Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

JFL Komesarj did actually get a girlfriend and here's who she is... But it's not what you think!

Dude looks like a normie. Mental-cel diagnoses. Most normies are mental-cels until they reach 16-17.
the fact you think a foid with a BF that wants to go to a rave alone for some reason isn't proof enough she cheated proves despite you being an incel, you definitely are not remotely blackpilled

I've heard from multiple people that talked with komesarj he even said she cheated on him and he has been suspicious of her for a little bit before

"according to her"

you believe this e-girl whore who is fucking every "incel" with any following she can for clout and lying every step. you literally deserve to be banned for the amount of simpery.

get fucking real, you look beyond pathetic rn
He's an idiot bro

The only reason he never got permabanned was because we deemed him to be a deranged retard
JFL at how Komesarj was acting like he's a chad
I don't know who this foid is but it's sad how much attention she gets
shit this thread's been up for three days and I didn't even notice it until now despite it being stickied

Bro you're playing right into her hands giving her the attention she craves - I could've made a thread like this months ago if I'd wanted to but her desire to pander to the masses is unhealthy and will lead her and any men involved with her into ruin, that's why I didn't indulge the subtle hints she kept dropping (indirectly) about wanting something like this.

I was told this was how she was up until 2022 as well, and I trusted her word on that but I'm beginning to doubt it now.
I gave her every benefit of the doubt but she lied about her plans and intentions in important ways, so now I'm wondering just how much else she gaslit me about.

I do genuinely think she's a fan of a lot of the enjo kosai and kidnapping stories she would talk to me about because that fascination does align well with her behaviors.

That part didn't bother me, what bothered me is the months of gaslighting he did ghosting me and lying about the girl interested in me having taken off and being non-contactable, while grooming her for months.

I expect she was a lot more stable and better wife material for me because he got his claws in her, now I just don't think I could trust her enough to be happy with her.

Zoe if you want to change my mind then refund my money before buying shit for IBL, you have my paypal.

I still honestly think the 2022 version of Zoe would have liked me, I still think I nearly got with the 2023 version but she was too addicted to thrill-chasing and impatient by that point.

We can be better than this, she's at a healthy weight and while she could drop some pounds as she desires and remain healthy, there's no reason to fat-shame her.

I'm also above a healthy amount of body fat and it would be hypocritical for me to condemn her on that. I just worry about her suffering vitamin deficiencies the way she cuts calories non-strategically.

She made posts about how her drug use have caused her intelligence to diminish so I blame Komesarj for that.

I can tell she at least used to be a very intelligent person based on her wonderful library of manga, and I saw echoes of this in some of our conversations.

It's just a lot of the time she seemed very strung out and barely coherent and I blame Kom for getting her into that reckless and addictive lifestyle.

I don't understand, you would leave her?

I would have spent the rest of my life with her, but not anymore.

View attachment 1023866

The despair of realizing she's destroyed her chance with the best wizard-man (myself) by throwing in with these fakecel slut druggies will prob drive her to an hero in 5 years as she always planned - and I may finally forgive her if she sends her loli merch to me. I would maintain a shrine for her in appreciation if that happened.

I'm still highly confident he fed that story to them with a fake account, that weird twitter account had to be either his or minmin's alt, there was never any evidence it was a distinct person and it's gone now. I forget the name.

I've known she's real since August but have kept it private because I took her at her word that she wanted privacy - she clearly doesn't now though, if she ever did.

Despite that I'm not participating in giving out any info because you guys are playing into her hands doing threads like these. I feel like a cuck just replying to them.

This has nothing to do with race - Kom is ethnic and she went with him instead of me, a taller white guy.

Not sure how tall IBL is but likely the reasons she chose him, if I were to speculate:
1) thinner​
2) more famous​
3) lower-inhib​
4) self-harms​
5) does drugs​
6) cheater​
7) accessible (in the city)​

If there's other reasons she can always fill me in on it, I didn't bother to watch most of the recent livestreams but I'm not going to block her on socials like Kom did.

I hope not, she'd love that - I want her to grow old and avoid the suicide she brags about and come to realize that she blew her chance at a proper soulmate forever-romance with me by pulling this nonsense. Just because I'd tolerate Kom's microdick having touched her under the auspice of deception doesn't mean I'd tolerate this - I'm not your backup plan Z.

Incorrect, as someone who monitored her from the shadows the entire time, I can confirm she dyed her hair pink PRIOR to the breakup, not after.
She also already had piercings preceding the breakup. I don't know when she got her first ones.
The only piercing post-breakup was her bridge, which she did herself and sent me gory photos of which I won't share without her consent.
She asked me to buy her piercings and I had planned on doing it until I found out she wasted my Amazon Gift Card on robotablets.

One of the Tyrone guys allegedly fucking his ex VeganPatriot will probably off him or something as revenge for breaking his heart and I won't mourn him.
That guy was rude to me in the chat, he's as unethical as she is if he approves of how she treated me.

I thought Kom was also balding though... and also isn't IncelBinLaden under his turban?
Guess she has a type - my mane was too glorious and mogged her hair so she couldn't tolerate me :(

He's not a good person - you're forgetting what he did to me again, or how he ghosted you after he was done using you to manipulate Z and Me.

There's never been any evidence that whole sob story is true and I have zero reason to believe it considering his decision to be dishonest with me.

She's half-wasian (I called her a quappa, Kom wrongly called her a happa) and I actually find her body intensely physically attractive.
Honestly it'd be a coping mechanism to pick on her looks just because I'm upset with how she treated me.
She didn't seem very confident about them though, would constantly DM me every night in November/December asking if she looked fat and shit and I had to keep assuring he she was beautiful - guess this was just to build up her confidence to date terrorist chadlite though.
Here I was concerned she would hurt herself because of being upset over things ending with Kom, but there wasn't any mutual empathy for how the experience affected me.

She'd probably say it's unmanly for me to bitch about it though, there's a culture of intense entitled sexism amongst her and her friends which is somewhat alienating.

We barely reacted to it until it got media coverage, given his ulterior behaviors Occam's Razor tells me he actually had a network of media contacts and fed them the story.

They never even had proper sex, notice he never got her pregnant like I planned to, IBL is saying he will but I think it's just a meme and he's too much of a coward and will wear a condom and avoid breeding her properly like she wants.

The only way I'd ever do this now is if she became completely obsessed with me and tracked me down and gave me a bunch of gifts and spread for my convenience. My dreams of going out of my way (ie paying for my or her travel) for a chance are gone now. She can only aspire to be a hole to be hatefucked for cathartic release now. Only by debasing herself to that level could she redeem herself in my eyes for gaming me like this.

There's nothing wrong with Minmin it's a great manga reference, it's just flying over your head.

Traditional men don't do drugs and blackmail underage girls with terrorist threats.
He wasn't traditional he was just pathetic and immoral.

Where's your proof? I'm not saying it's impossible (or even unlikely) but IBL is the only one I'm aware of that she talked to.
I'm not in the habit of asserting things without evidence no matter where my suspicions lead.

honestly calling people nigga you're just like him, I hate all you idiots using nigga

If you really want to be edgy just call each other niggers instead. Fuck your -ga

She looked attractive enough, it's mainly her history of male association and drug habits that dissuade me from wanting to me with her, the same way I'm still dissuaded from wanting to put effort into pursuing Zoe now.

I don't think he did - they never had actual sex and everything he did do with her happened under a state of coercive deception, and rape is not ascension anymore than escortcelling is.

Anyone who doesn't think he had an alt set up in 2022 already leading up to this is coping, of course he's here

Unlikely, this IBL hookup is going to be volatile, I don't know if it will be weeks or months or years but something will happen.

She'd be pregnant if they had sex, maybe she let him put a condom inside her vagina and pretended it was sex.

How much money do you have saved up?

I found her beautiful without makeup but maybe that's because of being smitten - one tends to tack on decile ratings when in love.

There's nothing "weird" about these behaviors since they're actually mainstream.
If she wanted to be a weirdo she would've been chaste like she promised and dedicated herself to becoming my tradwife while we were degen lolicons in secret.
Now it can never be.

I didn't watch all of it but I only remember seeing him lying on top of her and barely moving so it seemed more like they were hugging and fucked off-camera earlier.

The only mystery being solved is me finally understanding the nature of her character - something the rest of you will never understand.

This is like saying Bill Clinton is funny - you're basically cucking yourself orbiting these low-inhib woman-abusers who collectively ruin the pair-bonding of the female psyche for the rest of us.

There's good reason in centuries past we used to string up rakes like these.

It's a sad state that I tried to discourage but she is fixated on illusion and being fake towards others, her fascination with IBL is likely that he is equally fake and they can be fake and famous together.

It's boring, It's normy. You're cucks if you help them by giving them the attention they crave.

why are you being Kom's bitch?

Kom was impure from the outset and betrayed the trust of his brothers to try and interfere with the girl who was in love with me.

Minmin didn't sell her soul - Kom corrupted it by lying to her about me being disinterestd so she coped with the only other available thing at the time, even though he had nothing in common with her, she was desperate and heartbroken because she couldn't have me.

I think maybe that's why she sabotaged the actual chance she had with me a year later - because she doesn't think she's good enough for me. It's really tragic, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Though perhaps in being selfless enough to drive me away she is showing a morality that makes her worthy of me?
Naw that's just me coping again, it has to be...

I don't find escorts that appealing but I guess in retrospect if I had spent the money I spent on Zoe with a whore I could've had an interesting time trying out sex and wouldn't have wasted so much time and emotional investment on a girl who led me on with false expectations of her returning the love I had for her.

She's definitely slutty now getting with the likes of IBL but I don't think she was slutty in 2022, she was just unstable and Kom groomed her and ruined her ability to pair-bond.

That's why she can only go through the motions of love but ultimately not live up to them - why she led me on but had no loyalty to me. Kom wrecked her ability to trust men because he cheated on her and tried to fuck underage jailbait while they were e-dating.

hey if you like other men's cum as lube be my guest, not my particular fetish

He actually did not leave the moment he got her.

He began grooming her back in September 2022 (back when she came looking to date ME but he interfered) and only announced they were together in April, so he was deceiving us for eight months pretending he was a truecel while having a girlfriend.

Master kept him on as a mod the entire time despite knowing full well what he was upt to, and then just gave him modship on LooksMax when Kom decided to come out.

Master has never shown any remorse, he should be giving me full mod powers as payment for this treachery but I guess he's too busy trying to get teencels to off themselves.

they're the wrong women for me

ah well, she did keep saying I couldn't save her, couldn't fix her - I thought it was a LARP so I'd try harder to prove her wrong but I've decided she really must be in love with self-destruction

I got to read some interesting manga because of her and I'm sure when I get around to watching Love Live Sunshine I'll be thinking about her constantly, so I guess she has somewhat immortalized herself by impregnating my brain

huh... turns out I was already following him even before Z told me, I hadn't bothered to check if there was a profile, though it looks like it's private
makes me wonder if I ever replied to the guy's posts before, I can't remember

Zoe was lonely and suicidal and in love with me, Kom convinced her I didn't want to talk to her and put himself in a role of emotional dependance so she thought she loved him, when of course she didn't - she loved the facade he put up while secretly grooming underage girls behind her back.

This led to her hurting herself in summer 2023 when others connected the dots and exposed how he wasn't being faithful to her at all.
He used this moment of self-harm to lovebomb her and convinced her he didn't cheat using fake evidence while giving secret terrorist threats to the minors he tried to groom.
Deep down she clearly knew it was bullshit though and she was lying to herself.
That's why she pulled away, and just drank herself into a stupor with all the alcohol he was constantly plying her with.

Reminder: drinking age in USA is 21 so this is illegal, Kom was criminally drugging a minor and raping her, not just with chemicals but also with deceit and with financial dependence since he isolated her by convincing her to move out of her parents' home and live with him in a foreign state where she had no adjacent social contacts and her only ability to interact was using a small cellphone.

from September 2022 until November 2023, he would abandon her (probably to cheat more) and she got lonely and did drugs and self-harm and eventually raves, then accused her of cheating (likely no evidence just he didn't like her leaving the house like he did) and deported her

if it had been me then I would've just locked her in a room so she couldn't go partying - I think that's what she secretly wants anyway, for someone to love her enough to overpower her rebellious attitude

perhaps it will be my room eventually, she should give me all her loli merch as amends for toying with my affections as she did

who else are you talking about?

never shared any with me even though I told her I was into that stuff :(
they're prob fine but she's prob self-conscious and thinks there's some problem with them

I'm probably far more paranoid than IBL - if he was actually paranoid to a large degree he would be more inhibited in his behaviors.

As far as schizophrenia what kind of hallucinations does he have?

People use terms like this without actually thinking about what they mean.

I for example experience mild auditory hallucinations as a result of chronic stress and sleep deprivation - mild schizophrenic symptoms doesn't mean one is actually believing in the false sensory input as genuine input.

Do you have a video of this? Might be interested in watching, sounds less cringe than this Zoe degeneracy.

Yeah, Kom fucked Sara Malala and went through a similar patternn of accusing her of cheating and abandoning her to cheat w/ Zoe before properly concluding things with Sara, very sad

I would love to talk to Malala Sara some day and get her take on things, since there's always multiple sides and Kom lies and can't be trusted.

It isn't, I've seen older pics from her from years before meeting Kom, she's always had great taste and has collected this stuff a long time, it's why I was falling for her really bad.
Basically she seems at war with cherishing her itabeya - sometimes she seems proud of it, but then she goes and abandons it to go partying and associates with people who look down on it. I think because she started this collecting while obese she associates it with a negative time in her life and has mixed feelings.

shit this thread's been up for three days and I didn't even notice it until now despite it being stickied

Bro you're playing right into her hands giving her the attention she craves - I could've made a thread like this months ago if I'd wanted to but her desire to pander to the masses is unhealthy and will lead her and any men involved with her into ruin, that's why I didn't indulge the subtle hints she kept dropping (indirectly) about wanting something like this.

I was told this was how she was up until 2022 as well, and I trusted her word on that but I'm beginning to doubt it now.
I gave her every benefit of the doubt but she lied about her plans and intentions in important ways, so now I'm wondering just how much else she gaslit me about.

I do genuinely think she's a fan of a lot of the enjo kosai and kidnapping stories she would talk to me about because that fascination does align well with her behaviors.

That part didn't bother me, what bothered me is the months of gaslighting he did ghosting me and lying about the girl interested in me having taken off and being non-contactable, while grooming her for months.

I expect she was a lot more stable and better wife material for me because he got his claws in her, now I just don't think I could trust her enough to be happy with her.

Zoe if you want to change my mind then refund my money before buying shit for IBL, you have my paypal.

I still honestly think the 2022 version of Zoe would have liked me, I still think I nearly got with the 2023 version but she was too addicted to thrill-chasing and impatient by that point.

We can be better than this, she's at a healthy weight and while she could drop some pounds as she desires and remain healthy, there's no reason to fat-shame her.

I'm also above a healthy amount of body fat and it would be hypocritical for me to condemn her on that. I just worry about her suffering vitamin deficiencies the way she cuts calories non-strategically.

She made posts about how her drug use have caused her intelligence to diminish so I blame Komesarj for that.

I can tell she at least used to be a very intelligent person based on her wonderful library of manga, and I saw echoes of this in some of our conversations.

It's just a lot of the time she seemed very strung out and barely coherent and I blame Kom for getting her into that reckless and addictive lifestyle.

I don't understand, you would leave her?

I would have spent the rest of my life with her, but not anymore.

View attachment 1023866

The despair of realizing she's destroyed her chance with the best wizard-man (myself) by throwing in with these fakecel slut druggies will prob drive her to an hero in 5 years as she always planned - and I may finally forgive her if she sends her loli merch to me. I would maintain a shrine for her in appreciation if that happened.

I'm still highly confident he fed that story to them with a fake account, that weird twitter account had to be either his or minmin's alt, there was never any evidence it was a distinct person and it's gone now. I forget the name.

I've known she's real since August but have kept it private because I took her at her word that she wanted privacy - she clearly doesn't now though, if she ever did.

Despite that I'm not participating in giving out any info because you guys are playing into her hands doing threads like these. I feel like a cuck just replying to them.

This has nothing to do with race - Kom is ethnic and she went with him instead of me, a taller white guy.

Not sure how tall IBL is but likely the reasons she chose him, if I were to speculate:
1) thinner​
2) more famous​
3) lower-inhib​
4) self-harms​
5) does drugs​
6) cheater​
7) accessible (in the city)​

If there's other reasons she can always fill me in on it, I didn't bother to watch most of the recent livestreams but I'm not going to block her on socials like Kom did.

I hope not, she'd love that - I want her to grow old and avoid the suicide she brags about and come to realize that she blew her chance at a proper soulmate forever-romance with me by pulling this nonsense. Just because I'd tolerate Kom's microdick having touched her under the auspice of deception doesn't mean I'd tolerate this - I'm not your backup plan Z.

Incorrect, as someone who monitored her from the shadows the entire time, I can confirm she dyed her hair pink PRIOR to the breakup, not after.
She also already had piercings preceding the breakup. I don't know when she got her first ones.
The only piercing post-breakup was her bridge, which she did herself and sent me gory photos of which I won't share without her consent.
She asked me to buy her piercings and I had planned on doing it until I found out she wasted my Amazon Gift Card on robotablets.

One of the Tyrone guys allegedly fucking his ex VeganPatriot will probably off him or something as revenge for breaking his heart and I won't mourn him.
That guy was rude to me in the chat, he's as unethical as she is if he approves of how she treated me.

I thought Kom was also balding though... and also isn't IncelBinLaden under his turban?
Guess she has a type - my mane was too glorious and mogged her hair so she couldn't tolerate me :(

He's not a good person - you're forgetting what he did to me again, or how he ghosted you after he was done using you to manipulate Z and Me.

There's never been any evidence that whole sob story is true and I have zero reason to believe it considering his decision to be dishonest with me.

She's half-wasian (I called her a quappa, Kom wrongly called her a happa) and I actually find her body intensely physically attractive.
Honestly it'd be a coping mechanism to pick on her looks just because I'm upset with how she treated me.
She didn't seem very confident about them though, would constantly DM me every night in November/December asking if she looked fat and shit and I had to keep assuring he she was beautiful - guess this was just to build up her confidence to date terrorist chadlite though.
Here I was concerned she would hurt herself because of being upset over things ending with Kom, but there wasn't any mutual empathy for how the experience affected me.

She'd probably say it's unmanly for me to bitch about it though, there's a culture of intense entitled sexism amongst her and her friends which is somewhat alienating.

We barely reacted to it until it got media coverage, given his ulterior behaviors Occam's Razor tells me he actually had a network of media contacts and fed them the story.

They never even had proper sex, notice he never got her pregnant like I planned to, IBL is saying he will but I think it's just a meme and he's too much of a coward and will wear a condom and avoid breeding her properly like she wants.

The only way I'd ever do this now is if she became completely obsessed with me and tracked me down and gave me a bunch of gifts and spread for my convenience. My dreams of going out of my way (ie paying for my or her travel) for a chance are gone now. She can only aspire to be a hole to be hatefucked for cathartic release now. Only by debasing herself to that level could she redeem herself in my eyes for gaming me like this.

There's nothing wrong with Minmin it's a great manga reference, it's just flying over your head.

Traditional men don't do drugs and blackmail underage girls with terrorist threats.
He wasn't traditional he was just pathetic and immoral.

Where's your proof? I'm not saying it's impossible (or even unlikely) but IBL is the only one I'm aware of that she talked to.
I'm not in the habit of asserting things without evidence no matter where my suspicions lead.

honestly calling people nigga you're just like him, I hate all you idiots using nigga

If you really want to be edgy just call each other niggers instead. Fuck your -ga

She looked attractive enough, it's mainly her history of male association and drug habits that dissuade me from wanting to me with her, the same way I'm still dissuaded from wanting to put effort into pursuing Zoe now.

I don't think he did - they never had actual sex and everything he did do with her happened under a state of coercive deception, and rape is not ascension anymore than escortcelling is.

Anyone who doesn't think he had an alt set up in 2022 already leading up to this is coping, of course he's here

Unlikely, this IBL hookup is going to be volatile, I don't know if it will be weeks or months or years but something will happen.

She'd be pregnant if they had sex, maybe she let him put a condom inside her vagina and pretended it was sex.

How much money do you have saved up?

I found her beautiful without makeup but maybe that's because of being smitten - one tends to tack on decile ratings when in love.

There's nothing "weird" about these behaviors since they're actually mainstream.
If she wanted to be a weirdo she would've been chaste like she promised and dedicated herself to becoming my tradwife while we were degen lolicons in secret.
Now it can never be.

I didn't watch all of it but I only remember seeing him lying on top of her and barely moving so it seemed more like they were hugging and fucked off-camera earlier.

The only mystery being solved is me finally understanding the nature of her character - something the rest of you will never understand.

This is like saying Bill Clinton is funny - you're basically cucking yourself orbiting these low-inhib woman-abusers who collectively ruin the pair-bonding of the female psyche for the rest of us.

There's good reason in centuries past we used to string up rakes like these.

It's a sad state that I tried to discourage but she is fixated on illusion and being fake towards others, her fascination with IBL is likely that he is equally fake and they can be fake and famous together.

It's boring, It's normy. You're cucks if you help them by giving them the attention they crave.

why are you being Kom's bitch?

Kom was impure from the outset and betrayed the trust of his brothers to try and interfere with the girl who was in love with me.

Minmin didn't sell her soul - Kom corrupted it by lying to her about me being disinterestd so she coped with the only other available thing at the time, even though he had nothing in common with her, she was desperate and heartbroken because she couldn't have me.

I think maybe that's why she sabotaged the actual chance she had with me a year later - because she doesn't think she's good enough for me. It's really tragic, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Though perhaps in being selfless enough to drive me away she is showing a morality that makes her worthy of me?
Naw that's just me coping again, it has to be...

I don't find escorts that appealing but I guess in retrospect if I had spent the money I spent on Zoe with a whore I could've had an interesting time trying out sex and wouldn't have wasted so much time and emotional investment on a girl who led me on with false expectations of her returning the love I had for her.

She's definitely slutty now getting with the likes of IBL but I don't think she was slutty in 2022, she was just unstable and Kom groomed her and ruined her ability to pair-bond.

That's why she can only go through the motions of love but ultimately not live up to them - why she led me on but had no loyalty to me. Kom wrecked her ability to trust men because he cheated on her and tried to fuck underage jailbait while they were e-dating.

hey if you like other men's cum as lube be my guest, not my particular fetish

He actually did not leave the moment he got her.

He began grooming her back in September 2022 (back when she came looking to date ME but he interfered) and only announced they were together in April, so he was deceiving us for eight months pretending he was a truecel while having a girlfriend.

Master kept him on as a mod the entire time despite knowing full well what he was upt to, and then just gave him modship on LooksMax when Kom decided to come out.

Master has never shown any remorse, he should be giving me full mod powers as payment for this treachery but I guess he's too busy trying to get teencels to off themselves.

they're the wrong women for me

ah well, she did keep saying I couldn't save her, couldn't fix her - I thought it was a LARP so I'd try harder to prove her wrong but I've decided she really must be in love with self-destruction

I got to read some interesting manga because of her and I'm sure when I get around to watching Love Live Sunshine I'll be thinking about her constantly, so I guess she has somewhat immortalized herself by impregnating my brain

huh... turns out I was already following him even before Z told me, I hadn't bothered to check if there was a profile, though it looks like it's private
makes me wonder if I ever replied to the guy's posts before, I can't remember

Zoe was lonely and suicidal and in love with me, Kom convinced her I didn't want to talk to her and put himself in a role of emotional dependance so she thought she loved him, when of course she didn't - she loved the facade he put up while secretly grooming underage girls behind her back.

This led to her hurting herself in summer 2023 when others connected the dots and exposed how he wasn't being faithful to her at all.
He used this moment of self-harm to lovebomb her and convinced her he didn't cheat using fake evidence while giving secret terrorist threats to the minors he tried to groom.
Deep down she clearly knew it was bullshit though and she was lying to herself.
That's why she pulled away, and just drank herself into a stupor with all the alcohol he was constantly plying her with.

Reminder: drinking age in USA is 21 so this is illegal, Kom was criminally drugging a minor and raping her, not just with chemicals but also with deceit and with financial dependence since he isolated her by convincing her to move out of her parents' home and live with him in a foreign state where she had no adjacent social contacts and her only ability to interact was using a small cellphone.

from September 2022 until November 2023, he would abandon her (probably to cheat more) and she got lonely and did drugs and self-harm and eventually raves, then accused her of cheating (likely no evidence just he didn't like her leaving the house like he did) and deported her

if it had been me then I would've just locked her in a room so she couldn't go partying - I think that's what she secretly wants anyway, for someone to love her enough to overpower her rebellious attitude

perhaps it will be my room eventually, she should give me all her loli merch as amends for toying with my affections as she did

who else are you talking about?

never shared any with me even though I told her I was into that stuff :(
they're prob fine but she's prob self-conscious and thinks there's some problem with them

I'm probably far more paranoid than IBL - if he was actually paranoid to a large degree he would be more inhibited in his behaviors.

As far as schizophrenia what kind of hallucinations does he have?

People use terms like this without actually thinking about what they mean.

I for example experience mild auditory hallucinations as a result of chronic stress and sleep deprivation - mild schizophrenic symptoms doesn't mean one is actually believing in the false sensory input as genuine input.

Do you have a video of this? Might be interested in watching, sounds less cringe than this Zoe degeneracy.

Yeah, Kom fucked Sara Malala and went through a similar patternn of accusing her of cheating and abandoning her to cheat w/ Zoe before properly concluding things with Sara, very sad

I would love to talk to Malala Sara some day and get her take on things, since there's always multiple sides and Kom lies and can't be trusted.

It isn't, I've seen older pics from her from years before meeting Kom, she's always had great taste and has collected this stuff a long time, it's why I was falling for her really bad.
Basically she seems at war with cherishing her itabeya - sometimes she seems proud of it, but then she goes and abandons it to go partying and associates with people who look down on it. I think because she started this collecting while obese she associates it with a negative time in her life and has mixed feelings.
I think
shit this thread's been up for three days and I didn't even notice it until now despite it being stickied

Bro you're playing right into her hands giving her the attention she craves - I could've made a thread like this months ago if I'd wanted to but her desire to pander to the masses is unhealthy and will lead her and any men involved with her into ruin, that's why I didn't indulge the subtle hints she kept dropping (indirectly) about wanting something like this.

I was told this was how she was up until 2022 as well, and I trusted her word on that but I'm beginning to doubt it now.
I gave her every benefit of the doubt but she lied about her plans and intentions in important ways, so now I'm wondering just how much else she gaslit me about.

I do genuinely think she's a fan of a lot of the enjo kosai and kidnapping stories she would talk to me about because that fascination does align well with her behaviors.

That part didn't bother me, what bothered me is the months of gaslighting he did ghosting me and lying about the girl interested in me having taken off and being non-contactable, while grooming her for months.

I expect she was a lot more stable and better wife material for me because he got his claws in her, now I just don't think I could trust her enough to be happy with her.

Zoe if you want to change my mind then refund my money before buying shit for IBL, you have my paypal.

I still honestly think the 2022 version of Zoe would have liked me, I still think I nearly got with the 2023 version but she was too addicted to thrill-chasing and impatient by that point.

We can be better than this, she's at a healthy weight and while she could drop some pounds as she desires and remain healthy, there's no reason to fat-shame her.

I'm also above a healthy amount of body fat and it would be hypocritical for me to condemn her on that. I just worry about her suffering vitamin deficiencies the way she cuts calories non-strategically.

She made posts about how her drug use have caused her intelligence to diminish so I blame Komesarj for that.

I can tell she at least used to be a very intelligent person based on her wonderful library of manga, and I saw echoes of this in some of our conversations.

It's just a lot of the time she seemed very strung out and barely coherent and I blame Kom for getting her into that reckless and addictive lifestyle.

I don't understand, you would leave her?

I would have spent the rest of my life with her, but not anymore.

View attachment 1023866

The despair of realizing she's destroyed her chance with the best wizard-man (myself) by throwing in with these fakecel slut druggies will prob drive her to an hero in 5 years as she always planned - and I may finally forgive her if she sends her loli merch to me. I would maintain a shrine for her in appreciation if that happened.

I'm still highly confident he fed that story to them with a fake account, that weird twitter account had to be either his or minmin's alt, there was never any evidence it was a distinct person and it's gone now. I forget the name.

I've known she's real since August but have kept it private because I took her at her word that she wanted privacy - she clearly doesn't now though, if she ever did.

Despite that I'm not participating in giving out any info because you guys are playing into her hands doing threads like these. I feel like a cuck just replying to them.

This has nothing to do with race - Kom is ethnic and she went with him instead of me, a taller white guy.

Not sure how tall IBL is but likely the reasons she chose him, if I were to speculate:
1) thinner​
2) more famous​
3) lower-inhib​
4) self-harms​
5) does drugs​
6) cheater​
7) accessible (in the city)​

If there's other reasons she can always fill me in on it, I didn't bother to watch most of the recent livestreams but I'm not going to block her on socials like Kom did.

I hope not, she'd love that - I want her to grow old and avoid the suicide she brags about and come to realize that she blew her chance at a proper soulmate forever-romance with me by pulling this nonsense. Just because I'd tolerate Kom's microdick having touched her under the auspice of deception doesn't mean I'd tolerate this - I'm not your backup plan Z.

Incorrect, as someone who monitored her from the shadows the entire time, I can confirm she dyed her hair pink PRIOR to the breakup, not after.
She also already had piercings preceding the breakup. I don't know when she got her first ones.
The only piercing post-breakup was her bridge, which she did herself and sent me gory photos of which I won't share without her consent.
She asked me to buy her piercings and I had planned on doing it until I found out she wasted my Amazon Gift Card on robotablets.

One of the Tyrone guys allegedly fucking his ex VeganPatriot will probably off him or something as revenge for breaking his heart and I won't mourn him.
That guy was rude to me in the chat, he's as unethical as she is if he approves of how she treated me.

I thought Kom was also balding though... and also isn't IncelBinLaden under his turban?
Guess she has a type - my mane was too glorious and mogged her hair so she couldn't tolerate me :(

He's not a good person - you're forgetting what he did to me again, or how he ghosted you after he was done using you to manipulate Z and Me.

There's never been any evidence that whole sob story is true and I have zero reason to believe it considering his decision to be dishonest with me.

She's half-wasian (I called her a quappa, Kom wrongly called her a happa) and I actually find her body intensely physically attractive.
Honestly it'd be a coping mechanism to pick on her looks just because I'm upset with how she treated me.
She didn't seem very confident about them though, would constantly DM me every night in November/December asking if she looked fat and shit and I had to keep assuring he she was beautiful - guess this was just to build up her confidence to date terrorist chadlite though.
Here I was concerned she would hurt herself because of being upset over things ending with Kom, but there wasn't any mutual empathy for how the experience affected me.

She'd probably say it's unmanly for me to bitch about it though, there's a culture of intense entitled sexism amongst her and her friends which is somewhat alienating.

We barely reacted to it until it got media coverage, given his ulterior behaviors Occam's Razor tells me he actually had a network of media contacts and fed them the story.

They never even had proper sex, notice he never got her pregnant like I planned to, IBL is saying he will but I think it's just a meme and he's too much of a coward and will wear a condom and avoid breeding her properly like she wants.

The only way I'd ever do this now is if she became completely obsessed with me and tracked me down and gave me a bunch of gifts and spread for my convenience. My dreams of going out of my way (ie paying for my or her travel) for a chance are gone now. She can only aspire to be a hole to be hatefucked for cathartic release now. Only by debasing herself to that level could she redeem herself in my eyes for gaming me like this.

There's nothing wrong with Minmin it's a great manga reference, it's just flying over your head.

Traditional men don't do drugs and blackmail underage girls with terrorist threats.
He wasn't traditional he was just pathetic and immoral.

Where's your proof? I'm not saying it's impossible (or even unlikely) but IBL is the only one I'm aware of that she talked to.
I'm not in the habit of asserting things without evidence no matter where my suspicions lead.

honestly calling people nigga you're just like him, I hate all you idiots using nigga

If you really want to be edgy just call each other niggers instead. Fuck your -ga

She looked attractive enough, it's mainly her history of male association and drug habits that dissuade me from wanting to me with her, the same way I'm still dissuaded from wanting to put effort into pursuing Zoe now.

I don't think he did - they never had actual sex and everything he did do with her happened under a state of coercive deception, and rape is not ascension anymore than escortcelling is.

Anyone who doesn't think he had an alt set up in 2022 already leading up to this is coping, of course he's here

Unlikely, this IBL hookup is going to be volatile, I don't know if it will be weeks or months or years but something will happen.

She'd be pregnant if they had sex, maybe she let him put a condom inside her vagina and pretended it was sex.

How much money do you have saved up?

I found her beautiful without makeup but maybe that's because of being smitten - one tends to tack on decile ratings when in love.

There's nothing "weird" about these behaviors since they're actually mainstream.
If she wanted to be a weirdo she would've been chaste like she promised and dedicated herself to becoming my tradwife while we were degen lolicons in secret.
Now it can never be.

I didn't watch all of it but I only remember seeing him lying on top of her and barely moving so it seemed more like they were hugging and fucked off-camera earlier.

The only mystery being solved is me finally understanding the nature of her character - something the rest of you will never understand.

This is like saying Bill Clinton is funny - you're basically cucking yourself orbiting these low-inhib woman-abusers who collectively ruin the pair-bonding of the female psyche for the rest of us.

There's good reason in centuries past we used to string up rakes like these.

It's a sad state that I tried to discourage but she is fixated on illusion and being fake towards others, her fascination with IBL is likely that he is equally fake and they can be fake and famous together.

It's boring, It's normy. You're cucks if you help them by giving them the attention they crave.

why are you being Kom's bitch?

Kom was impure from the outset and betrayed the trust of his brothers to try and interfere with the girl who was in love with me.

Minmin didn't sell her soul - Kom corrupted it by lying to her about me being disinterestd so she coped with the only other available thing at the time, even though he had nothing in common with her, she was desperate and heartbroken because she couldn't have me.

I think maybe that's why she sabotaged the actual chance she had with me a year later - because she doesn't think she's good enough for me. It's really tragic, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Though perhaps in being selfless enough to drive me away she is showing a morality that makes her worthy of me?
Naw that's just me coping again, it has to be...

I don't find escorts that appealing but I guess in retrospect if I had spent the money I spent on Zoe with a whore I could've had an interesting time trying out sex and wouldn't have wasted so much time and emotional investment on a girl who led me on with false expectations of her returning the love I had for her.

She's definitely slutty now getting with the likes of IBL but I don't think she was slutty in 2022, she was just unstable and Kom groomed her and ruined her ability to pair-bond.

That's why she can only go through the motions of love but ultimately not live up to them - why she led me on but had no loyalty to me. Kom wrecked her ability to trust men because he cheated on her and tried to fuck underage jailbait while they were e-dating.

hey if you like other men's cum as lube be my guest, not my particular fetish

He actually did not leave the moment he got her.

He began grooming her back in September 2022 (back when she came looking to date ME but he interfered) and only announced they were together in April, so he was deceiving us for eight months pretending he was a truecel while having a girlfriend.

Master kept him on as a mod the entire time despite knowing full well what he was upt to, and then just gave him modship on LooksMax when Kom decided to come out.

Master has never shown any remorse, he should be giving me full mod powers as payment for this treachery but I guess he's too busy trying to get teencels to off themselves.

they're the wrong women for me

ah well, she did keep saying I couldn't save her, couldn't fix her - I thought it was a LARP so I'd try harder to prove her wrong but I've decided she really must be in love with self-destruction

I got to read some interesting manga because of her and I'm sure when I get around to watching Love Live Sunshine I'll be thinking about her constantly, so I guess she has somewhat immortalized herself by impregnating my brain

huh... turns out I was already following him even before Z told me, I hadn't bothered to check if there was a profile, though it looks like it's private
makes me wonder if I ever replied to the guy's posts before, I can't remember

Zoe was lonely and suicidal and in love with me, Kom convinced her I didn't want to talk to her and put himself in a role of emotional dependance so she thought she loved him, when of course she didn't - she loved the facade he put up while secretly grooming underage girls behind her back.

This led to her hurting herself in summer 2023 when others connected the dots and exposed how he wasn't being faithful to her at all.
He used this moment of self-harm to lovebomb her and convinced her he didn't cheat using fake evidence while giving secret terrorist threats to the minors he tried to groom.
Deep down she clearly knew it was bullshit though and she was lying to herself.
That's why she pulled away, and just drank herself into a stupor with all the alcohol he was constantly plying her with.

Reminder: drinking age in USA is 21 so this is illegal, Kom was criminally drugging a minor and raping her, not just with chemicals but also with deceit and with financial dependence since he isolated her by convincing her to move out of her parents' home and live with him in a foreign state where she had no adjacent social contacts and her only ability to interact was using a small cellphone.

from September 2022 until November 2023, he would abandon her (probably to cheat more) and she got lonely and did drugs and self-harm and eventually raves, then accused her of cheating (likely no evidence just he didn't like her leaving the house like he did) and deported her

if it had been me then I would've just locked her in a room so she couldn't go partying - I think that's what she secretly wants anyway, for someone to love her enough to overpower her rebellious attitude

perhaps it will be my room eventually, she should give me all her loli merch as amends for toying with my affections as she did

who else are you talking about?

never shared any with me even though I told her I was into that stuff :(
they're prob fine but she's prob self-conscious and thinks there's some problem with them

I'm probably far more paranoid than IBL - if he was actually paranoid to a large degree he would be more inhibited in his behaviors.

As far as schizophrenia what kind of hallucinations does he have?

People use terms like this without actually thinking about what they mean.

I for example experience mild auditory hallucinations as a result of chronic stress and sleep deprivation - mild schizophrenic symptoms doesn't mean one is actually believing in the false sensory input as genuine input.

Do you have a video of this? Might be interested in watching, sounds less cringe than this Zoe degeneracy.

Yeah, Kom fucked Sara Malala and went through a similar patternn of accusing her of cheating and abandoning her to cheat w/ Zoe before properly concluding things with Sara, very sad

I would love to talk to Malala Sara some day and get her take on things, since there's always multiple sides and Kom lies and can't be trusted.

It isn't, I've seen older pics from her from years before meeting Kom, she's always had great taste and has collected this stuff a long time, it's why I was falling for her really bad.
Basically she seems at war with cherishing her itabeya - sometimes she seems proud of it, but then she goes and abandons it to go partying and associates with people who look down on it. I think because she started this collecting while obese she associates it with a negative time in her life and has mixed feelings.

Do you realize normal males don't go following a women for a year right? she also have a bf, you should have let this go long time ago, there are more women in the world.
shit this thread's been up for three days and I didn't even notice it until now despite it being stickied

Bro you're playing right into her hands giving her the attention she craves - I could've made a thread like this months ago if I'd wanted to but her desire to pander to the masses is unhealthy and will lead her and any men involved with her into ruin, that's why I didn't indulge the subtle hints she kept dropping (indirectly) about wanting something like this.

I was told this was how she was up until 2022 as well, and I trusted her word on that but I'm beginning to doubt it now.
I gave her every benefit of the doubt but she lied about her plans and intentions in important ways, so now I'm wondering just how much else she gaslit me about.

I do genuinely think she's a fan of a lot of the enjo kosai and kidnapping stories she would talk to me about because that fascination does align well with her behaviors.

That part didn't bother me, what bothered me is the months of gaslighting he did ghosting me and lying about the girl interested in me having taken off and being non-contactable, while grooming her for months.

I expect she was a lot more stable and better wife material for me because he got his claws in her, now I just don't think I could trust her enough to be happy with her.

Zoe if you want to change my mind then refund my money before buying shit for IBL, you have my paypal.

I still honestly think the 2022 version of Zoe would have liked me, I still think I nearly got with the 2023 version but she was too addicted to thrill-chasing and impatient by that point.

We can be better than this, she's at a healthy weight and while she could drop some pounds as she desires and remain healthy, there's no reason to fat-shame her.

I'm also above a healthy amount of body fat and it would be hypocritical for me to condemn her on that. I just worry about her suffering vitamin deficiencies the way she cuts calories non-strategically.

She made posts about how her drug use have caused her intelligence to diminish so I blame Komesarj for that.

I can tell she at least used to be a very intelligent person based on her wonderful library of manga, and I saw echoes of this in some of our conversations.

It's just a lot of the time she seemed very strung out and barely coherent and I blame Kom for getting her into that reckless and addictive lifestyle.

I don't understand, you would leave her?

I would have spent the rest of my life with her, but not anymore.

View attachment 1023866

The despair of realizing she's destroyed her chance with the best wizard-man (myself) by throwing in with these fakecel slut druggies will prob drive her to an hero in 5 years as she always planned - and I may finally forgive her if she sends her loli merch to me. I would maintain a shrine for her in appreciation if that happened.

I'm still highly confident he fed that story to them with a fake account, that weird twitter account had to be either his or minmin's alt, there was never any evidence it was a distinct person and it's gone now. I forget the name.

I've known she's real since August but have kept it private because I took her at her word that she wanted privacy - she clearly doesn't now though, if she ever did.

Despite that I'm not participating in giving out any info because you guys are playing into her hands doing threads like these. I feel like a cuck just replying to them.

This has nothing to do with race - Kom is ethnic and she went with him instead of me, a taller white guy.

Not sure how tall IBL is but likely the reasons she chose him, if I were to speculate:
1) thinner​
2) more famous​
3) lower-inhib​
4) self-harms​
5) does drugs​
6) cheater​
7) accessible (in the city)​

If there's other reasons she can always fill me in on it, I didn't bother to watch most of the recent livestreams but I'm not going to block her on socials like Kom did.

I hope not, she'd love that - I want her to grow old and avoid the suicide she brags about and come to realize that she blew her chance at a proper soulmate forever-romance with me by pulling this nonsense. Just because I'd tolerate Kom's microdick having touched her under the auspice of deception doesn't mean I'd tolerate this - I'm not your backup plan Z.

Incorrect, as someone who monitored her from the shadows the entire time, I can confirm she dyed her hair pink PRIOR to the breakup, not after.
She also already had piercings preceding the breakup. I don't know when she got her first ones.
The only piercing post-breakup was her bridge, which she did herself and sent me gory photos of which I won't share without her consent.
She asked me to buy her piercings and I had planned on doing it until I found out she wasted my Amazon Gift Card on robotablets.

One of the Tyrone guys allegedly fucking his ex VeganPatriot will probably off him or something as revenge for breaking his heart and I won't mourn him.
That guy was rude to me in the chat, he's as unethical as she is if he approves of how she treated me.

I thought Kom was also balding though... and also isn't IncelBinLaden under his turban?
Guess she has a type - my mane was too glorious and mogged her hair so she couldn't tolerate me :(

He's not a good person - you're forgetting what he did to me again, or how he ghosted you after he was done using you to manipulate Z and Me.

There's never been any evidence that whole sob story is true and I have zero reason to believe it considering his decision to be dishonest with me.

She's half-wasian (I called her a quappa, Kom wrongly called her a happa) and I actually find her body intensely physically attractive.
Honestly it'd be a coping mechanism to pick on her looks just because I'm upset with how she treated me.
She didn't seem very confident about them though, would constantly DM me every night in November/December asking if she looked fat and shit and I had to keep assuring he she was beautiful - guess this was just to build up her confidence to date terrorist chadlite though.
Here I was concerned she would hurt herself because of being upset over things ending with Kom, but there wasn't any mutual empathy for how the experience affected me.

She'd probably say it's unmanly for me to bitch about it though, there's a culture of intense entitled sexism amongst her and her friends which is somewhat alienating.

We barely reacted to it until it got media coverage, given his ulterior behaviors Occam's Razor tells me he actually had a network of media contacts and fed them the story.

They never even had proper sex, notice he never got her pregnant like I planned to, IBL is saying he will but I think it's just a meme and he's too much of a coward and will wear a condom and avoid breeding her properly like she wants.

The only way I'd ever do this now is if she became completely obsessed with me and tracked me down and gave me a bunch of gifts and spread for my convenience. My dreams of going out of my way (ie paying for my or her travel) for a chance are gone now. She can only aspire to be a hole to be hatefucked for cathartic release now. Only by debasing herself to that level could she redeem herself in my eyes for gaming me like this.

There's nothing wrong with Minmin it's a great manga reference, it's just flying over your head.

Traditional men don't do drugs and blackmail underage girls with terrorist threats.
He wasn't traditional he was just pathetic and immoral.

Where's your proof? I'm not saying it's impossible (or even unlikely) but IBL is the only one I'm aware of that she talked to.
I'm not in the habit of asserting things without evidence no matter where my suspicions lead.

honestly calling people nigga you're just like him, I hate all you idiots using nigga

If you really want to be edgy just call each other niggers instead. Fuck your -ga

She looked attractive enough, it's mainly her history of male association and drug habits that dissuade me from wanting to me with her, the same way I'm still dissuaded from wanting to put effort into pursuing Zoe now.

I don't think he did - they never had actual sex and everything he did do with her happened under a state of coercive deception, and rape is not ascension anymore than escortcelling is.

Anyone who doesn't think he had an alt set up in 2022 already leading up to this is coping, of course he's here

Unlikely, this IBL hookup is going to be volatile, I don't know if it will be weeks or months or years but something will happen.

She'd be pregnant if they had sex, maybe she let him put a condom inside her vagina and pretended it was sex.

How much money do you have saved up?

I found her beautiful without makeup but maybe that's because of being smitten - one tends to tack on decile ratings when in love.

There's nothing "weird" about these behaviors since they're actually mainstream.
If she wanted to be a weirdo she would've been chaste like she promised and dedicated herself to becoming my tradwife while we were degen lolicons in secret.
Now it can never be.

I didn't watch all of it but I only remember seeing him lying on top of her and barely moving so it seemed more like they were hugging and fucked off-camera earlier.

The only mystery being solved is me finally understanding the nature of her character - something the rest of you will never understand.

This is like saying Bill Clinton is funny - you're basically cucking yourself orbiting these low-inhib woman-abusers who collectively ruin the pair-bonding of the female psyche for the rest of us.

There's good reason in centuries past we used to string up rakes like these.

It's a sad state that I tried to discourage but she is fixated on illusion and being fake towards others, her fascination with IBL is likely that he is equally fake and they can be fake and famous together.

It's boring, It's normy. You're cucks if you help them by giving them the attention they crave.

why are you being Kom's bitch?

Kom was impure from the outset and betrayed the trust of his brothers to try and interfere with the girl who was in love with me.

Minmin didn't sell her soul - Kom corrupted it by lying to her about me being disinterestd so she coped with the only other available thing at the time, even though he had nothing in common with her, she was desperate and heartbroken because she couldn't have me.

I think maybe that's why she sabotaged the actual chance she had with me a year later - because she doesn't think she's good enough for me. It's really tragic, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Though perhaps in being selfless enough to drive me away she is showing a morality that makes her worthy of me?
Naw that's just me coping again, it has to be...

I don't find escorts that appealing but I guess in retrospect if I had spent the money I spent on Zoe with a whore I could've had an interesting time trying out sex and wouldn't have wasted so much time and emotional investment on a girl who led me on with false expectations of her returning the love I had for her.

She's definitely slutty now getting with the likes of IBL but I don't think she was slutty in 2022, she was just unstable and Kom groomed her and ruined her ability to pair-bond.

That's why she can only go through the motions of love but ultimately not live up to them - why she led me on but had no loyalty to me. Kom wrecked her ability to trust men because he cheated on her and tried to fuck underage jailbait while they were e-dating.

hey if you like other men's cum as lube be my guest, not my particular fetish

He actually did not leave the moment he got her.

He began grooming her back in September 2022 (back when she came looking to date ME but he interfered) and only announced they were together in April, so he was deceiving us for eight months pretending he was a truecel while having a girlfriend.

Master kept him on as a mod the entire time despite knowing full well what he was upt to, and then just gave him modship on LooksMax when Kom decided to come out.

Master has never shown any remorse, he should be giving me full mod powers as payment for this treachery but I guess he's too busy trying to get teencels to off themselves.

they're the wrong women for me

ah well, she did keep saying I couldn't save her, couldn't fix her - I thought it was a LARP so I'd try harder to prove her wrong but I've decided she really must be in love with self-destruction

I got to read some interesting manga because of her and I'm sure when I get around to watching Love Live Sunshine I'll be thinking about her constantly, so I guess she has somewhat immortalized herself by impregnating my brain

huh... turns out I was already following him even before Z told me, I hadn't bothered to check if there was a profile, though it looks like it's private
makes me wonder if I ever replied to the guy's posts before, I can't remember

Zoe was lonely and suicidal and in love with me, Kom convinced her I didn't want to talk to her and put himself in a role of emotional dependance so she thought she loved him, when of course she didn't - she loved the facade he put up while secretly grooming underage girls behind her back.

This led to her hurting herself in summer 2023 when others connected the dots and exposed how he wasn't being faithful to her at all.
He used this moment of self-harm to lovebomb her and convinced her he didn't cheat using fake evidence while giving secret terrorist threats to the minors he tried to groom.
Deep down she clearly knew it was bullshit though and she was lying to herself.
That's why she pulled away, and just drank herself into a stupor with all the alcohol he was constantly plying her with.

Reminder: drinking age in USA is 21 so this is illegal, Kom was criminally drugging a minor and raping her, not just with chemicals but also with deceit and with financial dependence since he isolated her by convincing her to move out of her parents' home and live with him in a foreign state where she had no adjacent social contacts and her only ability to interact was using a small cellphone.

from September 2022 until November 2023, he would abandon her (probably to cheat more) and she got lonely and did drugs and self-harm and eventually raves, then accused her of cheating (likely no evidence just he didn't like her leaving the house like he did) and deported her

if it had been me then I would've just locked her in a room so she couldn't go partying - I think that's what she secretly wants anyway, for someone to love her enough to overpower her rebellious attitude

perhaps it will be my room eventually, she should give me all her loli merch as amends for toying with my affections as she did

who else are you talking about?

never shared any with me even though I told her I was into that stuff :(
they're prob fine but she's prob self-conscious and thinks there's some problem with them

I'm probably far more paranoid than IBL - if he was actually paranoid to a large degree he would be more inhibited in his behaviors.

As far as schizophrenia what kind of hallucinations does he have?

People use terms like this without actually thinking about what they mean.

I for example experience mild auditory hallucinations as a result of chronic stress and sleep deprivation - mild schizophrenic symptoms doesn't mean one is actually believing in the false sensory input as genuine input.

Do you have a video of this? Might be interested in watching, sounds less cringe than this Zoe degeneracy.

Yeah, Kom fucked Sara Malala and went through a similar patternn of accusing her of cheating and abandoning her to cheat w/ Zoe before properly concluding things with Sara, very sad

I would love to talk to Malala Sara some day and get her take on things, since there's always multiple sides and Kom lies and can't be trusted.

It isn't, I've seen older pics from her from years before meeting Kom, she's always had great taste and has collected this stuff a long time, it's why I was falling for her really bad.
Basically she seems at war with cherishing her itabeya - sometimes she seems proud of it, but then she goes and abandons it to go partying and associates with people who look down on it. I think because she started this collecting while obese she associates it with a negative time in her life and has mixed feelings.
Kom spent WAY more money on her than I did, but I guess he's not on the forum anymore...

Still pretty sure the dozens of escortcels on here have wasted more money on women than I did with her.

What you guys need to understand, is that to gamble on love, you need to gamble in allowing yourself to trust another person.
I don't even know what is this situation about but this sounds like 24 Carat copium, all of it. Change your ways before it's too late nigga.
Reminder: This is what happens when you spend all day on Discord thinking about e-thots.
Zoe is pretty hot, and she actually tried getting in contact with him again. She is still thinking about him.
From the videos shown there she's an average deranged roastie, nothing hot there
So, now, apparently komesarj never even fucked her? Lol, the jokes write themselves.
shit this thread's been up for three days and I didn't even notice it until now despite it being stickied

Bro you're playing right into her hands giving her the attention she craves - I could've made a thread like this months ago if I'd wanted to but her desire to pander to the masses is unhealthy and will lead her and any men involved with her into ruin, that's why I didn't indulge the subtle hints she kept dropping (indirectly) about wanting something like this.

I was told this was how she was up until 2022 as well, and I trusted her word on that but I'm beginning to doubt it now.
I gave her every benefit of the doubt but she lied about her plans and intentions in important ways, so now I'm wondering just how much else she gaslit me about.

I do genuinely think she's a fan of a lot of the enjo kosai and kidnapping stories she would talk to me about because that fascination does align well with her behaviors.

That part didn't bother me, what bothered me is the months of gaslighting he did ghosting me and lying about the girl interested in me having taken off and being non-contactable, while grooming her for months.

I expect she was a lot more stable and better wife material for me because he got his claws in her, now I just don't think I could trust her enough to be happy with her.

Zoe if you want to change my mind then refund my money before buying shit for IBL, you have my paypal.

I still honestly think the 2022 version of Zoe would have liked me, I still think I nearly got with the 2023 version but she was too addicted to thrill-chasing and impatient by that point.

We can be better than this, she's at a healthy weight and while she could drop some pounds as she desires and remain healthy, there's no reason to fat-shame her.

I'm also above a healthy amount of body fat and it would be hypocritical for me to condemn her on that. I just worry about her suffering vitamin deficiencies the way she cuts calories non-strategically.

She made posts about how her drug use have caused her intelligence to diminish so I blame Komesarj for that.

I can tell she at least used to be a very intelligent person based on her wonderful library of manga, and I saw echoes of this in some of our conversations.

It's just a lot of the time she seemed very strung out and barely coherent and I blame Kom for getting her into that reckless and addictive lifestyle.

I don't understand, you would leave her?

I would have spent the rest of my life with her, but not anymore.

View attachment 1023866

The despair of realizing she's destroyed her chance with the best wizard-man (myself) by throwing in with these fakecel slut druggies will prob drive her to an hero in 5 years as she always planned - and I may finally forgive her if she sends her loli merch to me. I would maintain a shrine for her in appreciation if that happened.

I'm still highly confident he fed that story to them with a fake account, that weird twitter account had to be either his or minmin's alt, there was never any evidence it was a distinct person and it's gone now. I forget the name.

I've known she's real since August but have kept it private because I took her at her word that she wanted privacy - she clearly doesn't now though, if she ever did.

Despite that I'm not participating in giving out any info because you guys are playing into her hands doing threads like these. I feel like a cuck just replying to them.

This has nothing to do with race - Kom is ethnic and she went with him instead of me, a taller white guy.

Not sure how tall IBL is but likely the reasons she chose him, if I were to speculate:
1) thinner​
2) more famous​
3) lower-inhib​
4) self-harms​
5) does drugs​
6) cheater​
7) accessible (in the city)​

If there's other reasons she can always fill me in on it, I didn't bother to watch most of the recent livestreams but I'm not going to block her on socials like Kom did.

I hope not, she'd love that - I want her to grow old and avoid the suicide she brags about and come to realize that she blew her chance at a proper soulmate forever-romance with me by pulling this nonsense. Just because I'd tolerate Kom's microdick having touched her under the auspice of deception doesn't mean I'd tolerate this - I'm not your backup plan Z.

Incorrect, as someone who monitored her from the shadows the entire time, I can confirm she dyed her hair pink PRIOR to the breakup, not after.
She also already had piercings preceding the breakup. I don't know when she got her first ones.
The only piercing post-breakup was her bridge, which she did herself and sent me gory photos of which I won't share without her consent.
She asked me to buy her piercings and I had planned on doing it until I found out she wasted my Amazon Gift Card on robotablets.

One of the Tyrone guys allegedly fucking his ex VeganPatriot will probably off him or something as revenge for breaking his heart and I won't mourn him.
That guy was rude to me in the chat, he's as unethical as she is if he approves of how she treated me.

I thought Kom was also balding though... and also isn't IncelBinLaden under his turban?
Guess she has a type - my mane was too glorious and mogged her hair so she couldn't tolerate me :(

He's not a good person - you're forgetting what he did to me again, or how he ghosted you after he was done using you to manipulate Z and Me.

There's never been any evidence that whole sob story is true and I have zero reason to believe it considering his decision to be dishonest with me.

She's half-wasian (I called her a quappa, Kom wrongly called her a happa) and I actually find her body intensely physically attractive.
Honestly it'd be a coping mechanism to pick on her looks just because I'm upset with how she treated me.
She didn't seem very confident about them though, would constantly DM me every night in November/December asking if she looked fat and shit and I had to keep assuring he she was beautiful - guess this was just to build up her confidence to date terrorist chadlite though.
Here I was concerned she would hurt herself because of being upset over things ending with Kom, but there wasn't any mutual empathy for how the experience affected me.

She'd probably say it's unmanly for me to bitch about it though, there's a culture of intense entitled sexism amongst her and her friends which is somewhat alienating.

We barely reacted to it until it got media coverage, given his ulterior behaviors Occam's Razor tells me he actually had a network of media contacts and fed them the story.

They never even had proper sex, notice he never got her pregnant like I planned to, IBL is saying he will but I think it's just a meme and he's too much of a coward and will wear a condom and avoid breeding her properly like she wants.

The only way I'd ever do this now is if she became completely obsessed with me and tracked me down and gave me a bunch of gifts and spread for my convenience. My dreams of going out of my way (ie paying for my or her travel) for a chance are gone now. She can only aspire to be a hole to be hatefucked for cathartic release now. Only by debasing herself to that level could she redeem herself in my eyes for gaming me like this.

There's nothing wrong with Minmin it's a great manga reference, it's just flying over your head.

Traditional men don't do drugs and blackmail underage girls with terrorist threats.
He wasn't traditional he was just pathetic and immoral.

Where's your proof? I'm not saying it's impossible (or even unlikely) but IBL is the only one I'm aware of that she talked to.
I'm not in the habit of asserting things without evidence no matter where my suspicions lead.

honestly calling people nigga you're just like him, I hate all you idiots using nigga

If you really want to be edgy just call each other niggers instead. Fuck your -ga

She looked attractive enough, it's mainly her history of male association and drug habits that dissuade me from wanting to me with her, the same way I'm still dissuaded from wanting to put effort into pursuing Zoe now.

I don't think he did - they never had actual sex and everything he did do with her happened under a state of coercive deception, and rape is not ascension anymore than escortcelling is.

Anyone who doesn't think he had an alt set up in 2022 already leading up to this is coping, of course he's here

Unlikely, this IBL hookup is going to be volatile, I don't know if it will be weeks or months or years but something will happen.

She'd be pregnant if they had sex, maybe she let him put a condom inside her vagina and pretended it was sex.

How much money do you have saved up?

I found her beautiful without makeup but maybe that's because of being smitten - one tends to tack on decile ratings when in love.

There's nothing "weird" about these behaviors since they're actually mainstream.
If she wanted to be a weirdo she would've been chaste like she promised and dedicated herself to becoming my tradwife while we were degen lolicons in secret.
Now it can never be.

I didn't watch all of it but I only remember seeing him lying on top of her and barely moving so it seemed more like they were hugging and fucked off-camera earlier.

The only mystery being solved is me finally understanding the nature of her character - something the rest of you will never understand.

This is like saying Bill Clinton is funny - you're basically cucking yourself orbiting these low-inhib woman-abusers who collectively ruin the pair-bonding of the female psyche for the rest of us.

There's good reason in centuries past we used to string up rakes like these.

It's a sad state that I tried to discourage but she is fixated on illusion and being fake towards others, her fascination with IBL is likely that he is equally fake and they can be fake and famous together.

It's boring, It's normy. You're cucks if you help them by giving them the attention they crave.

why are you being Kom's bitch?

Kom was impure from the outset and betrayed the trust of his brothers to try and interfere with the girl who was in love with me.

Minmin didn't sell her soul - Kom corrupted it by lying to her about me being disinterestd so she coped with the only other available thing at the time, even though he had nothing in common with her, she was desperate and heartbroken because she couldn't have me.

I think maybe that's why she sabotaged the actual chance she had with me a year later - because she doesn't think she's good enough for me. It's really tragic, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Though perhaps in being selfless enough to drive me away she is showing a morality that makes her worthy of me?
Naw that's just me coping again, it has to be...

I don't find escorts that appealing but I guess in retrospect if I had spent the money I spent on Zoe with a whore I could've had an interesting time trying out sex and wouldn't have wasted so much time and emotional investment on a girl who led me on with false expectations of her returning the love I had for her.

She's definitely slutty now getting with the likes of IBL but I don't think she was slutty in 2022, she was just unstable and Kom groomed her and ruined her ability to pair-bond.

That's why she can only go through the motions of love but ultimately not live up to them - why she led me on but had no loyalty to me. Kom wrecked her ability to trust men because he cheated on her and tried to fuck underage jailbait while they were e-dating.

hey if you like other men's cum as lube be my guest, not my particular fetish

He actually did not leave the moment he got her.

He began grooming her back in September 2022 (back when she came looking to date ME but he interfered) and only announced they were together in April, so he was deceiving us for eight months pretending he was a truecel while having a girlfriend.

Master kept him on as a mod the entire time despite knowing full well what he was upt to, and then just gave him modship on LooksMax when Kom decided to come out.

Master has never shown any remorse, he should be giving me full mod powers as payment for this treachery but I guess he's too busy trying to get teencels to off themselves.

they're the wrong women for me

ah well, she did keep saying I couldn't save her, couldn't fix her - I thought it was a LARP so I'd try harder to prove her wrong but I've decided she really must be in love with self-destruction

I got to read some interesting manga because of her and I'm sure when I get around to watching Love Live Sunshine I'll be thinking about her constantly, so I guess she has somewhat immortalized herself by impregnating my brain

huh... turns out I was already following him even before Z told me, I hadn't bothered to check if there was a profile, though it looks like it's private
makes me wonder if I ever replied to the guy's posts before, I can't remember

Zoe was lonely and suicidal and in love with me, Kom convinced her I didn't want to talk to her and put himself in a role of emotional dependance so she thought she loved him, when of course she didn't - she loved the facade he put up while secretly grooming underage girls behind her back.

This led to her hurting herself in summer 2023 when others connected the dots and exposed how he wasn't being faithful to her at all.
He used this moment of self-harm to lovebomb her and convinced her he didn't cheat using fake evidence while giving secret terrorist threats to the minors he tried to groom.
Deep down she clearly knew it was bullshit though and she was lying to herself.
That's why she pulled away, and just drank herself into a stupor with all the alcohol he was constantly plying her with.

Reminder: drinking age in USA is 21 so this is illegal, Kom was criminally drugging a minor and raping her, not just with chemicals but also with deceit and with financial dependence since he isolated her by convincing her to move out of her parents' home and live with him in a foreign state where she had no adjacent social contacts and her only ability to interact was using a small cellphone.

from September 2022 until November 2023, he would abandon her (probably to cheat more) and she got lonely and did drugs and self-harm and eventually raves, then accused her of cheating (likely no evidence just he didn't like her leaving the house like he did) and deported her

if it had been me then I would've just locked her in a room so she couldn't go partying - I think that's what she secretly wants anyway, for someone to love her enough to overpower her rebellious attitude

perhaps it will be my room eventually, she should give me all her loli merch as amends for toying with my affections as she did

who else are you talking about?

never shared any with me even though I told her I was into that stuff :(
they're prob fine but she's prob self-conscious and thinks there's some problem with them

I'm probably far more paranoid than IBL - if he was actually paranoid to a large degree he would be more inhibited in his behaviors.

As far as schizophrenia what kind of hallucinations does he have?

People use terms like this without actually thinking about what they mean.

I for example experience mild auditory hallucinations as a result of chronic stress and sleep deprivation - mild schizophrenic symptoms doesn't mean one is actually believing in the false sensory input as genuine input.

Do you have a video of this? Might be interested in watching, sounds less cringe than this Zoe degeneracy.

Yeah, Kom fucked Sara Malala and went through a similar patternn of accusing her of cheating and abandoning her to cheat w/ Zoe before properly concluding things with Sara, very sad

I would love to talk to Malala Sara some day and get her take on things, since there's always multiple sides and Kom lies and can't be trusted.

It isn't, I've seen older pics from her from years before meeting Kom, she's always had great taste and has collected this stuff a long time, it's why I was falling for her really bad.
Basically she seems at war with cherishing her itabeya - sometimes she seems proud of it, but then she goes and abandons it to go partying and associates with people who look down on it. I think because she started this collecting while obese she associates it with a negative time in her life and has mixed feelings.
Hey maybe stop simping for fucking retarded egirls online. How are you this delusional in your like 40s thinking some foid half your age will even bother to give you any sort of affection romantically. You need fucking help and I’m not even sure if you’re properly blackpilled
I’m fucking caging at some orbiter who wrote an essay about some e slut who would walk right past him if she saw him dying on the street
I’m fucking caging at some orbiter who wrote an essay about some e slut who would walk right past him if she saw him dying on the street
He doesn't sound blackpilled
Are you related to her? Ur her new bf?
It's a mystery

So u fucked her? She was your gf?
I thought of her like a girlfriend but I don't believe she returned that fondness. We never met in person.

No he just orbited her one sidedly and is intensely delusional about it
He still replies to her tweets desperately and she just blows him off or ignores him
This is obvious bait for me to leak our DMs but I don't feel inclined to do that, nice try.

Please come back to reality. You literally replied to her tweet where she said "My boyfriend gives me amazing dick" trying to tell her about how you're concerned for her well being and she should be with you instead
I replied " You're a match regarding your current states of behavior though I don't think it's a good path for either of you."
I'm not seeing "you should be with me instead".
I don't think she should be with anyone until she becomes a more stable person, the same applies to me.
Could we become people who are compatible later? I guess it's not impossible but I'm not betting on it.

Only you have obsessed over her and debased yourself for her. Literally the only input on her part ever was that she asked for your discord contact in 2021 and briefly entertained you as her orbiter/paypig and you developed a whole fantasy about how she would be your NAWALT tradwife to the point where you were tolerated being scammed and publicly humiliated
define 'briefly'
and also no my plans for her were not tradwife I just wanted her to be less reckless with the drugs/partying

These Zoe-related posts are your highest effort contributions to the forum in present history.
Yeah I think you can understand I felt pretty alienated from this place after Kom's treachery.

Plus also Zoe had told me that she thought this place was toxic and didn't want to get involved with anyone involved in incel culture which also motivated me to back off while I was trying to court her.

Part of my annoyance given her eventual choice of who to be with. It was probably a shit-test and she thought I was a coward for placating her I guess.

It was never a huge sacrifice on my part though, I bounce around a lot of communities. Simping for any particular forum is destabilizing.

the fact you think a foid with a BF that wants to go to a rave alone for some reason isn't proof enough she cheated proves despite you being an incel, you definitely are not remotely blackpilled
Blackpill just means I know it's a regular symptom of cheating - it doesn't mean you have to call it absolute proof.
I did lean more heavily on the "maybe she didn't do it" side before this IBL thing than I do now, of course.
I was still 'remotely' blackpilled but my pessimism took a backseat because of all the attention she was giving me.

I've heard from multiple people that talked with komesarj he even said she cheated on him and he has been suspicious of her for a little bit before
So have I, but Kom is a consummate liar so his testimony is worthless.
He has been deceptive to me about Zoe to me from the very first day he met her, why would I ever trust anything coming from him?

"according to her"
you believe this e-girl whore who is fucking every "incel" with any following she can for clout and lying every step. you literally deserve to be banned for the amount of simpery.
get fucking real, you look beyond pathetic rn
since when is two guys "every" ? also Kom had zero following before this, the entire thing was a stunt to get a following

well now we know who the pathetic fucks who buy onlyfans are.
not me, still haven't signed up, not even for the free accounts

you defend her, while she gets fucked like a cheap prostitute by multiple other men, and SEND HER MONEY TO TALK TO YOU?
It wasn't just to hear her talk, but I'm not going to go into details for legal reasons.

seriously. your shit rants about how she's a massive slut but you think you can help her aren't even worth reading after that.
Where did I say I think I can help her? Aside from my general ability to talk to people and MAYBE help if they have an open mind.

you know what. i hope, i PRAY, she goes out with you. i PRAY she makes you pay for every single thing she needs, i BEG GOD that she makes you give her all your spare income every week so she can "be happy", and mostly, i hope she forces you to sit and watch her get fucked by other dudes while you are denied sex every single day despite your pathetic begging.
jfl pretty much the only way I'd be with her at this point is if she became my sugar mommy, she's already past her prime and having her buy me stuff is the only thing that could repair my shattered ego

Low odds of that happening with how entitled she is but you never know how time might humble a woman

He's an idiot bro
The only reason he never got permabanned was because we deemed him to be a deranged retard
If I were an idiot wouldn't I lack self-awareness of my own foolishness?

I was rolling the dice - I always knew it was unlikely, I was just in a very vulnerable emotional state and had nothing to lose.

Go tell the suicidal zoomer newcels throwing away their lives what "idiots" they are, please?

I've given away far less of my wealth on this venture than a lot of you have done on whores/booze

Kom prob drinks more dollars in a week than I ever spent on her in months.

JFL at how Komesarj was acting like he's a chad
he was posting Despicable Me memes on his old twitter bragging how he'd fucked her 99 times or something which led me to think he was overcompensating for something heavily wrong behind the scenes

I don't know who this foid is but it's sad how much attention she gets
mixed feelings about it, since I hate how the entitledness makes her treat people, but OTOH she does have a fucking glorious bedroom and I can never take away from her her admirable dedication to Ruby-chwan

the convenience of sinking into outright hatred of her has been tempting but I haven't been able to manage it - the busom of misogyny would be so welcoming right now

I have to face facts though - I had ever hint of what she wanted out of me and I didn't risk enough to be with her ASAP

I thought she'd have more patience and took her for granted and she punished me for it.

Probably what I should have done is had more confidence in myself - I should've been applying for a passport back in April with plans to track her down and meet up with her. Even if it didn't come to that I would've been prepared with a tool I could've used to groom other teen girls.

It's funny but this whole experience I think will still be a plus because it may motivate me to do some real-world accomplishments to increase my SMV.

Do you realize normal males don't go following a women for a year right?
it hasn't been a year
she also have a bf, you should have let this go long time ago,
I mostly left her alone while she was with Kom, I just communicated with her sporadically trying to see if a friendship was possible

She only hooked up with IBL on Dec 25th and dumped him last night, the relationship only lasted five days.

Despite that I think I'll just try to see if any friendship can be salvaged from this, she's not worth talking to if she keeps pressuring me for money to talk.

That's the gist I got from her but perhaps it's just something she said passionately out of loyalty to IBL, time will tell.

Change your ways before it's too late nigga.
You mean like I should utterly ignore retarded zoomers and millenial LARPers who spam nigga all the time, you doublenigger pissant?

Reminder: This is what happens when you spend all day on Discord thinking about e-thots.
I close discord in annoyance all the time and spend a lot of my time thinking about male hearthstone streamers.

From the videos shown there she's an average deranged roastie, nothing hot there
She isn't quite a roastie yet (though certainly seems to be trying to become that way...)
Deranged? yeah
Average? nope. She has many average kinds of derangements, sure, but they coexist with some unique interests and perspectives which against my desires I still cherish.
I'm just as deranged, if not more so, but in different ways which don't seem sexy to her.
Maybe she's just more honest with not tolerating what disgusts her, such as my apathy and lack of passion - happens with age I guess. I'm sure Kom and IBL will be worse by my age.

So, now, apparently komesarj never even fucked her? Lol, the jokes write themselves.
we'll never know given all the lying involved by both of them, but given he tried to use her to solicit pictures of my penis I think he could be a closeted androphile
I haven't been remotely traplike in decades Kom there's no excuse for that =/

Hey maybe stop simping for fucking retarded egirls online. How are you this delusional in your like 40s thinking some foid half your age will even bother to give you any sort of affection romantically.
I'm 37 and she did give me affection, the problem is that she was inconsistent with it and also gave it to this other guy.

You need fucking help and I’m not even sure if you’re properly blackpilled
The fact I'm blackpilled just made the whole gamble all the more torturous for me to attempt.
For people familiar with my vague complaints about e-girls over the last few months (even though I didn't say who it was about) you know I was never wholly idealistic about my expectations.

I’m fucking caging at some orbiter who wrote an essay about some e slut who would walk right past him if she saw him dying on the street
that's not true I'm pretty confident she'd stab me in the chest to finish me off if she saw me dying, she's very into the idea of stabbing guys who disappoint her (watch out IBL) it made her fascinating to me

He’s schizo oldcel
I think you probably mean delusional.

Schizophrenia is about false sensory input, delusion is about believing incorrect things about reality.

I do happen to suffer auditory schizophrenia which is why I try to record conversations when I can remember to make sure I'm not misremembering things.

In regard to my delusion - that would be that emotionally I overestimated the likelihood of this leading to something positive enough to be worth investing time in.

Tbh though I don't know if that was delusion so much as I was distrauht and unable to enjoy my time using my old copes, so this was a new hobby for me.

If I had actually been able to enjoy my anime like before I prob would've written this off.

The past months I've been in a manic state of noisy distractibility where it's easier to engage in this stuff than to properly dissociate and immerse myself in fiction which is what I did for free entertainment in past years.

I guess I can look at it this way- giving money to Z is in a way supporting the anime industry which I spent decades pirating, since she's bought so much anime merch.
Yes, if you want to deal with insane bitches like Vegan Patriot that will ruin your life. Following her shit on ip2 has been wild, and she's not even the worst.

Go escortcel before doing any of this.
I wish I could understand your and Zoe's fascination with IP2, this content seems cringe and normy as fuck compared to my beloved charming Vtuber oshis.
It's a mystery

I thought of her like a girlfriend but I don't believe she returned that fondness. We never met in person.

This is obvious bait for me to leak our DMs but I don't feel inclined to do that, nice try.

I replied " You're a match regarding your current states of behavior though I don't think it's a good path for either of you."
I'm not seeing "you should be with me instead".
I don't think she should be with anyone until she becomes a more stable person, the same applies to me.
Could we become people who are compatible later? I guess it's not impossible but I'm not betting on it.

define 'briefly'
and also no my plans for her were not tradwife I just wanted her to be less reckless with the drugs/partying

Yeah I think you can understand I felt pretty alienated from this place after Kom's treachery.

Plus also Zoe had told me that she thought this place was toxic and didn't want to get involved with anyone involved in incel culture which also motivated me to back off while I was trying to court her.

Part of my annoyance given her eventual choice of who to be with. It was probably a shit-test and she thought I was a coward for placating her I guess.

It was never a huge sacrifice on my part though, I bounce around a lot of communities. Simping for any particular forum is destabilizing.

Blackpill just means I know it's a regular symptom of cheating - it doesn't mean you have to call it absolute proof.
I did lean more heavily on the "maybe she didn't do it" side before this IBL thing than I do now, of course.
I was still 'remotely' blackpilled but my pessimism took a backseat because of all the attention she was giving me.

So have I, but Kom is a consummate liar so his testimony is worthless.
He has been deceptive to me about Zoe to me from the very first day he met her, why would I ever trust anything coming from him?

since when is two guys "every" ? also Kom had zero following before this, the entire thing was a stunt to get a following

not me, still haven't signed up, not even for the free accounts

It wasn't just to hear her talk, but I'm not going to go into details for legal reasons.

Where did I say I think I can help her? Aside from my general ability to talk to people and MAYBE help if they have an open mind.

jfl pretty much the only way I'd be with her at this point is if she became my sugar mommy, she's already past her prime and having her buy me stuff is the only thing that could repair my shattered ego

Low odds of that happening with how entitled she is but you never know how time might humble a woman

If I were an idiot wouldn't I lack self-awareness of my own foolishness?

I was rolling the dice - I always knew it was unlikely, I was just in a very vulnerable emotional state and had nothing to lose.

Go tell the suicidal zoomer newcels throwing away their lives what "idiots" they are, please?

I've given away far less of my wealth on this venture than a lot of you have done on whores/booze

Kom prob drinks more dollars in a week than I ever spent on her in months.

he was posting Despicable Me memes on his old twitter bragging how he'd fucked her 99 times or something which led me to think he was overcompensating for something heavily wrong behind the scenes

mixed feelings about it, since I hate how the entitledness makes her treat people, but OTOH she does have a fucking glorious bedroom and I can never take away from her her admirable dedication to Ruby-chwan

the convenience of sinking into outright hatred of her has been tempting but I haven't been able to manage it - the busom of misogyny would be so welcoming right now

I have to face facts though - I had ever hint of what she wanted out of me and I didn't risk enough to be with her ASAP

I thought she'd have more patience and took her for granted and she punished me for it.

Probably what I should have done is had more confidence in myself - I should've been applying for a passport back in April with plans to track her down and meet up with her. Even if it didn't come to that I would've been prepared with a tool I could've used to groom other teen girls.

It's funny but this whole experience I think will still be a plus because it may motivate me to do some real-world accomplishments to increase my SMV.

it hasn't been a year

I mostly left her alone while she was with Kom, I just communicated with her sporadically trying to see if a friendship was possible

She only hooked up with IBL on Dec 25th and dumped him last night, the relationship only lasted five days.

Despite that I think I'll just try to see if any friendship can be salvaged from this, she's not worth talking to if she keeps pressuring me for money to talk.

That's the gist I got from her but perhaps it's just something she said passionately out of loyalty to IBL, time will tell.

You mean like I should utterly ignore retarded zoomers and millenial LARPers who spam nigga all the time, you doublenigger pissant?

I close discord in annoyance all the time and spend a lot of my time thinking about male hearthstone streamers.

She isn't quite a roastie yet (though certainly seems to be trying to become that way...)
Deranged? yeah
Average? nope. She has many average kinds of derangements, sure, but they coexist with some unique interests and perspectives which against my desires I still cherish.
I'm just as deranged, if not more so, but in different ways which don't seem sexy to her.
Maybe she's just more honest with not tolerating what disgusts her, such as my apathy and lack of passion - happens with age I guess. I'm sure Kom and IBL will be worse by my age.

we'll never know given all the lying involved by both of them, but given he tried to use her to solicit pictures of my penis I think he could be a closeted androphile
I haven't been remotely traplike in decades Kom there's no excuse for that =/

I'm 37 and she did give me affection, the problem is that she was inconsistent with it and also gave it to this other guy.

The fact I'm blackpilled just made the whole gamble all the more torturous for me to attempt.
For people familiar with my vague complaints about e-girls over the last few months (even though I didn't say who it was about) you know I was never wholly idealistic about my expectations.

that's not true I'm pretty confident she'd stab me in the chest to finish me off if she saw me dying, she's very into the idea of stabbing guys who disappoint her (watch out IBL) it made her fascinating to me

I think you probably mean delusional.

Schizophrenia is about false sensory input, delusion is about believing incorrect things about reality.

I do happen to suffer auditory schizophrenia which is why I try to record conversations when I can remember to make sure I'm not misremembering things.

In regard to my delusion - that would be that emotionally I overestimated the likelihood of this leading to something positive enough to be worth investing time in.

Tbh though I don't know if that was delusion so much as I was distrauht and unable to enjoy my time using my old copes, so this was a new hobby for me.

If I had actually been able to enjoy my anime like before I prob would've written this off.

The past months I've been in a manic state of noisy distractibility where it's easier to engage in this stuff than to properly dissociate and immerse myself in fiction which is what I did for free entertainment in past years.

I guess I can look at it this way- giving money to Z is in a way supporting the anime industry which I spent decades pirating, since she's bought so much anime merch.

I wish I could understand your and Zoe's fascination with IP2, this content seems cringe and normy as fuck compared to my beloved charming Vtuber oshis.
How can you have 20,000 posts on an incel forum and be this much of a bluepilled nincompoop?

She used you, retard. There was never any affection. That's why she ghosted you after getting a decent score when you attached stipulations to it, she didn't want to fulfill them. If you didn't demand videos of her talking she would have kept squeezing you for more. She moved onto other targets. Even after that you're still deluded. You're a CLOWN!!!!

Literally this
He also claimed to be a 5’6 bald shitskin manlet. As far as I’m concerned that’s Larp until proven otherwise
I wouldn't call him shitskin but the rest is true
A whole new mod team was just installed at that time and they fell into the trap of pointlessly making ambitious policy changes which in practice led to them unbanning the entire All Stars team of obnoxious discord trolls
Need more history on this.
No he just orbited her one sidedly and is intensely delusional about it

He still replies to her tweets desperately and she just blows him off or ignores him
Please come back to reality. You literally replied to her tweet where she said "My boyfriend gives me amazing dick" trying to tell her about how you're concerned for her well being and she should be with you instead

Only you have obsessed over her and debased yourself for her. Literally the only input on her part ever was that she asked for your discord contact in 2021 and briefly entertained you as her orbiter/paypig and you developed a whole fantasy about how she would be your NAWALT tradwife to the point where you were tolerated being scammed and publicly humiliated
All this is new to me  :lul::lul: are there any screenshots of this exchange
All this is new to me  :lul::lul: are there any screenshots of this exchange

Depressing shit mang
She used you, retard. There was never any affection.
Her using me doesn't mean there wasn't affection, I think it's complicated.
That's why she ghosted you after getting a decent score when you attached stipulations to it, she didn't want to fulfill them.
Occam's Razor

If you didn't demand videos of her talking she would have kept squeezing you for more. She moved onto other targets. Even after that you're still deluded. You're a CLOWN!!!!
She'd already told me she had other guys giving her money I just thought I was special because they were normies with nothing in common using her for her looks :(
Forum L for even accepting a jbw normie who's ldar
Let's not beat down @Sheogorath more.

He's a lonely oldcel that felt like the young love he missed out on had a chance to happen with Zoe, and I'm sure she sweet talked her way into manipulating him the entire way.

I know these feels, bro.
I knew this would happen.
I didn't doubt his "ascension" but I knew she'd eventually leave and go whore out as many other toilets do.
Komesarj was just meat for her because she couldn't get Chad.
Now he is out of a toilet and community. Real loneliness time for him.
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shit this thread's been up for three days and I didn't even notice it until now despite it being stickied

Bro you're playing right into her hands giving her the attention she craves - I could've made a thread like this months ago if I'd wanted to but her desire to pander to the masses is unhealthy and will lead her and any men involved with her into ruin, that's why I didn't indulge the subtle hints she kept dropping (indirectly) about wanting something like this.

I was told this was how she was up until 2022 as well, and I trusted her word on that but I'm beginning to doubt it now.
I gave her every benefit of the doubt but she lied about her plans and intentions in important ways, so now I'm wondering just how much else she gaslit me about.

I do genuinely think she's a fan of a lot of the enjo kosai and kidnapping stories she would talk to me about because that fascination does align well with her behaviors.

That part didn't bother me, what bothered me is the months of gaslighting he did ghosting me and lying about the girl interested in me having taken off and being non-contactable, while grooming her for months.

I expect she was a lot more stable and better wife material for me because he got his claws in her, now I just don't think I could trust her enough to be happy with her.

Zoe if you want to change my mind then refund my money before buying shit for IBL, you have my paypal.

I still honestly think the 2022 version of Zoe would have liked me, I still think I nearly got with the 2023 version but she was too addicted to thrill-chasing and impatient by that point.

We can be better than this, she's at a healthy weight and while she could drop some pounds as she desires and remain healthy, there's no reason to fat-shame her.

I'm also above a healthy amount of body fat and it would be hypocritical for me to condemn her on that. I just worry about her suffering vitamin deficiencies the way she cuts calories non-strategically.

She made posts about how her drug use have caused her intelligence to diminish so I blame Komesarj for that.

I can tell she at least used to be a very intelligent person based on her wonderful library of manga, and I saw echoes of this in some of our conversations.

It's just a lot of the time she seemed very strung out and barely coherent and I blame Kom for getting her into that reckless and addictive lifestyle.

I don't understand, you would leave her?

I would have spent the rest of my life with her, but not anymore.

View attachment 1023866

The despair of realizing she's destroyed her chance with the best wizard-man (myself) by throwing in with these fakecel slut druggies will prob drive her to an hero in 5 years as she always planned - and I may finally forgive her if she sends her loli merch to me. I would maintain a shrine for her in appreciation if that happened.

I'm still highly confident he fed that story to them with a fake account, that weird twitter account had to be either his or minmin's alt, there was never any evidence it was a distinct person and it's gone now. I forget the name.

I've known she's real since August but have kept it private because I took her at her word that she wanted privacy - she clearly doesn't now though, if she ever did.

Despite that I'm not participating in giving out any info because you guys are playing into her hands doing threads like these. I feel like a cuck just replying to them.

This has nothing to do with race - Kom is ethnic and she went with him instead of me, a taller white guy.

Not sure how tall IBL is but likely the reasons she chose him, if I were to speculate:
1) thinner​
2) more famous​
3) lower-inhib​
4) self-harms​
5) does drugs​
6) cheater​
7) accessible (in the city)​

If there's other reasons she can always fill me in on it, I didn't bother to watch most of the recent livestreams but I'm not going to block her on socials like Kom did.

I hope not, she'd love that - I want her to grow old and avoid the suicide she brags about and come to realize that she blew her chance at a proper soulmate forever-romance with me by pulling this nonsense. Just because I'd tolerate Kom's microdick having touched her under the auspice of deception doesn't mean I'd tolerate this - I'm not your backup plan Z.

Incorrect, as someone who monitored her from the shadows the entire time, I can confirm she dyed her hair pink PRIOR to the breakup, not after.
She also already had piercings preceding the breakup. I don't know when she got her first ones.
The only piercing post-breakup was her bridge, which she did herself and sent me gory photos of which I won't share without her consent.
She asked me to buy her piercings and I had planned on doing it until I found out she wasted my Amazon Gift Card on robotablets.

One of the Tyrone guys allegedly fucking his ex VeganPatriot will probably off him or something as revenge for breaking his heart and I won't mourn him.
That guy was rude to me in the chat, he's as unethical as she is if he approves of how she treated me.

I thought Kom was also balding though... and also isn't IncelBinLaden under his turban?
Guess she has a type - my mane was too glorious and mogged her hair so she couldn't tolerate me :(

He's not a good person - you're forgetting what he did to me again, or how he ghosted you after he was done using you to manipulate Z and Me.

There's never been any evidence that whole sob story is true and I have zero reason to believe it considering his decision to be dishonest with me.

She's half-wasian (I called her a quappa, Kom wrongly called her a happa) and I actually find her body intensely physically attractive.
Honestly it'd be a coping mechanism to pick on her looks just because I'm upset with how she treated me.
She didn't seem very confident about them though, would constantly DM me every night in November/December asking if she looked fat and shit and I had to keep assuring he she was beautiful - guess this was just to build up her confidence to date terrorist chadlite though.
Here I was concerned she would hurt herself because of being upset over things ending with Kom, but there wasn't any mutual empathy for how the experience affected me.

She'd probably say it's unmanly for me to bitch about it though, there's a culture of intense entitled sexism amongst her and her friends which is somewhat alienating.

We barely reacted to it until it got media coverage, given his ulterior behaviors Occam's Razor tells me he actually had a network of media contacts and fed them the story.

They never even had proper sex, notice he never got her pregnant like I planned to, IBL is saying he will but I think it's just a meme and he's too much of a coward and will wear a condom and avoid breeding her properly like she wants.

The only way I'd ever do this now is if she became completely obsessed with me and tracked me down and gave me a bunch of gifts and spread for my convenience. My dreams of going out of my way (ie paying for my or her travel) for a chance are gone now. She can only aspire to be a hole to be hatefucked for cathartic release now. Only by debasing herself to that level could she redeem herself in my eyes for gaming me like this.

There's nothing wrong with Minmin it's a great manga reference, it's just flying over your head.

Traditional men don't do drugs and blackmail underage girls with terrorist threats.
He wasn't traditional he was just pathetic and immoral.

Where's your proof? I'm not saying it's impossible (or even unlikely) but IBL is the only one I'm aware of that she talked to.
I'm not in the habit of asserting things without evidence no matter where my suspicions lead.

honestly calling people nigga you're just like him, I hate all you idiots using nigga

If you really want to be edgy just call each other niggers instead. Fuck your -ga

She looked attractive enough, it's mainly her history of male association and drug habits that dissuade me from wanting to me with her, the same way I'm still dissuaded from wanting to put effort into pursuing Zoe now.

I don't think he did - they never had actual sex and everything he did do with her happened under a state of coercive deception, and rape is not ascension anymore than escortcelling is.

Anyone who doesn't think he had an alt set up in 2022 already leading up to this is coping, of course he's here

Unlikely, this IBL hookup is going to be volatile, I don't know if it will be weeks or months or years but something will happen.

She'd be pregnant if they had sex, maybe she let him put a condom inside her vagina and pretended it was sex.

How much money do you have saved up?

I found her beautiful without makeup but maybe that's because of being smitten - one tends to tack on decile ratings when in love.

There's nothing "weird" about these behaviors since they're actually mainstream.
If she wanted to be a weirdo she would've been chaste like she promised and dedicated herself to becoming my tradwife while we were degen lolicons in secret.
Now it can never be.

I didn't watch all of it but I only remember seeing him lying on top of her and barely moving so it seemed more like they were hugging and fucked off-camera earlier.

The only mystery being solved is me finally understanding the nature of her character - something the rest of you will never understand.

This is like saying Bill Clinton is funny - you're basically cucking yourself orbiting these low-inhib woman-abusers who collectively ruin the pair-bonding of the female psyche for the rest of us.

There's good reason in centuries past we used to string up rakes like these.

It's a sad state that I tried to discourage but she is fixated on illusion and being fake towards others, her fascination with IBL is likely that he is equally fake and they can be fake and famous together.

It's boring, It's normy. You're cucks if you help them by giving them the attention they crave.

why are you being Kom's bitch?

Kom was impure from the outset and betrayed the trust of his brothers to try and interfere with the girl who was in love with me.

Minmin didn't sell her soul - Kom corrupted it by lying to her about me being disinterestd so she coped with the only other available thing at the time, even though he had nothing in common with her, she was desperate and heartbroken because she couldn't have me.

I think maybe that's why she sabotaged the actual chance she had with me a year later - because she doesn't think she's good enough for me. It's really tragic, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Though perhaps in being selfless enough to drive me away she is showing a morality that makes her worthy of me?
Naw that's just me coping again, it has to be...

I don't find escorts that appealing but I guess in retrospect if I had spent the money I spent on Zoe with a whore I could've had an interesting time trying out sex and wouldn't have wasted so much time and emotional investment on a girl who led me on with false expectations of her returning the love I had for her.

She's definitely slutty now getting with the likes of IBL but I don't think she was slutty in 2022, she was just unstable and Kom groomed her and ruined her ability to pair-bond.

That's why she can only go through the motions of love but ultimately not live up to them - why she led me on but had no loyalty to me. Kom wrecked her ability to trust men because he cheated on her and tried to fuck underage jailbait while they were e-dating.

hey if you like other men's cum as lube be my guest, not my particular fetish

He actually did not leave the moment he got her.

He began grooming her back in September 2022 (back when she came looking to date ME but he interfered) and only announced they were together in April, so he was deceiving us for eight months pretending he was a truecel while having a girlfriend.

Master kept him on as a mod the entire time despite knowing full well what he was upt to, and then just gave him modship on LooksMax when Kom decided to come out.

Master has never shown any remorse, he should be giving me full mod powers as payment for this treachery but I guess he's too busy trying to get teencels to off themselves.

they're the wrong women for me

ah well, she did keep saying I couldn't save her, couldn't fix her - I thought it was a LARP so I'd try harder to prove her wrong but I've decided she really must be in love with self-destruction

I got to read some interesting manga because of her and I'm sure when I get around to watching Love Live Sunshine I'll be thinking about her constantly, so I guess she has somewhat immortalized herself by impregnating my brain

huh... turns out I was already following him even before Z told me, I hadn't bothered to check if there was a profile, though it looks like it's private
makes me wonder if I ever replied to the guy's posts before, I can't remember

Zoe was lonely and suicidal and in love with me, Kom convinced her I didn't want to talk to her and put himself in a role of emotional dependance so she thought she loved him, when of course she didn't - she loved the facade he put up while secretly grooming underage girls behind her back.

This led to her hurting herself in summer 2023 when others connected the dots and exposed how he wasn't being faithful to her at all.
He used this moment of self-harm to lovebomb her and convinced her he didn't cheat using fake evidence while giving secret terrorist threats to the minors he tried to groom.
Deep down she clearly knew it was bullshit though and she was lying to herself.
That's why she pulled away, and just drank herself into a stupor with all the alcohol he was constantly plying her with.

Reminder: drinking age in USA is 21 so this is illegal, Kom was criminally drugging a minor and raping her, not just with chemicals but also with deceit and with financial dependence since he isolated her by convincing her to move out of her parents' home and live with him in a foreign state where she had no adjacent social contacts and her only ability to interact was using a small cellphone.

from September 2022 until November 2023, he would abandon her (probably to cheat more) and she got lonely and did drugs and self-harm and eventually raves, then accused her of cheating (likely no evidence just he didn't like her leaving the house like he did) and deported her

if it had been me then I would've just locked her in a room so she couldn't go partying - I think that's what she secretly wants anyway, for someone to love her enough to overpower her rebellious attitude

perhaps it will be my room eventually, she should give me all her loli merch as amends for toying with my affections as she did

who else are you talking about?

never shared any with me even though I told her I was into that stuff :(
they're prob fine but she's prob self-conscious and thinks there's some problem with them

I'm probably far more paranoid than IBL - if he was actually paranoid to a large degree he would be more inhibited in his behaviors.

As far as schizophrenia what kind of hallucinations does he have?

People use terms like this without actually thinking about what they mean.

I for example experience mild auditory hallucinations as a result of chronic stress and sleep deprivation - mild schizophrenic symptoms doesn't mean one is actually believing in the false sensory input as genuine input.

Do you have a video of this? Might be interested in watching, sounds less cringe than this Zoe degeneracy.

Yeah, Kom fucked Sara Malala and went through a similar patternn of accusing her of cheating and abandoning her to cheat w/ Zoe before properly concluding things with Sara, very sad

I would love to talk to Malala Sara some day and get her take on things, since there's always multiple sides and Kom lies and can't be trusted.

It isn't, I've seen older pics from her from years before meeting Kom, she's always had great taste and has collected this stuff a long time, it's why I was falling for her really bad.
Basically she seems at war with cherishing her itabeya - sometimes she seems proud of it, but then she goes and abandons it to go partying and associates with people who look down on it. I think because she started this collecting while obese she associates it with a negative time in her life and has mixed feelings.
You need to let this bitch go
From the videos shown there she's an average deranged roastie, nothing hot there
Yeah, she’s reasonably cute but that’s it. :feelshehe:

Some chicks are cute, some chicks are hot and some chicks are both. :feelsthink:

Zoe is just cute. :feelsclown:
Let's not beat down @Sheogorath more.

He's a lonely oldcel that felt like the young love he missed out on had a chance to happen with Zoe, and I'm sure she sweet talked her way into manipulating him the entire way.

I know these feels, bro.
that's why I only banned him for 1 day for simping
You need to let this bitch go
I don't think I can... I'm going to be a lot more guarded and not throw money at her anymore but I'll still talk to her, she's an interesting person and a kindred soul.
I just think I'm truly fully grasping she genuinely is extreme menhera even on the mend. I thought she was past the worst of it but it seems to come back with a vengeance.

Yeah, she’s reasonably cute but that’s it. :feelshehe:
Some chicks are cute, some chicks are hot and some chicks are both. :feelsthink:
Zoe is just cute. :feelsclown:
I've historically applied both adjectives.

that's why I only banned him for 1 day for simping
I don't idolize her, simping is a sucka idolizing a mediocre pussy.
I idolize her bedroom but not her.
She's got some fascinating traits but collectively too much of a mess to deify.

I was putting her on too much of a pedestol and sucking up too much, that approach is going to be a lot more measured going forward - she needs to be grounded not catapulted.
I don't think I can... I'm going to be a lot more guarded and not throw money at her anymore but I'll still talk to her, she's an interesting person and a kindred soul.
I just think I'm truly fully grasping she genuinely is extreme menhera even on the mend. I thought she was past the worst of it but it seems to come back with a vengeance.

I've historically applied both adjectives.

I don't idolize her, simping is a sucka idolizing a mediocre pussy.
I idolize her bedroom but not her.
She's got some fascinating traits but collectively too much of a mess to deify.

I was putting her on too much of a pedestol and sucking up too much, that approach is going to be a lot more measured going forward - she needs to be grounded not catapulted.
you're still simping for her and you don't realize it. You need to stop befriending holes and go jerk off alone. They are all USING YOU

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