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It's Over I must have sex by 27 June, or I am willfully going to prison for life.

OMG, pray for OP, he's taking the BBC tyronne pill right now
The problem is legal aid lawyers aren’t paid by making motions in England- they are only paid a retainer and their trial costs- and that means it was in the lawyer’s interest to abandon his client to go to trial where now a motion is not possible sadly.
And they say all people are equal before the law...Not chads and foids apparently. Anyways I hope the EU gets hundreds of ER knife stabbers and rapists. Fuck their shitty laws that are created to harrass men. This globalist feminist society needs genocide.
A man went to jail where I live for feeling girls ass up her skirt but I used to get my ass slapped by girls at school and they wouldn't even had got a detention.
I have 4 hours until court. I'm masturbating to redheads with fury this morn.
I'll also be making a video from outside the courtroom when I get there. If it's not posted, I'm in jail and/or Officer Chad took LaPlacenta's phone.
I have 4 hours until court. I'm masturbating to redheads with fury this morn.
I'll also be making a video from outside the courtroom when I get there. If it's not posted, I'm in jail and/or Officer Chad took LaPlacenta's phone.
You won’t be allowed your phone in the dock. Even the magistrates have to surrender their phones when they are in the actual courtroom. Why’s your trial so late, @Grotesque ?
Please note you will not be sentenced today- the bench today are just doing the trial and they will declare you guilty and adjourn sentencing. Your actual sentencing hearing will be next month. It’s unlikely you will get a custodial sentence.
Wait, just checked and you are in Canada. Lol. Have been giving you advice about England but you aren’t so disregard the advice.
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The cop will yell at people to turn off their phones in court, but the niggers never do and nobody cares. You can do whatever you want with your phone outside the courtroom, which I will do.

I have no idea what's going to happen because my other aggravated harassment case had more merit and was plead to disorderly conduct, a violation with fine I'm not going to pay.

These cases today are honestly worthy of dismissal. One of the two unquestionably is, I don't even know how it got to court.
I can’t tell you about what things in Canada will be like, whereas with England I could because cousin is a prosecutor in CPS (crown prosecution service).
a violation with fine I'm not going to pay.
Kek, not paying will get you sent to prison.
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Kek, not paying will get you sent to prison.
It won't. I've done it already. They'll send you a nasty letter saying they'll garnish your wages or damage your credit, which is lololol for this NEET scum. Then I claim I'm an indigent and they go away. I'm well versed on the ways of the nigger. My fine is $105, which is a joke to begin with. Speeding tickets are far more.
Oof you are 37 and look the way you look? It's over my dude.
I'm well versed on the ways of the nigger.
Wow, you have history and they haven’t given you custody yet? Jeez. Canada’s liberal as shit. Over here in England if you’d repeatedly got convictions (including early guilty pleas) you would end up getting custody by about conviction #6. Whether they punish you or not, any conviction which isn’t Discharged by the sentencing judge is still a criminal record and the longer your criminal record here the larger the chance you would get a custodial sentence. You have been lucky.
Still waiting for an update
I can try going to jail and never go. Because I'm not a nigger.
Lol we’re you convicted or is the court in recess?
Were not we're- autocorrect
I can try going to jail and never go. Because I'm not a nigger.
Kek, that comment’s great.
Why don’t you pull your pants down during your sentencing hearing and shit in the actual courtroom- then you should get a custodial sentence.
Or, when you get sentenced at the next hearing, call the judge/magistrate a Cunt and threaten to throw acid on the prosecution lawyer.
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Dude, just move to another country after this bullshit is over. Nobody deserves to be ass raped by gay Tyrone.
Dude, just move to another country after this bullshit is over. Nobody deserves to be ass raped by gay Tyrone.
He’s got multiple convictions before today, all the same charge. Kek. I like this guy and enjoy his post, and genuinely I think the charges against him are obscene- but what country do you think is going to give Grotesque a residency permit?
Anyway, @Grotesque, lol hang in there, man- we’re all waiting on updates when your trial is over.
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He’s got multiple convictions before today, all the same charge. Kek. I like this guy and enjoy his post, and genuinely I think the charges against him are obscene- but what country do you think is going to give Grotesque a residency permit?
Depending on exactly what is the crime he has done, Brazil would be an option, seriously.
Sexual harassment is a crime here, buuuuuuuuut it requires him to be in a power position relating to the victim. Seriously. Also, it only would be a crime if he did it with clear intent of obtaining sexual gratification from the victim and limit its liberty in some form. Most probably, it would never be characterize as crime here, so he could be eligible for getting a permanent visa.

But that is just one exemple, there are some more countries with similar legislation. Also, whores are cheap here and foids adore foreign dudes, that is a plus, right?
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Depending on exactly what is the crime he has done, Brazil would be an option, seriously.

Many countries, however, deny residency to aliens who have committed crimes in their own country which are not crimes in the country the person is seeking residency in. In the United States ranting about having sex with his care worker would not be a crime. But because he did it in a country where it is a crime (Canada) he would be denied residency to the United States, even though it’s not a crime there, because they’d consider him unsavoury. Is Brazil not like that?
There will be no trial. I got another pointless violation and fine that I won't pay. I wasn't even given an option of declining it, I think that's illegal. My nigger lawyer wasn't listening to any of my shit. I think she watched my videos. The cunts pressing charges on me talked for a long time with the DA after it was over. I hope they get maimed and disfigured.

Many countries, however, deny residency to aliens who have committed crimes in their own country which are not crimes in the country the person is seeking residency in. In the United States ranting about having sex with his care worker would not be a crime. But because he did it in a country where it is a crime (Canada) he would be denied residency to the United States, even though it’s not a crime there, because they’d consider him unsavoury. Is Brazil not like that?
Nope. The crime needs to be extraditable by Brasilian law. Considering what he did is not even a crime here, he is good to go, unless there is some asshole move by the part of the embassy.
There will be no trial. I got another pointless violation and fine that I won't pay. I wasn't even given an option of declining it, I think that's illegal. My nigger lawyer wasn't listening to any of my shit. I think she watched my videos. The cunts pressing charges on me talked for a long time with the DA after it was over. I hope they get maimed and disfigured.

In comparison to what could have happened, you got it good. Gonna watch your videos now.
So what exactly is a violation then?
I don't know. It's called disorderly conduct, which is basically a fine along with an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal, which is effectively "Don't be naughty and we won't bring you back to court!" which I've received 4 times now and give no fucks.

The next step is criminal contempt for breaking the ACD, which will only lead to another stupid fine that I won't pay.

Or one of these females could suck my dick and I could move on. But, that's too easy.
There will be no trial. I got another pointless violation and fine that I won't pay. I wasn't even given an option of declining it, I think that's illegal. My nigger lawyer wasn't listening to any of my shit. I think she watched my videos. The cunts pressing charges on me talked for a long time with the DA after it was over. I hope they get maimed and disfigured.

I just listened to the videos. Dude, you really need some support. I was raging like that two weeks ago, and it was only making things worse. Have you thought of looking for a blackpilled male psychologist? Or at least some goal oriented one. It is not like there aren't any more Jordan Petersons on Canada.
Also, you aren't even that ugly, by third world shithole standards. Yeah, in Canada you are fucked. By reading your posts, I feel like the ultra cucked Stacie oriented social environment of Canada is making your life worse than it should.
These unicorns do not exist, and I have tried looking more than anyone should.
I met two here in Brasil, both were gay and not blackpilled, but they didn't fall for bluepill bullshit also. I wish I could have one of them as my counselor. One even suggested me prostitutes. Btw, why don't you go that road? Not trolling, seriously.
Ig a violation results in the charges against you being dropped conditionally then you wouldn’t have to agree to it because it means that you won’t have a criminal record- by turning down the violation you would risk a trial where you WOULD get convicted. Kek. But given you aren’t going to pay, presumably your criminal record today will remain?
i can't believe you're only 8 and 1/2 years older than me. i saw the video you posted earlier, and the first thing that came to my mind was, that's me in a few years. fuck
I was raging like that two weeks ago,
I’m honestly surprised your school didn’t take any action on you when you were threatening to kill the Male students and asking every single Stacy to get married. Kek. I love you, man- that was literally great. But seriously surprised you weren’t at the very least suspended.
I’m honestly surprised your school didn’t take any action on you when you were threatening to kill the Male students and asking every single Stacy to get married. Kek. I love you, man- that was literally great. But seriously surprised you weren’t at the very least suspended.
The marriage thing start when I joined university, so it was never a big problem, just a weird kirk from some very peculiar student. The swordfight/quartering tho... Yeah. But folks just ignored it, except "Green". Now things are kinda OK at school, I have organized some kind of therapy methods and goals for myself.

But I was actually suspended last year when some idiot started grabbing sexually my old oneitis (who is married to one of my best only friends, btw. Also, she didn't like the situation one bit, her husband is a 8/10 150 IQ med Chad). I then made a show by pushing him and stuff. It was great. He went to the police and all, but gave up on pressing charges after he discovered who would have to pay the legal fees, eaauheuaheua. My lawyer was not amused, probably was we could get away by arguing it was "bad faith ligitation". I think she even laughed at him in the conciliation room, but hid it well. I protested the suspension, 6 months waiting the rector to evaluate it. It will probably will be forgotten in some hidden archive at university. Brasil is gr8.

I should make a thread telling you guys about my fuckups, there are even more amazing things. Like being forcefully drugged with LSD by a classmate and walking 3 kilometers naked at 8 A.M. Also, nothing happened. Brasil is fucking gr8. At least in this regard.
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Your first mistake was doing this at all. Women can and will get you arrested for anything.
Your second mistake was not doing this anonymously. What went through your head during this?
The marriage thing start when I joined university, so it was never a big problem, just a weird kirk from some very peculiar student. The swordfight/quartering tho... Yeah. But folks just ignored it, except "Green". Now things are kinda OK at school, I have organized some kind of therapy methods and goals for myself.

But I was actually suspended last year when some idiot started grabbing sexually my old oneitis (who is married to one of my best only friends, btw. Also, she didn't like the situation one bit, her husband is a 8/10 150 IQ med Chad). I then made a show by pushing him and stuff. It was great. He went to the police and all, but gave up on pressing charges after he discovered who would have to pay the legal fees, eaauheuaheua. My lawyer was not amused, probably was we could get away by arguing it was "bad faith ligitation". I think she even laughed at him in the conciliation room, but hid it well. I protested the suspension, 6 months waiting the rector to evaluate it. It will probably will be forgotten in some hidden archive at university. Brasil is gr8.

I should make a thread telling you guys about my fuckups, there are even more amazing things. Like being forcefully drugged with LSD by a classmate and walking 3 kilometers naked at 8 A.M. Also, nothing happened. Brasil is fucking gr8. At least in this regard.
You got a six month suspension?
You got a six month suspension?
Nope. 1 month, but I protested it, so the suspension was not put in effect. I have to wait until the rector and the college council reevaluate it. In the meantime, I am attending classes normally. 6 months is the time I habe been waiting for this idiotic thing to end.
Volcels disgust me.
Your first mistake was doing this at all. Women can and will get you arrested for anything.
Your second mistake was not doing this anonymously. What went through your head during this?
I needed to have sex with one of my counselors.

I still need to have sex with one of my counselors.

I am going to die a forever alone virgin unless a female has pity sex with me.
In this case, I posted online that I wanted to dump my balls into my female care manager along with numerous mentions that I would like to have sex with her.
If you are low inhib enough for that why not just ER
i can't believe you're only 8 and 1/2 years older than me. i saw the video you posted earlier, and the first thing that came to my mind was, that's me in a few years. fuck
are you the hunchback guy on reddit foreveralone?
I don't want to kill people.
pull a surprise twist for us at the end and reveal you were lying all along about not wanting to go ER because of fbi
are you the hunchback guy on reddit foreveralone?

no, i don't post on any subreddits. i've tried to but i always get banned lol.
i'd appreciate it if you could link me to some of this person's posts though. i'm always interested in hearing about people who have to live with this condition
Are you going to get gang raped by tyrones in prison ????
Don't go to prison. Cos then us taxpayer have to fund your stay whilst you LDAR. just rot at home
Ig a violation results in the charges against you being dropped conditionally then you wouldn’t have to agree to it because it means that you won’t have a criminal record- by turning down the violation you would risk a trial where you WOULD get convicted. Kek. But given you aren’t going to pay, presumably your criminal record today will remain?
I have no criminal record. Violations don't count towards it. My counselors want my record clean so I can be a good goy wageslave in the near future. Kekeke. The day I'm forced to wageslave, the day they'll find my beheaded corpse on their front lawn.
Rape is always an option but that still doesn't provide the validation I desperately need.

Because I am a virgin and I need to fuck right now.
Prostitutes. Seriously, just get this shit out of your system. Explain your situation beforehand and look for a "girlfriend-like" one.

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