attract his previous girlfriend in the first place (who he ALSO assaulted), he must have had a “GREAT pERsonality” by “normie logic.”

I pERsonally know so many physically UNattractive men (not online, but in REAL LIFE) who are kind, respectful, caring, empathetic etc. yet they are living a completely SEXLESS life.

Meanwhile so many abusive men (who are good-looking) “just so happen” to be able to attract partnERs EASILY

But nah, we r the ones who are wrong for making claims which are supported by clearly obsERvable evidence in the real world.

We r wrong, IncelTears are right.

Looks don’t mattER, women only care about pERsonality.

It doesn’t mattER if you obsERve the opposite to be true in the real world, You have to ignore your own eyes and ears, and instead spread blatant, obvious lies.

Because any man who simply tells the truth about the way things really are, is a misogynistic incel tERrorist who should be locked up in jail.

:feelsclown: :feelsclown: :feelsclown: :feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown:
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It’s only a 2 year gap I thought she would be like 16 or something
@Fat Link pin-worthy?

This thread completely ANNIHILATES the concept of “pERsonality mattERs”.

This thread DESTROYS the bluepill

If this thread doesn’t blackpill someone about the fact that women care about looks much more than pERsonality (to the extent of choosing to be with good-looking abusive criminals/thugs over ugly gentlemen who will “treat hER right”), then nothing will blackpill them.

This is as brutal of a blackpill as you can possibly find
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It’s only a 2 year gap I thought she would be like 16 or something
Yeah I love how they emphasize MAN and TEEN like there is any sort of significant age gap in play.
@Fat Link pin-worthy?

This thread completely ANNIHILATES the concept of “pERsonality mattERs”.

This thread DESTROYS the bluepill

If this thread doesn’t blackpill someone about the fact that women care about looks much more than pERsonality (to the extent of choosing to be with good-looking abusive criminals/thugs over ugly gentlemen who will “treat hER right”), then nothing will blackpill them.

This is as brutal of a blackpill as you can possibly find

Why not? :feelshehe:
And she stayed with him through that “abuse”
Personality detector machine broke in the 2193847129890789784th time once again. Foids would rather get locked up, abused, or even killed by a chad than see a harmless sub5 manlet.

I know a lot of you retards won’t read the article so I will copy and paste some important sections from it. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed aftER reading.

ExcERpts from the article:

A man locked his partner outside to treat her like an animal before waking her with cold water and pushing her into dog faeces.

The man, 21
, who cannot be named, had been in a relationship with the 19-year-old about seven months when they argued before going separately to Brisbane's Fortitude Valley in March 2022.

He was kicked out of a club for disorderly behaviour and got into a fight before the couple travelled home together.

The then 20-year-old male got annoyed when his partner said a man had asked if she was single while dancing with her.

At home he locked her outside
, saying he was going to “treat her like a dog,” Brisbane District Court Judge Amanda McDonnell said in sentencing the man on Thursday.

The teenager was woken by the man pouring water over her and tipping the chair she was sleeping on.

He grabbed her arms, throwing her on a table before pushing her into dog faeces.

During an argument inside, the man grabbed her throat so she could not breathe, swallow or speak.

He was arrested for breaching a protection order after neighbours called police.

The court heard the man used drugs and alcohol to cope with emotional challenges at the time.

The 19-year-old female was the second partner he had been violent towards.


Normies say that we r incel because of our “bad pERsonality” and that ONLY men with “good pERsonality” are able to attract women.

Well seeing as though this man (who abused his girlfriend) was able to attract hER in the first place, and seeing as though he was ALSO able to attract his previous girlfriend in the first place (who he ALSO assaulted), he must have had a “GREAT pERsonality” by “normie logic.”

I pERsonally know so many physically UNattractive men (not online, but in REAL LIFE) who are kind, respectful, caring, empathetic etc. yet they are living a completely SEXLESS life.

Meanwhile so many abusive men (who are good-looking) “just so happen” to be able to attract partnERs EASILY

But nah, we r the ones who are wrong for making claims which are supported by clearly obsERvable evidence in the real world.

We r wrong, IncelTears are right.

Looks don’t mattER, women only care about pERsonality.

It doesn’t mattER if you obsERve the opposite to be true in the real world, You have to ignore your own eyes and ears, and instead spread blatant, obvious lies.

Because any man who simply tells the truth about the way things really are, is a misogynistic incel tERrorist who should be locked up in jail.

:feelsclown: :feelsclown: :feelsclown: :feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown:
something is very obvious yet normies will deny it.
Jesus just accept it.

I know a lot of you retards won’t read the article so I will copy and paste some important sections from it. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed aftER reading.

ExcERpts from the article:

A man locked his partner outside to treat her like an animal before waking her with cold water and pushing her into dog faeces.

The man, 21
, who cannot be named, had been in a relationship with the 19-year-old about seven months when they argued before going separately to Brisbane's Fortitude Valley in March 2022.

He was kicked out of a club for disorderly behaviour and got into a fight before the couple travelled home together.

The then 20-year-old male got annoyed when his partner said a man had asked if she was single while dancing with her.

At home he locked her outside
, saying he was going to “treat her like a dog,” Brisbane District Court Judge Amanda McDonnell said in sentencing the man on Thursday.

The teenager was woken by the man pouring water over her and tipping the chair she was sleeping on.

He grabbed her arms, throwing her on a table before pushing her into dog faeces.

During an argument inside, the man grabbed her throat so she could not breathe, swallow or speak.

He was arrested for breaching a protection order after neighbours called police.

The court heard the man used drugs and alcohol to cope with emotional challenges at the time.

The 19-year-old female was the second partner he had been violent towards.


Normies say that we r incel because of our “bad pERsonality” and that ONLY men with “good pERsonality” are able to attract women.

Well seeing as though this man (who abused his girlfriend) was able to attract hER in the first place, and seeing as though he was ALSO able to attract his previous girlfriend in the first place (who he ALSO assaulted), he must have had a “GREAT pERsonality” by “normie logic.”

I pERsonally know so many physically UNattractive men (not online, but in REAL LIFE) who are kind, respectful, caring, empathetic etc. yet they are living a completely SEXLESS life.

Meanwhile so many abusive men (who are good-looking) “just so happen” to be able to attract partnERs EASILY

But nah, we r the ones who are wrong for making claims which are supported by clearly obsERvable evidence in the real world.

We r wrong, IncelTears are right.

Looks don’t mattER, women only care about pERsonality.

It doesn’t mattER if you obsERve the opposite to be true in the real world, You have to ignore your own eyes and ears, and instead spread blatant, obvious lies.

Because any man who simply tells the truth about the way things really are, is a misogynistic incel tERrorist who should be locked up in jail.

:feelsclown: :feelsclown: :feelsclown: :feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown:

women wants to get raped and abused by chad
The dogpill always comes to collect somehow
where are all the good men, teehee
Women attracted to dark triad? New breakthrough
She loves being treated like an ugly sick abandoned dog who failed at her 1 task
Another reason to despise Woman
They fuck with dogs, no matter why they like being treated like a dog. Being a good goym is a cope
These stories are the true blackpills that you must always remember.
"The then 20-year-old [boyfriend]"

lmao at the headline framing trying to make it sound like some pedo shit when they were both of legal age and a 1 year age gap. Even if I wasn't a misogynist inkler I would be inclined to side with the abuser on this manipulative media bullshit alone.

She was a WOMAN who CHOSE to associate herself with a degenerate that doesn't respect her. Because, of course she did, that's what women do. Their cave woman brain is attracted to strength and power, the most palpable manifestation of which is physical beating.

And this is why women shouldnt have choice in mating or anything consequential. There was a reason this was the case between the dawn of agricultural civilization all the way until the 1960s.
Name the guy who is clearly an actual threat to society until someone answers with killing him
"The then 20-year-old [boyfriend]"

lmao at the headline framing trying to make it sound like some pedo shit when they were both of legal age and a 1 year age gap. Even if I wasn't a misogynist inkler I would be inclined to side with the abuser on this manipulative media bullshit alone.

She was a WOMAN who CHOSE to associate herself with a degenerate that doesn't respect her. Because, of course she did, that's what women do. Their cave woman brain is attracted to strength and power, the most palpable manifestation of which is physical beating.

And this is why women shouldnt have choice in mating or anything consequential. There was a reason this was the case between the dawn of agricultural civilization all the way until the 1960s.
Name the family that all allowed this woman to stay with this guy too as well as the guy family so we can question them on how they raised a sociopath
At least a dog is loyal and would actually care for you
A real dog would have ran away or bitten him.
Dogs are not as stupid as foids are.
dogs biting GIF
the argument of "muh misogyny that's why you inkwell :foidSoy:" has already been debunked. Most instances of violence and sexual assault against women are unironically perpetrated by normies who happen to have a certain connection to the victimized woman (e.g. ex-BF, ex-husband, obsessed lover). If females were really concerned about which men hated them and which men didn't, their personality detectors would be able to detect the hostility of a man beforehand, rather than allow the man to become close enough with her to ultimately rape, abuse or kill her

Look at this article extract (Source, Al-Jazeera):

"The murders illustrate a persistent American crisis. In 2019, nine out of 10 murdered women were killed by men they knew, according to the Violence Policy Center (VPC), a national think tank. In nearly two-thirds of those cases, the women were wives or other intimate partners of the men.

Often, such killings follow years of abuse
, which six experts interviewed by Reuters said raises questions about how police, courts and society at large support women."
Based on what current dating stats show, the whole idea of "misogynistic mindset" is a faulty excuse to justify the reason for inceldom or men who struggle to acquire GFs / female partners. Personality is a meme. Most women only wanna be fucked by males with high-quality genetics. A few outliers (e.g. low-tier males who have GFs) doesn't debunk the whole pattern. Plus the chances are these "outliers" may even be cucked or cheated on by their GF behind their back
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What millimeters of bone will allow you to get away with
What millimeters of bone will allow you to get away with

Nah he just had a good personality. Being a criminal who abuses women is one of the critERia for having a “good pERsonality”, you should know that by now.

As for the law-abiding incels who never hurt women physically in real life, but say mean things about women online, they should be put in concentration camps and killed for having a “bad pERsonality”
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Nah he just had a good personality. Being a criminal who abuses women is one of the critERia for having a “good pERsonality”, you should know that by now.

As for the law-abiding incels who never hurt women physically in real life, but say mean things about women online, they should be put in concentration camps and killed for having a “bad pERsonality”
Silly me. You’re right. As penance I’ll go upvote ten posts on the Inceltear subreddit and watch captain marvel two times. How did I become so mysoginistic to think that women go by looks and not personality like pure angels.
Not as bad as dating a non chad, apparently
Kind of cucked. I would rape that cunt In all her holes then beat her.
@Fat Link pin-worthy?

This thread completely ANNIHILATES the concept of “pERsonality mattERs”.

This thread DESTROYS the bluepill

If this thread doesn’t blackpill someone about the fact that women care about looks much more than pERsonality (to the extent of choosing to be with good-looking abusive criminals/thugs over ugly gentlemen who will “treat hER right”), then nothing will blackpill them.

This is as brutal of a blackpill as you can possibly find

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