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Blackpill School Bullies Are Just Individuals Whose Parents Didn't Sugarcoat Reality & Lie To Them (Most Parents Set Their Children (Sons) Up For Failure)



Feb 28, 2018
Let me preface this:

You often hear normies speaking about bullies and slackers in class as though they should be pittied

"The poor soul, he must be getting abused at home" or "You guys are gonna be better off in the future, don't be like X"

Its just a cope spawned from the "Just World" fallacy. I'm sure some bullies were actually abused, but I've known a few bullies, and not one of them based on what I've looked into about their personal lives, was ever bullied, abused, sexually abused, etc, they just did those things simply because they enjoyed doing them and could get away with it, and teachers never really did shit. Most bullies I'm sure are like this, the meme of them also being bullied or abused is a cope, its a lie, a rationalization for people who don't want to admit how fucked up this world is - "He just must be suffering on the inside, nobody would do this because they enjoy it and it benefits them"

Truth is our parents and teachers lied to us all, they painted the world as a fair "rainbows & sunshine" place and that if you just followed the rules and "did the right thing" you would come out on top in the end, complete BS

All the bullies and delinquents I knew never struggled to get a date and always had a girl, and right now they have great jobs where they get paid even more than me (well some of them) because of connections they had established or through their parents, you see since they already knew how the world worked they already knew that their bed was made, this is why they made jokes in class and didn't take the teachers seriously, and the teachers just fucking lied to us everyday making us think that they were the confused ones and didn't realize the mistakes they were making

All the adults that lied to us falsely characterized the world as a place where hard work and being a "good person" would get you the things you wanted, when really and truly physical attractiveness and connections are really all that matter, its all you need to have an enjoyable life

If my parents had simply been honest with me about the way the world works, instead of trying to be "Good Parent (TM) #999221433" and peddling the same BS every parent tells their kids to see their eyes light up with hope and happiness, I would have been far better off. Probably would have been wealthmaxxed by now, I would have been in the peak of fitness because I would have understood ahead of time how much physical attractiveness determines your success and how important it is

People always wonder why people today (especially children) are unfit and don't seem motivated to stay in shape

Its because they aren't being told the truth about life, they aren't being given legitimate reasons to put in all the effort because they don't understand the gravity of the situation, all fucking parents and teachers just tell children that you need to "be active" and stay in shape because you want to "be healthy and fit"



There's no point in being something just for the sake of being it, whats the purpose, you don't really need to be really healthy in these safe and modern times which is why there are so many obese people, which would be impossible in hunter/gatherer days, "peak health" is no longer necessary

Now imagine if parents and teachers told children being healthy and being well groomed and having an optimal physical appearance IS GOING TO DETERMINE THE FUCKING OUTCOME OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, FROM THE JOBS YOU GET HIRED FOR, THE PEOPLE THAT BEFRIEND YOU, ETC

Do you think children would take health and physical appearance more seriously?, I sure would have

On some level I will always resent my parents and my teachers for feeding my lies all of my life based on some false sense of "morality", trying to raise me to be a "good person" with "good thoughts and beliefs" rather than trying to help me be successful, and thrive in life, and have an enjoyable future, and that goes doubly for my parents, because its not really the job of other people to properly guide somebody elses children. I can seriously say I will never forgive my parents for this, all they had to do was be fucking honest, but they sacrificed my happiness for the sake of their ego, for the sake of them being able to say to themselves "I'm a good person", they could have given me necessary advantages, I would have been ahead of the curve, I would have made different decisions, different plans for life, taken on different skills, etc

For example, I took the science subjects, because based on the lies I was told, that pursuit was the best path, it was "hard work", but it would ensure I could get a job like a good and civil little pleb, and it was seen more as "academic subjects", subjects for "smart people", and parents and teachers delude children into thinking that intelligence is what matters when it comes to being successful, it isn't, its all about connections and looks. So I, going based on the picture painted by my parents, put all my time and effort into intelligence, because obviously that effort is going to yield returns right, obviously I'm definitely going to end up being rich and successful, and have a beautiful wife and stable marriage, etc right? (wrong, all fucking lies, years of time and effort completely wasted)

If my parents had been honest with me about how the world really worked, I would have done business subjects and specialized in that field, I would have focused more on my appearance, I would have stayed fit, etc, all my parents did was waste my fucking time, I'm never going to have children, but looking back now, I could easily surpass the ability of 90% of parents alive today, simply by doing one outrageous and unthinkable thing, ACTUALLY BEING FUCKING HONEST ABOUT THIS HARSH REALITY AND NOT SETTING YOUR CHILDREN UP FOR FAILURE

I'm saying "children" but I really mean sons, because society doesn't really expect women to do anything for them to have worth, women have worth from just existing, so these lies don't really affect women, in fact most women think these aren't actually lies because life did work out as their parents said, because men and women are playing by different rules, women can always find happiness just by having holes, all their base needs will always be met and there will always be a man there willing to supplement any shortcomings she has to satisfy her other needs, so its really only sons who get screwed over
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as always, high IQ
Low IQ diatribe and rant. Bullying is genetic, no 5'2" Indian janitor has bullied someone, only 6' Chadlite did, and 6'2" Chad was laughing at the victims like the rest of the class.
Being genetically superior naturally makes you a bully. Its in your genes to bully those with shitty genetics who are short, ugly, small, etc.

What parents tell their kids mean fuck all, nature wins out.
Low IQ diatribe and rant. Bullying is genetic, no 5'2" Indian janitor has bullied someone, only 6' Chadlite did, and 6'2" Chad was laughing at the victims like the rest of the class.

You beat me by about 10 seconds.

It's completely genetic.
Claps in silence
Low IQ diatribe and rant. Bullying is genetic, no 5'2" Indian janitor has bullied someone, only 6' Chadlite did, and 6'2" Chad was laughing at the victims like the rest of the class.
Low IQ diatribe and rant. Bullying is genetic, no 5'2" Indian janitor has bullied someone, only 6' Chadlite did, and 6'2" Chad was laughing at the victims like the rest of the class.

Being genetically superior naturally makes you a bully. Its in your genes to bully those with shitty genetics who are short, ugly, small, etc.

What parents tell their kids mean fuck all, nature wins out.

You beat me by about 10 seconds.

It's completely genetic.

You guys are fucking retarded, I've noticed there are two kinds of posters, realists, and memers, realists talk about actual phenomenon in a reasonable fashion, memers just take the phenomenon to a ridiculous extreme and speak about it as an absolute as though there is no variation

I've known Chad lites and a few Chad's that were bullies and others that were just "the cool kid" that never took part in that shit, you are falsely conflating the prerequisite with the cause, in order to bully one must be physically superior, but being physically superior doesn't magically just make you a bully, ones upbrining determines the kind of person they will be and what actions they will think are "acceptable", if any of us were raised amongst cannibals we wouldn't magically think that eating humans is wrong because of some "deep feeling inside" (in our dna). The concept of whats right and wrong IS TAUGHT, its comes through our culture, our value systems

I've known a few really tall guys that were neutral and would come to the defense of other children being bullied, so wtf are you guys even talking about, seriously some of you guys just feel like larps, nothing you say sounds grounded in reality, nothing you say sounds like you are being serious, you literally seem like basement dwellers or larpers trolling, its impossible to have a serious conversation with any of you guys for the most part
Being genetically superior naturally makes you a bully. Its in your genes to bully those with shitty genetics who are short, ugly, small, etc.

What parents tell their kids mean fuck all, nature wins out.

You beat me by about 10 seconds.

It's completely genetic.
At young ages a usual target is the fat boy of the class,who gets mega bullied but you know that he 'frame'mog and could beat the shit out of the bullers,the bullying game is all about the character you have,and generally your personality does matter and im not talking about women
i wasbullied cause my parents ddint tell me about bullies, and probably made me weak mentlly
At young ages a usual target is the fat boy of the class,who gets mega bullied but you know that he 'frame'mog and could beat the shit out of the bullers,the bullying game is all about the character you have,and generally your personality does matter and im not talking about women

This, I literally know a guy who was bigger and taller than his bullies, but he was timid and shy and let them walk all over him, these guys are just "memers", they don't actually have anything serious to say on a topic
You guys are fucking retarded, I've noticed there are two kinds of posters, realists, and memers, realists talk about actual phenomenon in a reasonable fashion, memers just take the phenomenon to a ridiculous extreme and speak about it as an absolute as though there is no variation

I've known Chad lites and a few Chad's that were bullies and others that were just "the cool kid" that never took part in that shit, you are falsely conflating the prerequisite with the cause, in order to bully one must be physically superior, but being physically superior doesn't magically just make you a bully, ones upbrining determines the kind of person they will be and what actions they will think are "acceptable", if any of us were raised amongst cannibals we wouldn't magically think that eating humans is wrong because of some "deep feeling inside" (in our dna). The concept of whats right and wrong IS TAUGHT, its comes through our culture, our value systems

I've known a few really tall guys that were neutral and would come to the defense of other children being bullied, so wtf are you guys even talking about, seriously some of you guys just feel like larps, nothing you say sounds grounded in reality, nothing you say sounds like you are being serious, you literally seem like basement dwellers or larpers trolling, its impossible to have a serious conversation with any of you guys for the most part
You're the biggest memer in this website. You think you have everything figured out but you just sell brand names. For example, descension, it's just moneymaxx but you made a thread about it to stroke your intellectual penis and flex on all of us. And this thread is ridiculous too, how are teachers supposed to know what constitutes and leads to better lives? Teachers are losers by default, they didn't get far enough in their area of expertise to reach a lucrative position so their pieces of advice are obviously useless. They give bluepilled advice to students because it's all they ever know jfc.

I'm really looking forward to you making your own website for "realist incels", it'll either end up as a suicide forum or most likely a bunch of your fans salivating when they see your threads and lap up your Lamarckian theories of behavior "dude bullies parents blackpillmaxxed and taught their children to be dark triad, they came out the womb socially proficient". However it turns out it'll mean less retards on this site.
Imho it has more to do with the fact that bullies aren't killed or maimed whenever they do their shit. Soceity protects them in the same way it protects criminals. It gives them rights and shit.
but you made a thread about it to stroke your intellectual penis and flex on all of us.

The only people who see it as a "flex" are people who are low IQ, to those I like on this site and speak to me often, it was just another thread expressing an idea they themselves have thought of before

However it turns out it'll mean less retards on this site.

Only if you leave too

Imho it has more to do with the fact that bullies aren't killed or maimed whenever they do their shit. Soceity protects them in the same way it protects criminals. It gives them rights and shit.

The thread isn't just about bullies though, its about deliquents on the whole, even the guys who would just cut class and hang out all day, had a more accurate grasp of reality than we did
The thread isn't just about bullies though, its about deliquents on the whole, even the guys who would just cut class and hang out all day, had a more accurate grasp of reality than we did

I can see your point. In that case yeah. Soceity preaches hard work when the only thing needed is connections. Nepotism runs society, not merit.
I would agree that parents sugarcoat the harsh realities of the world but i feel as though youre basing a general observation only on anecdotal experiences and what you've been told by certain bullies that you've known. No one who isnt a literal psychopath "enjoys" inflicting any kind of unwarranted abuse upon anyone else due to basic empathy. It feels wrong and you would not want the same treatment, so most people don't do it. The only other reason someone would do this, besides being psychopathic would be to release tension that they already had inside them. While this tension may not necessarily always stem from domestic abuse, theres a multitude of arbitrary measures by which one could begin to harbor resentment and release it on someone weaker (parents/family piss you off, gf issues, nagging bosses at work, etc.).

From my own experiences being bullied, it seems as though its not that parents simply told them the truth about reality- but that they just neglected to instill any actual notions of patience and respect in them at a young age. Before learning social awareness, children display "bullying" behaviors. If not corrected, these kids will grow into an individual undescernable from someone who actually does get abused at home or something. Its hard to tell what the root cause is in these instances.
You guys are fucking retarded, I've noticed there are two kinds of posters, realists, and memers, realists talk about actual phenomenon in a reasonable fashion, memers just take the phenomenon to a ridiculous extreme and speak about it as an absolute as though there is no variation

I've known Chad lites and a few Chad's that were bullies and others that were just "the cool kid" that never took part in that shit, you are falsely conflating the prerequisite with the cause, in order to bully one must be physically superior, but being physically superior doesn't magically just make you a bully, ones upbrining determines the kind of person they will be and what actions they will think are "acceptable", if any of us were raised amongst cannibals we wouldn't magically think that eating humans is wrong because of some "deep feeling inside" (in our dna). The concept of whats right and wrong IS TAUGHT, its comes through our culture, our value systems

I've known a few really tall guys that were neutral and would come to the defense of other children being bullied, so wtf are you guys even talking about, seriously some of you guys just feel like larps, nothing you say sounds grounded in reality, nothing you say sounds like you are being serious, you literally seem like basement dwellers or larpers trolling, its impossible to have a serious conversation with any of you guys for the most part

The entire point of this site is to admit that genetics determine your life, not "upbringing" or nurture.

Like the guy said, how many 5'4 asian guys are bullies?

Why is it every bully is physically larger and stronger?

Why are there genes in SNPedia that are responsible for being NT and aggressive?

The present study sought to replicate the association between rs35369693 and aggression using a sample of clinically referred children (N=141) with behavioural problems.

Analyses confirmed a significant relationship between the minor C allele on rs35369693 and teacher-rated reactive aggression. Although males had significantly greater aggression than females on three of the four measures, sex was not shown to moderate the effect of the C allele on any of the aggression measures.

But in my opinion, almost all parents (or anyone really) will just virtue signal and lie to their children so it's damn near impossible to have realist parents who will tell the truth about life (women are whores, focus on making money, learn about finance).
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Bullies do it because they can.

They only stop when stopped, by resistance!

It's risk aversion theory. If you fight back, they will avoid you because you increase their chances of being hurt or crippled!

Fighting in general is dangerous! That's why bullies CHOse weak victims! They want a easy - and safe - win.

Most people live in a "safe" fantasy world, where life is good and fair. Because the reality of constant strife is full of uncertainty they cling to the false safety of their dreamworld.

Some people know just how vicious this world is but they keep that information to themselves! Why? Because it gives them a slight edge!

For example. My step dad was a sociopathic religious fraud! Pushing jewsus while scamming people via business deals. (I now know) He used his christstain "halo" of "honor" as a disguise to hide his shady business activities from view!

Why didn't he "warn me" about scummy people? Because he might need that slight edge AGAINST ME in the future!(?)

Because in a fight even a small action (or edge/advantage) can cause you to either win or lose.

That is the truth about the blackpill!

The world is so vicious that even your parents are not completely on your side! (Hence their bad, bluepilled advice) By keeping you down, they keep you in their control - to be used later as they age...
The only males who can be respected bullies are those with masculine facial features.
You guys are fucking retarded, I've noticed there are two kinds of posters, realists, and memers, realists talk about actual phenomenon in a reasonable fashion, memers just take the phenomenon to a ridiculous extreme and speak about it as an absolute as though there is no variation

I've known Chad lites and a few Chad's that were bullies and others that were just "the cool kid" that never took part in that shit, you are falsely conflating the prerequisite with the cause, in order to bully one must be physically superior, but being physically superior doesn't magically just make you a bully, ones upbrining determines the kind of person they will be and what actions they will think are "acceptable", if any of us were raised amongst cannibals we wouldn't magically think that eating humans is wrong because of some "deep feeling inside" (in our dna). The concept of whats right and wrong IS TAUGHT, its comes through our culture, our value systems

I've known a few really tall guys that were neutral and would come to the defense of other children being bullied, so wtf are you guys even talking about, seriously some of you guys just feel like larps, nothing you say sounds grounded in reality, nothing you say sounds like you are being serious, you literally seem like basement dwellers or larpers trolling, its impossible to have a serious conversation with any of you guys for the most part
The only people who see it as a "flex" are people who are low IQ, to those I like on this site and speak to me often, it was just another thread expressing an
I get the same feeling from your threads tbh. It's like you feel intellectually superior to everyone else so you immediately deem that anyone who doesnt agree with you 100% is low iq.
While they didn't really have great arguments overall I feel like they did have some good points.
Your post is about the classic dichotomy between nature vs nurture. While I agree that nurture is important as your childhood shapes your personality later on in your life which may lead someone to bully. You avoided the subject of genetics and how good genetics are a necessary prequisite to become a bully and successful later in life altogether. This made it seem like you thought nurture was the only factor involved in determining who bullies which is simply not true and why others called you out on it.
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Being genetically superior naturally makes you a bully. Its in your genes to bully those with shitty genetics who are short, ugly, small, etc.

What parents tell their kids mean fuck all, nature wins out.

You beat me by about 10 seconds.

It's completely genetic.
People hate ugly people or people with bad genetics. I've experienced the bully effect where I wanted to bully someone because they were ugly. It's instinct to hate ugly people. The people who go against this instinct it's because either A. they were once bullied for being ugly B. they realize it's nature and nature sucks so you fight against this instinct or C. think karma exists or virtue signals. I literally got bullied by almost everyone at school because of how ugly I was. Even the people that were told how nice they are bullied me.
I was the school bully and I'm incel.
Being genetically superior naturally makes you a bully.
Cope. Bullying is usually done by mediocre normies or other subhumans trying to raise their status, at least that was the case for me. The worst one was a 5'5" manlet. Actual superiors just keep to themselves, they don't even need to acknowledge the trash exists for the most part aside from looking at you with disgust.
I disagree this time. A lot of bullies are wasting time by putting others down. If they truly understood the world, they would improve their lives and themselves. Not all bullies do that, they just validate themselves cheaply by picking on someone vulnerable.
It is 50/50.

On one hand OP is right, in that there are guys on here, if who were told the truth from a young age, would have turned out much differently, as they would have approached life from a completely different perspective from day 1, instead of spending years or decades wondering what the fuck theyre doing.

But on the other hand, as others have mentioned, even if your parents told you the truth, if you're a manlet, ugly, autistic, it wouldn't have made enough of a difference to change anything, you would have just been blackpilled from day 1 instead of running around like a headless chicken trying to figure things out and never ever working shit out.
All the adults that lied to us falsely characterized the world as a place where hard work and being a "good person" would get you the things you wanted, when really and truly physical attractiveness and connections are really all that matter, its all you need to have an enjoyable life

If my parents had simply been honest with me about the way the world works, instead of trying to be "Good Parent (TM) #999221433" and peddling the same BS every parent tells their kids to see their eyes light up with hope and happiness, I would have been far better off. Probably would have been wealthmaxxed by now, I would have been in the peak of fitness because I would have understood ahead of time how much physical attractiveness determines your success and how important it is

People always wonder why people today (especially children) are unfit and don't seem motivated to stay in shape

Its because they aren't being told the truth about life, they aren't being given legitimate reasons to put in all the effort because they don't understand the gravity of the situation, all fucking parents and teachers just tell children that you need to "be active" and stay in shape because you want to "be healthy and fit"

On some level I will always resent my parents and my teachers for feeding my lies all of my life based on some false sense of "morality", trying to raise me to be a "good person" with "good thoughts and beliefs" rather than trying to help me be successful, and thrive in life, and have an enjoyable future, and that goes doubly for my parents, because its not really the job of other people to properly guide somebody elses children. I can seriously say I will never forgive my parents for this, all they had to do was be fucking honest, but they sacrificed my happiness for the sake of their ego, for the sake of them being able to say to themselves "I'm a good person", they could have given me necessary advantages, I would have been ahead of the curve, I would have made different decisions, different plans for life, taken on different skills, etc

For example, I took the science subjects, because based on the lies I was told, that pursuit was the best path, it was "hard work", but it would ensure I could get a job like a good and civil little pleb, and it was seen more as "academic subjects", subjects for "smart people", and parents and teachers delude children into thinking that intelligence is what matters when it comes to being successful, it isn't, its all about connections and looks. So I, going based on the picture painted by my parents, put all my time and effort into intelligence, because obviously that effort is going to yield returns right, obviously I'm definitely going to end up being rich and successful, and have a beautiful wife and stable marriage, etc right? (wrong, all fucking lies, years of time and effort completely wasted)

If my parents had been honest with me about how the world really worked, I would have done business subjects and specialized in that field, I would have focused more on my appearance, I would have stayed fit, etc, all my parents did was waste my fucking time, I'm never going to have children, but looking back now, I could easily surpass the ability of 90% of parents alive today, simply by doing one outrageous and unthinkable thing, ACTUALLY BEING FUCKING HONEST ABOUT THIS HARSH REALITY AND NOT SETTING YOUR CHILDREN UP FOR FAILURE

Holy this sudden realisation struck me like a bolt of lightning.

I wanted to make my own thread, but since I am saying nothing new, I'll just bump the one month old post.

there was this guy that went to school with me and became friends because our families were quite close, but the main thing to take note of here is that our families were both border lining lower-middle class, we weren't poor per say, but certainly weren't endowed with riches either, anyways our families broke up because we moved to a different state and apparently my parents kept close contact with them

Recently my mom said that they would be visiting us (in 2 weeks), and that they won't be staying long because they have a BUSINESS back at home, I was curious so asked for more information, and the business they were managing is one that has to do with some kind of trade (didn't require any Uni degrees), but the most important part is that they were pulling BIG MONEY, MILLIONS a year AFTER TAX. I can literally retire and rot in peace of an entire century with the money they make in a single year.

Hearing that literally sent chills down my spine, I was literally shivering in cold sweat, all this time they pushed me to pursue a field in science or law, and then get a job within that field, and the realisation that even if I graduate at the top of my cohort, work at a top tier firm, and work over time, I wouldn't even make 1/10th of what they make.

This is almost humorous, by my observations, my parents are definitely more intellectually gifted than them, I mean my mother alone has 3 degrees and one masters, and yet they work overtime and has a mortgage that will take 10+ years to pay off, and to them(family friends) is literally pocket change. And yet she pushed me into the mirror image of her path, now upon seeing what lies await at the end of this path, my destiny, I tremble.

intelligence and effort can only take you so far, by itself it would only make you a capable individual, nothing more than an asset to the leader you serve, someone who will harvest the fruits of your labor. Social skills, which is to say people skills, help you make connections, and connections lead to opportunities and then subsequently wealth. I have the requisite intelligence, I have the will, yet I lack the ability to socialise, "a man without friends is a man without power", as an individual, no matter how brightly you shine, ultimately You will amount to nothing, such is fate.

The lone wolf can survive but never thrive
My parents have given up on me
The game was rigged from the start, ER fuel.
Holy this sudden realisation struck me like a bolt of lightning.

I wanted to make my own thread, but since I am saying nothing new, I'll just bump the one month old post.

there was this guy that went to school with me and became friends because our families were quite close, but the main thing to take note of here is that our families were both border lining lower-middle class, we weren't poor per say, but certainly weren't endowed with riches either, anyways our families broke up because we moved to a different state and apparently my parents kept close contact with them

Recently my mom said that they would be visiting us (in 2 weeks), and that they won't be staying long because they have a BUSINESS back at home, I was curious so asked for more information, and the business they were managing is one that has to do with some kind of trade (didn't require any Uni degrees), but the most important part is that they were pulling BIG MONEY, MILLIONS a year AFTER TAX. I can literally retire and rot in peace of an entire century with the money they make in a single year.

Hearing that literally sent chills down my spine, I was literally shivering in cold sweat, all this time they pushed me to pursue a field in science or law, and then get a job within that field, and the realisation that even if I graduate at the top of my cohort, work at a top tier firm, and work over time, I wouldn't even make 1/10th of what they make.

This is almost humorous, by my observations, my parents are definitely more intellectually gifted than them, I mean my mother alone has 3 degrees and one masters, and yet they work overtime and has a mortgage that will take 10+ years to pay off, and to them(family friends) is literally pocket change. And yet she pushed me into the mirror image of her path, now upon seeing what lies await at the end of this path, my destiny, I tremble.

intelligence and effort can only take you so far, by itself it would only make you a capable individual, nothing more than an asset to the leader you serve, someone who will harvest the fruits of your labor. Social skills, which is to say people skills, help you make connections, and connections lead to opportunities and then subsequently wealth. I have the requisite intelligence, I have the will, yet I lack the ability to socialise, "a man without friends is a man without power", as an individual, no matter how brightly you shine, ultimately You will amount to nothing, such is fate.

The lone wolf can survive but never thrive

1. Amazing post, and I believe that you should still make this thread, it takes multiple accounts of a perspective to carry the message home

2. This is the reality that makes me resent my parents, they knew full well how the fucking world worked, but they forced their idealism and narrow perspectives onto me, instead of trying to provide their child with all the loopholes and strategies they could muster, they just went for the typical and lazy way of parenting - "oh I'll just lie and let him discover the world himself, let him figure it out"

Problem is when I figured it out I now have to claw my way to the top, and when I make it there, there's no fucking way I'm taking you with me for sabotaging my life, I'm not giving my parents shit when I make, they better have some money saved up, and I don't want any inheritance they have to offer, they completely wasted my time

Not surprising at all, years later I've only just realized that bullies had a huge head start, they already knew how the world worked, whether it was because of abuse or because their parents were actually honest with them, they understood the ruleset, while we were given a false ruleset by parents and teachers
I agree, nearly two fucking decades worth of bullshit just to achieve nothing more than sabotaging me.
Holy this sudden realisation struck me like a bolt of lightning.

I wanted to make my own thread, but since I am saying nothing new, I'll just bump the one month old post.

there was this guy that went to school with me and became friends because our families were quite close, but the main thing to take note of here is that our families were both border lining lower-middle class, we weren't poor per say, but certainly weren't endowed with riches either, anyways our families broke up because we moved to a different state and apparently my parents kept close contact with them

Recently my mom said that they would be visiting us (in 2 weeks), and that they won't be staying long because they have a BUSINESS back at home, I was curious so asked for more information, and the business they were managing is one that has to do with some kind of trade (didn't require any Uni degrees), but the most important part is that they were pulling BIG MONEY, MILLIONS a year AFTER TAX. I can literally retire and rot in peace of an entire century with the money they make in a single year.

Hearing that literally sent chills down my spine, I was literally shivering in cold sweat, all this time they pushed me to pursue a field in science or law, and then get a job within that field, and the realisation that even if I graduate at the top of my cohort, work at a top tier firm, and work over time, I wouldn't even make 1/10th of what they make.

This is almost humorous, by my observations, my parents are definitely more intellectually gifted than them, I mean my mother alone has 3 degrees and one masters, and yet they work overtime and has a mortgage that will take 10+ years to pay off, and to them(family friends) is literally pocket change. And yet she pushed me into the mirror image of her path, now upon seeing what lies await at the end of this path, my destiny, I tremble.

intelligence and effort can only take you so far, by itself it would only make you a capable individual, nothing more than an asset to the leader you serve, someone who will harvest the fruits of your labor. Social skills, which is to say people skills, help you make connections, and connections lead to opportunities and then subsequently wealth. I have the requisite intelligence, I have the will, yet I lack the ability to socialise, "a man without friends is a man without power", as an individual, no matter how brightly you shine, ultimately You will amount to nothing, such is fate.

The lone wolf can survive but never thrive
Accumulation through private capital from dictatorial extraction of surplus out of non cooperative ownership models. Owning stuff > working. The only way to stop this is some form of socialism where every worker owns equal parts of their company. And no it doesn't make it somehow worse. It's not differen than with shareholders. If anything the workers are even more motivated like this.
You guys are fucking retarded, I've noticed there are two kinds of posters, realists, and memers, realists talk about actual phenomenon in a reasonable fashion, memers just take the phenomenon to a ridiculous extreme and speak about it as an absolute as though there is no variation

I've known Chad lites and a few Chad's that were bullies and others that were just "the cool kid" that never took part in that shit, you are falsely conflating the prerequisite with the cause, in order to bully one must be physically superior, but being physically superior doesn't magically just make you a bully, ones upbrining determines the kind of person they will be and what actions they will think are "acceptable", if any of us were raised amongst cannibals we wouldn't magically think that eating humans is wrong because of some "deep feeling inside" (in our dna). The concept of whats right and wrong IS TAUGHT, its comes through our culture, our value systems

I've known a few really tall guys that were neutral and would come to the defense of other children being bullied, so wtf are you guys even talking about, seriously some of you guys just feel like larps, nothing you say sounds grounded in reality, nothing you say sounds like you are being serious, you literally seem like basement dwellers or larpers trolling, its impossible to have a serious conversation with any of you guys for the most part
based and realitypilled
I hate this idea that anytime someone does things against societies moral standards, such as be a bully or a homophobe, immediately society turns to them being "really insecure and bullied at home", or "closeted homosexual" pretty sure they had a study to debunk the later example, why do people do this do you think lol?
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why do people do this do you think lol?

"Just World Fallacy", they have to rationalize that someone (especially someone young) committing an evil act must be the fault of an adult or "circumstances of life", they don't want to admit that humans are merely evil because society (the collective decisions of all adults) has made being evil profitable and/or enjoyable, to admit that would be to admit that there are changes that each person has to make in their life, changes that would inconvenience their blissful carefree lives of pleasure seeking

Its much easier to just classify these things as "something outside of our control", because then you aren't responsible, and then you don't have to sacrifice anything. This is why they hate incel mass murders so much and are so afraid of it, because these murders are the sacrifice, they are the reckoning, they are the accountability that society doesn't want to face

Each attack is like poking the beehive of society and proclaiming - "there's a problem, its your fault, you have to fix it, or else"
I get the same feeling from your threads tbh. It's like you feel intellectually superior to everyone else so you immediately deem that anyone who doesnt agree with you 100% is low iq.
While they didn't really have great arguments overall I feel like they did have some good points.
Your post is about the classic dichotomy between nature vs nurture. While I agree that nurture is important as your childhood shapes your personality later on in your life which may lead someone to bully. You avoided the subject of genetics and how good genetics are a necessary prequisite to become a bully and successful later in life altogether. This made it seem like you thought nurture was the only factor involved in determining who bullies which is simply not true and why others called you out on it.
Low IQ diatribe and rant. Bullying is genetic, no 5'2" Indian janitor has bullied someone, only 6' Chadlite did, and 6'2" Chad was laughing at the victims like the rest of the class.
Its genetics. You are doomed from the beginning. Chad realize that he is superior and can bully even if he is an orphan or if he have bluepilled advice by his* parents.
I get the same feeling from your threads tbh. It's like you feel intellectually superior to everyone else so you immediately deem that anyone who doesnt agree with you 100% is low iq.
While they didn't really have great arguments overall I feel like they did have some good points.
Your post is about the classic dichotomy between nature vs nurture. While I agree that nurture is important as your childhood shapes your personality later on in your life which may lead someone to bully. You avoided the subject of genetics and how good genetics are a necessary prequisite to become a bully and successful later in life altogether. This made it seem like you thought nurture was the only factor involved in determining who bullies which is simply not true and why others called you out on it.

Your name check outs :feelskek: :feelskek:
"You guys are gonna be better off in the future, don't be like X"
Really this phrase is just "Don't act like Chad or you will be called creepy and put in jail"
"The poor soul, he must be getting abused at home"
The basic equivalent is "I can help him feel happy about himself :p *Figger teacher sucks his cock*"
"He just must be suffering on the inside, nobody would do this because they enjoy it and it benefits them"
"I'll make him feel better inside me haha! :p:p:p:p:p*Figger fucks the Chad Bully and gets pregnant with his bastard* WHOOPS!! XD Teehee looks like I'm going to have to lie to my husband haha" Figgers need to get their greedy cunts away from the education system. Then Figgers complain about Men trying to be tougher and more Dark Triad when it was them that picked these traits in the first place.
Truth is our parents and teachers lied to us all, they painted the world as a fair "rainbows & sunshine" place and that if you just followed the rules and "did the right thing" you would come out on top in the end, complete BS

All the bullies and delinquents I knew never struggled to get a date and always had a girl, and right now they have great jobs where they get paid even more than me (well some of them) because of connections they had established or through their parents, you see since they already knew how the world worked they already knew that their bed was made, this is why they made jokes in class and didn't take the teachers seriously, and the teachers just fucking lied to us everyday making us think that they were the confused ones and didn't realize the mistakes they were making
And you know.. this point is pretty much the reason why school shootings occur.. it is all the lies that is spouted from their mouths and then being exposed completely and totally to the truth. It creates a snap in the mind where you either live a lie or accept the truth. Few can't handle the truth or the lie. Most can.. of those that do their views are often skewed, few actually realise the true potential of the Truth. Those that can't handle either become violent.
I'm saying "children" but I really mean sons, because society doesn't really expect women to do anything for them to have worth, women have worth from just existing, so these lies don't really affect women, in fact most women think these aren't actually lies because life did work out as their parents said, because men and women are playing by different rules, women can always find happiness just by having holes, all their base needs will always be met and there will always be a man there willing to supplement any shortcomings she has to satisfy her other needs, so its really only sons who get screwed over
Bullying is exactly not being given something instead of being given trash or anything of the sort

Bullying is like not letting a guy date and interrupting his approach, that's bullying: Different from mogging where anyone can (foolishly) label that as bullying when it's not

@mylifeistrash almost got it, people were made to mog/get mogged, not to get bullied/be a bully/bullies

Dominating over others, is not bullying

Not letting others dominate or participate; that's bullying
I don't like bullies but people who let themselves get bullied are just as pathetic.
Not always some people bully and get bullied but most of them are popular.

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