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Theory normies on the internet are NPCs... they easily fit in accordance to those generic script lines



Jun 25, 2022
i noticed it especially on reddit as well as youtube comment section as well as the youtube content makers themselves, the soy cucks are everywhere.

i assume it's the bell curve. vast majority are medium iq cucks. thats the majority of people so the content creators themselves are mostly medium IQ as well and also make content to cater to the medium IQ crowd

something like this:

some typical NPC normie political/economical/history viewpoints:

1. colonialism bad :soy: europeans were the worst people ever. nazis were the worst genociders. despite the fact that european colonialsm is pretty much a joke when it comes to massacring people. the british managed to conquer/subjugate entire india yet it killed probably not even 1/100,000 of the people killed by the Mongol invasions in india just a few hundred years before the British came. and nazis are only bad coz they killed kikes, and kikes happen to be the most influencial minority in the US

the same soy cucks worship gooks like mongols, turkics, huns. despite them killing off people without any mercy, split pregnant foids bellies open and put the unborn fetus on spear tips.

russians bad. russia is a genocidal state :soy::foidSoy: fucking bitches and cunts don't know about what happened in Kiev, Tarzan etc. in 1200s when mongols killed like 99% of the population, mass rapes, slavery, torture. that was REAL genocide.if russia wants to genocide ukranians the ukranians wouldnt exist now.

2. climate change :soy::foidSoy: despite the fact climate has always been changing. 10,000 years ago earth was in ice age and we're still technically in ice age.

3. muuuh forests muuuh amazon :feels: related to climate change, the modern "forests" literally didn't exist merely 10,000 years ago. russian taiga, canada, america , europe, etc. were either tundra, or steppe. amazon was a fraction of its current size during ice age and same with african rainforests.

4. animal "rights", "over"fishing , proposal of protecting 30% of all world ocean forbidden from any economic activity :feelskek: - then the same normie cunts bitch about rising egg and chicken and meat prices. they just don't see any connection here.

5. corporations must pay fair wages :feels: cunt normies, you're not entitled to high wages you little bitch.

6. unions good :soy: enjoy a stagnant economy and shitty services where u cant complain about shit coz everyone's protected by muuuuuuh union. police in US are abusive coz of police union. the perfect union state would be countries like Colombia Venezeula and Argentina where muuuuuh laborers are always favoraed over muuuh evil corps and look what kind of shit of country they are :feelsjuice:

7. muuuuh jobs!!!! AI bad!!!!! AI risky!!!!! - enjoy your wagie cagie normie cunts :feelsEhh: if history is determined by normie cunts, we'd still be stuck in pre-industrial age.

8. genetic editing bad! the rich gonna have better kids and poor people get poorer - people already select breed, it's called sexual selection. same normie fags lust over stacies with big butts but doesnt realize such desire is a selection in itself, it's just its in the sub-concious so those retards don't realize it

9. normies never believe in trickle down anything, if something is expensiveat start, they think it will always stay expensive :feelstastyman: just like smartphone, cars, air travel... normies have no brain capacity to predict the future

ima just stop here.
They also completly fail to grasp concepts like more money in circulation to pay for their "free" shit causes inflation and you are litterally hitler for saying flooding us with a supply of labour (immigration) scewes the labour market and supresses wages and increases unemployment. But then if they understood basic concepts like supply and demand theyd not be majoring in useless meme tier degrees.
I noticed a shift in the direction of the WWW in the late 00s when the quantity of users surpassed that of quality so to speak, and the common netetiquette followed which consisted of keeping your emotions in check, remembering there is a person on the other side of the screen was, respecting others time and privacy through avoiding the use of humor and sarcasm was dropped in lieu of the preprogrammed responses we have today. They are NPC’s for lack of a better of word.

Reddit in particular is so devoid of deep reflective thought, critical thinking, and absence of nous that I’ve stopped using it all together. If you’re observant enough, you know that the people there have NEVER picked up a history book in their life, or watched a documentary, or challenged the beliefs they were indoctrinated with at birth. Females are even more likely to be guilty of this behavior. I would even argue that Reddit is the most dangerous invention in the history of the World Wide Web since the creation of Google and Facebook, because that uniform cookie cutter corporate shill trash of a website has extinguished the creative process behind many of the sites that were created during the infancy stages of the web when everyone was learning how to code with HTML and punching numbers on their telephones while their computers were connected to modems and telephone lines. You had niche spaces where everyone was punctual and practiced civility, and everyone were equals and it wasn’t a popularity contest to see who had the most followers or interactions. Differences in opinion were squashed through debates and favoritism was non-existent. But more importantly, there was no censorship. It’s insane how much people were able to get away with back then in comparison to how restrictive speech has become now.

Finding an intelligent person on the internet is almost impossible on the corporate shill sites I mentioned above when they don’t foster an environment where the free flow of ideas are encouraged and you’re taught to keep your hubris in check. One intelligent thought from a freethinker using his own logic and reasoning is worth more than a million recycled responses from those psuedo-intellectual clowns. You’re more likely to find an intellectual on a fringe website like this one.

Even this site itself will have its expiration date before it plunges in quality and loses its authenticity from the inevitable takeover of Zoomers.

So yes, the invention of smartphones along with increasingly easier access of the internet to the dumber segments of the human population along with braindead websites like Reddit and Twitter which have no gatekeeping whatsoever or an easy way to profile who the person you’re talking to is has made the Internet generic, low IQ, and too predictable.
are u a millennial ? and face is more important then height excluding the extremes
If you’re observant enough, you know that the people there have NEVER picked up a history book in their life, or watched a documentary, or challenged the beliefs they were indoctrinated with at birth. Females are even more likely to be guilty of this behavior.
true. all those idiots are ignorant of history. if they knew history they woulnd't be always repeating the same bullshit ALL THE TIME, it's some tiring. like in point 9, whenever something good can happen, those idiots ALWAYS say the rich gonna use it while the poor will be deprived of it. its so repetitive and totally in contrast to history, even the history in the recent decades in developing countries. like, fucking Qatar or UAE or Kuwait? Those sand nigges discovered oil and did the elite just horde everything and gave nothing to the average citizen? Nope. The average citizen still got rich. There were plenty "left over". Yet the reddit idiots when mentions new techs such as AI and automation techs are all like "the rich gonna reap all the benefits and the average people will be dirt poor". fucking idiots.

like you said, those retards are just brainwashed at school and NEVER think for themselves.
You had niche spaces where everyone was punctual and practiced civility, and everyone were equals and it wasn’t a popularity contest to see who had the most followers or interactions. Differences in opinion were squashed through debates and favoritism was non-existent. But more importantly, there was no censorship. It’s insane how much people were able to get away with back then in comparison to how restrictive speech has become now.
back in early 2000s the indepedent forums still practiced censorships though and you could easily get banned for "racism" or whatever bullshit but there were plenty of forums, so there's that. reddit is cancer coz it centralized the forums, making the indie ones almost obsolete......
Finding an intelligent person on the internet is almost impossible on the corporate shill sites I mentioned above when they don’t foster an environment where the free flow of ideas are encouraged and you’re taught to keep your hubris in check. One intelligent thought from a freethinker using his own logic and reasoning is worth more than a million recycled responses from those psuedo-intellectual clowns. You’re more likely to find an intellectual on a fringe website like this one.

:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
They also completly fail to grasp concepts like more money in circulation to pay for their "free" shit causes inflation and you are litterally hitler for saying flooding us with a supply of labour (immigration) scewes the labour market and supresses wages and increases unemployment.
the west need more immigrants tho to keep the inflation in check since those cumskin niggers are having negative birth rates, all the while the welfare/pension demand goes up and up since they feel entitled to it. :feelsclown:

i feel trump's wall, tho not fully built, might have caused an actual dent in immigration by making it harder to cross, and this has contributed to the tight labor market today in the US.

But then if they understood basic concepts like supply and demand theyd not be majoring in useless meme tier degrees.
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
and kikes happen to be the most influencial minority in the US
Images 2
But then if they understood basic concepts like supply and demand theyd not be majoring in useless meme tier degrees.
thats the thing with those medium IQ cumskins and people in general. they think they're "smarter" by rejecting basic concepts like supply and demand. actually i think they are probably unable to truly grasp such concept, thats why they're so easy and eager to adopt "alternative" theories, like karl maxx's retarded theory of value is based on the input of labor time, something like that :feelsclown:
Critical thinking is not something that can be learned overnight, and the voting system and lack of ways to screen users only reinforces the conformist behaviors among those docile double digit IQ thinking sheep.

Automation is a multifaceted topic and to make the statement that only the wealthy would benefit from such technology is a reductionist and intellectually lazy way of thinking. Their problem is that they don't know how to appreciate the nuances of an issue and would rather play armchair experts than get into the nuances of a particular topic
The culture of those forums were more about what you knew and the knowledge you had to offer for that specialization rather than your level of prestige, and Reddit was a horrible alternative to those traditional forums because it became harder to find the specific information you were looking for with there being no way to verify the credibility of the person giving that information. Those forums had badges pinned on the profiles of members so you wouldn't have to waste time sifting through the depthless discussions.
true. reddit system is horrible and having to sift thru the "depthless discussions" is definately one of the biggest drawbacks.
Sure, bro, sure... and you are Cooler than them, Smarter than them, and overall Better than them! Sure... Everyone is stupid, but not mister X! Like.. really? And can i actually ask, why and how are you better than average person?
Normies, my ass. Look at this site - replace chatting about jobs and local events with 'IF YOU ARE UGLY THEN YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A HARD TIME' and '%USERNAME% IS A FAKECEL CRUCIFY HIM' and 'WOMEN BAD'... is that better? I dont think so

You know, when you want to throw shit at somebody, or some group - you will find what to throw, even if said somebody is a literal Jesus. Hey, Jeezuz! You are too kind!

And when you are a part of some ideology... lights out. Even worse, if radical. It is true, after all - moderation is key... Everyone is your enemy, huh? No! Nobody is your enemy! You are just watching over people, thinking that you are better than them... so - are you better?

Honestly, i dont like pretentious users, it shows, right? Dont go holier than thou, please.. this site has it fair share of those. Said 'normies' may think about us - boohoo incels are stoopid
We think about them - boohoo normgroids are stoopid
And both parties can be right) Not in 100%, but at least in some points. And - please, nazis were bad because of jews? Man, you are no better than your enemies!

Just dont stroll and spew 'You are all stupid!!!! I said so!!!!! Muahahaha such stupid interests you got'. Looks really childish
English really restricts me here, i cant say more. Bad i am, bad i was, bad i will be

One of you is quite an infiltrator, i see.. whatever, he isnt going away

Although - who cares about all this stuff.. Dont fight with me, fights on the internet are useless. Better try to forgive and forget people - and try to get something special for yourself
Most of the users here are bottom of the barrel double digit IQ trash, and because there’s no screening process for filtering them out, many of our discussions here comprise of the subjects you listed, so you learn how to use the ignore button and block those morons.
:yes: :feelsseriously:
My enemies are shoddy intellectuals that try to pass themselves off as experts in their fields when they lack a thorough understanding of the subject, as well as ignorant fools on Reddit who lack the brainpower to piece together the interconnectedness behind events and acknowledge the multifaceted aspects behind a matter.
He is using his brain and calling out the bot-like behavior of other people on the internet where they ascribe to conformist ways of thinking and spout out the same cookie cutter responses to every headline and discussion. Here are a few examples:

"Putin orders Russian forces to "perform peacekeeping functions" in eastern Ukraine's breakaway regions to defend people who are suffering persecution and genocide by the Kyiv regime where Moscow has backed a separatist rebellion since 2014"

“War footage shows a Ukrainian soldier interrogating a Russian army officer for information about his platoon’s whereabouts before slamming a pocket knife into his left orbital socket as he screams for mercy”

“A former mercenary was executed by a sledgehammer blow to the head by the Russian PMC Wagner Group after changing sides in the Ukraine war and being accused of treason

"US believes Russia had failed intercontinental ballistic missile test around when Biden was in Ukraine"

"Bellingcat ( A Netherlands-based investigative journalism group that specialises in fact-checking and open-source intelligence) and its investigative partners The Insider and Der Spiegel were able to discover a hitherto secretive group of dozens of military engineers, most identified as young men and women with IT, including one husband-and-wife couple an educational and professional background in missile programming. Phone metadata shows contacts between these individuals and their superiors spiked shortly before many of the high-precision Russian cruise missile strikes that killed hundreds"

In the first example, someone who calls themselves intelligent and conscientious would know that Ukraine was part of the Pontic Scythian kingdom ruled by proto-Iranians before being carved up several times by competing powers in the antiquity ages by an amalgam of principalities known as the Rurik dynasty which comprised of Norse, Finnic and Slaves. as well as over the past ten centuries by Mongol warriors from the east, Polish and Lithuanian armies from the west, and split in half by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Tsardom of Russia in the 17th century. It was annexed by Russian Empire in the next century too. Russians paid 146,000 rubles to Poland to rule the eastern part of Ukraine.

Lenin fought tooth and nail to have administration over the Ukrainian state from 1917-1921 and split the country with Poland after the war so the latter would regain some territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Lenin established control after emerging victorious against the Ukrainian People's Army. It was then absorbed into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics before gaining independence and becoming the balkanized state it is today.

But the average midwit from Reddit does not have the comprehensive intellectual humility to read into this. They boil down complex issues in the world to binary categories of right and wrong, or correct and incorrect. They don't expand their capacities for higher reasoning and zoom out further in the skies to look below them where everything that once seemed chaotic and disorderly at close distance now appears ordered and elegant because they have widened their perspective and ramified their nodes, which helps them model everything. They think that Ukraine was always an independent country and Russia is the aggressor.
and dont forget the Germanic Goths who called Ukraine home as well, before the gook Huns crossed the swamps and genocided them and caused great devastation to Europe.

the fact is, vast majority of people didnt even know where on the map was Ukraine before the war. even now, many of them probably still cant.

normies just follow the trend. and black v. white STORIES are way more appealing than having to "learn" anything. and normies have to "LEARN" history coz they're not rly interested in anything so everything new is "learning" to them.
A good analogy to describe Reddit are a school of fish that swim as one entity when they move, with each fish adjusting their position in response to movements of the neighboring fish, but if one fish deviates from the synchronicity, the other fish will thump it to death enmasse. The thumping can be represented by their upvote/downvoting system, which is not an accurate reflection of whether a comment from that particular user is logically or factually sound. Think about the rhetorical triangle:

Reddit primarily consists of pathos and ethos arguments that appeal to a speaker's status or authority or appeal to the emotions of the audience because comments with words that evoke emotion such as "hate" or "ban" are far more likely to be upvoted than comments with dead logic that are partial to the human experience. Statistics and facts are glossed over and ignored in favor of authors that know how to use emotionally charged language and manipulate the range of responses among users of the site to evoke amusement, sympathy, or anger. They hold onto deeply-held convictions and poking holes in arguments are discouraged.
reddit and all those social media is where medim and low IQ rules. coz they're the majority :feelsjuice:
Most of the users here are bottom of the barrel double digit IQ trash, and because there’s no screening process for filtering them out, many of our discussions here comprise of the subjects you listed, so you learn how to use the ignore button and block those morons.

Those who falsely claim to be involuntary celibate need to be called out in order to preserve the integrity of this forum, or else it will die out and shutdown like other incel spaces i.e PUAHate, Love-Shy.com have because they weren’t ruled down with an iron fist.

View attachment 712388

No one is immune to criticism, religious figure or not. Jews decried Jesus as a failed messiah who taught his followers specifics on how to execute heretics in defense of their faith. Critical thinking is the basic tenet of the skepticist approach and the underpinning of the scientific method. Moral transgressions and miscalculations in reasoning and thought must be brought to light, because history isn't set in stone and when new facts emerge, they gets revisited and scrutinized.

My enemies are shoddy intellectuals that try to pass themselves off as experts in their fields when they lack a thorough understanding of the subject, as well as ignorant fools on Reddit who lack the brainpower to piece together the interconnectedness behind events and acknowledge the multifaceted aspects behind a matter.

He is using his brain and calling out the bot-like behavior of other people on the internet where they ascribe to conformist ways of thinking and spout out the same cookie cutter responses to every headline and discussion. Here are a few examples:

"Putin orders Russian forces to "perform peacekeeping functions" in eastern Ukraine's breakaway regions to defend people who are suffering persecution and genocide by the Kyiv regime where Moscow has backed a separatist rebellion since 2014"

“War footage shows a Ukrainian soldier interrogating a Russian army officer for information about his platoon’s whereabouts before slamming a pocket knife into his left orbital socket as he screams for mercy”

“A former mercenary was executed by a sledgehammer blow to the head by the Russian PMC Wagner Group after changing sides in the Ukraine war and being accused of treason

"US believes Russia had failed intercontinental ballistic missile test around when Biden was in Ukraine"

"Bellingcat ( A Netherlands-based investigative journalism group that specialises in fact-checking and open-source intelligence) and its investigative partners The Insider and Der Spiegel were able to discover a hitherto secretive group of dozens of military engineers, most identified as young men and women with IT, including one husband-and-wife couple an educational and professional background in missile programming. Phone metadata shows contacts between these individuals and their superiors spiked shortly before many of the high-precision Russian cruise missile strikes that killed hundreds"

In the first example, someone who calls themselves intelligent and conscientious would know that Ukraine was part of the Pontic Scythian kingdom ruled by proto-Iranians before being carved up several times by competing powers in the antiquity ages by an amalgam of principalities known as the Rurik dynasty which comprised of Norse, Finnic and Slaves. as well as over the past ten centuries by Mongol warriors from the east, Polish and Lithuanian armies from the west, and split in half by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Tsardom of Russia in the 17th century. It was annexed by Russian Empire in the next century too. Russians paid 146,000 rubles to Poland to rule the eastern part of Ukraine.

Lenin fought tooth and nail to have administration over the Ukrainian state from 1917-1921 and split the country with Poland after the war so the latter would regain some territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Lenin established control after emerging victorious against the Ukrainian People's Army. It was then absorbed into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics before gaining independence. and becoming the balkanized state it is today.

But the average midwit from Reddit does not have the comprehensive intellectual humility to read into this. They boil down complex issues in the world to binary categories of right and wrong, or correct and incorrect. They don't expand their capacities for higher reasoning and zoom out further in the skies to look below them where everything that once seemed chaotic and disorderly at close distance now appears ordered and elegant because they have widened their perspective and ramified their nodes, which helps them model everything. They think that Ukraine was always independent country.

A good analogy to describe Reddit are a school of fish that swim as one entity when they move, with each fish adjusting their position in response to movements of the neighboring fish, but if one fish deviates from the synchronicity, the other fish will thump it to death enmasse. The thumping can be represented by their upvote/downvoting system, which is not an accurate reflection of whether a comment from that particular user is logically or factually sound. Think about the rhetorical triangle:

View attachment 712409

Reddit primarily consists of pathos and ethos arguments that appeal to a speaker's status or authority or appeal to the emotions of the audience because comments with words that evoke emotion such as "hate" or "ban" are far more likely to be upvoted than comments with dead logic that are partial to the human experience. Statistics and facts are glossed over and ignored in favor of authors that know how to use emotionally charged language and manipulate the range of responses among users of the site to evoke amusement, sympathy, or anger. They hold onto deeply-held convictions and poking holes in arguments are discouraged.

Ten slain in separate drive by shootings over the weekend in Chicago.

Institutional racism is different from interpersonal racism. Mortgage lending risks calculated by bank lending guidelines based on neighborhood racial and ethnic composition and income data along along with the local government poisoning Flint, Michigan's water supply with lead after changing the city's water source to cut costs are examples of systemic racism. Why? The desired result of both practices it to reproduce racial disparities through the means of social and institutional processes. Researchers have struggled to explain the racial and ethnic differences in violence rates but the general consensus is that the matriarchal pattern of family structure, constitutional differences in intelligence and impulsivity between blacks and whites, and socioeconomic inequalities are to blame.

Systemic racism does not explain Chicago's gang centric narrative of gun violence nor the exposure to violence among inner-city youth.

Any evidence to back your claims that him or I is an infiltrator?
I repeat - do not fight with me. You got nothing better to do than post this here? Do you know where you are? On braindeads.is.
And i directed it on @verzetn , who quickly assumed the role of your henchman, i see

I dont like your attitude, man. Too pretentious for my taste, and all for nothing.. actually strikes my conscience, you took your time to write all that... or copypasted from somewhere, or both

But.. no fights with strangers on the internet. Sorry, stranger. See ya around, officer with strangely changing age
You're generalizing the forum, and while I do agree that the many here are teenagers with too much time on their hands, there are a handful of users here who I can say with confidence have the wisdom and emotional maturity to engage in serious discussions like this, which cannot be found on other places on the internet. I've already established a presence here, and I would prefer to engage in debates with other likeminded incels than waste my time elsewhere on uncharted spaces with narcissistic normie scum.

My intention was never to publicly humiliate you, but use your response to this thread as a segway for me to provide my additional thoughts on the matter, but if you don't like what I have to say, feel free to block me.

What don't you like about my attitude? I was polite and cordial with you up until now, and I never used any profanity or emotionally charged language in my response.

You posted your comment today at 6:12AM, I posted my reply to your comment at 11:58AM. Do you really think that it would me take me six hours to copy and paste everything I wrote in that response? Or was it because I spent those past six hours diligently writing sentence after sentence about Dead Internet Theory and pointing out Reddit's inherently flawed ranking algorithm and voting system? If you knew how to read between the lines and were aware that everyone here has different vocabulary levels, you would know that the only part I copy and pasted were the news article headlines that I wanted to use to prove my point. You fucking dunce.

You accused me of copying and pasting my response because you wanted to to insult my intelligence and think everyone here is incapable of higher thinking.

I already explained to you that I came up with my original name because I was afraid the handle I currently have now was taken. I'm in my mid 20s.
Chill, man. Calm down. Some of you guys seem awfully smart or at least good with english - but somedays you make such dimwit stuff.. like, what is all this? You are trying to get me into flamewar?

Chill. I am not your enemy, nor i wish to be one.. move on, dont try to get me into flame war

Fast are you, from 20 in January to mid-20s now) I do not care who are you, just dont try to baffle me with your english. I dont like it

Away now, hush, dont bother me, and i won't bother you. Infiltrator or not - i dont really care.. if you are - you are doing great job here, even posted some incel-related stuff

and good luck in, heh, finding intelligence here. You can find it here, you can find intelligence everywhere

People are strange nowadays, very strange

You cant get me into fight, you just cant. Sorry
You're generalizing the forum, and while I do agree that the many here are teenagers with too much time on their hands, there are a handful of users here who I can say with confidence have the wisdom and emotional maturity to engage in serious discussions like this, which cannot be found on other places on the internet. I've already established a presence here, and I would prefer to engage in debates with other likeminded incels than waste my time elsewhere on uncharted spaces with narcissistic normie scum.
yep he complains about low IQ topics like the generic "women bad" posts and yet this topic i brought up with is different and a relatively long post and this guy just attack for no reason jfl :society:
You accused me of copying and pasting my response because you wanted to to insult my intelligence and think everyone here is incapable of higher thinking.
he could be projecting. :society:

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