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RageFuel Today I snapped



Disciple Of Saint Hamudi
Apr 8, 2022
Today marks the day I just couldn't take it anymore. I fucking snapped today and I actually just straight up walked out of my workplace. This post is going to be very long, so I appreciate if you read all of it, but understand and apologize for the length if you don't.

I had FUCKING ENOUGH of being treated poorly. 3 of my coworkers (my manager and two fellow employees) just kept fucking with me, teasing, harassing, bullying, and gaslighting me all day every day that I worked. Things used to be better but I feel like as they got to know me better, they hated me more and more. For my ugly looks, for my short height, for my autistic traits, the way I talk, my little habits like the way I walk or the way I eat things, or for my social shortcomings and sheltered upbringing.

They would constantly pester me. Every sentence was a jab at me, berating, insulting, and belittling me. Calling me every name under the sun that they could think of and more. Constantly messing with the food or drinks that I ate for lunch or breakfast, such as spitting in them, flipping them over, hiding them, or putting things like hot sauce in them. Pushing me around, shoving me, making me look bad in front of customers, refusing to pay me back for items, or generally taking advantage of me. Hell, they even "joked" about killing me or doing violent things to me on a semi-regular basis. And all three of them would gang up on me in this manner.

Nothing worked to stop it. All the times I would try to see it as joking or banter, I'd make a little jab back, worked to no effect. Or all the times I politely yet firmly asked them to cease this unprofessional behavior, which quite frankly doesn't belong in a work environment, also worked to no effect. And I tried so, very, very hard to let these things slide, or let them wash over me like rain on my back.

My coworker, (let's call him Jake), began the workday with a few simple jabs at me. Nothing out of the usual, so I ignored it. And the day continued on. After I went to go get some food, I got some bagged bread slices and dip to put them in. I hadn't had this dip in quite a while, so I was looking forward to eating it. And after I had not even eaten two slices, Jake comes over and comments how the bread looked grey and rotted (it was olive bread, that's why it looked like that). As soon as I picked up the package to show him that it was olive bread, he fucking flipped it out of my hand and it fell across the table.

Now you may be thinking, that's not a big deal right? The bread didn't leave the package, so no harm done. Well, I would agree with you if this was a normal day. When "joking" around with coworkers that shouldn't be a big deal, and normally I'd just kind of let it happen and continue eating. But this WASN'T a normal day. I got very little sleep the last night, I was FUCKING FED UP already from all the shit they've done, and something inside me just fucking snapped.

I leaned over near him and pointed in his face, and said "DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH MY FOOD AGAIN!" (I wasn't yelling per se but I was quite angry in my voice). And he did not like this. See, Jake heightmogs me by a good 6 inches or so, and he's also partially thugmaxxed I think. So he didn't take it well at all. Jake got up in my face and puffed his chest up a bit, and asked if I was serious. I told him I was fucking serious and didn't back down. He then told me that he wasn't one of my little buddies (I don't have any buddies) and that I can't talk to him that way. Then he asked me if I was "for real", to which I also said yes. Then he pointed at the parking lot and said that if I didn't "chill out", that we were gonna have to take it outside.

At this point, my manager walked in after hearing us yell, and kind of told us to quiet down and stop cursing because there were customers. But I was red hot in the face and literally shaking with rage. I walked back towards the customers and tried to help one of them out, but I couldn't even focus on that properly, so I walked away as soon as he became occupied looking at something else. Then I saw from across the store that Jake fucking started talking to everybody else about what just happened, and I heard him say that he never saw me actually angry like that before and that he actually thought we were going to fight.

Now I knew that if I didn't leave, things were going to get physical, and I really didn't want that, since even though I carry a knife and he doesn't, I feel like that would screw up my life even more and I was going to get my ass beat anyways. I knew it would end badly, so I just quickly grabbed my food, clocked out, got in my car, and drove away. Afterward, I called the owner of the company (my first boss, who did treat me well) and apologized for leaving work that day on short notice, but I told him that due to personal differences with my 3 coworkers that I mentioned earlier, I had to leave because I didn't like the way things were going. I gave him a short summary of what I just wrote in this post, and mentioned that it was just a result of something built up over time.

And now I sit here, rotting away after leaving that place behind. And despite all of the bad things that happened today, I feel like I learned a very important lesson again. NEVER TRUST A NORMIE.
Show them justice.
Good for you man. Now if I was you I wouldn’t have beaten the fuck out of my coworker in front of my manager.
Today marks the day I just couldn't take it anymore. I fucking snapped today and I actually just straight up walked out of my workplace
Good for you man. Now if I was you I wouldn’t have beaten the fuck out of my coworker in front of my manager.
I didn't beat him up. We just yelled at each other and he threatened to beat me up. And then I left work about 2 hours early before things got physical. I don't want to go to prison.
Sorry bro.
Where is HR in this, or is there no HR, this is a bit extreme especially if they are messing with your food.
I would have beat the guys ass, me personally.
I didn't beat him up. We just yelled at each other and he threatened to beat me up. And then I left work about 2 hours early before things got physical. I don't want to go to prison.
For me if I were to ever get confrontational I would definitely do it in front of authority figures. This is because I could be able to beat the person who antagonized me as they would be caught off guard and humiliated
That was your biggest mistake, NEVER be friendly with normies, stay a stranger
I wasn't trying to be friends, but just through working with me they got to see who I really was (an autistic incel) and this added fuel to the fire and gave them more ammunition to harass me with.

Sorry bro.
Where is HR in this, or is there no HR, this is a bit extreme especially if they are messing with your food.
It is a small business, so there is no HR.
Try sabotaging their food with laxatives or steal it for yourself.
Ah, you work a shitty in store job. My condolences. Go back as a customer and curse them all out. Or, take your blade and stab a nigger
That's why I refuse to work, I tried to integrate myself into society but I ended up getting picked on just like in school, I fucking hate everyone, everyone is fake.
Never create an "easy" atmosphere around normies, never smile at them, never do non-work stuff around them, never initiate conversations with them, be emotionless with a bit of [non reactive] anger and arrogance

Normies are narcissistic sadistic psychopaths and feed off your attention and seeing those below them in suffer
I like this idea, but when I have tried it in the past I got poor results as well. This is because they then target me for being a loner/outsider, instead of a sperg who tries to get along with others. But maybe you are right and it really is just safer to keep a distance than attempt to appease the normies.
Sorry bro.
Where is HR in this, or is there no HR, this is a bit extreme especially if they are messing with your food.
HR's only purpose is to hunt down male workers the foids don't like. It serves to enforce gynocentrism in the workplace.
I've left a toxic job before and might do again, it's worse if they find out or I let slip I have no girlfriend or wife. The younger and older guys my age showing major disrespect, talking to me like shit. Making up rumours I'm a fag etc.

Wish I could just win big gambling and go NEET forever, but the odds are pretty impossible!
Your coworkers sounded like they have the maturity of school children. This is why people minecraft their workplaces.
I like this idea, but when I have tried it in the past I got poor results as well. This is because they then target me for being a loner/outsider, instead of a sperg who tries to get along with others. But maybe you are right and it really is just safer to keep a distance than attempt to appease the normies.
Is there a strategy that ever worked for you? I’m glad you stood up for yourself though. Never let them have it easy.
I left a toxic job before, it's worse if they find out or I let slip I have no girlfriend or wife. The younger and older guys my age showing major disrespect, talking to me like shit. Making up rumours I'm a fag etc.

Wish I could just win big gambling and go NEET forever, but the odds are pretty impossible!
Yep, I have to wageslave too because my country doesn't have the social services that I could NEET with.

Your coworkers sounded like they have the maturity of school children. This is why people minecraft their workplaces.
Reminds me of the guy who went ER on his workplace (banking office) in Louisville last month. Or all the postal workers during the 1980's and 1990's who snapped and quite literally "went postal". I am glad that I walked out before anything too crazy happened.

Have you tried repulsive-maxing? I'm an ugly hairy acne-covered sandnigger and people don't bother me at all, I also act insane
I guess I am not truly repulsemaxxed yet. I would say that my looks, height, and autism are repulsive enough, but maybe that just makes me a target rather than somebody they want to ignore altogether. I will have to consider this some more.

That's why I refuse to work, I tried to integrate myself into society but I ended up getting picked on just like in school, I fucking hate everyone, everyone is fake.
I wish I could NEET so badly and retreat away from soyciety, but I have to wageslave or I will end up on the street basically. I am looking to do something remotely or online so I can LDAR more and not have to deal with coworkers.
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Is there a strategy that ever worked for you? I’m glad you stood up for yourself though. Never let them have it easy.
No strategy that I can think of. Maybe just remote-work-maxx. And if I can't do that, maybe I will try to find a workplace that mostly has subhuman incels employed there.
Brutal read. Your coworkers have the maturity of high school thugs.

It's a good thing that you told you first boss who happens to be the owner. He really should not let workplace bullying progress and he's probably the only one who can do something.
Dude I'm praying that some normie fag fucks with me. I'm a manlet, but I have Tyrone frame and know how to fight. I can't wait for the day that I get to beat the shit out of someone. Especially if it's a white guy.
Normies are evil. The only thing to do in that situation is quit
You sound like a pussy, If a co worker spit in my food that would be my last day there and a fight would ensue
Dude I'm praying that some normie fag fucks with me. I'm a manlet, but I have Tyrone frame and know how to fight. I can't wait for the day that I get to beat the shit out of someone. Especially if it's a white guy.
Based, I'm honestly pissed at myself for being a bitch and not beating the shit out of as much people I should of in highschool
I’d seriously consider pressing charges if they tampered with your food.
They’d become victims to the cuckovernment.

it’s over
You sound like a pussy, If a co worker spit in my food that would be my last day there and a fight would ensue
If I'm being completely honest, I AM a pussy. I have very high inhibition and hate confrontation. And even though I tried to resolve past situations more peacefully, it didn't work at all. And that's the reason why I just snapped randomly. I didn't even plan on it or anything. Something just cracked inside me when my coworker did that and it was basically the straw that broke the camel's back.

Dude I'm praying that some normie fag fucks with me. I'm a manlet, but I have Tyrone frame and know how to fight. I can't wait for the day that I get to beat the shit out of someone. Especially if it's a white guy.
Based, I'm honestly pissed at myself for being a bitch and not beating the shit out of as much people I should of in highschool
I mean I wish I was this low-inhibition dark triad guy, but I'm just not. Unfortunately, it's the way I was raised and I have such a massive guilt complex that I'd probably never recover or forgive myself if I got physical with someone. Even if I thought I did the right thing, I'd be wracked with regret, guilt, and paranoia that the other person would come back for revenge or something.

I’d seriously consider pressing charges if they tampered with your food.
They’d become victims to the cuckovernment.

it’s over
I wish so much that I could do this. But to be honest I don't think I have enough evidence to prove anything substantial. It's not like they poisoned it or anything really.

Brutal read. Your coworkers have the maturity of high school thugs.

It's a good thing that you told you first boss who happens to be the owner. He really should not let workplace bullying progress and he's probably the only one who can do something.
Hopefully, the owner can do something about it. I'm not sure that he would have let it get this far if he were there all the time, but unfortunately, he's not actually at the building much so he doesn't see what they do to me.
I wish so much that I could do this. But to be honest I don't think I have enough evidence to prove anything substantial. It's not like they poisoned it or anything really.
Depending on the information you provide and the eye witnesses, you could go far with a case. Try talking to see if you can get security footage of them at all

atleast quit that place completely , coming back to it would be cucked
Hopefully, the owner can do something about it. I'm not sure that he would have let it get this far if he were there all the time, but unfortunately, he's not actually at the building much so he doesn't see what they do to me.
The only thing left to do is to fire these clowns.

From reading your other comments, you were raised to be high inhibited and to avoid confrontations. This is a bug mistake from your parents because now you can't stand up for yourself. I suggest you to start taking boxe, muay thai or any other martial art you want. It's said to help with these kinds of problems.
Kill them all
The knife was there for using next time use it to your advantage like you're in London
Have you tried repulsive-maxing? I'm an ugly hairy acne-covered sandnigger and people don't bother me at all, I also act insane
Shout, “Allahu akbar” when someone harasses you. THAT’LL TEACH THEM.
Show them justice.
you should be a disciple of Saint ER

not hamudi....
Kill them all
Should have went ER
The knife was there for using next time use it to your advantage like you're in London

When the DOOM music kicks in...

(Don't worry glowiefags I'm not gonna do anything illegal. I still have years of coping in the free world left ahead of me. Just indulging in a little daydream about Minecraft.)
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Dont feel bad about walking away, you should have done it long time ago, you should have also record them and report them to the higher ups. This is a proof that school never ends and normies gang up to bully the one they see as the weak and outcast.
What a relatable story, I understand you to a greater degree than any complicit therapist or pretentious psychology major; for example, my mother who is also a gifted artist.

People think we are the ones who are playing the fool even though they'll always tell jokes at our expense.

If you had cut him with that little toothpick of yours everyone would have lied about their involvement in the cataclysmic event by professing their innocence, as if you had not been ostracized to the brink of murder.

You don't need to read Freud to realize that almost everyone is a perverted, self-centered cretin.
If even one physical blow was exchanged I believe they would have gone all out on me. All three of them likely would have ganged up on me and beat me into probably a critical near-death state.
And even then I would bet that they would profess innocence like you said and act as if every event previous to this one had never happened, or every event was harmless fun.

Yet I know that they had tried to make me do something. They WANTED me to do something physical. I remember (and I may have even posted about it on here if I remember correctly) that they had literally said (after fucking with me) that they wanted me to snap and couldn't wait to see it. It was insane to hear that for the first time and I'm just now connecting that with this. In fact I'm just now remembering that when they looked at me and my coworker was telling the others what had happened, he was fucking laughing. Like he enjoyed seeing that. Like HE WANTED IT TO HAPPEN.

Multiple times they also called me a mass/school shooter and berated me for being one of the types of people who "ruined" society. All because of my looks and my nervous behavior due to non-NT status and autism.

I'm sure they'd love to see me on the news for being a killer. To testify against me in court and see me go to prison for life. Well too bad for them I at least had enough self control to make sure that didn't happen. I don't want to go to prison and lose my vidyacopes.
int main()
printf("kill normies");
return 0;
Based, I would do something to jake if I were you

no shit. there was no lesson here.

just remember what you're working for so you aren't distracted by perturbation anymore.
int main()
printf("kill normies");
return 0;
Based, I would do something to jake if I were you
ALL NORMIES ARE SCUM and DESERVE to be struck with the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs, at point blank impact range.

no shit. there was no lesson here.

just remember what you're working for so you aren't distracted by perturbation anymore.
As I said in the post, I knew already I shouldn't trust them. But this past incident was a stark and cruel reminder of that lesson, which I had to learn again I guess. Also, I did ignore it for a very long time, I tried very hard to let it go... they just pushed me too far this time. It was far past perturbation at this point. But you are right. I shouldn't be in such a working environment in the first place. I only work for money. Not for a passion or interest or friends or anything else. Only enough to survive and pay for my copes.
I only work for money. Not for a passion or interest or friends or anything else. Only enough to survive and pay for my copes.
that's wtf im talkin bout homie
Today marks the day I just couldn't take it anymore. I fucking snapped today and I actually just straight up walked out of my workplace. This post is going to be very long, so I appreciate if you read all of it, but understand and apologize for the length if you don't.

I had FUCKING ENOUGH of being treated poorly. 3 of my coworkers (my manager and two fellow employees) just kept fucking with me, teasing, harassing, bullying, and gaslighting me all day every day that I worked. Things used to be better but I feel like as they got to know me better, they hated me more and more. For my ugly looks, for my short height, for my autistic traits, the way I talk, my little habits like the way I walk or the way I eat things, or for my social shortcomings and sheltered upbringing.

They would constantly pester me. Every sentence was a jab at me, berating, insulting, and belittling me. Calling me every name under the sun that they could think of and more. Constantly messing with the food or drinks that I ate for lunch or breakfast, such as spitting in them, flipping them over, hiding them, or putting things like hot sauce in them. Pushing me around, shoving me, making me look bad in front of customers, refusing to pay me back for items, or generally taking advantage of me. Hell, they even "joked" about killing me or doing violent things to me on a semi-regular basis. And all three of them would gang up on me in this manner.

Nothing worked to stop it. All the times I would try to see it as joking or banter, I'd make a little jab back, worked to no effect. Or all the times I politely yet firmly asked them to cease this unprofessional behavior, which quite frankly doesn't belong in a work environment, also worked to no effect. And I tried so, very, very hard to let these things slide, or let them wash over me like rain on my back.

My coworker, (let's call him Jake), began the workday with a few simple jabs at me. Nothing out of the usual, so I ignored it. And the day continued on. After I went to go get some food, I got some bagged bread slices and dip to put them in. I hadn't had this dip in quite a while, so I was looking forward to eating it. And after I had not even eaten two slices, Jake comes over and comments how the bread looked grey and rotted (it was olive bread, that's why it looked like that). As soon as I picked up the package to show him that it was olive bread, he fucking flipped it out of my hand and it fell across the table.

Now you may be thinking, that's not a big deal right? The bread didn't leave the package, so no harm done. Well, I would agree with you if this was a normal day. When "joking" around with coworkers that shouldn't be a big deal, and normally I'd just kind of let it happen and continue eating. But this WASN'T a normal day. I got very little sleep the last night, I was FUCKING FED UP already from all the shit they've done, and something inside me just fucking snapped.

I leaned over near him and pointed in his face, and said "DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH MY FOOD AGAIN!" (I wasn't yelling per se but I was quite angry in my voice). And he did not like this. See, Jake heightmogs me by a good 6 inches or so, and he's also partially thugmaxxed I think. So he didn't take it well at all. Jake got up in my face and puffed his chest up a bit, and asked if I was serious. I told him I was fucking serious and didn't back down. He then told me that he wasn't one of my little buddies (I don't have any buddies) and that I can't talk to him that way. Then he asked me if I was "for real", to which I also said yes. Then he pointed at the parking lot and said that if I didn't "chill out", that we were gonna have to take it outside.

At this point, my manager walked in after hearing us yell, and kind of told us to quiet down and stop cursing because there were customers. But I was red hot in the face and literally shaking with rage. I walked back towards the customers and tried to help one of them out, but I couldn't even focus on that properly, so I walked away as soon as he became occupied looking at something else. Then I saw from across the store that Jake fucking started talking to everybody else about what just happened, and I heard him say that he never saw me actually angry like that before and that he actually thought we were going to fight.

Now I knew that if I didn't leave, things were going to get physical, and I really didn't want that, since even though I carry a knife and he doesn't, I feel like that would screw up my life even more and I was going to get my ass beat anyways. I knew it would end badly, so I just quickly grabbed my food, clocked out, got in my car, and drove away. Afterward, I called the owner of the company (my first boss, who did treat me well) and apologized for leaving work that day on short notice, but I told him that due to personal differences with my 3 coworkers that I mentioned earlier, I had to leave because I didn't like the way things were going. I gave him a short summary of what I just wrote in this post, and mentioned that it was just a result of something built up over time.

And now I sit here, rotting away after leaving that place behind. And despite all of the bad things that happened today, I feel like I learned a very important lesson again. NEVER TRUST A NORMIE.
Good for you fellow brocel.
Today marks the day I just couldn't take it anymore. I fucking snapped today and I actually just straight up walked out of my workplace. This post is going to be very long, so I appreciate if you read all of it, but understand and apologize for the length if you don't.

I had FUCKING ENOUGH of being treated poorly. 3 of my coworkers (my manager and two fellow employees) just kept fucking with me, teasing, harassing, bullying, and gaslighting me all day every day that I worked. Things used to be better but I feel like as they got to know me better, they hated me more and more. For my ugly looks, for my short height, for my autistic traits, the way I talk, my little habits like the way I walk or the way I eat things, or for my social shortcomings and sheltered upbringing.

They would constantly pester me. Every sentence was a jab at me, berating, insulting, and belittling me. Calling me every name under the sun that they could think of and more. Constantly messing with the food or drinks that I ate for lunch or breakfast, such as spitting in them, flipping them over, hiding them, or putting things like hot sauce in them. Pushing me around, shoving me, making me look bad in front of customers, refusing to pay me back for items, or generally taking advantage of me. Hell, they even "joked" about killing me or doing violent things to me on a semi-regular basis. And all three of them would gang up on me in this manner.

Nothing worked to stop it. All the times I would try to see it as joking or banter, I'd make a little jab back, worked to no effect. Or all the times I politely yet firmly asked them to cease this unprofessional behavior, which quite frankly doesn't belong in a work environment, also worked to no effect. And I tried so, very, very hard to let these things slide, or let them wash over me like rain on my back.

My coworker, (let's call him Jake), began the workday with a few simple jabs at me. Nothing out of the usual, so I ignored it. And the day continued on. After I went to go get some food, I got some bagged bread slices and dip to put them in. I hadn't had this dip in quite a while, so I was looking forward to eating it. And after I had not even eaten two slices, Jake comes over and comments how the bread looked grey and rotted (it was olive bread, that's why it looked like that). As soon as I picked up the package to show him that it was olive bread, he fucking flipped it out of my hand and it fell across the table.

Now you may be thinking, that's not a big deal right? The bread didn't leave the package, so no harm done. Well, I would agree with you if this was a normal day. When "joking" around with coworkers that shouldn't be a big deal, and normally I'd just kind of let it happen and continue eating. But this WASN'T a normal day. I got very little sleep the last night, I was FUCKING FED UP already from all the shit they've done, and something inside me just fucking snapped.

I leaned over near him and pointed in his face, and said "DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH MY FOOD AGAIN!" (I wasn't yelling per se but I was quite angry in my voice). And he did not like this. See, Jake heightmogs me by a good 6 inches or so, and he's also partially thugmaxxed I think. So he didn't take it well at all. Jake got up in my face and puffed his chest up a bit, and asked if I was serious. I told him I was fucking serious and didn't back down. He then told me that he wasn't one of my little buddies (I don't have any buddies) and that I can't talk to him that way. Then he asked me if I was "for real", to which I also said yes. Then he pointed at the parking lot and said that if I didn't "chill out", that we were gonna have to take it outside.

At this point, my manager walked in after hearing us yell, and kind of told us to quiet down and stop cursing because there were customers. But I was red hot in the face and literally shaking with rage. I walked back towards the customers and tried to help one of them out, but I couldn't even focus on that properly, so I walked away as soon as he became occupied looking at something else. Then I saw from across the store that Jake fucking started talking to everybody else about what just happened, and I heard him say that he never saw me actually angry like that before and that he actually thought we were going to fight.

Now I knew that if I didn't leave, things were going to get physical, and I really didn't want that, since even though I carry a knife and he doesn't, I feel like that would screw up my life even more and I was going to get my ass beat anyways. I knew it would end badly, so I just quickly grabbed my food, clocked out, got in my car, and drove away. Afterward, I called the owner of the company (my first boss, who did treat me well) and apologized for leaving work that day on short notice, but I told him that due to personal differences with my 3 coworkers that I mentioned earlier, I had to leave because I didn't like the way things were going. I gave him a short summary of what I just wrote in this post, and mentioned that it was just a result of something built up over time.

And now I sit here, rotting away after leaving that place behind. And despite all of the bad things that happened today, I feel like I learned a very important lesson again. NEVER TRUST A NORMIE.
Giga larp and Never happened

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