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SuicideFuel The true power of Chad



May 17, 2018
I made my first ever catfish account the other day, inspired by Catfishmans honourable activities on here. What I found has totally shook me, I just can't believe the true power of Chad.

Bear in mind this is a normal tinder account (set to 8 miles only) and was in operation for just 24 hours.


Over 150 girls (tons are super hot) liked this guy within just 24 hours! I've had some of them message with proposals to fucking before even saying hello. I knew lookism was real, I knew Chad reigned supreme, but this is just insane. The gulf between an average looking man and Chad is truly colossal. It quite frankly pisses me off that so many of these 6-7 out of 10's that matched with my Chad think they are entitled to someone that good looking.

Its over for guys who are not Chad or have social problems if they want anything other than disgusting hambeasts.

Should just end it all now.
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I'm planning to catfish and make femoids waste time/money traveling just for me to stand them up
Water is wet.
(Now before anyone starts about the matches, I know I'm not some deformed uggocel, I'm normie in looks but have severe anxiety.)

GTFO fakecell!!
Which Chad pic are you using?
The dude is getting matches (82 of them!!) and messages from Stacies. He is clearly Chad and here to brag about it. I never got a match and sent hundreds of messages with zero reaction back other than women blocking me. At that point I was looksmaxed.
I'm planning to catfish and make femoids waste time/money traveling just for me to stand them up

Tbh I was planning to film their reactions as chad stands them up in public places for "not looking like they do in pics" but yours is good too.
A different haircut.
Now we have incel with matches.
Should rename this site.


82 matches... I could live 5000 years and wouldn't have 82 matches.
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>Getting matched with women on tinder
>Sends msg "Hey"

You deserve to be ignored.
Holy hell that's some gigachad right there, those numbers are SUIFUEL as fuck.
Thats them messaging me, I haven't talked to any on there. I know its pointless.

Nigga you gonna get banned for humblebragging if the mods catch this thread.
Nigga you gonna get banned for humblebragging if the mods catch this thread.

I'll delete my part and just put chad bit, don't want nobody to think I'm bragging and certainly don't want a ban. This place is my cope

I thought it was insane though the difference between average looks and a chad. Like those matches I get are all sub 3. Literally every single one. Foids standards are fucking disgusting.
Harley looks like the girl @catfishman23 fished the last time
I was thinking of doing a 1-10 tier experiment on tinder, and see what type of matches each rank gets, like start off with a total 1/10 and see what he gets, then work the way up. Get a quantity of just how good looking you need to be to match with a non-hambeast foid on tinder.
Another normie faggot. Get fucked.

Wait for papa norwood to get his ass tbh
I knew lookism was real, I knew Chad reigned supreme, but this is just insane.
If you're shocked, you weren't fully blackpilled then. Live and learn, eh, i mean... LDAR and learn, brother.
I think it's more infuriating that a normal looking guy is upset Chad gets better girls.

Try to imagine how ugly people who have ever even had a female friend feel. This place isn't your cope man, go see a therapist.
lol fuck you op, you have plenty of matches yourself and foids are messaging you first.
Yeah, I’ve done quite a few chadfish experiments now, and each time the guy gets literally HUNDREDS of likes within 24 hours. Being Chad is simply beyond belief.

If an incel lived one day as Chad then he’d die of oxytocin overdose.
Threadmaker, can you post the photo of the best looking girl (in your opinion) that matched you?
Yeah, I’ve done quite a few chadfish experiments now, and each time the guy gets literally HUNDREDS of likes within 24 hours. Being Chad is simply beyond belief.

If an incel lived one day as Chad then he’d die of oxytocin overdose.

I genuinely did not believe that people could live that way.

Also why so much hate to me?

I never pretended to be a 1/10 or seek validation. I admit my problem is at least 50% mental.
Women can get an average man any time they want in their every day life. The only purpose to even bother looking for men on the internet is the possibility to score with a Chad. Internet dating is hopeless from the outset. You are supposed to be meeting women through social circle. For women the internet is just a mean to get men they couldn't get in real life. It serves a completely different purpose for them than it does for men.
Still less matches than an average girl.

Women can get an average man any time they want in their every day life. The only purpose to even bother looking for men on the internet is the possibility to score with a Chad. Internet dating is hopeless from the outset. You are supposed to be meeting women through social circle. For women the internet is just a mean to get men they couldn't get in real life. It serves a completely different purpose for them than it does for men.

Most incels don't have a social circle.
I know, i'm explaining the futility of online dating, and why women only go for the absolute top men, because those are the only men that aren't easely obtainable in their everyday lives.
What chad did you use?
I know, i'm explaining the futility of online dating, and why women only go for the absolute top men, because those are the only men that aren't easely obtainable in their everyday lives.
Depends, really. I am a bit skeptical that the chad could actually hold a roastie off tinder loyal and in a relationship for 6 months. It's a bit like night clubs- easier to get laid but also much lower quality of people.
"can honestly say i have never"

what did she say

i live vicariously through these tinder catfishing threads, imagining I was the type of guy who could just make a profile and get females messaging me

I only tried tinder for one day and got nothing, I knew there was no point as a sub-tier male
"can honestly say i have never"

what did she say

i live vicariously through these tinder catfishing threads, imagining I was the type of guy who could just make a profile and get females messaging me

I only tried tinder for one day and got nothing, I knew there was no point as a sub-tier male

If it makes you feel any better, I have had women messaging me first (several messages even) and then whenever you want to meet or something they just flake out on you and erase the contact.

Only date I ever got off Tinder was by insisting on a foid many times myself. I had to figure out what she was thinking and why she was not replying.

Take these apps with a grain of salt.
truecels.me when?
I know, i'm explaining the futility of online dating, and why women only go for the absolute top men, because those are the only men that aren't easely obtainable in their everyday lives.


The saddest thing is that the poor men who use Tinder for the first time think that is more easy to find someone there than in real life.

But in Tinder chad is more easy to find by foids and if foids wanted a normie they would just need to go outside and say "hey".

Internet dating sites are zoo's for foids and Chads...
"can honestly say i have never"

what did she say

i live vicariously through these tinder catfishing threads, imagining I was the type of guy who could just make a profile and get females messaging me

I only tried tinder for one day and got nothing, I knew there was no point as a sub-tier male

it was to the chad account, can't remember exactly, it was something to do with never seeing him round the town I pretended to be from, apparently she was from there too
Ugliness=dimorphism=how men are supposed to be

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