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I fucking hate pedophiles and rapists

I think they're larpers on the whole and annoying fucking retards.

I do have some sympathy for those who legitimately can't help it. Like I would for any other "sexuality".
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Not a question about cucked laws and stuff. It's a question about you definition of pedophiles and morality. If a 12 year old is having regular sex with 16 year olds, is it immoral for a 20 year old to fuck that 12 year old?

None of this makes sense tbh
Why would a kid fucking other kids somehow mean an old man should be allowed to fuck them, which btw, most of these pedo fucks are 30+ so stop with the charitable numbers. Anyways I've said my peace go talk about it on pedos.co if you ask me
OP, I hope you are talking about actual pedophilia, because, according to studies, about 97% men (incel or not) are hephebophiles.

You're right, sir.
True pedophilia is indeed a sickness (when it involves preeteen girls), but it's laughable to think that the age of consent laws in America (>18) are somehow representative of the world or that teenage girls are somehow innocent angels.

Furthermore, the stigma associated with men dating younger women only arose in the last few years - even a few decades (>twenty years ago) people showed no problem with it in interviews. Even in the West you still have countries with an age of consent of <18 and only Americans who think that they know everything take objection to it - especially the leftist/liberal Americans who always praise these countries for their welfare state (for example: Germany allows everything >14 unless you are in a position of power like a teacher).

Wouldn't want one for myself tbh, because I prefer women in roughly the same age range as me, but what makes Americans so enraged about these couples is probably the different socialization in the last few years that tells you roastbeef good, young woman equals pedophilia. What healthy men naturally gravitate towards when they have the opportunities is young women (look at DiCaprio).

Also funny moment when people call you paraphilic for seeking out younger women (something completely normal tbh), but it's completely normal for a >6 feet guy to <5 feet date women which really looks like pedophilia.
What about 12 year old foids that have are having sex with multiple 16 year old chads?

I think Paedocels genuinely need help. It's not fucking normal LARPing as a Child to only want to fuck children whilst you're a grown man.

If you want fertile wombs. Then freeze your sperm whilst young. Invest in Surrogacy & Gestational Surrogacy & artificial wombs (which aren't too far off in the future) & go for young fertile women who do want children and are mature enough to know the differences & consequences.

I've said my peace. If you are genuinely that way inclined then I suggest you seek counselling of sorts & more psychotherapy.

If you're being an edge fag/lord, shit poster, LARPer etc etc then you can GTFOH!

I'm dying on this Hill Mother Fuckers.
* you don't necessarily have to freeze your sperm whilst young cause you're fertile right up until the end.
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Congrats, you just got 1 Reddit virtue signaling point. After reaching 999999 points, you might exchange the points for an infinitesimal chance of pity sex from a feminist landwhale roastie from Reddit.
Brutal hatefuck
.co is obsessed with fucking teenagers jfl
Congrats, you just got 1 Reddit virtue signaling point. After reaching 999999 points, you might exchange the points for an infinitesimal chance of pity sex from a feminist landwhale roastie from Reddit.
Can you live in harmony with agecucks if aside from that issue they believe in and follow Christian views as told in The Bible?
.co is obsessed with fucking teenagers jfl
Another point of infighting that people that aren't incels can exploit @FallenPrime
True pedophilia is indeed a sickness (when it involves preeteen girls), but it's laughable to think that the age of consent laws in America (>18) are somehow representative of the world or that teenage girls are somehow innocent angels.

Furthermore, the stigma associated with men dating younger women only arose in the last few years - even a few decades (>twenty years ago) people showed no problem with it in interviews. Even in the West you still have countries with an age of consent of <18 and only Americans who think that they know everything take objection to it - especially the leftist/liberal Americans who always praise these countries for their welfare state (for example: Germany allows everything >14 unless you are in a position of power like a teacher).

Wouldn't want one for myself tbh, because I prefer women in roughly the same age range as me, but what makes Americans so enraged about these couples is probably the different socialization in the last few years that tells you roastbeef good, young woman equals pedophilia. What healthy men naturally gravitate towards when they have the opportunities is young women (look at DiCaprio).

Also funny moment when people call you paraphilic for seeking out younger women (something completely normal tbh), but it's completely normal for a >6 feet guy to <5 feet date women which really looks like pedophilia.
Great comment and analysis
Another point of infighting that people that aren't incels can exploit @FallenPrime

.co is hypocritical in that sense.

They will whine and cry about how IncelTears demonizes them and bullies them for bein Incel,
then they rage and rant against thread like this.

Any guy with 2 brain cells know why it is ethically wrong IN MODERN TIMES to sexualize teenagers.

Yes, men used to have marry, have sex and create families with 14-17 year old girls back in the days, but we dont do it today for various ethical reasons.

Reminder, alot of people here think they are genuinely good people, but promote rape, pedophilia, sexual exploitation, full on race superiority and are Madonna whored retard autists, all in the name of being Incels and their twisted version of the black pill.

I remember when this site was mostly about being rejected for your looks and black pill discussion,
today this is complete phnatom of what it used to be, all the best members are gone and only inbred retards hang around here.

I still visit from time to time for some meme but thats it.

Out beofre ''Go back to Reddit you fking simp cuck!!!!''
.co is hypocritical in that sense.

They will whine and cry about how IncelTears demonizes them and bullies them for bein Incel,
then they rage and rant against thread like this.

Any guy with 2 brain cells know why it is ethically wrong IN MODERN TIMES to sexualize teenagers.
The last time age of consent and relations between teenage girls and adult men was even open to debate in US, UK, Canada, Australia was 100+ years ago too. You'd unironically get more support from people for repealing women's right to vote before getting support to lower the age of consent and making age gap relationships where the man is much older acceptable again.
Yes, men used to have marry, have sex and create families with 14-17 year old girls back in the days, but we dont do it today for various ethical reasons.

Reminder, alot of people here think they are genuinely good people, but promote rape, pedophilia, sexual exploitation, full on race superiority and are Madonna whored retard autists, all in the name of being Incels and their twisted version of the black pill.
Remember how this kind of speech used to be more common here too. There were times when posters here believed "going there" and discussing these things full on in a way no other group did was the right course of action and was based. They seemed to have not considered why this topic is a veritable no go for a reason for other groups.
Discussions have been had with @Numb about this before.
I remember when this site was mostly about being rejected for your looks and black pill discussion,
today this is complete phnatom of what it used to be, all the best members are gone and only inbred retards hang around here.
Disagree tbh this site was way more edgy and had a lot of actual discussion about violence in its early days. It's still much tamer now. There used to be times when threads were made about how this website was at the forefront of the manosphere and how everyone was afraid of incels because they were willing to take "action" IRL and exact their revenge on society in a way no other group was willing to do. Strangely enough a lot of that talk disappeared once the AM and Yoga shootings happened in 2018 and there was enough 'evidence' to try and tie incels to terrorists.
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Disagree tbh this site was way more edgy and had a lot of actual discussion about violence in its early days. It's still much tamer now. There used to be times when threads were made about how this website was at the forefront of the manosphere and how everyone was afraid of incels because they were willing to take "action" IRL and exact their revenge on society in a way no other group was willing to do. Strangely enough a lot of that talk disappeared once the AM and Yoga shootings happened in 2018 and there was enough 'evidence' to try and tie incels to terrorists.

I was lurking here late 2017 and got in early 2018, right before the Minassian incident.

It wa smuch tamer and mostly black pilled focused imo.

I dont recall as many allsuion to rape, obsession over teenged girls and race hierarchizations.

Jackbudsceptic eye was still a mod and this guy was super soft, he even went on Canadian TV lol.

Hardcore guys were peeps like Chadfishman who was actually based enough to really chadfish girl IRL and record them.

FanceanLMS still used to hang around the place.

I mostly prefered Braincels because they were tenfold funnier and more social. There was also camaredery and empathy between Incels.

Here its more like everybody hates each other and openly despise anything about life jfl.
Wonder why they havent roped tbh.

.co was always reatrded but starting 2019, the place really went to shit lol
I was lurking here late 2017 and got in early 2018, right before the Minassian incident.
I remember that time too but I remember it being much different. There were a lot of conversations talking about how it's understandable that Islamic terrorists did what they did and there were gifs of 9/11 posted.
It wa smuch tamer and mostly black pilled focused imo.

I dont recall as many allsuion to rape, obsession over teenged girls and race hierarchizations.
Again I have to disagree. There was a lot of talk about rape and jbs even in 2017 and 2018. I was lurking at this time but I clearly remember such discussions being made.
Jackbudsceptic eye was still a mod and this guy was super soft, he even went on Canadian TV lol.
He was a fraud from the start too. It was obvious by how much he shit on incel's copes.
Have you noticed that a lot of fakecels tend to from the very start shit on a lot of copes that incels find themselves immersed in?
Hardcore guys were peeps like Chadfishman who was actually based enough to really chadfish girl IRL and record them.
He was a presence for sure.
FanceanLMS still used to hang around the place.
He's kind of hated now despite the rules of this forum saying there can "technically" be blackpilled normies that have had sex as long as they didn't brag.
Unfortunately that didn't save mylifeistrash.
I mostly prefered Braincels because they were tenfold funnier and more social. There was also camaredery and empathy between Incels.
Reddit is just more tempered overall because of the stricter rules of engagement and what you can say without getting brigaded or banned tbh
Here its more like everybody hates each other and openly despise anything about life jfl.
Wonder why they havent roped tbh.
Now that is just the culture of this place lol. There is nothing to be happy about as an incel.
.co was always reatrded but starting 2019, the place really went to shit lol
I think this website moved past its edgelord days and as a result is a lot quieter now. This is almost universally seen as bad here but imo all the edgy talk leading up to the AM and yoga occurrences made it really easy for the media to pin the blame on incels and start a new moral panic centered around incels. You know they've tried this forever with mras, mgtow, tfl and the like for so long. They weren't successful though for the longest time because those groups of people were smart enough to know not to explicitly endorse violence or racist edgy rhetoric. The people looking to demonize low smv males got their big break when edgy incels came on the scene. As a result just like the alt-right and their freakouts during and post Charlottesville, the media has used incels as a way to take down manosphere and men's rights communities at large.
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Why would a kid fucking other kids somehow mean an old man should be allowed to fuck them, which btw, most of these pedo fucks are 30+ so stop with the charitable numbers. Anyways I've said my peace go talk about it on pedos.co if you ask me
If other teens could bang teens, non teens could bang them as well. Your argument is based on emotion rather than logic. Teens aren’t child.

You sound no different than women with abortion:

if a woman was on her way to an abortion clinic and was murdered on the way. It’s double homicide.

But if she got their safely and aborted it’s not homicide.

Your playing Schrödinger’s cat. You guys aren’t logically consistent, which is why most on this site aren’t blackpill.
Any guy with 2 brain cells know why it is ethically wrong IN MODERN TIMES to sexualize teenagers.
Yes, men used to have marry, have sex and create families with 14-17 year old girls back in the days,
but we dont do it today for various ethical reasons.
You seem to be intentionally vague.

I could just as easily say people bully ugly men for "various ethical reasons" to try and justify that too.

alot of people here think they are genuinely good people,
but promote rape, pedophilia, sexual exploitation, full on race superiority and are Madonna whored retard autists,
If you want to call out particular users and provide exact quotes (link the post, quote them EXACTLY) then I'll hear your criticisms but otherwise STFU with your generic paraphrasing BS
.co is obsessed with fucking teenagers jfl
who in particular?

I think a lot of us would be fine fucking non-teens also
If you want to call out particular users and provide exact quotes (link the post, quote them EXACTLY) then I'll hear your criticisms but otherwise STFU with your generic paraphrasing BS

just fucking lol, i dont need to point out anything. those things are all over the place on the forum.
This thread is typical example of users defending adult legal male having sexual relation with minors, without understanding the implications.

Do I rellay need to point out the forum has been overrun with alt-right stormfront neo-nazies? Cant click on a thread without seeing that crap.

Allusions are not that rare either.

Tbh, its not so much that I care, i dgif honestly but I hate when people here swtich coats when normies points those things out.

Stop defending this place lol, most people here simps as well and would kill each other if it means they d get a gf doing so.
i dont need to point out anything.
those things are all over the place on the forum.
You can find any manner of anything, including IT impersonators, so people should only respond to specific and not generic criticisms.

This thread is typical example of users defending adult legal male having sexual relation with minors,
without understanding the implications.
You're moving the goalposts: you mentioned RAPE bro.
Tbh, its not so much that I care, i dgif honestly but I hate when people here swtich coats when normies points those things out.
Don’t care what normies think. Teens aren’t children. Teens for a very long time of human existence have been having sex with each other. If they can have sex with each other non teens can too. Teens aren’t innocent children.

It will be better for the teen to get married off to an established man. So younger men can get their act together and repeat the cycle.
I hate them as well but watching IT seethe over them is fun
Can you live in harmony with agecucks if aside from that issue they believe in and follow Christian views as told in The B
Agecuckoldry is phariseeism, i.e. upholding random manmade rules instead of God's rules. Where in the bible is it written that teenagers must not marry, or that people with age differences must not marry? All that crap comes from feminism and not from the bible.

Actually, it's worse than mere phariseeism, because it's not upholding random rules like washing your hands X times before a meal, it's upholding random rules that DAMAGE society, marriage and the relationships between the sexes. They encourage or at least allow young women to fornicate, but disencourage them to marry like it's written in the word that people should do if they want to have sex.

Actually, nowadays I believe the bible warned us about agecuckoldry. The following passage has a manifold application, since I believe it also applies to the Roman "catholic" "church" and various other cults such as the SDAs, but it also applies to things like feminist agecuckoldry phariseeism IMO:

1st Timothy 4 KJV:

1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

What do people tell teenagers and even young adults nowadays? "Don't marry, you're too young, go fornicate around a bit instead!". In the case of underage people, they are forbidden by the feminist laws to marry.

Any guy with 2 brain cells know why it is ethically wrong IN MODERN TIMES to sexualize teenagers.
Morality doesn't change with time. It was never ever wrong to marry sexually developed young people. On the contrary, it's better for them to marry than to give in to fornication and degeneracy.

1 Timothy 5:14​

“I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.”

I don't like actual pedos, being attracted to a foid that has tits is not pedo. I was also molested by a pedo when I was 7 or 8, it remains my only sexual experience so I hate pedos for that as well.

I hate rapists because they are typically Chads and foids like rapists. Rapists have always had foids attracted to them. I hate Chads, I hate foids and I hate what foids like. So logically I hate rapists.
Unironically the hottest take on .co
I hate rapists because they are typically Chads and foids like rapists. Rapists have always had foids attracted to them. I hate Chads, I hate foids and I hate what foids like. So logically I hate rapists.
Non chad rapists are based?
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I don't like actual pedos, being attracted to a foid that has tits is not pedo.
It's not pedo to be attracted to pettanko foids either.
Pedophilia is being fixated on prepubescent foids (note this means before puberty, NOT during) for 6+ months and getting so frustrated by it that you get depressed or start breaking laws to cope. DSM has strict requirements for the disorder.

I was also molested by a pedo when I was 7 or 8, it remains my only sexual experience so I hate pedos for that as well.
That's fucking moronic, that's like a woman hating all heterosexual men because one heterosexual man raped her.
Stop being emo like a foid.
I.hate pedophilles but not rapists
Oh wow, a very brave and controversial position to take:rolleyes:.

Fierce opposition to "pedophilia" is a product of a feminized, atomized, matriarchal culture.

And rape was traditionally seen as a serious crime because it robbed a woman of her honor. Because the women in the modern age are mostly shamelessly dishdishonorable, how serious is rape as a crime really?

Take your moralfagging, white-knighting, and agecucking somewhere else. I can see plenty of that on the social media platforms that are frequented by normgroids, I don't need to see any more of that nonsense here.why are you a ped ?
I don't know I never really had a problem with counting everyone up untill age 16 as a child. It's debatable though. I do see the difference between some 15 year old hooking up with a 20 year old and a 20 year old grooming 5-12 year olds.
Middle aged people think that 20 Something's are children.
I care about rape if it's a married decent woman or widow, an actual prepubescent child, an undeserving man or a virgin foid waiting for marriage getting raped. Other than that, I genuinely don't care at all. Women get off to rape, btw.

Likewise, I care about pedophilia if it's some prepubescent child getting brutally raped. Meme feminist-defined pedophilia isn't pedophilia, let alone child rape.
I care about rape if it's a married decent woman or widow, an actual prepubescent child, an undeserving man or a virgin foid waiting for marriage getting raped. Other than that, I genuinely don't care at all. Women get off to rape, btw.

Likewise, I care about pedophilia if it's some prepubescent child getting brutally raped. Meme feminist-defined pedophilia isn't pedophilia, let alone child rape.
Rosties don't care about male genital mutilation and prison rape, so you have to be a cucked soyfag to care when a random whore gets raped.
Rosties don't care about male genital mutilation and prison rape, so you have to be a cucked soyfag to care when a random whore gets raped.
Yup. They don't care at all about us, foids wouldn't touch your peepee to save your from being skinned alive. That's another reason why OP and other agecucked simps are pathetic.
Yup. They don't care at all about us, foids wouldn't touch your peepee to save your from being skinned alive. That's another reason why OP and other agecucked simps are pathetic.
Nothing is worse than a soyfag cuck who cares about whores who despise him. I wouldn't be surprised if op is a normie or a rostie from IT.
Call me bluepilled cuck, but I do not support that bullshit. Especially pedophilia, which is worse than everything. If you are a pedocel, go fuck yourself.
Kys cuck.
Take your moralfagging, white-knighting, and agecucking somewhere else. I can see plenty of that on the social media platforms that are frequented by normgroids, I don't need to see any more of that nonsense here.
N0o0o0 you shouldn't be attracted to women's below 35 years old with 3 kids from different fathers, you god damn ped :soy::feels::feels:
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Nothing is worse than a soyfag cuck who cares about whores who despise him. I wouldn't be surprised if op is a normie or a rostie from IT.
Very hard to respect a masochistic cuck who still sides with the women who despise him against his fellow incel men for any petty reason (saying they like young teens or something like this).
Very hard to respect a masochistic cuck who still sides with the women who despise him against his fellow incel men for any petty reason (saying they like young teens or something like this).
We used to call those cucks uncletomcels.
People who lust over prepubescent children and people who defend them make me sick.
Rapists I dissaprove, but don't feel emotionally repulsed in the same way.
soyciety wants you to only be attracted to 30+y.o used up roast meat flaps so that the old hags can get more attention.
Not only those rosties rejected us in their prime so they can chase chads, they want to force us to only date foids their age because they're scared of ending up being lonely cat ladies. It's not about "muh children" whores get millions of abortions a day and kill their babies, they don't care about children, they don't want to lose their betabuxxers in their 30's and 40's.
Incel forums are notorious for attracting trannies and pedophiles. It's not like pedophiles openly have online spaces to congregate to and talk about the little children they'd like to fuck, so they latch themselves onto incel forums, because they too are social rejects and outcasts like incels, at least tangentially. So, naturally, they gravitate to places like .co and are very vocal in attacking anyone who doesn't like to fuck little children by calling them "moralfags" and "agecucks," and try to aggressively propagandize and try to change the forum's culture.

Incel forums attract all sorts of oddballs. I mean, for fuck's sake, we have a user who larps as a fucking gorilla and has been keeping the larp going for years, and the rest of us just play along and go with it, because even he has to cope somehow. And we have a user who faps to anything and everything under the sun that's cartoon porn, and has a fetish for the weirdest shit imaginable (you do you, but it's still fucking weird as fuck bro).

Pedophiles on incel forums is like the overhead for having an incel forum. You just sort of learn to deal with and ignore them for the most part.

That's fucking moronic, that's like a woman hating all heterosexual men because one heterosexual man raped her.
Stop being emo like a foid.
You're ragging on him because he got molested as a kid and hates the sickos who do that sort of thing? WTF? Are you serious?
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most cucks claim they care about children and thats why they "hate pedos" but I've seen many normies on gore websites on videos that invole children being killed, tortured, beaten, humiliated and even committing suicide and all of the people in the comments were making a joke out of it, but god forbid an adult shows a slight attraction towards someone under the age of 18 and they are considered "scum of the earth" according to this mentally deranged society.
Jfl. Cucks would rather see a kid get torn limb from limb than see her with an adult non chad, because cucks will only think something is acceptable if it doesn't bother foids that much. Foids don't really care about kids being brutally killed nearly as much as them having sex with a non chad. Many times moms even killed their babies, and soys and whores always make excuses for them. Cucks were even lining up to marry casey anthony after she came out of jail.

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