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Blackpill University is the most incelish time of an incel's life

Destroyed lonely

Destroyed lonely

Feb 18, 2024
Everyone be fucking except you, the classes are chaotic and have no consistent schedule, first time living away from parents for many people, exams harder than a mf and there's just too much to study, garbage food, garbage sleep quality, broke, isolation, foids don't even look at you, depression, anxiety, mog, brutality, blackpill, it all comes together and destroys the remaining of your soul forever
Getting constantly mogged must be painful
Everyone be fucking except you, the classes are chaotic and have no consistent schedule, first time living away from parents for many people, exams harder than a mf and there's just too much to study, garbage food, garbage sleep quality, broke, isolation, foids don't even look at you, depression, anxiety, mog, brutality, blackpill, it all comes together and destroys the remaining of your soul forever
How would university life be like between a giga-IQ cel and an Athlete scholarship Chad?
College was a damn waste pf time and when i text former classmates they dont respond or they are agressive or mad at me, Pointless trying to make friends as an incel.
I'm glad I went to a rather smart university where everyone was mostly subhuman. Would rope at a party school tbh
I really regret not going. It sounds like an exuberant time.
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Highschool as well.
It's not that bad imo but nobody lives on campus here so maybe the mogging is moved to other places (which I don't know about).
It's just boring
I will always remember: freshman year, foids singing "he put it in the wrong hole and I liked it" in full lecture hall. Brutal, I was barely 17 and definitely not ready for that.
University life for me

-go to lecture hall and don't understand shit because too low IQ
-ricecel that sat next to you sparks up a conversation and you talk for a bit every time but never see each other again after that semester
-rack brains up with hard content but still don't get it no matter how much you try
-spend all day doing nigger coding assignments with 20 page specifications, students asks the professors and tutors about grey area requirements but they get ghosted on the course forum so you have no idea what to do yourself
-take the train home which almost takes 2 hrs because you live so far away
-use ChatGPT , stackoverflow and past githubs to understand everything
-have sites like this on another tab open because everything is so damn boring and attention span is fucked
-take up useless free electives to artificially boost your gpa like biology classes and skip all its lectures
-final exam comes, they troll us by saying it's easy but the sadist chink exam makers make it so hard that it rapes you harder than the japanese in nanking
-results are released, mogged by everyone because you only got mediocre marks
-endure all this as a midget subhuman incel
-repeat every semester
but at least you get a piece of paper (and no promises of a job) :)
now get back to class chuddy
University life for me

-go to lecture hall and don't understand shit because too low IQ
-ricecel that sat next to you sparks up a conversation and you talk for a bit every time but never see each other again after that semester
-rack brains up with hard content but still don't get it no matter how much you try
-spend all day doing nigger coding assignments with 20 page specifications, students asks the professors and tutors about grey area requirements but they get ghosted on the course forum so you have no idea what to do yourself
-take the train home which almost takes 2 hrs because you live so far away
-use ChatGPT , stackoverflow and past githubs to understand everything
-have sites like this on another tab open because everything is so damn boring and attention span is fucked
-take up useless free electives to artificially boost your gpa like biology classes and skip all its lectures
-final exam comes, they troll us by saying it's easy but the sadist chink exam makers make it so hard that it rapes you harder than the japanese in nanking
-results are released, mogged by everyone because you only got mediocre marks
-endure all this as a midget subhuman incel
-repeat every semester
This, minus the passing of exams for me. I'm pretty tarded cause I'm not studying in my native language so obviously I won't get them on the first try.
-final exam comes, they troll us by saying it's easy but the sadist chink exam makers make it so hard that it rapes you harder than the japanese in nanking
If your prof is a chink/white immigrant then that's you know you're cooked.
University life for me

-go to lecture hall and don't understand shit because too low IQ
-ricecel that sat next to you sparks up a conversation and you talk for a bit every time but never see each other again after that semester
-rack brains up with hard content but still don't get it no matter how much you try
-spend all day doing nigger coding assignments with 20 page specifications, students asks the professors and tutors about grey area requirements but they get ghosted on the course forum so you have no idea what to do yourself
-take the train home which almost takes 2 hrs because you live so far away
-use ChatGPT , stackoverflow and past githubs to understand everything
-have sites like this on another tab open because everything is so damn boring and attention span is fucked
-take up useless free electives to artificially boost your gpa like biology classes and skip all its lectures
-final exam comes, they troll us by saying it's easy but the sadist chink exam makers make it so hard that it rapes you harder than the japanese in nanking
-results are released, mogged by everyone because you only got mediocre marks
-endure all this as a midget subhuman incel
-repeat every semester
Mogs me for studying programming
I thought that going to university would take my minds off my life but I’ve never been more depressed and hateful to my face
I gave up on it first day i was too high inhib to show up and thoughts of continued suffering in normie environment and entire concept of fighting over piece of papir is too ridiculous and brainwashing to me i am happy with my chill job atleast where i can ldar and watch youtube
Everyone be fucking except you, the classes are chaotic and have no consistent schedule, first time living away from parents for many people, exams harder than a mf and there's just too much to study, garbage food, garbage sleep quality, broke, isolation, foids don't even look at you, depression, anxiety, mog, brutality, blackpill, it all comes together and destroys the remaining of your soul forever
My exact experience.

College is the most hellish experience I've ever endured, especially when it comes to all the pointless classes I have to take and the absolute ZERO women (who are mostly hot) who never look in my direction. Best part is that every once in a while these women will ew at me (I do not smell, I take showers before I go out and wear $120 cologne and dress really nice) or make some stupid immature bitch remark/gesture towards me (the most I have done is flipped them off). I don't even bother looking in the direction of women around my age anymore.

Women treat me worse than how I was treated in high school. They're all a bunch of stuck up broads. College for me is the equivalent of being a paraplegic on psychedelics trying to play Dark Souls on the hardest difficulty. I've been taking my classes all online since a semester ago and it's making me more sane, though. I think this semester was my first really good semester in a LONG time.

I genuinely just want to work only though, though I'm forced to support myself so I have to work and go to school. My college semester just ended, so at least I'm going to be able to just work and game. :feelsjuice:
meh it feels like going to a party and sitting in the corner watching everyone else have fun
Oh, but your degree will certainly help you advance socially.
meh it feels like going to a party and sitting in the corner watching everyone else have fun
Life as an incel gets worse and worse overtime as you age so it's your obligation to minimize that in anyway you can.

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